Sorry that it took me so long to get this next one up. I've had it written for a little over two weeks, but it was on paper and not typed, and I hate transferring like that, but I sat my lazy ass down to do it instead of typing my English paper, I feel damn proud of myself. Anyways, sorry again, Enjoy.

The Palace

(O.k., just to let everyone know now, to lessen the confusion I'm going to call Chibi Trunks just simply Chibi, and Mirai just Trunks.)

"So, how's everyone's' power levels doing?" Gohan asked.

They all looked at eachother before shooting their powers up. Trunks looked on from behind Gohan pretty impressed. Gohan watched them with growing curiosity, he knew just how powerful a child could be.

"Alright, let your powers down slowly, but not too fast, I don't want anybody to get a head rush."

Trunks leaned down to Gohan, "They're pretty far along already."

"They have a long way to go." He whispered back. "Alright, let's go in." He yelled out.

The building in the room resembled that of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber's building, but it was much bigger. It had huge spires and towers shooting into the nothingness above.

As soon as the walked through the door Pan squealed with delight, "AIR CONDITIONING."

They all wandered the halls of the immense building. Pan found the rooms and claimed one in one of the towers as her own. Chibi found the bathroom and started to take a shower. Goten wandered aimlessly while Gohan and Trunks found the most important part of the building, the kitchen. Gohan started throwing food out to Trunks who was standing by the dining room table.

The two of them then sat down and began scarfing away at the stacks of food as Pan walked in fresh from the shower, her hair still wet.

"Hey Pan, how did you take a shower when Trunks is in there?" Trunks asked, a little worried.

"Well, the room I took had the other shower, and I locked the door, I don't want any dirty boy cooties in my shower."

"Ahh. So Gohan, who do you think these evil dudes that Takasugi was talking about are?"

"Well, I don't know. Takasugi said that they were all guys that wanted to kill us, mainly for personal reasons."

"I can't figure this out. He brings us to a giant void to train for a war that we could probably handle ourselves, and for three years."

"What about those bad guys daddy and grandpa fought." Pan finally chimed in.

"What?" They both looked at her.

"Well, I was told stories about how daddy and grandpa beat up some real bad guys. I wasn't around when they did it though."

"By God I think she's got it." Trunks and Gohan both whipped around and fired off ki blasts at the new voice that was suddenly behind them, but Takasugi was fast enough to get away.

"Oh, sorry." They both quickly apologized.

"It's o.k." He walked around and took a seat at the table. "The Sinister Seven, gay name I know, but my superiors came up with it, change it if you want, but anyways, are actually enemies that you have fought before, and defeated."

"Then why do we have to train, if we beat em' once, we can do it again."

"Because the dark lord has rebuilt them, faster, stronger, better."

Everyone sat there thinking, well Pan was now stuffing her face.

"Who are they?" Gohan asked.

"We don't honestly know. Everytime they're around we don't have anything to get a picture of them with, but we are for sure that there is seven." A glowing purple orb appeared above the table. "Here is what we do have."

The orb began to form into a picture. There was a small muscled man, but he was only outlined by the planet floating in front of him. The picture didn't get any better as he raised a little hand up and fired a giant pink ball of ki down upon the planet. The white explosion did help to show a few details of the man. He was small, built, and had fluffy, baggy pants.

The image completely blanked out before swirling into a dark picture of a tall man. He was tearing through troops of the army. He was single handedly fighting back an entire platoon. He then turned to face the camera but was completely masked in shadow until he fired a blast. Gohan's ki suddenly spiked as the blast took out the camera. Then the orb went black.

"What happened, I thought there was seven?" Trunks snapped.

"There are, but like I told you, that is what we have."

They looked to Gohan who was calming his breathing.

Takasugi lifted his eyebrow, "And what was the matter with you?"

"Thought I saw something, there's nothing wrong."

(As you can see I'm leaving a lot to your imagination, but you can probably guess.)

Goten walked into the room to see the ball floating above the table flickering between purple and black. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?"

Takasugi looked across the table to the boy, "Oh, hi Goten." He then waived his hand and the ball disappeared.

"Hey, I have a problem. Trunks won't get out of the bathroom." They all looked at eachother.

A second later they were all outside of the bathroom door. "Trunks, come out of there, come on, you've been in there for over an hour." They could hear the shower running.

Suddenly a giant "Scary Movie" flood burst the door open and they were all plastered to the wall. Goten quickly shook off his day dream.

Trunks walked out of the bathroom to find everyone gathered by the door. They all looked kinda really pissed.

"What?" Chibi just looked at them. They had been screaming at him for three and a half hours now. Each one of them just raised a hand and blasted him through the back wall.

"Oops." They all yelped at the same time.

"Don't worry about it." Takasugi said walking away. They all looked after him before turning back to the hole in the wall that Trunks was scrambling to get out of as a green energy quickly covered it. After the hole was covered the energy flashed white, and the tiled wall was back in order. They all turned and walked out after Takasugi.

"Well, get to training." And he was gone.

O.k. YES, I realize that I write short chapters, but it looked longer on paper and I've already writen chapter 7 and don't want to change it, but you can't take some condolences in the fact that the next chapter will be out pretty soon. See ya.