XD WHOA! So many reviews! Is this some kind of weird scam! Lol All at the same time too . But anyways I'm really really happy. I'm so happy that I'm going to update YAY lol . See reviews do work lol Thanks guys Uhh you had questions ok lets see…

Q) How often do you update?

A) HAHAHA uuh the answer really is whenever… I'm sorry but I'm a busy person But I try to update as soon as possible. Cause I want to update the other stories too…

Q) Make them longer…

A) ok not really a question but I try to make them longer. Really I do when the stories I read are short as hell I get pissed too but I only have so many ideas at a time.

Review) Flashback was shitty…

Comment) Ouch O K well I uhh don't have anything I want to tell you cause that's personal. But thanks for telling me.

Review) But you wouldn't tell me anyways…

Comment) uhh I guess that you had a question to ask me? Well you can ask me or you can e-mail a question or whatever but I'll probably answer unless it's really really personal.

The Bet for her

Chapter 9 Car ride


A hand reached out from under the bed sheets and picked the phone, "Huwello?" Inuyasha said sleepily as he got up.

"Inuyasha! Were going to the Zoo. Now! Get ready We'll pick you up in 10 minutes. We want to get there as soon as possible." Miroku was practically screaming.

"What? Why? It's Sunday." Inuyasha yawned.

"Sango talked Kagome into going. This is your chance man!" Miroku still screamed.

"Why are you screaming! My ears hurt." Inuyasha held the phone away from his ear.

"Were in the car and it's noisy get read you only have 5 minutes left. BUH BYEEE!" Miroku hung up.

"Damn!" Trying awfully hard to get out of bed he tripped right on his face from the bundles or blankets. "Double damn."


"What the hell that isn't 5 minutes!" Inuyasha cursed as the skipped into the bathroom when trying to put on his pants.


"Stupid Door Bell. Stop ringing it." Inuyasha brushed his teeth intensely.

DINGGGGG DONGGGG DING DONG DING DONGGGG DING DONG!( Don't you hate it when people do that?)

By now Inuyasha was running into the kitchen and grabbed a sandwich or was it French toast? Well what ever he shoved it down his throat while walking toward the door. When he opened it he saw Kagome. She was wearing a blue tank top and jeans.

"Don't have to ring the doorbell that much…" Inuyasha grumbled.

"Aww I thought you'd take longer so I could torture you some more." Kagome smiled.

'That smile doesn't match what your saying.' Inuyasha looked past her and looked for Miroku and Sango. But only to find Miroku, Sango, Kouga, Hojo, Sota, AND Kohaku.

"OH SHIT! What the hell are you guys doing here?" Inuyasha shouted at Kouga and Hojo.

"We invited ourselves Inuyasha." Kouga smirked.

"Can't let you have all of the fun." Hojo whispered to Inuyasha, "Also to keep a very very very close eye on you." He jabbed a finger at Inuyasha's chest.

Inuyasha wiped the spot where he touched like it was some sort of bug or something. "Well how are we all going to fit into that car!" Inuyasha pointed to the car it was a gray 4 door car. Probably a used car.

"We were hoping you had a car we could borrow. You know ride in two cars." Kagome stated.

"All the cars are gone." Inuyasha glared at Kouga ang Hojo.

"What!" Kouga gasped.

"NOO!" Hojo screamed he looked toward the sky, "Why god why!"

"…" Everyone stared at him…'Weirdo' was they everyone thought.

"So we'll just squeeze in." Sota suggested.

"Man… This is going to be a longgg ride." Kohaku sighed.

They all decided on Inuyasha driving and Kagome sitting in the front seat. Kouga Miroku Sango and Sota sat on the back seat. Kohaku sat on Sango. 'I wish I were Kohaku…'

Miroku thought.

Only Hojo had no where to sit so he walked 20 miles home… I'm just kidding. Kagome had to move the seat up… A lot and Hojo had to squeeze in where you put your feet in the back seat. "My butt doesn't even touch the floor! Sitting on my legs hurt! Why do I have to sit here?" Hojo complained.

"Bear with it. The Zoo isn't that far away." Inuyasha choked down laugh.

"Well your certainly not sitting on me. That's why." Kouga chuckled.

"So uncomfortable." Sota goaned.

"I'm fine." Kagome did that just to rub it in a little.

"Sure rub it in Kagome." Kohaku squirmed.

"Stop squirming around." Sango scolded Kohaku.

"You and Inuyasha are so comfortable. But not me!" Hojo complained, "Kagome should stay there but I should drive!"

"Just start the engine." Miroku sighed.

The ride to the Zoo felt like forever and was torture. They had to stop at every light because they all turned red.

"NOOO!" Inuyasha would hear from the back seat and smile.

"Whoa! Your going 70 mph but we're only going like 50 mph!" Kagome giggled.

Kohaku replyed, "Cause we're heavy."

Sota showed his hand tilted so everyone could see, "Were probably tilted like this. Cause it's so heavy."

"Oh lets take pictures!" Kagome pulled out her digital camera and snapped tons of pictures of people in the back seat. Then she turned to Inuyasha and was about to take a picture of him.

Inuyasha took his hand and covered the camera, "Dude It's not good to flash a driver."

Kagome laughed at his comment.

Inuyasha smiled, "OH SHIT! A left turn!"

Kouga's eye twitched, "What about it! Just make the stupid turn!"

"I'm not good at left turns, Right turns are ok but not left turns." Inuyasha went straight instead of turning left.

"What the hell man." Kagome cursed.

He turned a small left into Walgreens. Then he went around Walgreens and took a right getting back on the road they were suppose to be on.

Inuyasha looked at Kagome and saw she was clutching the door and the seat and was breathing quite hard, "What's wrong?"

Kagome snapped her head toward Inuyasha, "THAT WAS SO SCARY!" Kagome was practically sweating. "THE POOR CAR ALMOST FLIPPED!" Kagome freaked out.

"I'm O-okay…" Sota was shaking.

"We only lived because we were so crammed together." Miroku was sweating too.

"Come on guys my driving isn't that bad." Inuyasha insisted.

"Keep your eyes on the road!" Hojo squealed.

"I don't care if we are late and have to wait a long in a mile long line. I just want to get there alive." Sango was freaked out too.

When they finally got to the Zoo everyone jumped out of the car. Kagome was crying tears of happiness. Miroku was checking to see if Sango was alright. Sango was with Miroku. Kouga and Hojo was thanking god for letting them arrive alive. Kohaku and Sota were trying to get as far away as possible. Inuyasha jut scratched his head, "My driving isn't that scary…" Inuyasha mumbled.

XD well how do you like this chapter? It is Kind of short too isn't it? I'm sorry . XD