SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1Disclaimer: I don't own them. A/N: this chapter is lemon, so you know. Hopefully its tasteful, I try to make it tasteful but still its some serious lemon.. So. Its not like porn, I hope. Some lemon scenes are just, way too much lemon. And its like porn so. Whatever anyway, on with the story.


Seifer gripped her hand back and kept up with her pace, as they neared the hotel she looked back towards the streets and then entered the hotel. Inside she pressed the elevator and when they were inside she pressed the stop button. Seifer frowned and looked at her expectantly as she relaxed.

"Squall and Irvine are here, I saw them walking towards us in the street." she told him, as she leaned against the glass wall, Seifer sighed and crossed his arms.

"That's why you pulled me aside to make out?" he asked with a smirk, Quistis rolled her eyes.

"Yes, that's why I kissed you. But that's not the point right now, we have to be careful. If they find out your alive...look maybe you shouldn't be here if you leave and just disappear......" she didn't finish her sentence knowing Seifer would understand what she meant.

"I can handle it, I've been invisible for a long time now." he told her, turning away she went to press the button to continue the elevator; his hand rested on top of hers and his eyes boar holes into her blue tints.

"But....I'm not going to go away."


          He took her hands and placed them on his chest and then griped hers hard, holding onto her he kissed her. She backed away but he moved with her and she found she didn't have anywhere to go. Her back dug into the wall and she felt his hands wrap around her form, she ran her hands along his torso, tracing his muscles and lower to his naval.

"Ahh! Get a room!" a lady screamed as the doors slid open and a few old women emerged into the elevator. Seifer and Quistis separated and while Quistis looked at the floor, Seifer grinned and excused himself and Quistis before leading her away from the elevator. He chuckled as they walked, Quistis had her hands covering her face and she seemed to be shaking, Seifer turned towards her.

"Hey are you okay?" he asked worried as he looked at her covered face, she put her hands down and a stream of laughter erupted from her throat; Seifer smiled at her and chuckled at her.

"Hahahahahahaha...I'm sorry......hahahahhaha......" she kept laughing and he kept looking at her, with wonder and amazement. She was beautiful when she cried, but she shined when she laughed and he found himself in the similar state after a few seconds.

"I'm glad I bring such wonderful effects." he told her as he looked at her flushed face, tears leaked from behind her eyes and they stained her cheeks.

"Did you see their faces? They were repulsed!" she told him as she regained her composure, the lightness still in her blue eyes.

"Yeah, repulsed. But I quite enjoyed it, don't you think?" he asked as he grew closer still to her, she turned the door knob and looked back at him, smiling she closed the door and left him out.

"Would you like to come in Seifer?........ Oh, No but I'd love it if you slammed the door in my face Quistis" he mumbled to himself as he opened his door and entered his hotel room. A sheet had been placed where the door that connected their rooms had been before, Seifer smirked to himself.

    Seifer threw his coat on the chair and then removed his shirt, taking off the band that held his hair. He rubbed his stomach as he thought and then walked up to the sheet and moved it to a side with his hand. His body resting lazily against the frame, the long blonde hair giving him a gentle godly look, Quistis was removing her vest, and Seifer smiled at her back. Silently he snuck up on her; he wrapped his arms around her. Trapping her inside his grasp, his held breathe was let go gently as he snuggled into her hair, what is that scent? He mused.

       Quistis was surprised at first, she shouldn't be doing this, but didn't he love her too? So what was the problem, and then it hit her like a ton of bricks, her amnesiac past with him disturbed her more than she thought bloody hell with it all, I don't care do I?. She lost her train of thought as he nibbled her ears; his soft arms brought her close. He reminds me of a fallen angel, and he tastes so good, hyne I love this man.....she thought as she felt his chest, felt his muscles kiss her exposed back. He stopped for a second his hands falling from her skin, his mind trailing after him, as he took her in; she looked up at his eyes in wonder.


"It's just....I love you. Your so beautiful." he whispered to her, she smiled and snuggled into his long hair, the scent was husky and strong, yet wonderful to her.

"I love you." Seifer…she smiled and it turned seductive after a few seconds. She hugged him and felt his arms return to their rightful place.   

        Seifer kissed her back, her neck and trailed a hand up to tangle in her hair, she felt him tug at her scalp before her head was brought back, she is addictive, I have to be careful with her... I would get lost, he thought as he kissed her neck and collarbone. She felt his tongue on her flesh, the hairs rose from the touch of his hand traveling down her stomach. His nose tickled her skin, and her eyes got lazy and she grew drunk in his presence. Her breathes came in short, and his came in ragged, she could feel his heart beat when he drew her in close enough. She wanted so bad to be engulfed in him, lost inside of a tangle of green and blonde in him.

 She bit her lip as his hand traveled under her jeans into her. She moved her hips back, and her hands gripped his thighs, her hands tugged at his legs as his aroused her in all the right spots. She squirmed now, whimpering and hissing, Seifer smiled lightly, his lips still tasting her, lightly, as he played with her skin. Then his hands were traveling up her ribs ...he's driving me crazy, she thought as he kissed her chest; she growled at him and broke loose from his seductive hold.

Her lips crashed into his, her tongue dying for a taste, his hands rose to caress her face, as her hands traveled down, his growing arousal becoming compressed inside his pants. Her nails softly traveled his skin.....this is far it's the only thing in my seriously screwed up life that doesn't suck he thought as the sensual trail sent goose bumps all over his skin and he felt it reach the scars. His breathing stopped as she separated from his lips, her eyes and fingertips trailed the wounds.

          Quistis had seen them before, that night he was having a nightmare....yet she never paid close attention until now. The wounds were gunblade, to be more exact, Hyperion, and self-inflicted. Quistis' alarmed eyes stared at his scared ones; he tried to kill himself, Seifer...... She bent her head; her lips chastely kissing the scars, Seifer's hands came to rest on her face as she did so.

        He brought her up to him, her hands on his chest, his crotch pressed against her, she tired to ignore it as he locked eyes with her; yet she couldn't; her hips grinding against his, his purpose lost as he hugged her close. Feeling her skin fit with his, his arms lightly griping hers as hers continued down to his length. Her fingernails played with his arousal, teasing and torturing him in a bittersweet way.

             Seifer removed her last piece of clothing completely (jeans), her stringed lingerie hung beautifully with her curves.(imagine those string bikinis but not a bathing suit.) Her lips trailed down with her body as her hands slowly slid his pants off. Then back up as her feet tugged at the ends of the pants, Seifer backed up and his pants came off, his boxer/briefs hugged his muscular legs perfectly, ones she had a itch to remove, soon those were discarded too. Hyne, he is so beautiful, she thought as she kissed his shoulder, and then the other, the feeling made him want her to do it again forever.

        She leaped and hugged him as she jumped onto his waist, Seifer's hair swayed and he chuckled, at that moment Seifer looked like a dream, or so Quistis would later say. He gripped her waist to keep her up; though she was skinny she was packing a lot of muscle. Seifer laughed into her hair as she caressed his head, her fingers on his neck and her lips on his cheeks. Seifer kissed her collarbone, her chest, her heart, she is so sweet, I could eat off her....

His hands held her up and her legs wrapped around his waist. she moved in a way that surprised Seifer then, and sent them tumbling onto the bed. Seifer expected her to stop, get off, or even acknowledge the change, but she seemed completely unfazed so he continued with his exploration also. Quistis sighed into him as he fondled her, her body onto of his; urging him with teasing movements and touches; Seifer let his hands run down to untie the knots of her lingerie.

       Quistis gripped him, her nails dug softly into his skin not hurting, not actually digging. Wrapping her arms around him, the relief of her closeness was something he was unfamiliar with, yet he was utterly taken by it, and by her. She needed him, so much then, like a addiction, or a cure; she tried to bring him closer still, the physical act impossible at the closeness they already shared.

"Quis....what's wrong?" he asked quietly as her grip got tighter.

"I need you..." she told him, her forehead touching his, her breathe was ragged, as she kissed his nose, her body atop his with both legs on either side of him, Seifer gripped her hips and kissed her deeply.

"I....need to feel you inside me...." she dragged out after their lips parted; Seifer stroked her cheek, then her lips, as he looked into her eyes.

        She gripped him, her arms wrapped around his shoulders, as she came to meet him. Their hips locked and she felt his being enter her, a gasp escaped her lips the feeling to her was indescribable, she felt all his muscles shift beneath her. Every inch of him was right, she couldn't think, and if breathing didn't come naturally she probably would have forgotten to. Seifer buried himself in her; his rhythm increased with her, she grinded her hips into him.

         Her hair fell over them both covering them in a curtain of blonde and Seifer looked at her face as her eyes locked towards his; and only one word came to mind when he saw her eyes and her face, her lips inside that layer of golden blonde....a goddess, he uttered inwardly as he kissed her neck, her head inches above his.

"Sei.- sei sssss" She bucked as he sucked her neck, the area where the throat was, enjoying the vibrations of the sounds she was making. Seifer let his hips move with hers, her movements causing his to happen even more heatedly. Seifer lifted his head and groaned as he dug himself in her, his actions rapid and instinct as she tickled and ran her hands over his chest.

        His voice was blocked off by Quistis' mouth as she licked his tongue with hers. To block out his moans and hers, they rocked together, a rhythm, beautifully made of love and limbs and of souls that have suffered so much; that they drown their sorrows inside the love they build through kisses and hugs, and emotions that have no names.

        Seifer's long hair framed his face artistically as he free fell into her both reaching orgasm, her hair tangled with his as she collapsed into his arms. Seifer brought the sheets to cover them both and sighed as he kissed her one last time before nodding off to sleep, he told her he loved her, since before he was a thought, unaware that she had already fallen asleep. Seifer smiled at her sleeping form, sweat glistened on her skin, with the nighttime light, and he let his lips trail after her skin; until sleep overtook him too. 


sorry for the delay but I was on  a road trip and just got back. I'm sleepy and tired so I'm not saying anything, thanks to any reviews, Quistis 88, kyra-dante, boggart ( )…sorry if I spelled it wrong. I'm so out of it right now. Hope the chapter was to your liking….excuse my rudeness