DISCLAIMER: I'll only say this once. I don't own Inuyasha or any other animes for that matter.

Hiya! I know, I know... I already have two other stories going but I couldn't resist! I had this great idea and well... um this happened. So I hope you like it. Oh and I have already chosen the pairings although I won't tell you who they are.. its a surpirse. So on with the story. R&R and enjoy!


Kaiten - Clear Heaven

Rei - Spirit

Yukata - Summer dress. (Like what Rin wears)



Prolouge - Fire and Power


A young five year old Kagome lay sobbing on the ground, her skin and ripped yukata covered in her own and others blood. Around her were flames roaring on her once beautiful home. The youkai bandits were attacking everyone still, and even she had witnessed her own parents' deaths before her eyes as they killed them.

She sobbed, heart broken sobs.

"M..mama.... pa-papa..." She whispered out. Clenching her eyes shut, as a new wave of tears came. She heard a rough voice call out.

"Look there's one left on the ground over here. A little brat."

She heard footsteps close around her as someone pulled her up painfully by her hair. She looked up through her tears and saw a ugly scar marked demon before her.

"Where is your family bitch? Oh did we kill them?" He asked in mocking terms. She glared at him with her chocolate eyes, and took her chubby little hand and scratched at his face with her fingernails. He screamed in shocked pain as he dropped her and clutched his bleeding eye.

The others around her snarled "Little bitch..!" and started kicking her in the sides. She gasped trying to clutch her battered body for protection.

"Stupid human! All of them worthless, filthy humans!! They all deserve to die!!"

"Hear that girl?! Die! Go join your parents in hell where you belong!"

Kagome tensed as she heard those words. At that same time she saw the bloddy images of her mothers dying face as she told her young daughter to run. And the demon plunging its sword in her father's back.

She was on her hands and knees, as she felt anger and numbness flood over her body.

"No.. you killed them.. they're in heaven..." She whispered. They laughed at her.

"Do you really believe that brat?! Yea, we killed them with pleasure. Only know we smell like there filthy blood. And soon enough you'll be joining them.." One sneered.

Kagome's tears had stopped. As she felt an unimaginable hatred overcome her.

"No.." She said. A faint blue mist was surrounding her body and flared when she screamed

"YOUR LYING!!!!!!!!!"

The flames burned around her burning the bandits closest to her.

She was floating a few inches of the dirt, her long black hair swiriling around her. Her eyes flew open revealing nothing but glowing blue orbs.

She raised a hand out before her extending her pointer finger and shouted in a voice doubled as a harsh and light


A red dart flew from her fingertip and struck a bandit severing him in two.

The others screamed, and started shouting

"Kill her!! Kill her before she kills us!!!!"

"She's a miko!!"

Kagome didn't stop. She had no control over her body right now. It was rigid as it attacked the ones who had killed all her friends.. her family.... her LIFE.

Rage and flames surround the once quiet city.

Several arrows and spears were hurled at the small girl, but the sphere around her deflected them, as she continued on in her rage filled state.

Kagome was faintly aware of wolf howls in the background, on the top of the grass hill she had spent many days playing with her mother picking flowers.

She killed another bandit with her red darts. Then all to suddenly she became aware of several rumbles of paws behind her, then an loud bark of


She turned slightly just to see a large wolf dive at her.

"No don't you'll--" She tried warning it but instead of dying by her sheild it glided through it, and collided with her.

"What--" She said when she was engulfed by a bright flash of light. Her hair fell to her shoulders, and her eyes stopped glowing, but remained an unusual saphire blue color. She made contact with the hard dirt and let out a small cry of pain.

Cracking her eyes open she saw a the furry black face of a wolf above her.

Her eyes widened in fear. Its paws were on either side of her shoulders and she couldn't move if she could have.

Her lips trembled but it spoke to her.

"It's all right my princess. I won't hurt you."

Kagome's shoulders slumped, when she stuttered out

"Y-you can... talk?"

It grinned, only on a wolf it was slightly menacing.

"Yes, but only to the gifted ones may hear what we say."

" we? w-what?"

"You will find out soon enough. Promise you won't run?"

She nodded, as he slowly sat to the side of as she sat beside him.

Just then Kagome became aware of her surroundings. Other wolves were attacking the bandits while they screamed anguishly.

"W-why?" She whispered.

"We have waited a long time for you princess. You are the one destined to greatness, sworn to be protected by all creatures of the wild. Our pack as your guardians and mentors."

Kagome swallowed.

"I.. I don't under.. stand..."

"You will. We'll show you. You may come with us, and well take care of you." He said looking at her with peircing gold eyes.

Her own blue eyes faultered, as she looked back at the flames and visibly cringed.

"My family... will they be buried?"

"If that is what you wish. Then so be it."

"Thank you.." She said leaning over and hugging the wolf around the neck. He cleared his throat and she giggled quietly.

"So are you coming?"

"Uh-huh. Um... what is your name?" She asked shyly.


"Kaiten." She said testing how it sounded on her tounge. She smiled "That's a good name. My name is Kagome!"

He nodded as the other wovles started surrounding them.

Now if it had been any other person, all you would hear is whines and barks but to Kagome it was a completely new world as they spoke to each other....

And she understood every word of it.

"Is she the princess?" One, a female she guessed with white fur, asked.

"Yes. It's her Rei." Kaiten replied, as he pushed her slightly towards them with one of his paws. She blushed saying

"Uh.. Hi! I'm Kagome!"

The looked at her, then bowed low. She stared out blankly at them confused. Looking at Kaiten for answers.

"We have been searching for you for a very long time Princess Kagome. It means a great deal to us that you are finally found. We are all honored to finally meet you." He explained.

She nodded unsurely. Looking out at the wolves around her

"Thank you. It's very nice to meet all of you too!" She said smiling widely.

Kaiten cleared his throat but it sounded more like a chuckle.

"We should leave as soon as possible, or else humans seeing the smoke may suspect it was our doing." Rei stated.

All nodded and started filing out at a run over the hilltop.

Kaiten rubbed his head against her hand and she look at him.

"We're going to be traveling fast and you won't be able to keep up in your state. You can ride on my back."

She nooded and climbed on to his black hide. Entwining her fingers in the black ruff at his neck to not fall off as he started to run.

She looked back once more at her burning home and whispered


She leaned her head back down against his soft silky fur, and soon fell asleep.

They made great progress that night. Under the guidance of the bright full moon, and the joy of their new found princess enpowering them, they were able to see the faint outlines of their home in the early morning light.

A few howled so the guards would know they were not enemies as they closed in on the den.

The entered through a large carved enterance inside the hallowed out mountain side. The traveled down a variety of passages and alleys before reaching the main den. In the center was a bed made of fur pelts of deer and other animals.

Gently lying the sleeping girl on the makeshift bed, it was soon surrounded with curious onlookers.

Climbing on to the bed with her, Kaiten looked at all of them saying in an loud bark

"This is Kagome. I trust everyone treat her with honor and respect for she is now your sister. We will teach her in the ways of the wolf, and what we know of human ways. Understood?"

They all yipped in agreement.

"So it settled. When she wakes we will begin her training."

With that he plopped down next to her. Doing the best he could with his paws he pulled another pelt over her shoulders, before settling himself in next to her.

She sighed and turned over, draping an arm over him, muttering

"Good puppy..."

He groaned. Now dreading the next morning when the others who heard her and snickered had a chance to taunt him.

So it begins...

The life of Kagome the wolf.


Ohhh.. yes! First chappie finished! If you are confused all will be explained later so.. bare with me for a few more chapters! So please reveiw!! just click that TINY little button over there.... Ja ne ni Suki!