DISCLAIMER: I do not own Beyblade or am affiliated with it in anyway.

Thank you to my reviewers: NKingy, Minako Mikoto, Taiy-chan, Serenity Cathedral aka serena429, Mikin Ishida, Ereshkigali, IchikoKitsuneKoumori, Yami no Tenshi the Dark Angel, Noroi-Inu, Freaky Person O.o, Flamable-Devil

Dedication: To Jen

A/N: I think this is the end…OMG the end of 'Revelations'….wow….this will be the end of my first major multi-chapter fic. I hope that you have enjoyed it. It has become something that I didn't plan…I mean when I first started this 'Revelations' was only going to be a couple of chapters long but it kinda grew just a bit…I found that I wanted to say something and I think I have done that. I hope that you all can see it too.



I slipped into the house as quietly as I could. I didn't want to alert him to my presence. I didn't want him to ready himself to see me. I wanted him to have to deal with me on the spot, I wanted him to see me and then instead of him giving me some steely performance that he managed to conjure up in the 45 seconds it took for me to get from the back yard to his room, he would have to tell me what was on his mind right then and there.

No facades. No veneers. No masks.

The truth…

…from his lips to my ears.

That is how I wanted it.

Of course I knew that would never happen. The fact that I fell over half a dozen things on the way to his room and utter several rather brash comments at the inconvenient places that people leave shoes, umbrella stands and counter tops and the like kind of sealed my fate. Needless to say I probably not only alerted him that I was coming down the hall but half the neighbourhood as well.

When I reached his closed door I hesitated; my resolve melting like ice on a summer's day. I just stood there for innumerable moments. Slowly I took my hands out of my pockets and watched with trepidation as they continued to show the degree of my nervousness.

I know I wanted the truth from him. But I was kinda unwilling to show him just exactly how much he affected me.

I was scared.

I slowly reached out one shaking hand and turned the knob. I pushed the door open gently and as calmly as I could I put both hands back into my pockets. With out invitation I entered his room and I waited there in the doorway and waited for him to acknowledge my presence in some way.

My breath hitched as I took in the sight he made. He was lying on his back, one arm flung off the side of the bed while the other was folded beneath his head. I watched his chest rise and fall for half a moment before casting my gaze to his face. He looked so peaceful, his eyes closed and no expression. He gave no physical indication that he knew I was there but there was no doubt in my mind that he knew exactly where I was.

I stared at him, unrelenting, and finally I was rewarded by a reaction. His eye twitched and then not long after came the question.

"What do you want?"

I was kinda stunned. Did he really not know what I was questioning? Or was this his way of ignoring the issue and making me voice it instead?

"What did you mean?"

"By what?"

"Come one Kai!" I scoffed. "Don't treat me like a fool. You know exactly what I am talking about."

He laughed at his. I shouldn't really say laughed as it was more like a humourless bark….an emotionless chuckle…

"You are one to talk."

I raised an eyebrow even though he couldn't see me. I waited for the explanation. I didn't have to wait long.

"You talk about me knowing what you are talking about. About me not treating you like a fool….as if I could…you have no intelligence left to insult."


"I don't know how I could have been any clearer. It should have been as clear as day but apparently in Tyson land everything is shrouded in this opaque impenetrable mist or something because you didn't get it….." he trailed off.

I thought he had finished…my jaw had dropped and I was slowly regaining my ability to speak when he said in a low voice something else that completely blindsided me.

"…the others….they know…."


"That was very articulate of you Tyson."

"Shuddap. Explain what you mean. The others? Who? They know? Know what?"

He scoffed. "The others….Max, Kenny, Rei…"

"Um ok…"

"They saw it even though I tried so hard to fight it. I tried so hard to bury it, to deny it, to hide it. But I couldn't. It was always there. It still is here. I just won't go away."

"You aren't making any sense Kai," I said as gently as I could.

He bolted upright. His piercing eyes searing me. I couldn't move. I could barely breathe.

"It makes perfect sense Tyson. You just weren't paying attention."

"So start at the beginning and explain it to me."

He sighed. His eyes pulled away from mine. I just waited.

"The others noticed not long after the day that I shoved you and you hit your head….remember?"

I nodded.

"But in reality in started way before then. I didn't mean for it to happen. It just did…"

He trailed off again and his shoulders hunched and he seemed to fold in on himself.

"What happened Kai?" I pressed lightly.

"I don't want to tell you."

"Why not?"


"Because what?"

"Because then I will have an answer and if it isn't the one that I want then I'll humiliate myself and I won't ever be able to go back to pretending."

"I think we are way past pretending Kai. Just tell me what you meant in the garden earlier"

He remained silent.

I took a step forward into the room. "You told me that I didn't understand you. You told me that I hadn't the faintest of clues. You told me a lot of things Kai. That I got to you when no one else could. That I made you feel. I made you feel what?"

"Just feel..."


"Before I met you I didn't show my emotions. I was blunt and secretive and arrogant I guess you could say. I had no need for anyone and my entire live was filled with my obsession to be the best. When we first met and we tied that time I think that is when it all started. The first cracks started to show and over the years you persisted and persisted and then finally somewhere along the line the entire wall crumbled. I was feeling something other than annoyance or anger. I was letting it show on my face. I was freaking out on the inside. This wasn't supposed to happen to me. I was a Hiwatari. I was above this."

"Oh…" Well that sounds intelligent Tyson! Way to go!

"You are too naïve and too innocent for your own good, you know that Tyson right? You honestly don't understand what I threw at you in the yard just before do you? What I have been trying to say for I don't know how long? What I have been trying to hide for even longer?"


"It's you….It's always only been you."



I knew he had entered the house long before I heard the cantankerous mutterings he uttered as he ran into something in the vicinity of the kitchen. I don't really know how I knew. I just did. So I prepared myself for his inevitable intrusion into my bedroom. I wondered again if he would burst through the door and demand and explanation or if he would calmly stand in the doorway and not say a word until the silence became so thick and heavy and I would blurt out everything simply cause I couldn't stand it anymore….

I was kind of leaning towards the former. It seemed more in his nature but then again he was pretty good at doing what was not expected of him and thus, in doing so surprise the hell out of me. So really he could do either…… Gah! I have to stop thinking about this so much. The demand for an explanation as to my actions was inevitable. It would happen. I don't know why I was wondering about how it would happen.

My breath left me when I came to realise that he stood in my doorway. I was so nervous, my heart was beating so rapidly within my chest I was afraid that it up and fly away or something. It was one of the most awkward experiences I have ever had, to know that he watched me and yet said nothing. Was he measuring me? Was he waiting for me to say something first? I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to address him. I didn't know what was appropriate.

I was already a mess and nothing had been said yet.

Or perhaps that was the problem.

I put the butterflies in my stomach under a strangle hold and I struggled to keep any emotion from creeping into my voice as a barked out a, "What do you want?"

The next few moments seemed to pass as nothing more than a blur. I blurted out something just like I knew I would.

My rambling speech was answered with a soft questioning, "No…"

To which I replied almost out of breath, "It's you….It's always only been you."

At his expression I would was laughed if only it had been an appropriate time but it wasn't. This was it. Now….right this very second….he would accept me or reject me.

I found myself terrified at the thought. For so long it had been a secret.

I swore that I would protect him from harm and yet I caused more than a fair share or it. I swore in my heart that I would be a friend and yet I had failed at that. Friends don't feel like I do. Friends don't love each other like I know now that I love him.


My heart stopped.

I slowly go up of the bed and I stood before him. Whether he accept me or reject me I wanted to be on level ground with him. It was immature of me I know. But it seemed safer like him. I could meet his eyes. I could truly know.

"…I don't…"

I looked away; his gaze was unflinching in his reply. The hand that held my heart within its grasp clenched a fist. I struggled to take in a breath.


I snapped up to look at him… WHAT! I almost fell over in disbelief.

"What don't you understand?" I managed to get out.

"It's me? What is me?"

I groaned….he can't really be this daft can he.

"Tyson, I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For presenting you with something that you are obviously not ready to accept. It is my fault. I thought I could explain my feelings but apparently I am rather inept at doing so."

"Your feelings?"

"…for you…"

I met his eyes once more and made to reach out to touch his cheek but snatched my hand away at the last second; losing my nerve. I turned away from him and movied towards the door.

I paused in the doorway, "I think I'll be leaving soon…I won't be coming back."

I left the door open and I walked away. I willed myself not to look back.

My heart was heavy in my chest. My eyes burned with unseen tears. My shoulders where slumped. I consoled myself; if I went away I would not see him everyday. I would not be constantly reminded that I opened up to someone and was crushed as a result.

I got to the kitchen and that's when I heard I huge rather dull sounding thump followed quickly by a loud obscenity. I peered into the darkened corridor and Tyson came sliding into view. His face flushed and his eyes narrowed.

"What the hell was all that!" he screamed at me.

"Huh?" was about the only thing coming to me.

"You can't tell me all that confusing stuff, never properly explain your behaviour in the garden and then completely drop a bomb on me. You are leaving? When did you decide this? Why didn't you tell me? Did you tell anyone else? How can you say that? You can't leave. I would miss you so much. You are my friend."

My hope that had been steadily increasing during his vehement outburst was instantly crushed at his last words.

"Your friend…?"

"Of course….what else…?"

I saw red at that. "What else? What else? How could you ask me that? After everything that I tried to just tell you; after everything I just admitted! I said it was you - everything; it always about you. I told you that you made me feel. Everything… Alive…. I told you that it hurts me when you look at me just like everybody else does. I told you that I was tired of acting, that I was tired of pretending."

I took a deep breath.

"I told you I was in love."

"I know and I offered to help you get that one you wanted and you shot me down."

"I shot you down because you completely misunderstood what I was telling you."


"I told you I was in love with someone that didn't love me in return. I have tried to deny it but I can't. I told you I was in love with someone that got under my skin. I told you I fell in love with someone that taught me to feel."

I watched as his expression dropped. His tentative smile was gone and in place was a look or slow understanding.

I knew it he was disgusted with me. He had offered me friendship and I had gone and warped it…

I knew I had to say it now. I just had to admit it out loud.

"I told you that it had always been you. Your easy smile, your forgiving nature, the way you get under my skin….I fell in love with you."

I didn't wait for his reply. Suddenly I didn't want to know it.

I turned away and reached for the back door.

My hand touched the handle when I felt hands on my waist. Strong arms coiled themselves around my waist and pulled me away from the exit and pressed me against the body behind me. I was shocked into silence.

"Please, wait…" came the soft words breathed into my hair.

I stilled. The butterflies made a brilliant comeback and continued to wreak havoc.

"Why did you reveal this to me in such a turn about fashion?"

His voice was soft. He tightened his arms around my waist.

I placed my hands tentatively against his own and I felt him smile against my neck.

"Silly Kai…"

He slowly turned me in his arms and wrapped his arms around my neck, burying himself in my arms. I enclosed him in my embrace. Pressing him into me, I was so afraid that he would just disappear on me.

"Kai, such heartfelt revelations should be returned full force," he whispered to me.

It was then that he revealed to me what his own soul sung. He told me what was in his heart.

And I felt like for the first time in a really really long time I could breathe easy and smile. I pressed a soft kiss to the shiny mop of navy hair tucked under my chin and I sighed.

I had always been told to guard what was in my heart with my life. To share it with no one because matters of the heart where a weakness and could be exploited….

…but somehow….

…this revelation…

…it seemed to be to me something much more like a blessing. It was one that wouldn't be forsaken.

It was one that I intended to keep.


A/N: Oh my holy smokes! I am finally finished. WAHOO!

I hope that you liked this conclusion…Sorry if you find them OoC. I said what I wanted to say….i played on character flaws….um….anyways…I hope this confrontation was somewhat angsty and the ending was mushy….i like mushy endings..hehe…

Anyways…this is the end of REVELATIONS….now I have to write the next chapter of WYWNK….it has been so long…it's been sitting half done on my computer for over a year…I have another oneshot in the workings as well…

I really hope that you enjoyed reading REVELATIONS. And I really want to thank all of the people that encouraged me to keep writing when I was having a tough time finding inspiration and when I was just going through some tough times in general. And thanks to those who have put this story on your favourites list that really is an honour. You have all been very kind. So thank you.

To Jen, I really hope that you like the conclusion of Revelations. Thank you heaps.

Be safe