Editor's Note: Welcome to my fanfic. I've been working on it for a long time. and this is the more edited version of the fiction, so for all those new readers you get to see a better product versus my less well done. I used to also put up many editor's notes and well, now the fiction will have less and less ^^ I appreciate constructive criticism but no flaming. the more elaborate the review, the better ^^ This fic is long because of a mix of fight scenes and emotional scenes. for romance fans you have to be willing to read through a bit of fights, but hey ^^ it's sometimes worth it. (For my case I hope so.)


Shikamaru stared perplex at the ceiling in his room, laying on his bed, his arms and legs sprawled across the mattress. He slowly shifted his head to see out of the corner of his eye his Chuuin uniform, hanging neatly, which was forced by his mother. After these 3 years, he still couldn't believe he got it, and to him, it was more of a nuisance than a pleasure to have. He slammed his fists against his bed and groaned irritably, gritting his teeth. If he didn't accept the match, if Naruto didn't force him into the ring, if Orochimaru didn't ruin everything, everything would be different; no one would be a Chuuin. The guy, who didn't want to stand out, turned out to stand up in the eyes of adults like a sore thumb. His father was so proud, even his strict mother. He was surprised himself that she was actually proud of him, instead of always scolding, but of course, that was only at first. Now, it was just more work than it was worth, she's always waking him up earlier, his parents battering him with excess amount of training. He didn't want them to be proud of him, he didn't want to be special, he just wanted to lead a boring life, full of early retirement, and as everyone said it to be the typical life of "a lazy bum". Shikamaru started to think slowly about why he sacrificed himself that day. How he could have possibly died for some heroic deed. How could he have done that? That day stayed in his mind for a long time. He knew normal life in the Leaf Village was inevitable, and it seemed that he himself having a normal life was inevitable. Shikamaru sat in complete silence for a few moments after and slowly sat up with his usual scowl both of boredom and annoyance. He crankily rolled off his bed and stood up, but his back was still curved, his laziness was shown in his step. He stuffed his hands in his pocket and walked out of his room, slamming the door.


"You finally decided to get up today?" Shikamaru's mom sat there glaring at her son with a roll to her eyes, "Shikamaru, you have to concentrate! You have been a Chuuin for 3 years now, and your dedication has yet to improve!" her hair was neatly combed, her eyes fully of a fiery sense, a spunk and energy that she seemed to turn all into nagging.

"At least his skills have improved dear." His equally tired father added, swirling around breakfast with his chopsticks, hunched over his bowl like his son.

"You are both such lazy bastards! You guys realize your responsibly as ninja is very important! Auggh!" She stormed out of the room petulantly, leaving the son and father to eat in peace. After a long silence of just faint sounds of chewing, Shikamaru shook his head,

"God. Mom can be such a bitch sometimes." He grumbled grouchily, his eyes still half closed.

"Don't say that about your mother." His father added austerely, but his tone was not forceful.

"You said I'd understand why you married her sooner or later, but I still don't get it. Why does love make people so stupid?" Shikamaru grunted as he leaned back in his chair, propping his feet on the table, knowing his mother would throw a fit if she caught him like that.

"You're still telling me you hate girls?" His father asked slowly, still looking down at his meal meekly.

"Humph. yeah. I hate them all. Damn women trying to take over the world." Shikamaru bluntly added, turning his head to the side hastily. His father shook his head and laughed to himself, knowing what his son was really feeling, but he decided to let Shikamaru figure that out on his own. He got up slowly, bring the dishes to the counter and washed them, knowing that it would save scolding that would come later that day.

"Okay, well, we should go and train now."

"No. please. no more."

"Shikamaru, come on. You've been working harder lately."

"Hoping I'd get a break."

"Just trust me. it will eventually pay off."

"Whatever." Shikamaru gruffly got up and copied his father's actions but with a tenser attitude, a grimace was on his face.


Everything in the Konohagure Village was basically always the same. It was peaceful times, allies were made with the other countries and Orochimaru was vanquished, although many lives along with his. The people were mostly the same, Hinata still secretly crushing on Naruto, Sasuke still blowing off both Sakura and Ino who were still relentlessly fighting for his affection. Chouji was still his same, hungry self, Kiba still loud and obnoxious. The main difference though, is they all matured, physically and mentally. The past years were tough ones and everyone who had a weakness, their weakness became their strengths. The beautiful day was almost too beautiful to not be suspicious; at least that was what was on Uchiha Sasuke's mind, who was sitting inside the small ramen shop at a table off to the side hoping not to be noticed. He was too intensely in thought that he didn't realize another presence until their arms were swung around him,

"Oh! Sasuke-kun! It's so good to see you today!" a loud female voice came up from behind him. He glowered up at the girl, but she was too focused on him to even notice his look.

"INO-PIG!!!" An angry voice came up from behind the blonde girl strapped around Sasuke. It was Sakura, fuming with jealousy, her hands tightly in fists, "LEAVE SASUKE-KUN ALONE!!!" She roared before she stomped over closer to them. Sasuke had a look on his face that basically said, 'Not again'.

While all this was going on, sat at the counter two very "food- happy" guys for today was the discount day at the Ichiraku noodle bar, and a chance like that was not worth missing.

"They're at it again." Chouji complained, while he finished swallowing his freshly made steak, as he turned around on his stool. Naruto had not yet turned around, but he could clearly tell what was going on.

"Where's Shikamaru? I usually see the three of you together." Naruto asked, still slurping up the hot ramen.

"Training." Chouji added before he stuffed another piece of luscious meat into his mouth, he gulped down the piece savoring it's juices before continuing, "His mom stress it a lot on him, his parents have been so expectant of him ever since he was moved up to Chuuin in only his first year as a Genin. He's improved a lot though, and his missions have been top rated, I wouldn't be surprised if out of all of us he's the one that moves up to Jounin first."

"Is this the same Shikamaru I know? He's been doing all the missions well?!"

"You don't know how convincing his mother can be." Ino interrupted, abruptly listening to their conversation, this giving Sasuke to work his way out of Ino's forcefully grasp. Sasuke snuck quietly out of the shop before Sakura looked at him softly,

"Com'on Sasuke-kun. You don't always have to be the lone wolf 24/7." Sakura gave him a gentle look, and he just sighed, and shrugged her off continuing to walk away.

"Sasuke-kun." She weakly mumbled as she shook her head and headed after him.

As Sakura and Sasuke left, a more tired than usual, if possible, Shikamaru walked into the Ichiraku bar and sat down where Sasuke had been sitting previously, unannounced to anyone. Before Chouji and Naruto could say hi as they noticed him, Ino glomped onto Shikamaru, not realizing it was him,

"Oh Sasuke-kun!! How could I ever let you out of my grasp?!" Ino smiled happily, as Shikamaru at first shocked flushed for a moment, until Ino looked at Chouji and Naruto, who could barely contain their laughter. Shikamaru's eyes slightly narrowed and raised an eyebrow, "Ino. What. are. you. doing.?" He added slowly, his cheeks color subsiding slightly, trying to force it down.

"Wait a second." Ino let go of Shikamaru and then looked at him, causing her to blush from pure embarrassment. No sooner did her expression turn into enragement.

"Where did my precious Sasuke-kun go!!!?" Ino yelled, "What did you do to him Shikamaru!!!" She grabbed him by the collar, shaking him.

"Nothing! Get a hold of yourself!" Shikamaru irately added, "I'm sorry I came." He pushed her has away as he walked himself over to the stools at the counter with his two friends. He didn't care how much extra effort it took him to change where he was sitting, he just wanted to get away from Ino.


Chapter 1 End To be continued..