A/N: this is my first attempt in a humor fic so don't hate me if you hate it.

This story is about James and his friends in detention with Malfoy and Snape and they play Truth or Dare.


"I'm bored," said Sirius. "Let's do something.

"It was because of you that we have detention in the first place," yelled Snape.

"Well it was worth it," said Sirius. "Your hair looks so greasy I just had to dump water on it."

Snape didn't say anything but glared at him.

"Well Sirius if you're bored we could play a little game," suggested Lily.

"What kind of a game?" asked Sirius.

"Truth or Dare,' said Lily. "It's a Muggle game. You asked them if they want Truth or Dare and they will pick one. If it is truth then you ask them a question and they will have to answer it truthfully and if they pick dare then they will have to do what ever you tell them."

"Sounds like fun," said James, "and I'll go first."

He looked around at everyone.

"Snape, Truth or Dare?" he asked.


"I dare you to run around the room like a chicken with nothing but your underwear on," said James.

"What! No way," cried Snape.

"You have to. That's the rules," said James.

"Err, fine," said Snape and then he started to take his clothes off. When he pulled his pants off everyone began to laugh at his boxers.

"I never knew you like pink bunnies Snape," laughed Sirius.

"Oh just shut up," said Snape. " And besides it takes a real man to wear them."

He put his arms in his armpit and begins to wave them around. He starts to run and clucked like a chicken. When he was through he ran back to them. He looked to where his robes were but they were gone but what was there was a pink bunny costume.

"What is this? Where are my robes?" asked Snape.

"Well since you wear pink bunnies on your boxers we decided that you should be one," said Sirius.

"It's that or wear nothing but your boxers," said James.

"Oh you're going to get it," mumbled Snape as he was putting on the costume.

"Okay Snape it's your turn to ask someone," said Lily.

"Black Truth or Dare," said Snape.

"Dare," said Sirius. "Bring it on."

"Black I dare you to dress like a girl until detention is over," said Snape.

The grin on Sirius' face disappeared and he just stared at Snape.

"You got to be joking right?" ask Sirius.

"Nope," said Snape with an evil smile. He got out his wand and he changed Sirius' pants to a skirt and his shirt to a blouse but he also did something that Sirius did not intended to have.

"What are these!" yelled Sirius. "Oh my God I have boobs. Snape you slime ball get ride of these."

"Nope," said Snape still smiling.

"Oh Sirius now that you look like a girl let me put some make up on you," said Lily.

She grabbed some out of her bag.

"Okay that is enough," said Sirius as he was getting away from her. "Peter, Truth or Dare?"


"Who do you have a crush on?" he asked.

Peter began to blush.

"Come on Peter, we know you like someone," said Sirius.

"Alright I like Allison," said Peter.

"Longbottom's girl?" asked James.

Peter nodded.

"Pete you dog you," said Remus.

"Hey I'm the dog, he's the rat remember," said Sirius.

" Yeah I know," said Remus.

Peter started to look around to pick on who would be next. His eyes where fixed on Malfoy.

"Malfoy Truth or Dare?"

"I want Truth."

"What's the matter Malfoy, too chicken to do the Dare?" asked James and then he started to make sounds like a chicken.

Snape got irritated and hit James on the back of the head. James stopped and tackled Snape.

"I'm no chicken. I'll take that dumb Dare," said Malfoy.

"I dare you to speak in rhyme for thirty minutes," said Peter. He took out his wand and he put the charm on him.

"This is so unfair. I knew I shouldn't have done that dare," Malfoy quickly covered his mouth.

Snape and James stopped fighting, looked at Malfoy and began to laugh. Malfoy got mad and his face started to get red.

"Potter this is for you. Truth or Dare would you do?" said Malfoy.

"I'm a man. So give me that dare," said James.

"Since this is a dare I will be unfair. Go kiss a guy but it can not be I," said Malfoy.

James looked around and the only guy that was close to him was Snape. So he grabbed him and gave him a big one right on the lips.

"Ew yuck Potter," said Snape. "Now I have to brush my teeth."

"Like you ever," replied James. He then turns to Lily. "What do you want Lily?"


"When you dream do you dream of me?" asked James.

"No. I dream of Snape in a speedo," grinned Lily.

"What!" yelled James and Snape.

"Just joking. Of course I dream of you," said Lily and then she walked over to him and gave him a kiss. "Okay Remus Truth or Dare?"


"Is it still true that you sleep with a teddy bear?" asked Lily.

"How did you know that?" said Remus. " James, how dare you to tell her." He went over to him and punched him in the arm.

"I'm sorry but she dragged it out of me." said James.

"Err and for that you're doing my truth," said Remus.

"But I didn't get to pick one," said James.

"You're doing my Truth," said Remus. "Are you afraid of the dark?"

"No," said James.

Just then the lights went off.

"AAAAHHHHH! Mummy," cried James.

The lights went back on and everyone saw James having a hold on to Snape.

"Get off of me Potter," said Snape. "It was bad enough that you kissed me."

James let go of Snape and brushed the wrinkles off from his robes.

"Peter, Truth or Dare?" asked James.


"Go put on a loincloth and swing on the vines like Tarzan," said James.

"James, what vines?" asked Peter.

"Those," said James pointing up after he cast the spell. He gave Peter the loincloth and he stuck it on.

"It's kindda breezy down there," said Peter.

"It's suppose to be," said James.

"Oh, I like it," said Peter.

He went over to a vine and began to swing. He swung to the next vine and as he was swinging he did the Tarzan call. When he was done swinging he want back to his friends.

"So how was I?" he asked.

"Great," said James.

"Fantastic," said Lily.

"Terrible," said Snape.

"Uh you guys where are my robes?" asked Peter.

"Well since you like that loincloth, I took your clothes so you could wear nothing but that," said Sirius.

"What! I'm gonna kill you," said Peter.

Then he began to chase Sirius around the room.

"I'll go since Peter is too busy trying to kill Sirius," said Lily. "Malfoy, Truth or Dare?"


"Why are your thumbs all weird. They have some kind of a scar," said Lily.

"As a child I would suck my thumbs. Sometimes I would suck so hard that they would go numb," said Malfoy. "Remus, Truth or Dare, if you care."


"I want you to dance. Put on a pink tutu and prance. Stay like that until the end, then you can change in your little den," said Malfoy.

Music came on and Remus' robes were gone and all he was wearing was a pink tutu. He started to dance. First he did the robot and then he moved it to the sprinkler. And for his finale he mooned walk.

"AH that was fun. Okay Lily Truth or Dare?" asked Remus.


"I dare you to go on all four and act like a dog," said Remus.

So Lily went to the ground and began to bark and scratch her ears. They were having so much fun until they heard Professor McGonagall.

"Excuse me."

Peter stopped chasing Sirius, Lily got off of the ground and sat in a char and Remus and Snape tried to hide behind of James.

"Your detention is over but since you enjoyed it so much you'll spend another detention for me tomorrow," said Professor McGonagall.

"Oh great," said Snape and they left the room.


A/N: so how was that? If you liked it you can help me with some ideas on what they will do in their next detention and if you hated it oh well but please review