Diary of a Pancake Fan girl

(A/N) Anyone who already reads pancakes will not need me to tell them that Huinesoron is a brilliant author worthy of his own fan girls. Anyone who hasn't read Pancakes () or any of his other stories, shame on you...You should go and read them! You certainly won't understand this one if you don't! Now that's out of the way, Middle Earth residents belong to Tolkien, the pancake kitchen and all its occupants belong to Huinesoron, and I belong to myself. Now, on with the story...If anyone takes offence, I apologise, but I can only please some of the world. Oh and pancake fans, this cuts in from about 42.

Chapter 1 - The E-mail

As Lobelia Sackville Baggins collapsed to the ground, and the dark cloaked golden vision melted into the shadows, Alicia Starbright wiped a tear from her eye. It was sheer poetry, the way her elf cast his pancakes of justice into the faces of the unworthy! She was so lucky to be able to witness Legolas in action. And all because of a chance message in her inbox...


She had been checking for her weekly update to Legolas_is_god, when she had found a message from someone named Merrylyn; CALLING ALL FAN GIRLS!!! A chance to see Legolas in the flesh! Sign up now to ISPCE's once in a life time opportunity!!! She hadn't needed telling twice! And soon she had been receiving updates every day from Merrylyn, and then the morning had arrived! She carefully packed her clothes, her favourite teddy bear, her hair brush and make up. She left the house, walked to her local internet cafe and logged on. She clicked the ISPCE logo in the middle of the latest e-mail, and felt a tingle spread through her fingertips and down her spine. Then suddenly she was in a small blue space, surrounded by hundreds of girls, all streaming towards daylight. She managed to reach the portal, but was shoved aside in the tide of hysteria. Scrambling to her feet, she saw Legolas. Slender beauty. Elvin grace! Tall and proud and...throwing pancakes??? She rubbed her eyes, but it was true, he was battling the onslaught of girls with pancakes, and an assorted army at his side. She ducked behind a tree, and watched as the mass of girls was defeated. The portal, empty now, folded up onto itself, and the generator switched off. She reached out and snagged it. Legolas was talking, and she saw him use a generator to open a portal. As the pancake army filed through, Alicia burst from behind the tree, dashed up the hill and dived through the portal.

She found herself in a kitchen. Perfectly aware what would happen if she was found, she rolled under a table. Luckily enough, she managed to get away with this as it coincided with the entrance of another dashing elf, this time dark haired, accompanied by a lady with golden slices based on chocolate waves. She listened in awe as she spoke to Legolas without fear or lust in her voice...who was she, not to tremble in his presence? Then she got distracted by the way Legolas' hair floated round his chiselled face, and missed most of the conversation. She had been living in a dream from then on, being near him, watching his every move...


And now she had to move quickly, or she would lose sight of her beloved, and that would NEVER do! She grabbed her rucksack and chased after him through the Shire.

(A/N) I apologise if this isn't the standard you usually find on here, but this is only a dedication to a friend, who deserves a little recognition. If people like, I will continue but it started out as a joke really, and no offence will be taken if no one likes. I'm just another crazy fan girl after all! Oh, and by the way...Pancakes has a slightly...different...description of Liliac's hair, I know, but this is a fan girl talking, and well, I KNOW Liliac, and she will hurt me if I criticise the hair! She has matches and she likes to use them!