Disclaimer: Oh dear god, it's true. I do own them! I really do!

Roses are red and so is me, I don't own them so no suey. :D

Author's Note: Well it's about damn time I updated! And I was so surprised with the response I got to get this chapter posted. It made me really happy to know that you like me! YOU REALLY LIKE ME!

As for rewriting this fic, I think I'm just going to edit, delete, and add some things to make it better. I'm fairly satisfied with it thus far considering this is my first story evar.

AND PLEASE REVIEW! This is my first sex scene blushes profusely. You have no idea how hard this was with no computer at my home. I had to type this up in a public place and I was so paranoid that someone was going to end up reading my screen and going "ARE YOU WRITING PORN? TEACHER! TEACHER! Kick this pervert out!"

But yea, please review. It's a nice kick to the ass and inflation of ego to get me feeling guilty and get me writing the next chapter.

WARNING: Gratuitous sex! OMGZ! Yup, that's right, hot man on man action so if you have a weak constitution and can't handle yaoi I suggest you skip this chapter.

But I really doubt any of you will, I know all you little hentai's have been waiting for this!

Bring on the Pr0n!

Chapter 6: Tug of War

They moved as men possessed. Hands gliding over exposed skin as their mouths found each other in the dim light of the moon

Miroku's head bowed back, the feeling of Sesshoumaru's thick shaft rubbing against him from the inside in steady calculated thrusts. His breaths warmed his neck while another set of hands came around to message his abdomen.

A firm chest met his back, Inu Yasha pressing in. His saluting arousal grinding into the small of Miroku's back, leaving moistness where ever it trailed.

Miroku pushed back against the chest behind him, sliding his hips back and forth against the slick skin before turning to face Inu Yasha again, his arousal bumping up against the other as he turned, sending a jolt of something electric up his spine.

Taking the opportunity as it presented itself Sesshoumaru pushed forward. His slick hard shaft going deeper as the brunette shifted. The following moan made him shiver as he thrust forward again to rub against his sweet spot.

Mirokus' scent intensified as Sesshoumaru thrust harder, deeper, and faster into the pliant body in front of him. Sending him into a heady bliss as his nose found the monks neck and licked at it-wishing he could drown in it.

Inu Yasha devoured the swollen red lips in front of him; his hands braced against the others shoulders as he nearly fell backwards from his brothers powerful thrusts. He watched him lick the others neck and breath in. He too felt the way the Miroku's scent affected him. It was a force in itself, a tug, a magnetic pull that dragged him and forced him to the man.

As Miroku was played like an instrument he couldn't help but notice that for once in his life he felt whole. The distinct fear at the beginning of this endeavor vanishing as the brothers ground against him in tandem, and he knew this relationship was still a quagmire in his mind. Miss steps would occur, of course, but he was going to continue on relentlessly. And as Inu Yasha pulled him into his arms with a breathless "C'mere" he readied himself for the first of the confrontations.

Sesshoumaru was less than pleased. Growling in warming as his brother glared back with menace.

"Go fuck yourself, it's my turn." He smirked arrogantly, still high off the heady scent of arousal and want. He had wanted the monk for a while. He could admit it now that everything was in the open. It had been a subdued feeling. How could he go to a friend and say with a straight face what he was feeling? Especially up until just a short time ago he thought the man was only interested in women.

No. He wasn't going to give up the reins completely to his brother.

Inu Yasha took the monks lips, licking them before sucking the bottom one into his mouth. His other hand finding the mans arousal and squeezing. When the brunette moaned and fell into his touch he had to have, Inu Yasha felt a wave of triumph.

Miroku was mad, the tug of war prematurely pulling him off the edge of a ledge he desperately wanted to fall from. At the moment he wasn't interested in tantric sex. He wanted them together as one. He knew this would be a hard step to take and his timidness thus far had shocked him. He was a take charge type of person and this change of his personality just wouldn't do.

Tired of being sandwiched in between two forces trying to work to the same end but failing miserably because of their inability to work together- he pushed away from them. Leaning out of their reach he shoved them together in a tangled mess of limbs.

"Is this the way you want things to be! Fighting each other as you try to make love to me?"

The brothers glared at each other but stayed entangled in the others limbs- refusing to move.

"This is a difficult step." Sesshoumaru let the silence weigh in the air a few moments before continuing.

"And despite the common ground of us," He glanced to his brother." Having an interest in you…"

"That's all we have to keep this shoddy relationship together." Inu Yasha finished.

He pushed off his brother to sit next to him; irritated and mad about having to share his mate. It was bad enough Sesshoumaru had gotten to Miroku first, but the mere idea of being more than indirectly intimate with his brother…was a tad disconcerting. But seeing Miroku like this... Ready, willing, and able… he supposed, just this once, he could put aside their feud.

"So can we do this? Because frankly I'm getting a tad put out."

Miroku was hot and sweaty, the breeze and the night air cooling him off and fixing the jutting problem at the apex of his thighs.

Sesshoumaru made ready to reply; his lips parting and chest rising in breath. Then he saw the sky. Felt a tongue sweep past is canines and the soft feel of robes against his back.

Then he was in motion once more, pulling Inu Yasha into his lap, biting-laving his neck up to his cheeks to gently nip at his mouth; asserting his dominance over his brother as the Alpha.

"I suppose a truce is in order." Sesshoumaru ghosted his lips against the white ears. His eyes flickered with some unknown emotion before sliding his hands to cup his brothers' bottom. Miroku looked on with interest as the brothers seemed to converse secretly.

"But remember." He bit into the tender flesh of the furry appendages eliciting a slight whimper.

"Any harm done to him and this Sesshoumaru will make sure you regret it."

Inu Yasha nodded with a glare. He would submit this time, but he refused to be the one to back down next time. The asshole was near impossible to work with.

They ground together. Their thick shafts sliding together with heated pants. Miroku licked his lips, moving closer as the pair took this cease fire to heart.

Well if they were finally going to be serious about this he was going to stop being so god damn shy about it. So he moved in close; his hand running along the downy fur of Sesshoumaru's tail and up to the base. The taiyoukai growled back pleasantly as he ground into his brother with maddening pressure.

Miroku pressed into their sides, grabbing their erections, and pumping them from base to tip to have his thumb caress the heads with his thumb. The brothers jerked together, hanging onto the other as the scent and touch of their lover possessed them.

Both of their eyes tinted pink as they pulled Miroku in between them again. Moving with a precise synchronism the brothers moved as if one entity possessed. Their clothing shuffled underneath their knees as Miroku brought his legs about Inu Yasha's waist. The brothers locked eyes again, non-verbally communicating.

They were no longer themselves. No longer, the son's of a great demon. No longer feuding brothers. They were raw energy and passion and as they took in the scent around them deeply, feeling the loss of their conscious minds, they no longer cared.

Sesshoumaru with eyes red as garnets pulled Miroku back into himself; Inu Yasha acting as an extension of his brother pulled the monks cheeks apart to expose the puckered entrance.

Miroku was in a daze, eyes red with a need dancing in and out of his sight while the brothers moved around him. They were mad with their blood was a passing thought as Sesshoumaru thrust in deeply.


Head bowed back like a diver ready to take the plunge he could feel himself stretch to accept the demon behind him. Neck bared and eyes wide Miroku trembled with the tangible need he could feel coming from them. His body shook with the pleasure and he knew right then and there he was lost in an ocean deeper then he could imagine.

Sesshoumaru licked at his neck; thrusting upwards into him like a spear all the while Inu Yasha kept him in hand.

The downy tail of the older brother coiled about them in a shielding gesture; rubbing silkily against their intimates before resting on the ground.

Inu Yasha shoved the clothing into a pile, an impromptu nest to spare them from the harsh earth. Watching his brothers' hips flex back and forth into Miroku's he licked his lips. Lying down in front of the monk, his head nestled between his legs as Miroku's erection bobbed with Sesshoumaru's urgent pounding.

Inu Yasha took Miroku into his mouth; the pounding shoving the brunette in and out causing him to recoil from the duel actions onto his hands and knees.

Grunting from the muscles tightening around him Sesshoumaru's tail swished behind him.

Pulling his brothers hair he lifted him to further engulf the straining erection in his mouth before sliding his tail underneath to cushion him.

Miroku moan in appreciation, quivering as one brother plunged in and the other sucked him off.

"Suck." Sesshoumaru pushed the dark head down. The brunette leaned forward, obeying, as he took the erection into his mouth and sixty-nined with the younger brother

They sucked each other off-the pounding of Sesshoumaru's hips sending each member deeper into the surrounding heat.

Air thick with moisture shimmered as the final coiling warmth took them. The end was close, Miroku felt his muscles burn with the strain to hold on only to find himself rocking against Inu Yasha's chest as his arms finally gave out.

"I'm…I'm coming…"

The brothers could feel the end as well and doubled their efforts- their faces turning feral as they plowed their way to completion.

Sesshoumaru's hand slid down to fondle Miroku's scrotum intimately, all the while Inu Yasha continued to suck, lick, and nip his need- taking as much of the flesh as he could without choking.

But all was for naught as Miroku moaned around him and came within Inu Yasha's mouth. And with the last of Miroku's moans around the hanyou's shaft, he came as well.

Hazy with completion Miroku fully layed on the younger brother as Sesshoumaru continued above them racing to his finish.

Sucked into Miroku's warmth and the muscles tightening around him he could feel the end so near, so close. With the last of his ebbing strength he lifted the brunette's right leg, hooking the knee on his shoulder and positioning Miroku on his side.

Miroku lay on his side in ecstasy. Too tired to move and too pleasured to care, as his prostate was abused and his phantom plunged in deeper.

Sesshoumaru pushed in faster, feeling his completion take over as the brunette was racked with another orgasm as he slammed into his prostate and tightened around him in a fierce grip of pleasure.

Spilling his seed, Sesshoumaru grabbed Miroku's hips and held onto him as his seeping arousal filled him with his essence.

Content and tired Sessoumaru rolled off the pair, taking Miroku with him as they spooned on their side in their impromptu nest. Inu Yasha followed the pair, kneeling down and licking Miroku clean before joining them and their warmth.

Miroku sighed contentedly, wrapping his arms around Inu Yasha and nuzzling into his neck before he drifted off to sleep.

The brothers lay together a while, the sounds of the night washing over them as they enjoyed the warmth and company of their mutual lover.

"Next time, I'm on top."


Sesshoumaru could barely manage his smirk as he wrapped his tail about them while his brother half glared in his direction.

He couldn't remember the last time he was this content, and somewhere in his mind Sesshoumaru had to acknowledge that this experience with his brother wasn't as bad as he thought it'd be. Perhaps… this relationship could be managed.

"I am going to be on top next time." Inu Yasha half growled, half yawned before nuzzling into Miroku's neck for the night.

Or perhaps he'd have to beat his brother into submission.

Special thanks to everyone that's put up with my inconsistent updating schedule! Keep on reviewing and giving me ideas, any and all suggestions are always taken into account while I write!