All characters belong to Marvel. The author does not gain any money by writing this. Please do not waste your precious time by suing.
This story is brought to you courtesy of Hurricane Isabel. I'm stuck in my house, slowly going insane. * Note* Frige is what I call the refrigerator. Enjoy!
Scott and Jean Summers sat in the kitchen of Xavier's School for the Gifted. They both were quite pleased with the job they had just finished. Getting rid of all the junk food, beer, and cigarettes in the mansion had proven to be a bigger job than they had imagined. The fact that they were always up way before anyone else here and that Logan was still on his long overdue vacation helped them accomplish this mission. Recently the Summers had decided to go on a "health kick" and they came to the conclusion that it would be a terrific idea if entire population of Xavier's School joined them. The team could always benefit from a healthier life style. They were more than certain that everyone would agree and be grateful to them. This was by far the best plain that they had ever set in motion. Scott and Jean gleefully left the kitchen and headed to the mansion's gym for their morning routine.
Orroro Munroe, known as Storm to her teammates, walked down the stairs and in to the kitchen followed lazily by Rogue. Storm entered the kitchen and grabbed an orange off the table, sat down, and started to peel it. Rogue slowly walked in to the kitchen and over to the coffee maker. She shook her head when she saw that the pot was completely empty. Usually Scott and Jean put on a fresh pot ever morning. "Slackers", she told herself as she opened the cabinet in front of her. After a few minutes of searching she let out a sigh. Storm looked up from her orange.
"What is the matter, my friend?"
"Well sugah, Ah've got good news an' bad news." Rogue said with a frown on her face
"Good news first" Storm said with pleading eyes.
"Sure thing, hon. Good news is, we've got coffee," Rogue plainly said.
"Well great. What is the down side to that?" Storm asked cheering up.
"Well… Well, it's um… decaf." Rogue answered holding up the can of Folgers Decaffeinated Coffee.
Storms eyes grew wide with panic. Decaf. The only coffee in the mansion was decaf. She slammed the rest of the orange down on the table, got up, and walked over to the cabinet the coffee was always stored in. Rogue moved out of her way. Storm rummaged thru the cabinet like a "mad woman". Rogue walked over to the kitchen table and sat down. She admitted she needed a cup of regular coffee, but not as bad as Orroro did. Rogue needed coffee in the morning to simply help wake her up. Storm needed it to survive the day. Storm plus no regular coffee equals moody goddess for the whole day. Orroro didn't stop at that one cabinet, she rummaged thru all of them. Boxes, bags, and cans of food littered the kitchen floor. Storm emerged out of the wreckage with no regular coffee. Defeated she sat down at the table beside Rogue and laid her head down on the table. This was not going to be a good day.
Jubilee cheerfully bounced down the stairs and practically skipped in to the kitchen. She stopped suddenly when she saw the mess on the kitchen floor. It looked like a tornado had hit it. Jubilee looked over to the two ladies sitting at the kitchen table, then back to the mess on the floor, and then back to Rogue and Storm. She opened her mouth to ask what had happened. Rogue threw at hand up as to tell her don't even go there and simply said, "No coffee". Jubilee looked over to the counter where the can of Folgers sat. She picked it up, "Rogue here's some coffee." That was all it took. Storm picked her head up and glared at the Asian teenager, "It's decaf! Nasty decaf! All I ask is for a cup of coffee containing caffeine. Is that too much to ask?" Storm laid her head back upon the table. Jubilee just stood there. Of all her years living there, Jubilee couldn't recall a single time Orroro had lost her temper. Jubilee, somewhat shaken, put the can of coffee back down on the counter. Rogue patted Storm on the shoulder, walked over to the mess, and started cleaning it up. Jubilee joined Rogue in the cleaning. Twenty-five minutes passed and the kitchen was once again clean. Jubilee removed a bowl from one of the numerous cabinets. She then headed straight for the cabinet that housed the cereal. She opened the cabinet and gasped at the sight. In that cabinet she found a box of Grape Nuts, a box of Special K, and two boxes of some type of granola cereal. Jubilee then turned to Rogue.
"Rogue did you happen to see a box of Boo Berry in that mess we cleaned up?" Jubilee asked, hoping that Rogue had.
"Sugah, Ah don't recall. Ah put all the cereal back where it was" Rogue answered.
"Well I don't see it and it was here yesterday morning," the irritated Jubilee said.
"Maybe ya should go an' ask Bobby about it" Rogue suggested.
Jubilee stomped out of the kitchen and up the stairs passing Remy on her way. Remy smiled as she passed by. Remy Lebeau finished walking down the steps and casually strolled in to the kitchen. He smiled at his beautiful Mississippi river rat as he made his way over to where Rogue sat. However, his smiled faded when he seen Orroro sitting at the table with her head upon it. Remy walked over to his white haired friend.
"Mornin' Stormy" He said trying to get a reaction from Storm. She didn't respond, which was very unusual. He turned to his love. "What's de matter wit' her?
Rogue gave him an evil look. She wasn't about to say it out loud. She got up from her chair, walked over to Remy, and leaned in close to him. Remy smiled. He liked being close to his chere. He put an arm around Rogue's waist and drew her closer to him. Rogue rolled her eyes and whispered the answer into his ear. Remy looked at her and quietly said, "Remy will fix dis". He smacked Rogue on her bottom and walked towards the fridge. He slowly opened the frige and said to himself, "If it be caffeine Stormy wants, den caffeine she get." The contents of the fridge were now fully exposed. Remy cursed to himself. He couldn't believe it. The frige was full of Pepsi last night and now there was not a two litter in sight. The only beverages that were present in the cold box were bottled water, orange juice, skim milk, and yogurt shakes. "NON! NON! NON! Dis can' be!" Remy said out loud. "What the hell is that swamp rat yellin' 'bout?" Rogue asked herself. She strolled over and stood beside Remy. Her jaw just about hit the floor when she viewed the contents of the frige. All that remained was health food.
Jubilee stood outside of Bobby Drake's bedroom. She pounded furiously on the door, "Robert Drake, I know that you are in there. Comon open the door, pretty please." Against his better judgment, Iceman opened the door. "Ah, Jubes wonderful as always to see you. What brings you up here?" She glared at Bobby and quickly entered his room.
"Cut the crap, Bobby. I know that you ate all of the Boo Berry cereal," She said coldly to him.
"Whoa, Jubes I didn't eat all of it." Bobby said shocked at her accusation.
"Well you mind telling who did? I know that I didn't eat it all and you're the only other person who eats it" Jubilee said pointing a finger at him.
"Jubes, I swear I didn't." He said holding his hands up in front of him.
"You had better be telling me the truth because if you lie to me you're gonna get it." Jubilee said shaking her fist and then left Iceman's room.
Jean and Scott entered the kitchen and bid everyone a good morning. Rogue, Remy, and Storm just groaned in response. Jean was about to ask why they were so glum, but her question was answered when Jubilee appeared back in the kitchen. She walked passed the Summer's and took a seat at the large kitchen table, " I can't believe that there isn't anything to eat for breakfast. This sucks". Jean looked at Scott and then took the box of Special K out of the cabinet. She walked over to Jubes and handed the young lady the box. Jubilee looked at Jean like she had sprouted wings out of her ass. "I'm not eating that crap. It taste like cardboard." The teenager said. Jean looked at Rogue and Remy as to offer them some of the cereal. They both shook their heads no. Jean looked at Storm who was still sitting beside Rogue, her head still rested upon the table. She turned to Scott, her face a mask of concern.
"Well aren't we a lively bunch this morning" the fearless leader said
Storm's head shot up from the table, "What in the hell is that supposed to mean?" She spat out bitterly.
"What is your problem, Orroro?" Scott asked his tone matching Orroro's.
"I will tell you what my problem is. My problem is I came downstairs for my morning cup of coffee, my life line, and what do I find in place of my regular coffee." Storm got up from the table, stomped over to the counter, and picked up the can of decaffeinated coffee. "I find this crap! This decaffeinated crap!" She said showing the can to Scott and Jean. "Who dares to drink this shit anyways?"
Scott looked at his wife, mouth agape. They stared at each other, shock clearly written on their faces. *Did I hear what I think I did? *, He telepathically asked Jean. *Yes you heard correctly. Don't sweat it. She'll be fine in a day or so* Jean answered. She then turned her attention to the unhappy Storm.
"Now Orroro that's perfectly good coffee" Jean said
Storm was livid and her faced showed it. She slammed the can of coffee back on the counter. Her eyes went white and a bolt of lighting shot from her hand, turning the can and it's contents into a medium size pile of black ash.
"And to top it all off there's nothing good to eat for breakfast. Well that is if you don't like cardboard and watered down milk" Jubilee huffed.
"Someone's wiped de fridge clean of all de good food an' all dat be left is stuff dat Remy wouldn' even a stravin' homme." Gambit stated.
"Yeah, Ah sure would kill for some bacon and eggs. What kinda insane creature got rid of all the good stuff?" Rogue said.
"No, say that it isn't true!" Bobby cried as he entered the kitchen just in time to hear the last sentence that Rogue had spat out. He hoped that it wasn't true as he looked thru the cabinets and then the frige. His hopes where squashed as he realized that what he had heard was true. "I demand to know who did this?"
Scott and Jean had enough of this display of disrespect. None of them were grateful that someone was concerned for their overall health and quality of life. Cyke and Red didn't appreciate their teammates rude comments, tone of voice, and their body language. Perhaps an activity would lighten their moods. Scott looked down at his watch and smiled, "Time for our morning Danger Room session." He announced to the group. "Come on people let's move it". The five very moody and homicidal X-men followed their jackass of a fearless leader and his redheaded witch out of the kitchen and to the danger room.