Disclaimer: Okay, here is only disclaimer that you are going to get for this entire story, so listen up.

I don't own them! I wish I did, but I don't. The Haliwell sisters, Leo, Daryll, Cole and the whole Charmed universe, are the property of Warner Bros. I'm just having fun and unfortunately, not making a single penny out of it!

However, any additional characters that you don't recognise, including the character of Talia, are all mine! Don't mind if you use them in any of your stories, but please let me know if you do because I'd love to read them.

This is my first fanfic. All comments, including flames if you must, welcome. I promise I'll try to update as frequently as possible.

Please, please review...

Pretty please...

With sugar and honey on top...


Later A/N: I don't know if anyone's noticed but, , I've just posted a revised version of this chapter. Actually I aim to repost all pre-beta chapters. I've come a long way throughout this story and I feel that my writing is a little uneven, so I'm just going to even it out. I will be sometimes adding scenes that weren't there before. Revised chapters will have the following mark on them.






Chapter 1: In the Early Hours Of the Morning

It was in the early hours of the morning that she missed him the most. When, after hours of intensely passionate, almost hungry, lovemaking, they lay in bed exhausted and finally satisfied, in their own cocoon of complete and utter love. With his arms wrapped tightly around her, he held her tight and together they lay in bed watching the sunrise though the window.

"'Phoebe," he used to whisper in her ear, "you're the sunrise. All lit up like heaven and as soft as butterflies, but don't you tell the secret. Don't you tell a soul."

Many were the sunrises they had watched together from this very window. Sometimes he would softly whisper poetry in her ear, as lovers do, and his warm breath on her skin would cause new waves of desire to wash through her. Sometimes they would just lay there, his back on the bed board, hers against his chest, her small body enveloped in his warm embrace, transported in a world of their own. They would then watch the sunrise in silence. There was no need for words.

"For centuries I lived in the darkness of the night.

And then you came.

My very own sunrise, you brought me to the light.

All lit up like heaven,

As soft as butterflies,

Your kisses like morning dew."

Phoebe slowly opened her eyes. She had been dreaming again. That's all she could ever do these days... dream about a past long gone. She reached to her bedside table and turned off the alarm.

Taking her time, she got out of bed, grabbed her towel, and headed to the shower. Stubbornly, she turned her back to the window and the sunrise that had already passed.


In the Underworld the Source looked into the stone pool of water, at the beautiful woman getting ready for her morning shower. Sixteen years had done nothing to spoil her looks and figure. And those same years had done nothing to diminish Cole's love for the Charmed One before him.

Just as Phoebe started to take her clothes off, Cole waved a hand at the pool and the image that had been there but a second ago, was gone.

Watching her would only leave him wanting to feel her skin against his own one more time, and that could only lead to trouble.

Cole turned his back to the pool and called one of the many demons that were ever so willing to serve him these days.

"You called my, liege?" the demon asked.

"Bring my daughter to me," the Source ordered in a hoarse voice with barely a glance at the demon's direction.

The demon bowed deeply and hurried away leaving Cole alone with his thoughts.

The Source was startled out of his reverie a few minutes later by the same demon.

"Yes." he demanded impatiently when the demon bowed, "what is it?"

"Sire," the demon said trembling, "The princess... she's gone!"