Those Chosen by Fate
Chapter I

Squall saw the silver light creeping towards him from the training center's draw point. He stared at it for a few seconds as he tried to decide if it was dangerous or not. He decided that he did not want to find out, so he turned and walked away. The light mooved faster and despite his efforts to get away he was soon bathed in the silver light, then in a flash both the light and Squall were gone.


Zell was talking to Amy (the library girl) when the silver light came, He didn't even notice it until he was completely bathed in it. Amy cried out in surpise when both the light and her boyfriend vanished, then she left the library to find Headmaster Cid.


Irvine was sleeping on the second floor balcony with his cowboy hat covering his eyes. He slept peacefully as the light surrounded him and then he vannished.


Quistis saw the silver light as she walked to the elevator on the first floor. Curious as to what it was she walked towards it to get a better look. The light quickly surrounded her ans to the horror of several Treipes, Quistis vannished.


Selphie was updating the Garden Festival homepage. She didn't even see the light until her reflection in the computer's moniter was bathed in it. There was a flash and she was gone.


Rinoa was waiting for Squall in the cafeteria, he had promised to meet her for lunch after training. Beside her Angelo began to bark as she saw the light. Rinoa turned and watched awestruck as the silver light surounded her and Angelo. In a flash the young sorceress and her dog were gone.


Laguna and Ellone were walking back to the presidental palace in Esthar when the silver light came. Laguna tried to sheild Ellone from the potenially dangerous light, but soon the they were both bathed in the light. Then the citizens of Esthar watched in horror as their president and his adopted daughter vannished without a trace.