Kagome's the New DADA Teacher (Defense Against Dark Arts.)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Inu gang or the HP gang. If
you sue me all you will get is two dollars.

Chapter One: A new life

A dark figure watched Kagome jump through the well. She was crying and obviously not wanting to return. The figure quickly jumped in when a blue light was seen coming out of the well following her to her time.

Kagome climbed out of the well with tears running down her face. 'How could he betray me? After all we had been through, I thought that we were friends or maybe lovers even.' Kagome never noticed the figure come out of the well and sit in the well house..

Kagome ran up to her house and swung the door open. "Kagome, are you okay?" Kagome's mother came forward. Kagome looked at her mom and began crying her eyes out, not knowing about the visitors sitting there.

"Ma, Inu Yasha almost killed me! He said I was worthless and didn't deserve to live anymore! He told me that he would give back my soul to that dead bitch clay pot Kikiyo. Mom, He almost KILLED ME! He tried so hard. Sango, Miroku, and Shippo helped stall Inu Yasha so that I would come back safely. When I got to the well, I jumped in but got a cut from Kikiyo trying to kill me. I quickly sealed the well mamma. They won't get through any more." Kagome continued crying for another five minutes. Mrs. Higiurashi calmed Kagome down to introduce her to her guests.

Kagome turned to see a small group of people standing there smiling. 'They heard me tell my mother about the well. Oh no.' Kagome worries were forgotten when the oldest witch spoke. She was wearing long, green robes and had her hair in a tight bun. "Don't worry Miko Kagome. Your kind mother explained to us you condition with the past. The three students here will not say anything to anyone about it either. By the way, my name is Professor McGonagall." Professor McGonagall moved out of the way for Kagome to meet the other students with her. "This is Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley. You will be teaching them defense against dark arts this year since you have defeated the evil Naraku and countless other demons."

Kagome stared at the students. The three were wearing black robes and were rather shy too. Harry Potter, she guessed spoke to her first. "Hello Professor Higiurashi. How are you." Kagome sat down and her eyes went wide.

"I'm going to be teaching? Where?" Kagome's answer came from a girl with brown wavy hair and looked rather happy to be in Japan and meeting her. "You will be teaching us how to defeat dark wizards and witches. Oh, I'm Hermione." The girl finished and stared at Kagome.

"We will take you to London to teach at Hogwarts; School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." A red haired boy said next. "Oh, my name's Ron." Kagome was shocked but instead of turning down this wonderful offer she accepted. "I would love to teach the class Professor McGonagall." Kagome replied happily. Professor McGonagall quickly walked out of the room and grabbed a long package wrapped up.

"Is it for me?" Kagome asked curiously. "Yes, every teacher should own something like this." McGonagall answered. (I think they should anyway....)

Kagome carefully unwrapped the package to see a beautiful broom with Firebolt in gold lettering in the corner. Kagome stared crying yet again. "Thank you so much. I am very thankful." Hermione came to Kagome and gave Kagome a cage with a lovely snowy white owl with lovely green emerald eyes. "This is a gift from Hagrid. He is our game keeper and loves to present special people with owls and such." Kagome stared at the lovely owl and decided to name it.

"I think I'll call you Yuki." Kagome said to the owl that was watching Kagome. Kagome quickly decided to ask one last minute question. "Um, do I have to wear robes?" Kagome said eyeing the robes. "No, if you want to wear something from this country then that's okay too. Your aloud to wear you school uniform as I hear you always wear it on your journeys and I would hate to separate you from something that is special."

Kagome was once grateful and went upstairs to grab her diary and a bag to carry her stuff in. She packed up over half the items in the room in boxes and went down stairs. "Everything I need is packed." She told Professor McGonagall. McGonagall then said a spell causing the boxes to come floating down the steps. "Wingardium Leviosa!" "Kagome," Hermione said, "We need to take you to the train that will leave for Hogwarts. We will use floo powder to get there."

As soon as they finished talking, Professor McGonagall took out a small bag of powder. She held it over the fire and shouted. "Diagon Alley." The flames turned green and Hermione disappeared with three of Kagome's boxes. Ron stepped up next with four of her boxes and said the same thing to the fire throwing more powder in the flames then disappeared. Kagome did it next speaking clearly with three of her boxes. She arrived out side of a fireplace with Hermione and Ron. Harry came next with the rest of her stuff.

~Back at Kagome's house.~

"So, I will need you to help Kagome in her teachings." "Agreed Professor McGonagall."

~London, England~

They left the building and walked to a small station. There were other wizards and witches there and there were children and teenagers getting on a red train called the 'Hogwarts Express'. Kagome got all of her things in an empty booth and sat down with Harry, Hermione and Ron. Ron and Hermione had to leave cause they were perfects. They left telling them that they would come back later.

Harry stared at Kagome. Kagome looked at Harry uneasily. "Ya? What? Is something wrong?" Kagome asked as he stared. "Is it true that you defeated Naraku with your friends and that you really went on all of those journeys and is the keeper of the Legendary Shikon Jewel?" Harry asked still staring at Kagome. "Yes." Kagome answered. "If you don't mind Professor Higiurashi, why were you crying when you came home, who was trying to kill you?" Kagome stiffened. "I'll tell you later when I'm ready to talk about it." Kagome stared at Harry now. She noticed that he had a strange aura coming from his scar that was in the shape of a lightning bolt.

"How did you get that?" Kagome asked uneasily. "It has and evil presence that circles around the scar." Harry in return told her his story with Voldermort and his good luck.

When Harry finished his story she looked at him uneasily. "Sorry about everything that happened to you Harry." Kagome said. "It's okay, I feel better knowing someone understands what it's like staring death in the face, only you did it every day." Harry said. Suddenly the door slammed open revealing Draco Malfoy and his sidekicks: Crabb and Goyle.

Draco spotted Kagome. "Who is this lovely girl?" Draco asked Harry. "My NAME is KAGOME. KA-GO-ME. Say it with me. Not girl, wench or miko, and I, am your new defense against dark arts teacher because I have fought many demons and defeated the hanyou Naraku." Kagome said giving Draco an evil, cold glare. Draco found this amusing though.

"You're our age and you are going to teach us?" Draco said laughing. Then a cold voice came from behind Draco and his two friends. "I'm going to help her and make sure that everyone listens to her lessons." Kagome looked up at the voices owner. "SESSHOMARU!" Kagome was shocked.

"Hello Kagome. Long time no see. (sarcastic) I followed you through the well and found you talking to the McGonagall witch. She insisted that I help you so I listened to her instructions carefully and here I am." Kagome looked at the demon lord. He was still wearing his usual out fit and carried his two prized swords. He sat down next to Kagome and faced Draco.

"If you insult or touch Kagome, protector of the Shikon No Tama. I will kill you and show no mercy doing so." Draco and his sidekicks left very pissed and wishing sweet revenge. Kagome thanked Sesshomaru and introduced him to Harry Potter. Hermione and Ron just arrived too so she introduced him to the rest of them tell Ron and Hermione what Sesshomaru had just done and why he was here. Hermione and Ron were happy that someone finally told off Draco.

Fred came by to tell them that they were almost there so they better getting their robes on. Fred stared at Kagome. "Hello." Kagome said happily to Fred. Fred stared Kagome up and down then responded. "Hello to you too miss.." "Higiurashi." Kagome filled in for him. Fred smiled at Kagome. "So you're the new Defense Against Dark Arts?" he asked. "Yep." George came around the corner. "Hello new teacher!!" George said. Kagome laughed and looked at Fred. "So, Fred, you have a twin, I can see the difference between you two." Fred and George were amazed. Not many people could do that when they first met. Suddenly Kagome and Fred were flirting, irritating Sesshomaru. When the twins heard Sesshomaru growl, they decided to leave and talk to her later.

Fred and George left saying good-bye to them. Ron, Hermione and Harry got their robes on and asked Sesshomaru and Kagome were theirs were. "We didn't need them." Kagome explained.

They finally arrived. Hermione, Ron, and Harry got off and got into a carriage with lizard like horses. Sesshomaru thought they were amazing, Kagome thought they were creepy. Kagome walked with Sesshomaru to a carriage when a large man with a brown beard stopped them, "Hello, yer must be Kagome an' Sesshomaru, follow me."

Kagome and Sesshomaru followed the man who said his name was Hargrid. He led them to a small dock with boats surrounding them "Four ta a boat." Hagrid said as the first years bordered on. Sesshomaru and Kagome both shared a boat with two other first years: Willow Abbcott and Sarah Demdaco. Kagome informed them that Sesshomaru and her were going to teach defense against the dark arts. The two girls thought that Sesshomaru and Kagome were together and giggled, they decided to start their own little newspaper with gossip and interesting facts about the teachers in it.

The boats finally went ashore at the entrance of Hogwarts. They climbed some stairs, more stairs, and a few hundred more stairs before finally reaching the top greeted by Professor McGonagall. "First years please make a straight line behind me. Lord Sesshomaru and Miko Kagome please wait by the doors for us to call your names." Sesshomaru and Kagome moved out of the way to let the first years through. When the first years were all through the doors they closed.

Sesshomaru eyed Kagome for a while. "You're wearing your school uniform. You could have at least worn something more appropriate then that a tasteless shirt and short skirt." Kagome noticed that Sesshomaru was having fun bothering her in any way. "So wench, why did Inu Yasha leave you?" Kagome's eyes went wide she closed her eyes and softly cried. "Don't call me that please you half brother always called me that when he was mad at me. If you must know *sniff* he left me, the useless, horrible scented, weak, miko for that dead, clay pot Kikiyo." Kagome answered. When she had said kikiyo, the words were full of hatred and anger. Sesshomaru and Inu Yasha had one thing in common though. They hate seeing woman cry.

"Stop crying Kagome. My brother and I had shared the same weakness. We hate seeing beautiful women cry." Sesshomaru said. Kagome blushed and hid her face. 'Stop it Kagome, you'll get your heart hurt again! Don't listen to him. He's just making you feel better. He's being a decent friend because we're working together now.' Kagome's thoughts were interrupted by a song, a song about the school's history and the history of the sorting hat.

After the song was over Kagome heard Professor McGonagall calling off names. "Willow Abbcott.." "RAVENCLAW!!" "Sarah Demdaco." "HUFFLEPUFF!!" This continued for a few minutes. The last name was "Ozog Zythos.." "SLYTHERAIN" cried the sorting hat. The tables went quiet as another Professor began to speak. He began to talk about to new teachers that would be teaching at Hogwarts this year.

"This year we have two new teachers for the defense against the dark arts. First, I would be very please to say that our two teachers are from Japan and very important to the future and are from the past and present. From 500 years ago I would like to introduce Lord of The Western Lands, Sesshomaru. The doors opened for Sesshomaru to go through then closed. Kagome stuck her tongue out at him behind his back.

Sesshomaru walked towards the front of the room. People applauded politely, they were scared of him, he had a cold stare and look very serious. Over the clapping, he heard a few people's comments on him. "He's fine!" "I wonder if he's human?" "Is he and elf?" "Is that his tail?" "I hope the next teacher doesn't look as cold."

Sesshomaru stopped and turned around to speak to the school. "Konnichiwa." Professor Dumbledore quickly said a small spell causing him to speak English so they could understand him. "I will answer a few of your questions and or comments. I am a full-blooded demon. My ears are pointed because I am not in my true form. I am a dog demon, and lord of the western lands in Feudal era Japan. The next teacher or should I say priestess is not as mean or strict as me and is seventeen years old. I also thank those who found me attractive, very flattering." Sesshomaru said all of this in a sarcastic, and cold voice. The students stared at him.

Dumbledore then showed Sesshomaru his seat. Sesshomaru sat down and let Dumbledore continue. "Now students please welcome Miko Kagome." The doors opened to reveal Kagome. She walked into the room and every guy whistled and clapped loudly for her. Kagome didn't hear any of the students comments but Sesshomaru did. "She's hot!" "Check out her outfit." "She looks like a slut." "I wonder if anything is going on between Kagome and Sesshomaru?"

Kagome walked up and saw how pissed Sesshomaru was. "Before I say anything Sesshomaru, did one of the students say something mean about me? Would you care to make a threat?" Sesshomaru smiled at Kagome's invitation and stood to take it.

"Listen up brats. Kagome is very sensitive and strong and I can hear any rude comment you make about her. Now, there is nothing going on between the two of us, she's not a slut, and she doesn't need any boys to be bothering her at the moment, she has just had her heart shredded into pieces so leave her alone or you will answer to me and my poisonous claws." Sesshomaru watched the horror on the students faces as they listened. Sesshomaru, being satisfied, sat back down and let Kagome continue.

"Okay, thank you very much... Fluffy-chan." Sesshomaru looked at Kagome evilly and she laughed at him. "Hello everyone, I was just joking around with Sesshomaru. But if you guys want to think of us like that than go a head, I'm not stopping you, it will give you guys something new to talk about. If only you knew what people I hung with at home. Anywayz, any questions?"

Kagome saw Hermione raise her hand. "Yes Miss Granger." Kagome answered. "Um, Professor Higiurashi." "Kagome." Kagome corrected. "Um, Kagome, what kind of people did you hang out with if it was so funny?" Kagome smiled at the girl. "If you can find me later, than I will answer any question you have about my long past." "Thank you Kagome." Hermione said. Kagome didn't like people address her formally. "Okay pplz, listen. I hate it when people address me formally. Call me KAGOME." Everyone nodded and she sat next to McGonagall and Sesshomaru. "Kagome," McGonagall asked, "Do you really not care if people address you formally?" Kagome smiled. "Yep! It took me forever to get Sesshomaru's half brother, (long pause) Inu Yasha, forever to get my name right." McGonagall looked at the girl, nodded and turned her head away.

Dumbledore finished talking and sat down to eat. Or at least they thought they would. The doors flung open and Sango and Miroku entered with an injured Inu Yasha and crying Shippo.

"Kagome, Inu Yasha was betrayed by Kikiyo." Kagome ran to her friends and looked at Inu Yasha. "Is he okay?" Kagome asked. Then she had an even more serious question. "How did you guys get here?" "Long story, explain later." Miroku said. Kagome quickly hugged each of her friends as they brought the hanyou up to the hospital wing.

"Kagome, what are you doing here?" Miroku asked curiously as they sat down in the teachers lounge. "Miroku-sama, I teach here as the defense against the dark arts." Miroku gave her a hug in celebration, but his hands had other ideas. "Miroku, if you don't want Sesshomaru to kill you right now then I suggest that you remove the wondering hands away from me butt and go sit in the corner." Miroku did as he was told in fear of dieing. "Sango, how did Kikiyo betray Inu Yasha again?" Sango looked away for a moment. "She almost brought him to hell, then Naraku came in and tried to kill him, then Kikiyo began to help Naraku.. Very weird." Kagome nodded and quickly pushed the thought away; she was going to enjoy her friend's short stay.

Sango and Shippo were talking to Kagome happily until three people entered. Hermione, Harry and Ron. "Okay we found you now explain." Ron said cheerfully. Kagome sighed and motioned them to come forward. Kagome turned to Shippo. "My pup, will you please explain the past few years to my students while I go comfort and talk to Miroku a little?" Shippo was almost crying with happiness. "Yes.mama." Kagome walked over to Miroku.

"Miroku, when Inu Yasha wakes up, they are going to put a memory spell on him. He will be asleep until you reach the other side of the well. As soon as he wakes up, I want you to tell him that I went to a friends house and not to follow me." Miroku nodded. "Kagome, how long are you going to be here?" Kagome's smile fell, "I'm staying as long as I can, Sesshomaru and I are aloud to switch places to check on everything in Feudal Japan so I'll be back. I also want you to take care of Shippo and Sango for me Miroku, you guys are my second family and I don't want anything to happen to you guys while I'm gone, make sure Inu Yasha dosne't go to hell." Miroku nodded again and got up to see Sango.

"Sango shall we go check on Inu Yasha?" Sango nodded, "Sure but hang on a sec I want to talk to Kagome."

"Kagome, I will miss you and come back as soon as you can." Sango said hugging her friend. Kagome laughed, "Sango, I'll be back. I'll visit you in four weeks okay? Don't worry, I'll visit during Christmas and summer too. I'll be back soon!" Sango walked out of the room through the door with Miroku.

"Shippo, aren't you going with them?" The kitsune shook his head. "NO! I'm staying with you mama." Kagome smiled and nodded in agreement. "Whether Fluffy likes it or not, you stay with me!" Shippo smiled and nodded in agreement.

Sango and Miroku entered the hospital wing to see Inu Yasha fast asleep. Madam Pomfrey walked over to them. "You need to leave soon. You will be using a portkey to travel back to Kagome's house. From there, proceed to the well." She handed them a small red hair tie. Miroku and Sango felt a tug behind their navel and they were gone with Inu Yasha being carried by Miroku.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione all waited for the kit and Kagome to finish their conversation before continuing with their chat. When Shippo was asleep, Kagome continued to talk to them.

"So, did he tell you everything?" Kagome asked. They nodded their heads before talking.

"So, you travel through a well with a perverted monk, demon exterminator, fox demon, and a half demon." Hermione said. Kagome nodded. Harry continued. "And you're the reincarnation of Kikiyo the former protector of the Shikon Jewel which you now possess. She is now a walking corpse and trying to get your soul so that she can live." "Yep." Now Ron talked. "Shippo also said that the half demon Inu Yasha broke your heart countless times." Kagome slowly nodded. "I don't care if you guys tell anyone, it will give you guys other things to talk about."

"One question before we leave. Did you go to school?" Kagome sighed. "Hardly, when I went to high school there was never anything for me to do, I was so behind in everything and my friends were desperate to set me up with Hojo, the most popular guy in school. Usually I would love it, but after being in feudal Japan so long, everyone in my time seemed boring and plain, so I dropped out." Harry and Ron understood but Hermione decided to argue.

"It's not good to quit school though." Hermione continued to say. "I had to so just be quiet about it." Kagome said sadly. Sesshomaru then walked into the room. "Kagome, we need to talk now and alone." He said staring from her to Hermione, Harry and Ron. The three got up and left. Although they were using the listening ears Fred and George gave them, that is until Sesshomaru sensed them and growled until they left.

"What ya want Fluffy?" Kagome saw the anger in his eyes at the name Fluffy. "Kagome, why were you crying at the well and at home?" Sesshomaru watched Kagome's scent change from anger, to hurt, then to wanting revenge. There was no sadness anymore.

"Your god-damn half brother ran off with Kikiyo, the dead clay pot bitch. I loathe them both now and want nothing to do with them. I will only go back to see a few friends. Miroku, Sango, Keade, and Rin." Kagome looked up at Sesshomaru, he was surprised. "So you and Rin are friends? Since when?" Kagome tried hard not to laugh, "All the times you and that ass battled, Rin and I would sit and talk." Sesshomaru hid a smile. 'So Rin made a friend.'

Kagome watched Sesshomaru think to himself. She realized how tired she really was and decided to go to sleep. "Come on Shippo, time for bed." Kagome said as she went to the bathroom to change into her pj's.

"k Kagome!" Shippo said as he jumped into the bed Kagome was going to sleep in. Kagome came out wearing a pair of pj pants with small yellow rubber duckies with a blue background. The shirt was white with a rubber duck on it saying 'quack!' underneath of it.

Kagome yawned and crawled into bed. The kitsune crawling onto her stomach and curling up into a small ball. Sesshomaru watched the two with interest. He missed Rin a lot. Who would have thought! Sesshomaru missing someone, there's something for Ripley's Believe It or Not! ^-^ lol... aanywayzzz, Sesshomaru sat down to read a scroll when he was interrupted.

"Ya know Sesshomaru, you shouldn't stare at people, especially when they know you're doin it." The Kitsune said with a silly grin on his face. Then Kagome said something, "Ya, your right Shippo, Sesshomaru, if you ever stare like that again I'll put prayer beads on you and give you a command too!" Sesshomaru looked at the two evilly. "I thought you were asleep." Sesshomaru said annoyed. "Well, I guess you were wrong." Kagome said as she really fell asleep. Sesshomaru looked at her before also retiring to bed. Shippo watched the demon sleep, he kept moving around and saying Kagome's name. Then he made a moaning noise. Shippo would make fun of Sesshomaru for this tomorrow. Oh yes, tomorrow there will be hell to pay.

He he.. I hope ya'll like my first chappie. Please by nice and review. I know, this is very long. I just can't help it some time. Now follow these instructions. Take the mouse.. yes that's it... down to the small box that says 'go' click on it. A small box should pop up for your review to be written. Write a nice and or evil review (yes, I love flames) and click the thing saying 'submit review' there! Now you all rock! I love you if you follow these simple instructions given to you by the blonde. Lol