Here is the EPILOGUE of Father Mine! (Yeah, I know. I said it was a sequel when I meant for it to be an EPILOGUE.  I feel stupid for mixing the words.  SORRY GUYS!  ^_^;;;;;)  

 It has been really great to write that story and know it was well loved!  Though I'm solely concentrating on the one-shots 'till Christmas (also between Christmas and New Year), I'll probably continue to write after the holidays.  I'll see how things turn out.  This last chapter doesn't have much action: I just wanted to do a nice marriage scene. ENJOY!

Thanks to:

Firelightz     Imperial Saturn     Queen Sereya     Crystal-Winter     Lady Aya     Kitty Kat-chan     Satori Blackthorn 

Shannan    Henio     MarsMoonStar     LiL Elf     Starr     Lady Light     Jewel     Setsuna-3000     Koosei     Queen Diamond

Glitter-Sparkle-Flutterby     Krazy Pandi     Libby     AnimeGurl16     Yadrianne     sailorsunandchildofthesun    yami-chan

ChibiChaos     InvisibleRain     SilverBunny5     Light Angel     anaraz     pudding   Miranda Compton     Hildi-chan

HLM in need of a beta reader    DragonPrincessDynamis     Elven Mischief     Ishtar     Taiki     Ryuu-Youkai

Usagi no Megami     duckmasta2020    


Father Mine

Chapter 31:  Happy day, happy end



  "Oooh!  Usagi-mama!  You're gorgeous!"  Hotaru cooed, while Usagi blushed bright red up to the root.

  Minako giggled wildly like a schoolgirl.  "It's true; I've never seen you so happy!  Don't be so tense, Usagi-chan!  Today's your day!"  Minako winked while the rabbit mumbled something under her breath.  Otherwise, she let herself be pampered and prepared for the marriage.

  She was really becoming nervous.  She hadn't seen Harry in a full week because of the preparations and she was almost going to say 'fuck the traditions and let's run away with Harry instead.'  Her attention got diverted when the door opened to reveal the rest of the senshi.

  They just gasped when they saw her and ran to congratulate her.  She rolled her eyes.  She wasn't even married yet.  They were all going to be her flower girls since she just couldn't choose between them.  They were all wearing the same type of dress, sometimes arranged differently, and they all had tints of their respectable colors.  Haruka was the only one who made an exception by dressing in a dark blue tuxedo.

  When the time had come to buy the dresses, she had swore to the saleswoman nobody would ever put her in a 'damn lacy dress', like she had so brilliantly called it.  Haruka's famous glare had made its point very clear and the saleswoman never bothered her again.

  Usagi giggled when the memory resurfaced, which earned many odd stares from her friends.  Sirius soon entered the room and stopped breathing, before engulfing his daughter in a big hug.  He then kept her at arm's length and examined her from all sides.  "My baby!"  He breathed reverently.  "My baby's getting married!"  Sirius then pouted.  "I'm getting too old" he deadpanned.

  Usagi tried to reassure him with her best effort that he wasn't old at all, but it was very difficult to do so when your friends were trying to maintain their laughter in the background.  "Come on, papa.  I think you look pretty young like that or any other day!"  It was true.

  Sirius had put his hair in a low and neat ponytail to prevent from having it in the face and he was wearing a black tuxedo that fit him in all the right places.  He had a white rose on his vest *no red roses admitted in the church* and he put one in his daughter's hair to finish the look.

  He looked very charming and yeah, edible, but he wasn't here to get a girlfriend.  He had the only important girl in his life right there, just in front of him.  "I'm so proud of you."

  Usagi smiled serenely at him.  "I love you, papa."

  The girls 'awed' disgustingly sweetly in the background, which made them dodge a hairbrush thrown at them with precise aim.

    In his room, Harry was pacing on all sides nervously.  He was wearing a gold tuxedo with silver trims, which emphasized his bright green eyes.  Ron was just sitting there watching him bite his lips and turn for the 20th time this past hour and starting to make a dent in the rug, while Remus was adjusting his own clothes.

  The poor werewolf felt very uncomfortable in this kind of clothes, being used to his robes all these years, but he was going to be strong for Harry.  That didn't mean he wasn't going to rip the darn bowtie off once he got home.  His eyes landed on the nervous boy trying to comb his hair.  "Relax, Harry!  Your hair is just fine!" admonished Remus, while Harry pouted.

  "Of all the days, why can't my hair just stay in place for once?"  Harry plopped himself on a chair and sighed loudly, trying to get the tension out of his body.

  Remus chuckled.  "I think your hair is quite charming like that!  And anyway, she wants to marry you for who you are, and that includes you and your bad hair days!"

  Ron and Remus burst out laughing while Harry whined loudly and chucked his hairbrush at them.  Looks like the couple had things in common.  But Harry's aim was way off, contrary to his girlfriend's.

  The marriage was going to be held at Hogwarts.  They had rearranged the Great Hall so it would be able to have more guests than just the usual students.  Setsuna had even made an exception and had invited Mr. and Mrs. Tsukino, along with Shingo.  After all, they had raised Usagi as their own all this time.  They didn't feel rejected, though, since Mr. Weasley was after them and asking them about 'muggle' technology.

  All the teachers were present and a few photographers too.  Only the annoying Rita Skeeter had been rejected to this happy event, Harry solely refusing to have her in his presence.  She would've probably succeeded in finding a notch during the wedding and turn this into a nightmare editorial.

  Remus soon joined the other guests in the Great Hall, a proof that things were about to start.  Harry and Ron took their respective places at the altar, Ron being the best man.  Harry kept fiddling with his hands nervously but grinned when Remus gave him the thumbs up and an encouraging wink.

  He just couldn't wait to see her!  He was waiving to Dumbledore when the music began.  It was Michiru, who was playing the violin, and Hotaru, who was the flower girl, who marched first on the red carpet.  The child kept throwing white rose petals on the carpet, and when they arrived in the middle of the room, Usagi took her cue.

  She took a big breath and locked her arm with her father's, who was looking back at her charmingly.  The butterflies in her stomach kept doing flip flops, but they immediately ceased when her eyes landed on Harry, who was waiting for her at the end of the red carpet.

  Her eyes softened and she concentrated on Harry, only Harry.  She was somewhat aware of the slight pressure her dad was putting on her arm maybe to comfort her, but she was already relaxed.  Seeing Harry did miracles for her.  She didn't even realize the other girls had started to walk behind her and that she, herself, was walking up the aisle in confident strides.

  Harry held his breath and vaguely heard awed murmurs around him as the bride walked up to him.  She looked dazzling, goddess-like, even!  She had put her hair in a lovely array of twists and braids and wisps of hair framed her face.  A rose had been put in her hair, and he eyed Sirius' white rose on his tuxedo suspiciously.  That had to be his doing.

  Her dress was immaculate white and almost glowing, with no sleeves; just a bodice that enhanced her feminine features.  A shimmering red lipstick made her lips even more kissable than before and Harry resisted the urge to lick his lips in delight.

  Soon, she was beside him, and everything went numb in his body.  He couldn't hear anything, just see her.  It helped also that everybody in the room was agonizingly still, holding their breaths.  The moment they said their vows and kissed each other, the whole audience cheered and whooped for them.

  Harry took her in his arms princess style and he twirled them around, making the rabbit laugh in delight.  She was now Serenity Black-Potter and Sirius couldn't be any prouder of his daughter and godson, now son-in-law.  "I hope you saw this, James, Lily.  Your son has grown so much!"  Sirius said silently, looking upwards at the enchanted ceiling which was showing the night sky and a bright moon.

  He felt a slight tap on his shoulder and turned to see his baby looking at him happily.  The guests were already dancing and partying and he smiled, taking his daughter's hand in his and leading her on the dance floor.  Harry was busy dancing with Ginny, but he threw a quick glance at Sirius, before talking back with the red head girl.

  The party had to come to an end sooner or later, and the guests slowly started to say goodbye.  Thank god for magic, or this place would've taken days to clean!  Harry had invited Remus and Sirius back at Godric's Hollow, but the guys had kindly refused, at least for the moment.  It was going to be their honeymoon!  They couldn't just go there and intrude in their 'business'!

  So Dumbledore had invited them to stay at Hogwarts for the time being, which they had gladly accepted.  Serenity teleported Harry and herself in Godric's Hollow after a quick hugs and good nights.

  Harry stroked his wife's hair which draped over them like a blanket.  She nuzzled into Harry's chest even more and sighed happily.  "Hey, love?"  Harry asked silently, his voice still husky after much lovemaking.

  "Hm?"  The rabbit's eyes were beginning to drop.

  "Do you think this peace will last, now that Voldemort's dead?"  He heard his wife sigh and felt a warm hand on his cheek, lowering his face to look at her.

  She gazed at him with loving eyes and stroked his cheek, before kissing him languidly.  "Peace never lasts for eternity, Harry.  But we make our own future.  Always remember that."

  Harry kissed back with equal passion.  "Let us make it bright, then."  He said, bringing her body even more possessively tight against his.

  Usagi smiled contentedly.  "Now you understand."

  Harry pulled the bedcovers up a little more and kissed her forehead.  "Good night, love.  May the days which have yet to come bring us much happiness."  He fell asleep with the help of his wife's steady heartbeat.



I know there wasn't any real action in the sequel, but I wanted to write the marriage scene.  I really hope you enjoyed! ^_^








Love ya all!

Eternal Cosmos ^_~