
Sleeping Dragon



"Father No!"

"Kagome! You will do it!"


Now Kagome's face was shining with tears. He felt so guilty. She had to go and leave. To go and marry a man she didn't even know.

But first she had to become a woman. If she passed the test, she would leave and bear an heir for the prince of the land Shikon no Tama. Their land of Japanalan had to unless they wanted war.

The king had to have her move on. She needed to become a woman. If she didn't...The death sentence would be sent.


Kagome still silently tearing in the darkness pulled her black cloak tighter. Right now she needed to be strong. She was going to take the test and become a woman. A woman of stature, and the wife of a greedy, jerkish, filthy, prince. A spoiled, nasty, horriable prince.

As Kagome shut her eyes she imagined her self playing in the den with a little boy. A snotty prince walk in and demand dinner. She just about barfed at the thought.

As her carriage and horses walked up to the test. She blinked back more tears. She would do this. She had to. She would do it if it would kill her.




"I will not marry some snotty princess!!!"



Both men shuddered.




Taiyashio was yelling at his youngest son. He could never see his father's way. His son needed to marry this girl. He needed an heir. It was a had to do kind of a thing. Other wise they would have to go to war.

"I will not marry some spoiled castle brat!"



With that Inu Yasha stormed out of the room with Taiyashio steaming in the study behind him. This was just so hard!


Inu Yasha had just stormed out of his fathers study. He would not marry some girl like that. Kikyou was an absolute horror. Every one hated her, but she would not go away. Thank god that Naraku Prince of the land Miasma caught her eye.

He shivered. He hated that spoiled brat. He shivered more intensly. He had always had bad luck with women. Demonesses hated him, human's were to scared, and Kikyou was a bitch. She was a miko so she lived as long as hanyous.

Inu Yasha walked out of the castle and up to his carriage to begin his journey to the test. As he stepped into the richly decorated carriage it began to roll.


Kagome sighed quietly as she stepped into the carriage. She didn't every want to take this stupid test. She hated the thought of leaving home and living somewhere else.

As she rode in the carriage her eyes slowly drooped shut.


Kagome's eyes shot open as the carriage bounced to a stop.

'Oh...were here already....'

As Kagome stepped delicately out of the carriage she shivered. It was a blustery day and she had forgotten to bring a bigger coat. As she looked around to the cages were the test was kept she shivered in fear.

The dragons in the cages seemed angry at getting kept up in a cage.

As a coat dropped onto her back her eyes widened. As she turned she was captivated by the most beautiful golden eyes every seen.


Inu Yasha stretched as he stepped roughly out of his carriage. He scented the air. It would rain later in the day. Threaded through the beautiful scent of rain he smelled the scent of rain itself with a hint of roses.

He just about fell over at the wonderful scent. As he looked toward the carrier of such a beautiful scent. The woman was...KIKYOU! No...She was different. She had a MUCH more beautiful scent then fruits! BLEAH!

This young GROWN woman was different. She shivered while looking to the test dragons. She shivered again looking to the sky. He walked over and dropped his coat on her back.

She looked up into his eyes for thanks and he was entranced by the stormy blue of this woman's gaze.


The two stood unmovingly. Until the woman reached a hand up and touched one fo the hanyou's ears.

"Sorry! There just sooo...."

"Ugly, pathetic, stupid-"

"NO! ....there cute....." The woman said blushing cutely.


Inu Yasha sat there looking at this woman. She wasn't afraid of him. She was looking at his hair intently as he stared at her intently.

"What's your name?"

"Kagome.... Yours?"

"Inu Yasha."

"Hi! Would you walk with me? I'm sorta afraid to do the test...."

"Sure...nothing better to do."

As the two walked down to the large arena they talked. " old are you?"

"I'm 23...You?"

"I'm 21."




"Ummm...Inu Yasha?"


"What kind do you think you'll be getting?"

"I really have no clue."

"Neither do I."

The two stepped in with a couple others that where taking the test. Only noble men, ladies, masters, and mistresses were allowed to take the test. It was only proper. Most were stuck up, but you sometimes found the right one.

As the two stood back to back as the dragons circled. A few people were killed out right. They were to snobbish. As one of the dragons came up to Kagome, sniffed her then nudged her with it's snout.

It had chosen this girl. Another came to Inu Yasha and did the same.

Kagome's dragon was a bluish silver color. The wings of pure silver, and the mane of feathers a light white. It's claws shockingly white, and it's teeth white. Her eyes were a glittering storm blue like her masters. Her scales were a shimmering silver blue color that was soft to the look.

Inu Yasha's chooser was male. He was the same only his colors where a crimson red scales, white teeth, black claws, and a mane of spikes that were a deep orange. The wings were also a deep orange. His eyes burned golden like his masters.

As both clambered aboard there dragon's each waved good bye and flew in oppisate directions.


Kagome contemplated her knew steed, pet, friend, and protector. She had named her dragon Hyoushin. It meant Ice Quake but she just called her Shin. Shin was very pleased with her new master, but was saddened by the leaving of the dragon she loved. That crimson colored one. She loved him even if he was a bit rough.

As Kagome pulled her coat closer to her self for warmth she realized something.

'GAH! I still have Inu Yasha's coat! Whoops!'

Kagome giggled. He was really cute, she wished her soon to be husband would be like that.


Inu Yasha rode atop Gouka. It meant Hell's Flame but Gouka liked it. He had always been up to a strong willed master that was ready to fight. He hated those sissy's that were like.

' pretty!'

He only didn't hate it when that icey colored dragon said that to him in dragon speech. If he hadn't already been red would have blushed.


Inu Yasha cursed as he remembered that his jacket was still with that Kagome girl. He needed it back It was his fathers. He would have to get it later. He was almost home any how.



"Yes father?"

"How was the test?"

" thanks to you..."

Kagome shot her father an evil glare.

"Well...what is the dragon's name?"

"It's Hyoushin. I call her Shin."

"Oh...I see. Well Kyoto should like her."

"Your such a pervert dad. My dragon would most defiantly hate Kyoto."

"Now, now. Kyoto isn't that bad, are you Kyoto?"

Her father's dragon nodded it's head.

"Now. Why don't you and Shin go take a bath."

"Yes father."

As Kagome's dragon shrunk to it's portable size they walked into the castle that was their home.


Inu Yasha sat in his bedroom contemplating that strange girl Kagome. She seemed very fragile, but very strong. Her scent entranced him. He scented the air as if he were scenting Kagome. When his nostrils were invaded by a scent he sat quickly up.

"Kikyou. What do you want?"

Kikyou's fruit scent made him want to gag. He hated fruit. Especially cherries. BLEAH! As he sat there Kikyou trounced in. As usual he saw her wearing a slutty robe with its top almost fully undone.

"KO-INU!!!! I have waited so long for you!"

"Go away. I am not receiving company."

"Oh but honey! What about pleasurable company?"

She said this while rubbing her heat against his leg. Usually he would react the smallest bit, but today he was just a statue. He pushed her away and angrily spoke.


He roared. He felt murderous. This freak was always doing this! He hated her!

As Kikyou flounced out again promising to return later that night he sighed and bashed his head into a wall repeatedly.

"Stupid. *bash* Kikyou. *bash* Stupid. *bash* Kikyou. *bash* Stupid. *bash* Kikyou. *bash* Stupid. *bash* Kikyou. *bash* "

When Inu Yasha's head was successfully bashed he sat down, and promptly fell into a deep unconsciousness.


As Kagome screamed and woke up she panted for oxygen.

'Oh my god. That was horriable.'

She had seen worms. Lots of them. They were every were. She was deathly frightened of them. As she silently got out of bed and slipped her feet into her slippers.

As she padded down the hall to the kitchen she heard a noise. As she went to investigate in the storage room she was surprised to see the head cook Hojo rummaging through the silver ware drawer. The real silver to. As she was about to speak, he slipped a couple forks and a knife into his pocket.

Kagome became enraged. This boy was stealing from there house.


"AAAAAAAAH! L-lady Kagome! I was just...uh-"

"I don't want to hear it! Your stealing from us!"

"I wasn't! I was just...."

"OUT! I fire you!"

"NO! Please! Give me another chance!"

"No. Out."

Kagome's voice was icy cold.

"But I..."


As Hojo scampered away Kagome continued on his merry way to the kitchen to get a mid night snack.


Silver Ame: HI GUYS! CrypticDragonSun? I dedicate this story to you. For you to be so kind to me, and to be able to put up with me. I know I can be hyper but thanks for every thing!