Disclaimer: I don't own HP! So there!

American Magician


October 15, 1981

"Lily, James, you must understand that we don't have a choice in the matter." Albus Dumbledore pleaded. "There is a chance that Harry will live. You and James would die. You must do this, and if Harry dies, it would be for a good cause. Please believe me when I say this."

"But there is a chance my baby could die!" Lily yelled with tears staining her green eyes.

"All of us are making sacrifices. Some are just bigger than others. Are you going to deny the child inside of you the chance to live? Harry has lived fro a year and it is ultimately his choice whether he lives longer. You have to be willing to sacrifice one child to save many more." Albus said sternly, all traces of a twinkle gone from his blue eyes.

"Albus! This is our son!" James begged desperately.

"I know. It hurts to say this, but you must choose. How many people have to die before you agree! The clock is ticking and anymore blood spilled will be on your hands."

"Fine, we'll do it! Just get it over with!" Lily sobbed. Turning to her husband for comfort.

"Say goodbye to your son, you might not see him again."

October 31, 1981

In a flash of green light, the Dark Lord was gone. He was not dead, but waiting. A shrill cry shinned through the night. A passing woman paused, turned and saw the collapsed house. Her eyes widened as she heard the baby's cries. She ran up to the house and looked at the still form of a man. When she got over her shock, she followed the screams until she say a young woman's corpse, a baby next to her.

The woman picked the infant up and fled. She swore to take care of him as his parents were dead.

With her precious bundle nestled warmly in her arms, she hurried to her hotel room. There was no way to know that a week later when she got home in America that she would be the victim of a fatal car crash. That the child would be placed in an orphanage. The only way the birth date could be figured was by the date, 7-31-81, on the bottom of his tiny socks. When asked, his name, the child would only reply with a "Siwius Hawy,". The only name able to be given, Sirius Harold. He was given the woman that found him's last name of Johnson.


Do you like it? if so reviews are appreciated, not updating until I get one. no flames, please, or I will have to just nod my head and smile at them. ~C-Bear out