Disclaimer: I own neither Yu Yu Hakusho nor Harry Potter. DON'T SUE ME!

Warning: This is the sequel to Hiei's Revenge, so read that first or this won't make any sense. Also, there are OotP spoilers. You have been warned. Also YAOI AND SHONEN-AI ALERT!! If there is a major Shonen-ai scene, I will put a warning before it, but there may be little bits and pieces of Shonen-ai sprinkled in.

Author's Note: So, I am back. And, as promised, here is the sequel to Hiei's Revenge. I hope you enjoy it, and it will clear up some of those pesky questions you had at the end of the first story. Other than that, here we go!

Tears of Life

Prolouge: Explinations and a Start to a New Mission.

There were so many questions he wanted answered, and so many things he needed to say to her. He figured this was the reason he had swallowed his pride and talked to Snape.


"I need to speak with you." It was a demand. Not a request.

Snape looked up at the fire koorime, but said nothing. So, Hiei continued, "That book Dumbledore took from the castle. Look on page...." he paused a moment in recollection. "104. There is a potion on that page that may be useful."

Frowning, Snape flipped to the page in question, and stared in surprise. The title read, "Revival Potion."

'Touguro...' Hiei mused. 'So that's how he did it. But what does this have to do with Yukina?'

The potion master sighed, stood, and led the way down to a small room with various potion ingredients lining the walls. He reread the instructions and after a moment looked up.

"It is not a complex potion, by any means. Even my class of fourth years could do this if they tried. The thing is, some of the ingredients are hard to come by. I have all except two of them, one of which is absolutely essential if this is going to work correctly."

"What is the main ingredient?"

"A Teargem. Like the ones your sister could produce."


"I've got you covered there."

Snape took the teargem and began to gather the ingrediants needed.

"Alright, then let's see if this works..."

Two hours later, Hiei had fallen asleep. Snape poked him in the ribs and hissed, "Get up!"

"What do you want? If you value your life, you will NEVER do that again."

"We still need one more ingrediant. And we need to add it to the potion within a week, or it won't work."

"What's the ingrediant?"

"Voldemort's wand. Reviving one person is easy. All you'd need a a bone, but in this case we need his wand."


Hiei closed his eyes. Maybe, it was time to go see Koenma...

A/N: ::snorts:: It's short, but it really just serves the purpose of starting off the story. Now, I normally do do these type of revival ficcies cause all of the ones I've read have been really cheesy and horrible. I'm going to make this as non-horrible as I can. Ok review, even though there's not exactly much to review. Flames will be used to make popcorn and burn my homework.