Disclaimer: I don't own Pirates of the Caribbean nor the characters but some of the characters in this story are from my own imagination. Any similarities with real people are highly coincidental.

A young girl struggled against two guards. Her chains and coins clinked melodically as she tested their hold on her. They ignored her pleas of desperation and took her to the jail centered in the fort at Port Royal. They threw her in a cell and locked the iron door.

"Don't lock me up in here!" the girl cried angrily from the floor where they had tossed her.

The guards disregarded her and left the room silently. The girl sighed miserably and fell back against the dirty hay. She let out another sigh of distress and grimaced at the thought of the punishment her father would deal her if he knew that mangy guards caught her, his only daughter. She stood up and looked out the small-bared window.

"I could get through that, easily," she whispered snidely and wrapped her thin fingers around the bars.

She sighed again as the clouds above her head past over the full moon plunging her face in shadow. Resting down on the brick ledge that jutted out from the wall the girl clenched her fist and slammed it down. How could she get caught? Stupid guards, why don't they just leave everyone alone! She suddenly gasped in shock. Her father intended to leave Port Royal tonight!

"Oh how could I have been so stupid!" she asked out loud and angrily pulling her long black hair into a ponytail. "Me! Getting caught!"

The carried sounds of voices reached her ears and she fell quiet. From the entry appeared an old man with a ridiculous wig on and a dark-haired boy around her age. She crept towards the cage boundaries and looked at them through her large green eyes.

"Here is the dungeon, this is where all manner of rogues are put" the older man was telling the boy and leading him to his left.

Their voices faded and once again the girl groaned. She had to find some way of getting out of here without her father knowing she was ever caught. The tanned skinned girl scratched at her mop of hair and buried herself in thought. Once again she could hear the voices growing louder yet this time she shrunk against the wall.

"Why is she in here grandfather?" the boy asked stopping at her cell.

His grandfather peered down at her through his glasses and shook his head, "come along now James. Your parents will want you home"

The two males left but not before James cast a long full look at the imprisoned girl. She stuck out her tongue and he quickly looked away. Hours crept by and finally the girl fell asleep. She was awakened by the sound of hissing.

"Father?" she asked into the still night air.

"No. It's James," the voice answered.

The girl rubbed her eyes and waited till they adjusted in the dull light.

"What do you want?" she asked yawning.

"I wanted to know why a girl is in jail?" he replied.

"Girls can be thrown in jail too you know" she sighed rubbing the part of her body on which she had rudely been thrown in on.

"What did you do?" James asked eagerly.

"Look mate, I don't even know your name"

"Oh, sorry. My names James. What's yours?"


"So Fleur why are you in here?"

"I got caught stealing alright," Fleur snapped.

"I've never stolen anything before...what's it like?" James asked.

"You've never stolen anything?" Fleur asked, "nothing?"

James nodded. Fleur broke into a fit of laughs.

"Who-who are you anyway? Everybody has stolen something"

"My mothers the Governors daughter. My dads name is Will Turner, mom's is Elizabeth"

Fleur eyed him seriously.

"Your parents are Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann?"

"Well...Will and Elizabeth Turner" James corrected her.

"My father knows them!" Fleur exclaimed.

"What's your father name?" James asked.

"Cap'n Jack Sparrow"

It was James's turn to laugh.

"Your not serious! Captain Jack Sparrow is a legend just like the Black Pearl!" he told her.

Fleur frowned, "no - it's not"

James shook his head disbelievingly and got up. He left without a word.

"Oh boy - " Fleur moaned, "I shouldn'tv'e told him that"

Morning came and it found an elegantly dressed female and male along with James staring at her.

"You're Jack Sparrow's offspring?" the man asked.

"Jack who?" Fleur demanded eyeing them up and down, "I know not of who HE is?"

The woman looked down at James, "James, you know better than make up ridiculous stories to excuse your self from being punished for lying!" she scolded.

"Sorry mother" James sighed looking at his feet.

"Come Elizabeth, James. We'll leave this street rat here to cool off for a while," the man who Fleur concluded was Will said hurriedly leaving the confines of the prison.

"What if I were to change my mind and say I were Sparrow's daughter?" Fleur asked in a very Jack-like way.

Elizabeth stopped and turned; she knelt down to Fleur's level.

"Are you Captain Sparrow's daughter?" she asked slowly pronouncing each word.

"Depends on who's asking" Fleur replied simply, "I'm not deaf you know. No need to pronounce your words so slowly"

Elizabeth hurriedly got up, "leave her there. She's not to be removed from that cell," she commanded to a soldier who had descended down the steps.

Both Will and Elizabeth left the jail without another word, the soldier followed them. James remained for a while before turning to leave. As he did he heard a low whistle. Fleur, from her position turned and smiled widely at her fathers face in the window.

"What were you doing getting caught by a guard?" he asked cynically.

James's jaw dropped. Jack Sparrow WAS real. Fleur shrugged her shoulders.

"Well father you tell me you were never caught?"

Jack leaned from the window and pointed at himself in surprise, "Cap'n Jack Sparrow get captured by a soldier ay savvy?"

From his spot James dared to open his mouth, "but you were nearly hung weren't you?"

Both Jack and Fleur turned to face him, their jewellery singing harmoniously.

"Well - lets get you outta here 'ay love" Jack mused beginning to work at the rusty bars with a chain.

James's eyes widened, "you can't escape from prison!" he told them.

"Oh stop being such a baby," Fleur hissed rushing to the door and looking at him, "you aren't going to tell are you?" she asked.

James didn't reply, from behind her Fleur heard her father remove the last bar and suggest she hurried up.

"Please don't" Fleur begged.

James scratched his neck and did not reply.

"Oh please don't tell anybody" Fleur begged, "if you don't I'll be your friend"

James frowned and shrugged, Fleur beckoned him to come over and he did so. She lightly gave him a peck on the cheek and withdrew to the window.

"Goodbye, James" she whispered to the dumbstruck boy and vanished out the window in a swirl of shadowy hair and musically retreat.