AN: Yeah! The PoF is back and control for the AN is mine again! *evil
laughter* Fitting that I get to do the AN for the last chapter when Emmie
did the one for the first. Yes, Splish is coming to an end. We hope you all
enjoyed it as much as we did coming up with wacky scenarios to make
Inuyasha suffer through! ^_^ *giggles* And Emmie are tickled pink at how
many of you read and liked the story. And we apologize for all the
grammatical mistakes. We'll try and get on that soon (Damn essays and mid
terms).. Okay, Emmie will. It's her account.
Ghoul King: Sorry for irking you. That's (confusion) what we get for writing things the way we do, and at 5 am or 1 am, depending on where you are and who you're with. -_-
Rosie: Hope you find this chapter just as cute! ^_^
Storymind: There will be no more mounting confusion after this.. *looks over at Ghoul King and winces* Hopefully, any way. What can I say? Things always make more sense to the author than do the reader anyway. That's what English class is for. bloody English class.
Insomnia-maniac: *hands you taco bell* Next time when you scare your family, add something innocently funny after their blank stares. My favorite is usually: "Why can't I have puppy ears? You call me an SOB enough, sis, so we can't I have puppy ears? I bet they'd be soooo furry, I'd feel myself up."
Dinky: I'm glad to see not everyone is hollering for Shippo's blood. ^_^
Ryo-can: We're saying nothing. Nothing at all. *sly grin*
Sweet Sad Jess: I know. We have problems. I'm addicted to caffeine and school work, and Em's a pervert. *ducks a giant fish thrown her way * Weyrdette: I hope you feel better, love!
Kris-chan: *grins* I'm not the Personification of Fluff for nothing, you know! I'm sure there's a reason WHY we have to worry about mental health. . *hides the plans to drive Sango insane and then grab Miroku when she isn't looking*
Tempest: Wow. You sound like her. *points to Emmie* Why didn't we think of that? I bet there's a certain part of Inuyasha that wouldn't mind being leashed..
Silver Eyes Bright: You know, I know that we made Shippo a little annoying (that's the largest understatement of the new year!) but I still like him. He's just so cute... I mean. he has hind fox paws! I love it!! *coughs after a giggle fit* I mean. why can't I have a bushy tail like that? Next to a cat tail, a fox tail would be the next best thing. It's so bushy and stuff!!
Thank you all so much for all of the great reviews! We loved them all so much! There's nothing like coming home and finding reviews to take away my -30 C weather or the disappointed mark on a killer mid term, and in Emmie's case to take the itch off her feet after a long day's work. We hope you all like the ending, (Personally, it's my favorite part ^_^!)
Domo arigatou, minna-san!
* * *
Chapter Sixteen!
"How so?" he repeated. "How so?! Have you looked in a mirror? I do NOT move like that! You try and walk in my body and you end up prancing! Prancing! You gave my nails a manicure!! Claws are not supposed to be shiny like that! They are meant to kick the shit out of things and tear them to pieces!"
Kagome blinked and looked down at her nails. Their cuticles were horrible, he shouldn't be yelling at her, but thanking her! "Baka!" Kagome yelled and showed off her shiny and perfectly filed nails. "You should be thanking me! If I ever see another hang nail again, I'll scream! How could you have walked around like that? I don't care how many soul-shattering-claw moves you make, it does not justify such..." Kagome didn't know how to say it, she was speechless, she was.... "And you said I was smelly! You have the worst grooming habits in the world!" Kagome yelled and then scratched at her pants in the back. "Did you even HAVE another pair of underwear before I bought you some?!"
Shaking her head, so the fine and perfectly conditioned and untangled hair flew about like a cascade of moonlight. "Besides! What's wrong with my walk!? It's better then yours! Girls walk with their legs CLOSED you know!" Kagome yelled back at him.
Miroku leaned over to Sango. "I believe this is our cue to retreat."
Sango nodded. "Fully agreed upon, Houshi-sama." Sango said and they both turned and retreated down to the water bank after Shippo, before he got himself into any trouble or the rest of them in any more. Kirara meowed and looked back between both departing couples and sighed a little 'meow'. Now was a good a time as ever to groom she supposed and began the delicate work of licking her front paw.
"Maybe if you walked with them open, you might be less bitter!" Inuyasha roared, echoing a line from the movie they had watched while playing Monopoly.
Kagome arched one brow and looked like she was about to rip him to shreds. He was a male. So what if he lived in the past. He knew what that statement meant all the same! Licking her lips with the tip of her tongue, Kagome did crack her knuckles this time. "I. Am. Going. Home!" Kagome shouted and whirled about on her feet back in the direction they came from.
"You can't go home!" he cried, jumping on her back. "You know you want out of my body! Besides, how are you going to explain the fact that your family lost a daughter and gained a half demon male? Hm?" He wrapped his arms tighter around her and nuzzled his cheek against his old one. Apparently Inuyasha forgot all about the fact that he was trying to prove to her he could be a nice guy. "Please don't leave me, Kagome."
Kagome blinked and stared at the arms wrapped around her. She was about to make a comment, when something yanked inside of her and her ears moved around, her nose automatically working. "Inuyasha, I sense a shard." Kagome whispered and then tried to walk in it's direction. To follow it but found Inuyasha's arms tightly wrapped around her. "You are really dependant."
"Shut up and let me enjoy this." He hugged her tighter and then he let go. Inuyasha watched her walk, and frowned. "I still say you prance." Then he stared harder. "Why do you wiggle your butt when you walk?"
Kagome stopped and looked down around his waist at his butt. "I wiggle?" She asked walking and watching. Frowning, Kagome looked back up at him. "You never complain about the way I walk in my OWN body." Kagome said, considering this as she watched him walk. "Speaking of funny walks, Inuyasha, I have nothing between my legs to keep you from walking like a lady." She said, thankful for not being in her old body, a statement like that would've made her blush something awful. "Besides!" Kagome said shaking her head of those thoughts. "I don't wiggle!"
"Would you care for further opinion? I'm sure Miroku would be glad to watch. And you may not have something between your legs but damn Kagome, this underwear is a bloody bitch!" He debated scratching it, but he wasn't going to do something that he had told Kagome not to do. "And yes, you do. You walk like a girl in my body. You swaaaaaay.. You praaaaance. this is not dance class, Kagome!"
Kagome's yellow eyes seemed to begin glowing. Lowering her head, till the white bangs hid her eyes, Kagome fisted her hands at her slightly heaving sides. "I wonder which one of you two noticed my non-existent wiggle first." Kagome seethed through clenched teeth. "Don't you touch my underwear! And it's not a bitch! You are the one who insisted on wearing the tiniest one because you didn't like the feel of underwear! Don't complain to me now about thongs!" Kagome demanded of him, recomposing herself. Kagome settled her crossed arms over her chest and arched a brow in Inuyasha's direction. "What would you know about dance class?"
"I never touched your underwear! And you could have warned me that it gives wedgies or whatever Sota called them!" He stared at her, wondering what that would look like in her human form. Maybe Miroku had something going with always making Sango angry. He pouted. "I don't know a lot, but. aw, shut up."
"No." Kagome insisted. "You shut up! You say I wiggle, I don't! You say I can't walk like a man? Well, how's this?" Kagome demanded walking towards him, her best imitation of Clint Eastwood. "Now. You shut up! So there!" Kagome said and stuck her tongue out at him.
Inuyasha stared at her. "What the hell was that?" He rolled his eyes. "I don't want to know. Look, let's just, like, this jewel shard you sensed, okay?" The half demon was silent a moment, and then he coughed. "Wiggle."
Kagome launched herself at him. "I don't wiggle!!" She yelled her moonlight hair flying behind her, as she pounced him. Blinking at their situation, Kagome lowered her eyes to the object between them. Her hand. On her chest. Him doing it. "What are you doing if I may be so bold as to inquire?" Kagome asked feeling her breathing hitch and come faster.
"You pounce me," he pointed out, "but I didn't feel it. I should have been able to feel it. This padding in your bra thingy keeps me from feeling stuff. Why would there be padding in here, Kagome? It doesn't make any sense. Breasts shouldn't need padding. They're much like padding already, aren't they?"
"Uh. Yeah." Kagome said ignoring the rest of his questions and statements. "Sure. Whatever. Shard. K. Shard detector at work here." Kagome said walking away, before the blush she felt growing began to show.
Inuyasha continued to poke at the padding. "And it certainly couldn't be because you want to make them look bigger. I mean, you're fairly well endowed as you already are, so why would you want to make yourself look bigger?"
"Fairly?" Kagome asked and then thought about their waaaaay earlier discussion. About Inuyasha knowing women. Knowing Kikyo. {I wonder if you would say the same about her.} Kagome thought sadly. "You don't think I'd look nicer with um, bigger?" Kagome asked watching him from under his thick lashes.
He scoffed. "I think it would look like you were toppling over."
{I bet he doesn't think that about Kikyo.} Kagome nodded. "Barbie is not the best person to aspire to be, physically or otherwise. You're right." Kagome said trying to sense the shard.
"Barbie? Who is Barbie?" he demanded. Then he recalled the blonde doll that he had seen in a toy store. "Oh." He looked down at the female body that held him prisoner. "I don't know, Kagome. You look like you could give her a run for her money." He grinned recalling the 'sexy' comment she had made. "And at least you have friends who are anatomically correct."
Kagome felt like banging her head against a wall. Maybe she would too, right before figuring out the riddle and switching bodies with Inuyasha. That way he would have a killer headache. "Don't tell me you now have a thing for Ayumi, Yuki and Eri!" Kagome begged shying away from the water. They had been walking around and talking so much, she hardly noticed how close to the water they were. Shuddering, Kagome turned away. "From now on, sponge baths."
"I meant myself and Miroku!" Inuyasha bellowed, crossing his arms. It looked as though he had finally gotten the hang of doing that with a chest.
Kagome arched her brow. "Well, I would say prove it. But all I'd have to do is pull this string here." Kagome said accidentally pulling on the string of his pants and then feeling a cool breeze. "Oops..."
Inuyasha went red, but he didn't help her. Because that would have involved bending down, and Kagome would freak of any part of her anatomy got near him like that. He sighed. "Eventually it was bound to happen. Not only do you keep scratching down there, you also went to the trouble of making sure no one saw anything. So eventually this was bound to happen."
Kagome covered her eyes and just stood there. "I don't see a thing!!!" Kagome declared. {Oh god! How embarrassing! I had to be clumsy! Didn't I? I just had too! Ugh!} Kagome really wanted to pound her head now against a tree stump. "Oh, this shouldn't be happening..." She thought too afraid to fumble around for the pants, hence she touch something she shouldn't.
Inuyasha sighed and bent down to pull the pants up.
Miroku had just rounded the corner with Sango beside him. While Sango was looking out over the water for signs of Shippo, Miroku was looking at the trail ahead and just as they cleared a bush blocking the view of their path, Miroku saw Inuyasha's body standing straight and tall, hands above him while Kagome was crouched before him. He couldn't see quite what was going on, seeing as Inuyasha's butt was in the way, but he got a good idea and quickly went red and pulled Sango to him, turning her away from this lewd, and yet very arousing scene. "Come! There's nothing to see this way! Lets go back the way we came!" Miroku said, still covering her eyes and pressing her to his chest while he stole a last glance over his shoulder.
'How disturbing these meddling spells could be.' Miroku thought and let his mind wonder, as well as his hand. He couldn't help it. Sango's butt was just so inviting...
He finished tying up the pants, still red. "I don't see what the big deal is. You were scratching it often enough! It's not like. aw. never mind!" He stood up, and looked up at Kagome, his face hard, if red. "How can you.. Oh, forget that too."
"How can I what?" Kagome asked opening one eye to look down at him through the crack between her open fingers.
"How can you. say things about me, and then act as I'm repulsive?" he demanded, letting it all out. Inuyasha blinked, not believing he had just said that. God, this was like, his worst nightmare come true.
Kagome lowered her arms slowly and looked down at him in pure disbelief. Her mouth falling slightly open in an 'o' shape. "Inuyasha..." Kagome whispered softly, before falling to her knees in front of him. Picking a leaf out of her black hair, Kagome's smile was soft even on Inuyasha's harsh features. "You're not repulsive." Kagome told him then scoffed with a 'Feh'. "After all, didn't I decide to stay with you even after you promised to join Kikyo in hell? That should already prove to you how I feel about you." Kagome said, her voice low but full of emotion and not sounding quite as rough as it should've coming out of Inuyasha's vocal cords. "It's just... You're a boy... and... I... Well," Kagome looked down at the two of them in the others bodies. "I never touched a boy there." Kagome explained shyly. Did that help? Did it make him understand? Sighing, Kagome really hated these types of moments. She much rather watch Miroku confess his love (and lack of loyalty) to Sango from behind the bushes.
Inuyasha acted as if he hadn't heard most of it. "You were scratching there all last night! With the zipper open none the less!" he accused.
"I was ASLEEP!" Kagome yelled at him. "Besides! You should be ashamed of yourself! It's your fault it keeps itching!" Kagome said then paused and considered this. Scratching her chin, Kagome knocked one of his claws against her nose, twitching it. "Hey..." She said, the wheels in her head now turning. "Come to think of it, you 'woke me up' because of it most of the times, how am I to know it's really true and you weren't lying?? huh???"
"How is that my fault that it itches? Need I say the things that your body does? And why would I lie about that? Yes, please Kagome, put your hands on my privates when I'm not in my own body to even feel it!"
The half demon trapped in a woman's body shuddered. He hadn't realized he was so close to the pool. "Damn it! Didn't Sango and Miroku get him out of there yet?" He began climbing his way through the trees. "Shippo! Bath time's over!"
It took Kagome a few more minutes for his statement to register. "For you to even feel it?!" She squealed, her voice sounding slightly more feminine. "Are you trying to say you WANT me to put my hands down your pants?!?!" Kagome demanded as she stalked after him like an enraged hunter after her prey.
"Inuyasha! Leave Shippo alone!" Kagome called after him, waddling into the knee-high grass after him.
"Damn it, Shippo, get the hell out of the pool!" He felt Kagome coming like an old sailor feels a coming storm. He glared at her, vowing not to give in. "I'm not saying that I don't want you to touch me." Inuyasha was on his defensive mode now, and he stared at her. "Why? You can't say that you haven't thought about getting close to me once or twice."
"Close is one thing! Hands down your pants is another! You are WORSE then Miroku! And to think you mock him! You are worse then him... You... You're... Argh!!!" Kagome shouted begging herself to 'sit' him.
Shippo swam farther away. "No way am I getting near you!! Who knows what you will do to poor YOUNG innocent little me!!!" Shippo yelled and paddled away looking at Kagome trapped in Inuyasha's body. "Kagome!!! Get away from him!!!" Shippo called out.
'I must save Kagome!' Shippo decided but found his body stiff and unyielding. 'Must. Get over. Fear. First.'
Inuyasha felt his cheeks grow red, but he managed to give her his usually cocky, infuriating smile. "I never actually said that, did I, Kagome? That's just what you're taking out of it!" His smile grew even broader and he sauntered close to her, actually managing to pull it off better in Kagome's body. "Maybe one day, if you're lucky, I will show you what's really going on in my head." Shippo seemed to manage to get over his fear. He began to splash water at them, necessity drawing the energy from him when he saw 'Inuyasha' step closer to his old body, the look in his eyes making it hard for the boy to decide if he was madder it was directed at Kagome, or because Inuyasha's "insatiable lust" as he described it to Sango, was polluting Kagome's body. "Stay back from Kagome!"
Kagome stood her ground. "Need I remind you Inuyasha I know just what is going around in your head," Kagome said with a pointed look, her golden eyes glowing. "And I am not impressed!" However strong and forceful Kagome's words may have been, she found herself stepping back from Inuyasha. Even in her body he had a presence about him, so Kagome felt herself forced to back down.
Feeling sprinkles of water hit her face, Kagome shielded herself with the sleeve of Inuyasha's hoari. "Shippo! You're getting us all wet! I know Inuyasha needs a cold shower but I don't think this one is doing any help!"
"I do not need a cold shower!" he protested, shaking water from his white hair. Wait. White hair?
Looking down at himself, he was wearing his haori. He touched the fabric, wanting to make sure it was real. It felt real. Something felt odd as he pulled at the fabric of his shirt, and he remembered he wasn't wearing the necklace. He stared Kagome. "We're back to normal?"
Kagome blinked and stared at Inuyasha instead of herself as she had gotten use to doing over the past 72 hours. "I-Inuyasha?" Kagome asked softly, looking down at her shoes, muddy socks, torn skirt, pulled out of place shirt... She looked like hell. A pure mess. But... Grasping her chest, Kagome let out a delighted squeal. "I've got my boobs back!!!" Kagome declared and jumped around happily. "I'm in my own body! I'm in my own body! I'm-" Kagome felt herself pulled against him. "I take it, you're glad to be back in your body?" Kagome asked in between giggles of joy.
"You have no idea," he growled, a hand slipping up from her waist to gently touch her cheek, ignoring the nail polish on his claws. He was glad she was smiling again. Their old argument seemed to be forgotten, but he would not forget a certain promise they had made to each other. Lowering his head, he kissed her gently, the hand on her cheek moving behind her head to cup it, keeping and holding her there.
Kagome's open eyes slowly fluttered shut as his lips worked against hers. Feeling them sweet and soft, Kagome gave into the warmth bubbling through her and leaned closer to him. 'It's much nicer like this.' Kagome thought after she could finally think. Tentatively wrapping her arms around him, Kagome felt his hold on her strengthen and she kissed him the way she felt she wanted to kiss him, and was shocked by the wonderful sensations. Pulling away, her lips swollen from kisses and her cheeks rosy from the intimacy, Kagome hugged close and snuggled into his chest. "Does this mean you don't hate my body any more?"
"Now that I'm not in it, hell yes," he said, running his fingers through her hair and letting himself simply take in the fact that he was holding Kagome. Maybe he had learned a lot through this whole crazy experience. Like how ridiculous it was being Kagome and having to put up with Kouga's advances and Hojo's incessant helping, her crazy friends, crazier clothes, and even himself, when he reflected back upon it.
Still leaning against him, Kagome blinked when she saw Shippo turn red and paddle away down the river, yelling things about Inuyasha ravaging Kagome. "Um, Inuyasha? What caused us to go back to normal?" She asked with big innocent blinking eyes.
He shrugged. "I haven't the foggiest. Maybe the fact that we were both splashed by the water? But there's that goddamn riddle." Inuyasha sighed, part of his mind already coming up with ways to be this close to her without being as annoying as her other possible suitors. "How long was it since we changed bodies?" he suddenly demanded.
Kagome tapped her index finger against her pursed lips. "Um," She began and then looked down at her wrist watch. "It's been exactly three days." Kagome said in slight awe. "Oh, wow... I mean, remember then when I went to take a bath? I remember the time, because when I stripped," She blushed lightly, but not too deeply. They had passed that phase of awkwardness between them days ago. "and took off my watch. It's not water proof." She muttered. "You don't think...?" She suddenly asked, eyes widening as a light bulb seemed to spark to life above her head.
"Why not?" he shrugged. "It could have been something that was only meant to happen for a little while, and it wears off naturally. I bet that pig was just fu.. Screwing with us when he told us that riddle." Inuyasha let go of Kagome to bash his fist in his palm. "I'm going to kill that bastard!"
Kagome quickly tapped him on the shoulders. "Shhh... Shhh... Calm down now. I mean nothing bad came of it, right? We got to know each other better..." Kagome said and removed the necklace from over her head and placed it over Inuyasha's. Smiling proudly, Kagome clasped her hands behind her back and rocked back on her heals. "Still need to calm you down from time to time you know? Like now for example," Kagome said tilting her head to the side. "He was drunk after all. We were silly for listening to him that's all." Kagome said, trying to cool his rising temper.
"Are you calling me an idiot?" he demanded, a smile twitching on his lips. Instead of holding it back, it let it come. Smiling, he had learned from Kagome's body, would in fact NOT kill you. In fact, smiling felt good. Arching an eyebrow, he poked her stomach gently. "Would you like to know what it's like in Shippo's body?" he threatened.
Kagome stepped back. Her eyes narrowing into thin slits. That was not a funny joke. No matter how you put it. Especially after what they had just gone through. "Sit." She said simply and watched him plummet down to the ground. "We have finally got you smiling. Now, it's just a matter of working on your sense of humor!" Kagome declared and jumped back when a droplet of water from the river came their way. "I think Shippo wants to switch with you, rather then me." Kagome commented dryly.
"Why? Why didn't I sit you more often when I had the chance?" He lifted his head enough to see her. "Did you like it, Kagome?" "Sitting you?" Kagome asked, confused at Inuyasha's train of thought. Maybe she sat him too hard. Sitting down beside him on the grass, Kagome looked out over the pond. "Hm, think we should post a warning sign about this place?"
"I'll do that as soon as my headache goes away," he said lazily, ears twitching slightly. He moved slightly closer to her, and put his head on her knee, watching Shippo play in the water. Inuyasha was kind of tempted to go out there and join him, but not in that accursed lake. He took a deep breath. It felt good to smell her again. "No, I meant my smile. And kissing me now that I'm back in my old body."
Kagome smiled, a pleased, contented little smile. It was perfect. The sun was just warm enough, the grass was just green enough, Shippo was just far enough and Inuyasha was just... "Yes. I liked it, Inuyasha." Kagome said with a light blush. Hearing a ruckus of yells and shouts, Kagome turned her head towards the direction the sound was coming from. "A fight?"
His ears twitched as he watched Shippo climb out of the pond. Her snorted. "I bet the lecher touched Sango again." "I'm sorry, Sango! But you know, it's all your fault! You were just too tempting! Really! You should know better than to bend over and pick flowers while I am standing right behind you! I mean, you a... ahhh!" Miroku's protest as he ran running through the underbrush was cut off when he fell into the pond.
Sango was too steps behind him, ready to bash him with the haraikotsu. The weapon dropped from her hands when she landed in the water beside Miroku.
Kagome felt herself sweatdrop. "Are they now?"
Miroku's head broke the surface and stared at the body that was attached to it. His hands flew to her face. "Am I really. oh no. No no no no no!"
Sango's head popped up a moment later, and was much more calm, as if waking up as a women was a regular experience with Miroku, as opposed to waking up sleeping beside one. But then he looked at his old body, and its horrified expression, and his face fell. "Oh, Sango. Sango. I'm so sorry.." Had he known they were so close to the spring, he would have run a different way.
Inuyasha stared at them, looking curious. "Hey, Kagome, how long do you think Miroku will last before he.."
Growling with rage, Sango's now warded hand slapped her own face, the movement so instinctual, she didn't even think about the fact that she was slapping herself. "Pervert! Stop that!"
"But now this is my body! I should be able to feel up my own ass if I so wanted to!" Miroku protested. He held up one of his hands, sighing. "I can't help it, Sango. This hand was a mind of it's own."
She glared at him and held up her hand, pointing to it. "Actually, Miroku, this hand was the one that you claimed had a mind of it's own."
"Well, shit."
Sighing, wearily, Inuyasha snuggled closer to Kagome, and was pleased when she began to rub his ears. He suppose that his excuse about how he supposedly didn't like his ears being touched wouldn't work now that she had been in his body. "It's going to be an interesting three days.
Back in the lake, Miroku grinned at Sango, the lecherous smile odd on her face. One of the monk's hands was below the surface, and Miroku had to admit that it felt nice being on both the receiving and giving end. "If you're waiting for me to yell 'pervert' and slap you, I'm afraid that you're going to be sorely mistaken. I'm actually quite enjoying this." He admitted.
"Houshi-sama, I apologize for every time you have ever told me the hand had a mind of its own and I hit you.."
Ghoul King: Sorry for irking you. That's (confusion) what we get for writing things the way we do, and at 5 am or 1 am, depending on where you are and who you're with. -_-
Rosie: Hope you find this chapter just as cute! ^_^
Storymind: There will be no more mounting confusion after this.. *looks over at Ghoul King and winces* Hopefully, any way. What can I say? Things always make more sense to the author than do the reader anyway. That's what English class is for. bloody English class.
Insomnia-maniac: *hands you taco bell* Next time when you scare your family, add something innocently funny after their blank stares. My favorite is usually: "Why can't I have puppy ears? You call me an SOB enough, sis, so we can't I have puppy ears? I bet they'd be soooo furry, I'd feel myself up."
Dinky: I'm glad to see not everyone is hollering for Shippo's blood. ^_^
Ryo-can: We're saying nothing. Nothing at all. *sly grin*
Sweet Sad Jess: I know. We have problems. I'm addicted to caffeine and school work, and Em's a pervert. *ducks a giant fish thrown her way * Weyrdette: I hope you feel better, love!
Kris-chan: *grins* I'm not the Personification of Fluff for nothing, you know! I'm sure there's a reason WHY we have to worry about mental health. . *hides the plans to drive Sango insane and then grab Miroku when she isn't looking*
Tempest: Wow. You sound like her. *points to Emmie* Why didn't we think of that? I bet there's a certain part of Inuyasha that wouldn't mind being leashed..
Silver Eyes Bright: You know, I know that we made Shippo a little annoying (that's the largest understatement of the new year!) but I still like him. He's just so cute... I mean. he has hind fox paws! I love it!! *coughs after a giggle fit* I mean. why can't I have a bushy tail like that? Next to a cat tail, a fox tail would be the next best thing. It's so bushy and stuff!!
Thank you all so much for all of the great reviews! We loved them all so much! There's nothing like coming home and finding reviews to take away my -30 C weather or the disappointed mark on a killer mid term, and in Emmie's case to take the itch off her feet after a long day's work. We hope you all like the ending, (Personally, it's my favorite part ^_^!)
Domo arigatou, minna-san!
* * *
Chapter Sixteen!
"How so?" he repeated. "How so?! Have you looked in a mirror? I do NOT move like that! You try and walk in my body and you end up prancing! Prancing! You gave my nails a manicure!! Claws are not supposed to be shiny like that! They are meant to kick the shit out of things and tear them to pieces!"
Kagome blinked and looked down at her nails. Their cuticles were horrible, he shouldn't be yelling at her, but thanking her! "Baka!" Kagome yelled and showed off her shiny and perfectly filed nails. "You should be thanking me! If I ever see another hang nail again, I'll scream! How could you have walked around like that? I don't care how many soul-shattering-claw moves you make, it does not justify such..." Kagome didn't know how to say it, she was speechless, she was.... "And you said I was smelly! You have the worst grooming habits in the world!" Kagome yelled and then scratched at her pants in the back. "Did you even HAVE another pair of underwear before I bought you some?!"
Shaking her head, so the fine and perfectly conditioned and untangled hair flew about like a cascade of moonlight. "Besides! What's wrong with my walk!? It's better then yours! Girls walk with their legs CLOSED you know!" Kagome yelled back at him.
Miroku leaned over to Sango. "I believe this is our cue to retreat."
Sango nodded. "Fully agreed upon, Houshi-sama." Sango said and they both turned and retreated down to the water bank after Shippo, before he got himself into any trouble or the rest of them in any more. Kirara meowed and looked back between both departing couples and sighed a little 'meow'. Now was a good a time as ever to groom she supposed and began the delicate work of licking her front paw.
"Maybe if you walked with them open, you might be less bitter!" Inuyasha roared, echoing a line from the movie they had watched while playing Monopoly.
Kagome arched one brow and looked like she was about to rip him to shreds. He was a male. So what if he lived in the past. He knew what that statement meant all the same! Licking her lips with the tip of her tongue, Kagome did crack her knuckles this time. "I. Am. Going. Home!" Kagome shouted and whirled about on her feet back in the direction they came from.
"You can't go home!" he cried, jumping on her back. "You know you want out of my body! Besides, how are you going to explain the fact that your family lost a daughter and gained a half demon male? Hm?" He wrapped his arms tighter around her and nuzzled his cheek against his old one. Apparently Inuyasha forgot all about the fact that he was trying to prove to her he could be a nice guy. "Please don't leave me, Kagome."
Kagome blinked and stared at the arms wrapped around her. She was about to make a comment, when something yanked inside of her and her ears moved around, her nose automatically working. "Inuyasha, I sense a shard." Kagome whispered and then tried to walk in it's direction. To follow it but found Inuyasha's arms tightly wrapped around her. "You are really dependant."
"Shut up and let me enjoy this." He hugged her tighter and then he let go. Inuyasha watched her walk, and frowned. "I still say you prance." Then he stared harder. "Why do you wiggle your butt when you walk?"
Kagome stopped and looked down around his waist at his butt. "I wiggle?" She asked walking and watching. Frowning, Kagome looked back up at him. "You never complain about the way I walk in my OWN body." Kagome said, considering this as she watched him walk. "Speaking of funny walks, Inuyasha, I have nothing between my legs to keep you from walking like a lady." She said, thankful for not being in her old body, a statement like that would've made her blush something awful. "Besides!" Kagome said shaking her head of those thoughts. "I don't wiggle!"
"Would you care for further opinion? I'm sure Miroku would be glad to watch. And you may not have something between your legs but damn Kagome, this underwear is a bloody bitch!" He debated scratching it, but he wasn't going to do something that he had told Kagome not to do. "And yes, you do. You walk like a girl in my body. You swaaaaaay.. You praaaaance. this is not dance class, Kagome!"
Kagome's yellow eyes seemed to begin glowing. Lowering her head, till the white bangs hid her eyes, Kagome fisted her hands at her slightly heaving sides. "I wonder which one of you two noticed my non-existent wiggle first." Kagome seethed through clenched teeth. "Don't you touch my underwear! And it's not a bitch! You are the one who insisted on wearing the tiniest one because you didn't like the feel of underwear! Don't complain to me now about thongs!" Kagome demanded of him, recomposing herself. Kagome settled her crossed arms over her chest and arched a brow in Inuyasha's direction. "What would you know about dance class?"
"I never touched your underwear! And you could have warned me that it gives wedgies or whatever Sota called them!" He stared at her, wondering what that would look like in her human form. Maybe Miroku had something going with always making Sango angry. He pouted. "I don't know a lot, but. aw, shut up."
"No." Kagome insisted. "You shut up! You say I wiggle, I don't! You say I can't walk like a man? Well, how's this?" Kagome demanded walking towards him, her best imitation of Clint Eastwood. "Now. You shut up! So there!" Kagome said and stuck her tongue out at him.
Inuyasha stared at her. "What the hell was that?" He rolled his eyes. "I don't want to know. Look, let's just, like, this jewel shard you sensed, okay?" The half demon was silent a moment, and then he coughed. "Wiggle."
Kagome launched herself at him. "I don't wiggle!!" She yelled her moonlight hair flying behind her, as she pounced him. Blinking at their situation, Kagome lowered her eyes to the object between them. Her hand. On her chest. Him doing it. "What are you doing if I may be so bold as to inquire?" Kagome asked feeling her breathing hitch and come faster.
"You pounce me," he pointed out, "but I didn't feel it. I should have been able to feel it. This padding in your bra thingy keeps me from feeling stuff. Why would there be padding in here, Kagome? It doesn't make any sense. Breasts shouldn't need padding. They're much like padding already, aren't they?"
"Uh. Yeah." Kagome said ignoring the rest of his questions and statements. "Sure. Whatever. Shard. K. Shard detector at work here." Kagome said walking away, before the blush she felt growing began to show.
Inuyasha continued to poke at the padding. "And it certainly couldn't be because you want to make them look bigger. I mean, you're fairly well endowed as you already are, so why would you want to make yourself look bigger?"
"Fairly?" Kagome asked and then thought about their waaaaay earlier discussion. About Inuyasha knowing women. Knowing Kikyo. {I wonder if you would say the same about her.} Kagome thought sadly. "You don't think I'd look nicer with um, bigger?" Kagome asked watching him from under his thick lashes.
He scoffed. "I think it would look like you were toppling over."
{I bet he doesn't think that about Kikyo.} Kagome nodded. "Barbie is not the best person to aspire to be, physically or otherwise. You're right." Kagome said trying to sense the shard.
"Barbie? Who is Barbie?" he demanded. Then he recalled the blonde doll that he had seen in a toy store. "Oh." He looked down at the female body that held him prisoner. "I don't know, Kagome. You look like you could give her a run for her money." He grinned recalling the 'sexy' comment she had made. "And at least you have friends who are anatomically correct."
Kagome felt like banging her head against a wall. Maybe she would too, right before figuring out the riddle and switching bodies with Inuyasha. That way he would have a killer headache. "Don't tell me you now have a thing for Ayumi, Yuki and Eri!" Kagome begged shying away from the water. They had been walking around and talking so much, she hardly noticed how close to the water they were. Shuddering, Kagome turned away. "From now on, sponge baths."
"I meant myself and Miroku!" Inuyasha bellowed, crossing his arms. It looked as though he had finally gotten the hang of doing that with a chest.
Kagome arched her brow. "Well, I would say prove it. But all I'd have to do is pull this string here." Kagome said accidentally pulling on the string of his pants and then feeling a cool breeze. "Oops..."
Inuyasha went red, but he didn't help her. Because that would have involved bending down, and Kagome would freak of any part of her anatomy got near him like that. He sighed. "Eventually it was bound to happen. Not only do you keep scratching down there, you also went to the trouble of making sure no one saw anything. So eventually this was bound to happen."
Kagome covered her eyes and just stood there. "I don't see a thing!!!" Kagome declared. {Oh god! How embarrassing! I had to be clumsy! Didn't I? I just had too! Ugh!} Kagome really wanted to pound her head now against a tree stump. "Oh, this shouldn't be happening..." She thought too afraid to fumble around for the pants, hence she touch something she shouldn't.
Inuyasha sighed and bent down to pull the pants up.
Miroku had just rounded the corner with Sango beside him. While Sango was looking out over the water for signs of Shippo, Miroku was looking at the trail ahead and just as they cleared a bush blocking the view of their path, Miroku saw Inuyasha's body standing straight and tall, hands above him while Kagome was crouched before him. He couldn't see quite what was going on, seeing as Inuyasha's butt was in the way, but he got a good idea and quickly went red and pulled Sango to him, turning her away from this lewd, and yet very arousing scene. "Come! There's nothing to see this way! Lets go back the way we came!" Miroku said, still covering her eyes and pressing her to his chest while he stole a last glance over his shoulder.
'How disturbing these meddling spells could be.' Miroku thought and let his mind wonder, as well as his hand. He couldn't help it. Sango's butt was just so inviting...
He finished tying up the pants, still red. "I don't see what the big deal is. You were scratching it often enough! It's not like. aw. never mind!" He stood up, and looked up at Kagome, his face hard, if red. "How can you.. Oh, forget that too."
"How can I what?" Kagome asked opening one eye to look down at him through the crack between her open fingers.
"How can you. say things about me, and then act as I'm repulsive?" he demanded, letting it all out. Inuyasha blinked, not believing he had just said that. God, this was like, his worst nightmare come true.
Kagome lowered her arms slowly and looked down at him in pure disbelief. Her mouth falling slightly open in an 'o' shape. "Inuyasha..." Kagome whispered softly, before falling to her knees in front of him. Picking a leaf out of her black hair, Kagome's smile was soft even on Inuyasha's harsh features. "You're not repulsive." Kagome told him then scoffed with a 'Feh'. "After all, didn't I decide to stay with you even after you promised to join Kikyo in hell? That should already prove to you how I feel about you." Kagome said, her voice low but full of emotion and not sounding quite as rough as it should've coming out of Inuyasha's vocal cords. "It's just... You're a boy... and... I... Well," Kagome looked down at the two of them in the others bodies. "I never touched a boy there." Kagome explained shyly. Did that help? Did it make him understand? Sighing, Kagome really hated these types of moments. She much rather watch Miroku confess his love (and lack of loyalty) to Sango from behind the bushes.
Inuyasha acted as if he hadn't heard most of it. "You were scratching there all last night! With the zipper open none the less!" he accused.
"I was ASLEEP!" Kagome yelled at him. "Besides! You should be ashamed of yourself! It's your fault it keeps itching!" Kagome said then paused and considered this. Scratching her chin, Kagome knocked one of his claws against her nose, twitching it. "Hey..." She said, the wheels in her head now turning. "Come to think of it, you 'woke me up' because of it most of the times, how am I to know it's really true and you weren't lying?? huh???"
"How is that my fault that it itches? Need I say the things that your body does? And why would I lie about that? Yes, please Kagome, put your hands on my privates when I'm not in my own body to even feel it!"
The half demon trapped in a woman's body shuddered. He hadn't realized he was so close to the pool. "Damn it! Didn't Sango and Miroku get him out of there yet?" He began climbing his way through the trees. "Shippo! Bath time's over!"
It took Kagome a few more minutes for his statement to register. "For you to even feel it?!" She squealed, her voice sounding slightly more feminine. "Are you trying to say you WANT me to put my hands down your pants?!?!" Kagome demanded as she stalked after him like an enraged hunter after her prey.
"Inuyasha! Leave Shippo alone!" Kagome called after him, waddling into the knee-high grass after him.
"Damn it, Shippo, get the hell out of the pool!" He felt Kagome coming like an old sailor feels a coming storm. He glared at her, vowing not to give in. "I'm not saying that I don't want you to touch me." Inuyasha was on his defensive mode now, and he stared at her. "Why? You can't say that you haven't thought about getting close to me once or twice."
"Close is one thing! Hands down your pants is another! You are WORSE then Miroku! And to think you mock him! You are worse then him... You... You're... Argh!!!" Kagome shouted begging herself to 'sit' him.
Shippo swam farther away. "No way am I getting near you!! Who knows what you will do to poor YOUNG innocent little me!!!" Shippo yelled and paddled away looking at Kagome trapped in Inuyasha's body. "Kagome!!! Get away from him!!!" Shippo called out.
'I must save Kagome!' Shippo decided but found his body stiff and unyielding. 'Must. Get over. Fear. First.'
Inuyasha felt his cheeks grow red, but he managed to give her his usually cocky, infuriating smile. "I never actually said that, did I, Kagome? That's just what you're taking out of it!" His smile grew even broader and he sauntered close to her, actually managing to pull it off better in Kagome's body. "Maybe one day, if you're lucky, I will show you what's really going on in my head." Shippo seemed to manage to get over his fear. He began to splash water at them, necessity drawing the energy from him when he saw 'Inuyasha' step closer to his old body, the look in his eyes making it hard for the boy to decide if he was madder it was directed at Kagome, or because Inuyasha's "insatiable lust" as he described it to Sango, was polluting Kagome's body. "Stay back from Kagome!"
Kagome stood her ground. "Need I remind you Inuyasha I know just what is going around in your head," Kagome said with a pointed look, her golden eyes glowing. "And I am not impressed!" However strong and forceful Kagome's words may have been, she found herself stepping back from Inuyasha. Even in her body he had a presence about him, so Kagome felt herself forced to back down.
Feeling sprinkles of water hit her face, Kagome shielded herself with the sleeve of Inuyasha's hoari. "Shippo! You're getting us all wet! I know Inuyasha needs a cold shower but I don't think this one is doing any help!"
"I do not need a cold shower!" he protested, shaking water from his white hair. Wait. White hair?
Looking down at himself, he was wearing his haori. He touched the fabric, wanting to make sure it was real. It felt real. Something felt odd as he pulled at the fabric of his shirt, and he remembered he wasn't wearing the necklace. He stared Kagome. "We're back to normal?"
Kagome blinked and stared at Inuyasha instead of herself as she had gotten use to doing over the past 72 hours. "I-Inuyasha?" Kagome asked softly, looking down at her shoes, muddy socks, torn skirt, pulled out of place shirt... She looked like hell. A pure mess. But... Grasping her chest, Kagome let out a delighted squeal. "I've got my boobs back!!!" Kagome declared and jumped around happily. "I'm in my own body! I'm in my own body! I'm-" Kagome felt herself pulled against him. "I take it, you're glad to be back in your body?" Kagome asked in between giggles of joy.
"You have no idea," he growled, a hand slipping up from her waist to gently touch her cheek, ignoring the nail polish on his claws. He was glad she was smiling again. Their old argument seemed to be forgotten, but he would not forget a certain promise they had made to each other. Lowering his head, he kissed her gently, the hand on her cheek moving behind her head to cup it, keeping and holding her there.
Kagome's open eyes slowly fluttered shut as his lips worked against hers. Feeling them sweet and soft, Kagome gave into the warmth bubbling through her and leaned closer to him. 'It's much nicer like this.' Kagome thought after she could finally think. Tentatively wrapping her arms around him, Kagome felt his hold on her strengthen and she kissed him the way she felt she wanted to kiss him, and was shocked by the wonderful sensations. Pulling away, her lips swollen from kisses and her cheeks rosy from the intimacy, Kagome hugged close and snuggled into his chest. "Does this mean you don't hate my body any more?"
"Now that I'm not in it, hell yes," he said, running his fingers through her hair and letting himself simply take in the fact that he was holding Kagome. Maybe he had learned a lot through this whole crazy experience. Like how ridiculous it was being Kagome and having to put up with Kouga's advances and Hojo's incessant helping, her crazy friends, crazier clothes, and even himself, when he reflected back upon it.
Still leaning against him, Kagome blinked when she saw Shippo turn red and paddle away down the river, yelling things about Inuyasha ravaging Kagome. "Um, Inuyasha? What caused us to go back to normal?" She asked with big innocent blinking eyes.
He shrugged. "I haven't the foggiest. Maybe the fact that we were both splashed by the water? But there's that goddamn riddle." Inuyasha sighed, part of his mind already coming up with ways to be this close to her without being as annoying as her other possible suitors. "How long was it since we changed bodies?" he suddenly demanded.
Kagome tapped her index finger against her pursed lips. "Um," She began and then looked down at her wrist watch. "It's been exactly three days." Kagome said in slight awe. "Oh, wow... I mean, remember then when I went to take a bath? I remember the time, because when I stripped," She blushed lightly, but not too deeply. They had passed that phase of awkwardness between them days ago. "and took off my watch. It's not water proof." She muttered. "You don't think...?" She suddenly asked, eyes widening as a light bulb seemed to spark to life above her head.
"Why not?" he shrugged. "It could have been something that was only meant to happen for a little while, and it wears off naturally. I bet that pig was just fu.. Screwing with us when he told us that riddle." Inuyasha let go of Kagome to bash his fist in his palm. "I'm going to kill that bastard!"
Kagome quickly tapped him on the shoulders. "Shhh... Shhh... Calm down now. I mean nothing bad came of it, right? We got to know each other better..." Kagome said and removed the necklace from over her head and placed it over Inuyasha's. Smiling proudly, Kagome clasped her hands behind her back and rocked back on her heals. "Still need to calm you down from time to time you know? Like now for example," Kagome said tilting her head to the side. "He was drunk after all. We were silly for listening to him that's all." Kagome said, trying to cool his rising temper.
"Are you calling me an idiot?" he demanded, a smile twitching on his lips. Instead of holding it back, it let it come. Smiling, he had learned from Kagome's body, would in fact NOT kill you. In fact, smiling felt good. Arching an eyebrow, he poked her stomach gently. "Would you like to know what it's like in Shippo's body?" he threatened.
Kagome stepped back. Her eyes narrowing into thin slits. That was not a funny joke. No matter how you put it. Especially after what they had just gone through. "Sit." She said simply and watched him plummet down to the ground. "We have finally got you smiling. Now, it's just a matter of working on your sense of humor!" Kagome declared and jumped back when a droplet of water from the river came their way. "I think Shippo wants to switch with you, rather then me." Kagome commented dryly.
"Why? Why didn't I sit you more often when I had the chance?" He lifted his head enough to see her. "Did you like it, Kagome?" "Sitting you?" Kagome asked, confused at Inuyasha's train of thought. Maybe she sat him too hard. Sitting down beside him on the grass, Kagome looked out over the pond. "Hm, think we should post a warning sign about this place?"
"I'll do that as soon as my headache goes away," he said lazily, ears twitching slightly. He moved slightly closer to her, and put his head on her knee, watching Shippo play in the water. Inuyasha was kind of tempted to go out there and join him, but not in that accursed lake. He took a deep breath. It felt good to smell her again. "No, I meant my smile. And kissing me now that I'm back in my old body."
Kagome smiled, a pleased, contented little smile. It was perfect. The sun was just warm enough, the grass was just green enough, Shippo was just far enough and Inuyasha was just... "Yes. I liked it, Inuyasha." Kagome said with a light blush. Hearing a ruckus of yells and shouts, Kagome turned her head towards the direction the sound was coming from. "A fight?"
His ears twitched as he watched Shippo climb out of the pond. Her snorted. "I bet the lecher touched Sango again." "I'm sorry, Sango! But you know, it's all your fault! You were just too tempting! Really! You should know better than to bend over and pick flowers while I am standing right behind you! I mean, you a... ahhh!" Miroku's protest as he ran running through the underbrush was cut off when he fell into the pond.
Sango was too steps behind him, ready to bash him with the haraikotsu. The weapon dropped from her hands when she landed in the water beside Miroku.
Kagome felt herself sweatdrop. "Are they now?"
Miroku's head broke the surface and stared at the body that was attached to it. His hands flew to her face. "Am I really. oh no. No no no no no!"
Sango's head popped up a moment later, and was much more calm, as if waking up as a women was a regular experience with Miroku, as opposed to waking up sleeping beside one. But then he looked at his old body, and its horrified expression, and his face fell. "Oh, Sango. Sango. I'm so sorry.." Had he known they were so close to the spring, he would have run a different way.
Inuyasha stared at them, looking curious. "Hey, Kagome, how long do you think Miroku will last before he.."
Growling with rage, Sango's now warded hand slapped her own face, the movement so instinctual, she didn't even think about the fact that she was slapping herself. "Pervert! Stop that!"
"But now this is my body! I should be able to feel up my own ass if I so wanted to!" Miroku protested. He held up one of his hands, sighing. "I can't help it, Sango. This hand was a mind of it's own."
She glared at him and held up her hand, pointing to it. "Actually, Miroku, this hand was the one that you claimed had a mind of it's own."
"Well, shit."
Sighing, wearily, Inuyasha snuggled closer to Kagome, and was pleased when she began to rub his ears. He suppose that his excuse about how he supposedly didn't like his ears being touched wouldn't work now that she had been in his body. "It's going to be an interesting three days.
Back in the lake, Miroku grinned at Sango, the lecherous smile odd on her face. One of the monk's hands was below the surface, and Miroku had to admit that it felt nice being on both the receiving and giving end. "If you're waiting for me to yell 'pervert' and slap you, I'm afraid that you're going to be sorely mistaken. I'm actually quite enjoying this." He admitted.
"Houshi-sama, I apologize for every time you have ever told me the hand had a mind of its own and I hit you.."