Ron awoke by the sound of giggling it was coming from his sister Ginny's room. Ron was already awake so he decided to go down to eat some breakfast and check out what was happening in Ginny's room. As he stumbled down the stairs a beautiful bushy haired girl stepped in front of him. He tripped over her foot and flipped the whole way down the stairs.

"Oh my gosh", screamed Hermione, "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you!"

Ron groaned, "Its ok I think I only got bruised in a couple of places."

Hermione and Ginny ran down to see him and Mrs. Weasley came in from the kitchen.

"My heavens," Mrs. Weasley yelled "are you okay dear?"

"Yes, mum I'm fine", Ron moaned.

He got up, all off a sudden he realized how stupid he must have looked falling down those stairs with the girl he had loved since he laid eye's on her, Hermoine watching. Embarrassed he trudged off to the kitchen to eat some breakfast.

"Oh, sweetheart I forgot to tell you that Hermione was arriving early." said Mrs. Weasley happily.

"If you told me sooner I probably could have avoided that little episode" muttered Ron.

Fred and George started to laugh. Ron looked like he'd just been out in a huge storm his hair was messy, clothes were ripped and wrinkled and he had a huge frown on his face.

"Knock it off", pouted Ron.

Fred and George kept on giggling. Ron turned around to look at Hermione. She had a nice tight jacket on with one of the mini skirts. Her nails looked as if they were just done and her hair was combed neatly to the sides.

"Wow", Ron blurted out.

"What?", Hermione asked.

Ron quickly looked at his mum and said, "Wow, mum these pancakes sure taste good!"

"Why thank you dear" said Mrs. Weasley cheerfully.

Ron was so glad that Hermione didn't relize what he just said. He comtinued eating without speaking for he was listening to Ginny and Hermione were talking about. Of course Ginny was really the only one talking. She was talking about her NEW boyfriend but wouldn't mention his name in front of Ron.

After Ron was finished eating and cleaning up after himself he decided to go talk to Hermione while they were out in the garden. Ron asked Hermione to sit down. They were silent for a few minutes until Hermione started the conversation.

"So how is your summer going", she said smartly.

"Great since you got here", Ron replied not realizing what he just said.

"That's so sweet!" Hermione exclaimed.

Ron turned towards Hermione he wanted to tell her how much he liked her and how much he just wanted to hold and kiss her, but his shy side got a hold of him. Ron turned back around.

"Do you know when Harry is coming?" Ron questioned.

"No", replied Hermione sweetly.

Ron was worried because with out any distractions what else would he think about other than him wanting to kiss Hermione.

Hermione turned to him and said she was going to talk to Ginny and left. Leaving him there with nothing to do but go inside and go to his room. So with that Ron opened the door to his house stomped up the stairs and locked himself in his room.

He jumped unto his bed and stared at the ceiling for a really long time. After that he decided to sleep even if it was only 9:00, and pulled the soft cannon covers over his head and the last faces he saw before closing his eyes were those of his two best friends Harry and Hermione in a picture frame next to his bed.