Okay, this chapter's kind of cool, but really short. I have problems with making these chapters long. But, anyways, in the next chapter Sol and Henri start talking in French...lol... Funny.

Samuel and Soleil raced to the jail, skidding to a stop before the cell in which Henri rested. Samuel used a key to open it, and Soleil slid inside, pulling her brother along. Henri was puzzled as to who this girl was who had freed him, and the man too, but he went along with it. It was either that or torture.

"Come on, before Mother catches us. That woman is merciless. Come, we must hasten!" Exclaimed Sam.

However, he was unfortunate. He ran into his mother.

Elizabeth's eyes raked over the group, Soleil in particular, criticizing and scrutinizing all of them.

She was short, though her posture was as straight as a rod, her flaming red hair curled elegantly atop her head, electric blue eyes burning with fire, skin smooth and ivory white, wearing a creamy blue dress made of exotic silks and laces, gold jewelry circling her narrow wrists and neck.

Soleil was slouched over though still far taller than Lady Phillips, long coffee-colored hair down in knots and tangles, eyes an intense bottle-green, skin a freckled olive, cheeks sunken in, a torn and worn dirty dress loosely hanging on her frail form.

They were so different.

"Samuel! Who is this wench?" Elizabeth barked snootily.

Samuel shot her an angry look.

"I met her less than ten minutes ago, and yet I already like her better than you. How odd," Samuel remarked thoughtfully.

Elizabeth glared daggers at him and grabbed at them. However, Soleil grabbed her little brother and Samuel pushed them forwards, racing himself. They ran as hard and as fast as they could to Jamie's and Sadie's.

- Loren ;

Hope you liked it. Even thought it was terribly short. Review please?