
Summary: "Its funny how much damage words can do, weather it be written or spoken, they have the power to make or break a relationship." But will Hermione words be enough to fix Percy's damage?~ written through letters. OotP Spoilers. ~WIP~

A/N: OK to tell you the entire truth I have no idea where this is going, I do know that it will be a Percy/Hermione fic, so if you not like the pairing please leave now. My intent is to give some reasoning as to Percy's behavior, yet what I'm not sure. I'm trusting my Psychology classes to give me some inspiration, lol. Anyhow I appreciate all feed back, even if it is flames, also I am begging anyone reading this, would you be interested in beta-ing for me, My computer has no programme with spell check, and while I beta for others I am way to lazy to do so for myself lol. I would love you forever.

The letter Percy wrote Ron can be found on page 266 of OotP

Sorry these notes are so long. Hugz Green

Disclaimer:  I do not own any of anything, except the plot (which even then is probably been used before) everything you recognize belongs to J.K Rowling.


Dear Percy,

I have always admired your thirst for knowledge and your devotion to rules, however I was shocked when Ron allowed me to read the letter you sent him, while upon reading the first few lines, my heart leapt to think that a chance of a reconciliation between you and your family had arisen, when I continued to read I was appalled by the content of the said letter.

What has happened to you Percy? The day I meet you I thought I had found a kindred spirit at Hogwarts, someone who was kind, knowledgeable, a role model. The Percy who sent that letter was vindictive, power hungry and, while seemingly selfless, was in-fact the most selfish person I have had the displeasure of knowing.

To add to this how could you say such horrible things about Harry? You write/speak as if you believed every word that came out of that bitch Rita Skeeter's mouth! Harry is not 'unstable' nor is he violent and your brother's friendship with him is a key aspect of both of their lives. In case you have forgotten about the Triwizards tournament Ron was the person that Harry would most miss.

Please Percy, I know everybody is mad at you, and for that reason I have told nobody that I am writing this letter-not even Ron and Harry- Tell me Percy why have you done this? What could have possessed you to hurt the people who love you most?

We were once friends of sorts Percy and it is hope of that friendship I ask you write back.

Sincerely Hermione Granger


Dear Hermione,

It is really none of your business

Sincerely Percy G. Weasley


Dear Percy,

What do you mean it is 'really none of my business.'? When you are insulting the 2 people who have being like brothers to me it is certainly my business. Now you will tell me what's really going on. Don't try and sidestep the issue, I will not let you get away with it so easily.

I know there is something going on here that you are not telling me, and one way or another I will find out.

Please open up to me



A/N: Ok folks, that's the first chapter, I really hope that the spelling and grammar isn't too bad. I know this is short, but I hope to make it a lot longer once Percy starts opening up to Hermione. Anyhow please let me know if this is worth continuing. Feel free to flame if the need so grabs you, I like people who are honest with me ^_^
