*Disclaimer: I don't own the series Gilmore Girls or the characters. All I own is my imagination and the plot.

*A/N: Hey!!! :-) It took me a while to write this chapter, so that's why it took me a little while. I'm not really happy with it, but if I don't upload it I'll just keep making changes to it, since I'm never happy with my writing, so...........some parts are good though. Anyway read and I hope you enjoy.

*~*~*:-)*~*~*Bye, smile :-)

''Thanks, Paris. And I'm sorry for calling you this early, it's just that I don....yeah. Bye.''

Rory hung up and looked down at the notes she had been taking during their conversation. She had written them down carefully, knowing how important they were going to be for him. Rory sighed and looked at their 'Disney' clock above the sink. It was unbelievably early, but then again, she always managed to do her most substantial things in the awaking light of the morning, when she couldn't sleep.

Rory's attention was stolen away, when she heard the steps on the stairs creak, as they shifted underneath a pair of mint green slippers. Moments later her mom entered the kitchen, rubbing her eyes. But as soon as her eyes fell upon her daughter, she stopped and looked at her with clear disbelief on her face.

''You're up.''

''Yes, I am,'' Rory said, stating the obvious.

''But.........it's early. Is our clock broken ?'' Lorelai asked, shifting her gaze from Rory to the clock and back again.

Rory shook her head.

''Again I say, it's early........and you're up.''

''So are you,'' Rory countered.

''Yeah, but this is just my usual early morning stroll.''

''Don't you have to go outside for an early morning stroll ?''

Lorelai shrugged. ''Some people take it too seriously and I'm not one of them. See, I just walk from here to that cupboard over there.'' Lorelai proved her point by walking over to the cupboard she was talking about and opening it.

''This is where I hide the good cookies.''

Rory tried to unravel a smile, but failed to. Ever since she heard about Tristan's parents, it seemed unfair to smile. She was one of those people who thought that everyone deserved to be equally happy and when one person wasn't, the balance was gone.

Lorelai got the cookies out of the cabinet and turned around, catching Rory's sad look.

''What's wrong sweets ?'' she asked, while sitting down across from her daughter.

Rory shrugged.

''That means Tristan, right ?''

Rory nodded. ''I just don't get why his parents are sending him to some military camp. I mean, yeah, maybe he shouldn't have thrown the party, but it's still just a party.''

''Those people sound a little too much like my parents.''

Rory looked at her mom. ''Your parents are not that bad.''

''Please, when I came home too late one night the conversation at the dinner table immediately turned to Switzerland. And that isn't a coincidence, cause when your parents bring up Switzerland, you know that they're thinking about sending you to some boarding school,'' Lorelai explained.

Rory faintly smiled at her mother's expression. Lorelai took a bite of a cookie, before answering her curiosity's call.

''So, who did you call ?''

''What ?''

''I heard you talking to someone and unless you have turned in to a schizo overnight, my guess is on Mr. Operator's trusty friend over there............Was it Tristan ?'' Lorelai gently asked.

Rory shook her head. ''No.''

''Really ? Cause it would be okay if it was, you know ? I mean, I'm not exactly thrilled at the fact that you're calling him in the early hours of the morning, but we're not in a Romeo and Juliet era anymore, so.........''

''Mom,'' Rory interrupted. ''It was Paris.''

''Well, uhm...........it's normal to feel certain things...........,'' Lorelai started.

''Mom ! I called her because I needed to know exactly where Janlan DuGrey is buried.''

''Oh......'' Lorelai took another bite of her cookie before continuing. ''Planning a little roadtrip to Hartford ?''

''Yeah,'' Rory said, appreciating the fact that her mom always seemed to have some sort of sixth sense when it came to this kind of things, making it easier for her. ''I thought it would be a nice thing to do.''

''It is............in a kind of disturbing way.''

''So, can I borrow your car ?''

''You could, but it wouldn't get you anywhere. The thingy that supposedly starts the car is broken. It's like sitting in a washing machine, where they're playing 80's rock in the background. Or punk, I guess it could be considered early garage rock/punk. But......uhm, I'm sure you can borrow Luke's truck or something,'' Lorelai finished.

Rory shrugged, not feeling comfortable about borrowing Luke's car. ''It's okay, Jess has a car.''

''Right, maybe you could take a little detour on your way back to Stars Hollow ? Stop at a cliff, push the car off. I recommend you get out first though, after all you're my only daughter.''

''You should really concentrate on the future,'' Rory said. ''Besides, I can't. If I did I would have to walk home.''

''Right, of course, wasn't thinking. Sugar without coffee, they don't mix and match.''

Rory dropped her eyes to her watch. ''I better go. I don't really know when Tristan's supposed to leave.''

''Okay, sweets. I'm sure he'll appreciate it.''

Rory got up and put on her jacket. ''Yeah, I hope so.''

''Call me if you need anything and ask Luke for some coffee to go, okay ?''

''I will, bye mom,'' Rory said, as she grabbed the keys and headed for the door, directions safely tucked away in her pocket.


When Rory pushed open the door of Luke's diner, she was welcomed by a diner that was practically empty. The only customer, that could be found here this early, was none other than Kirk. He was sitting at the counter, visibly arguing with Luke. When she moved closer, she noticed why they were arguing. Kirk was wearing his pajamas.

''There isn't a dress code Kirk, cause normal people know that wearing their pajamas in a diner is not an appropriate thing to do.''

''Actually the diner is a part of your living area and it's okay to wear your pajamas in a house,'' Kirk pointed out.

Luke sighed. ''Kirk................Rory.........''

''No, my name's Kirk.''

''You're early,'' Luke said, ignoring Kirk's comment.

''Yeah, I need to borrow something of Jess. Is he up ?''

''That boy gets up earlier than me, it's the getting him downstairs part that's always a hassle,'' Luke said, quickly glaring at Kirk as he said this.

''Can I.............''

Luke nodded.

''Thanks. Could I also have some coffee to go, please ?''

''Yeah, sure,'' Luke answered.

Rory nodded and disappeared behind the curtains. Once she reached Luke and Jess' apartment, she politely knocked. It took a couple of seconds before the door was opened by Jess, who was only wearing a pair of baggy jeans. Rory however didn't pay any attention to that and looked at his eyes.

''Geez, like I don't already see enough of you during the day,'' Jess jokingly said.

Rory didn't respond. Not even the faint glimpse of a smile touched her face. ''Jess.....''

''You are aware that it's.........'' Jess glanced at his watch briefly. ''........7.30 in the morning, right ?

Rory found herself momentarily wondering about the fact that Jess wasn't wearing a shirt, but yet he was wearing a watch. But she quickly dismissed the thought and tried again.

''Jess, I need to borrow your car.''

''Yeah, right,'' Jess said, as he turned around and walked over to his dresser.

Rory followed him in to the apartment. ''Jess, I really need to borrow your car. My mom's car is broken.................'' She stopped for a second, catching Jess expression out of the corner of her eyes, as he raised an eyebrow.

''........and I don't wanna borrow Luke's car, cause.......well, it's Luke,'' Rory continued.

''Let's say I would give you my keys, where would you be taking it, hypothetically ?'' Jess asked, while putting on a shirt.


''Hartford huh ? Where ?''

''To a house, where a person lives,'' Rory vaguely answered.

''Any person in particular ?'' Jess asked, as he reached inside his pocket, keeping his eyes on Rory.

Rory sighed. ''Tristan. I'm going to Tristan, okay ? He got caught throwing one of his parties and now his parents are sending him to some military school, but I wanted to do something nice for him before he left, so I'm taking him to his grandfather's grave. Anything else ?''

''No,'' Jess answered. ''I think you've covered about all the questions I could have asked.''

He got his car keys out of his pocket and threw them in Rory's direction, who disgracefully caught them. ''Good luck.''

Rory gripped the key and met his eyes. ''Thanks, I'll return it after I'm done.''

''Whatever,'' was Jess' response.

''I have to go, I don't know...........,'' Rory started, as she backed up towards the door.

''Yeah, see ya.''


Rory left the apartment and went downstairs again, where Luke was just pouring her coffee into a disposable cup. He looked up when she reappeared in the diner. He spotted the keys she was holding and nodded in their direction.

''Are those.......?''

''Yeah, I'm borrowing Jess' car.''

''Does your mother know ?'' Luke asked, as he handed her the coffee.

''Yes, but her car's not working, so.......''

''Hence Jess' keys,'' Luke finished for her.

Rory nodded. ''Yeah, I'll see you later Luke.''

''Buckle up !'' Luke yelled, before Rory exited the diner.

Rory walked straight over to Jess' car and got in. She neatly placed her cup in the cup-holder and put the keys in the ignition. After that she checked if Paris' directions were still there. And only when she was sure that they were, she turned the key and started the car.


Rory hesitantly made her way over to the DuGrey mansion. The closer she got to the lavish building, the more she just wanted to turn around and head back to her car, which was safely parked in front of their driveway. But she didn't turn around, instead she just kept making her way towards the entrance, stuffing her keys in her pocket as she did so. She rang the doorbell with shaking hands, not able to hide the nervousness, that was wrapping itself around her appearance. The door was answered by a foreign looking women.

''Yes ?'' she asked.

''Hi, my name's Rory.......I didn't mean to bother anyone.......''

The women's expression immediately softened at the sound of the young girl's name.

''You're not bothering anyone. I'm Paola, the housekeeper. How can I help you ?''

''I was wondering if Tristan's home ?'' Rory unsurely asked, scared that me might be gone already.

''Of course, come in,'' Paola said, as he took a step back, so Rory could pass.

After Rory had come in to the house, Paola closed the door behind them and threw Rory a warm smile. ''I'll go get him.''

''Thank you.''

''Nothing to thank me for. It's my job after all.''

Paola smiled once more, before starting her journey up those seemingly eternal stairs. Rory let her eyes roam across the hallway, letting them rest an equal amount of time on every flawless beautification she could discover. She had only been here once before and yet she remembered the small and precise carvings on the banister, that seemed to tell a story that closely resembled the tale of Sleeping Beauty, and the worn looking dresser, that seemed so out of place in this hallway, since it was the only piece of furniture that stood here.


She looked up in the direction of the stairs and saw Tristan making his way down. She quickly let her eyes wander across his honey colored hair, which he never seemed to comb, before resting her gaze upon his light blue eyes.


Tristan put his hands in his pockets as he approached her, a pleased smirk teasing his features ever so slightly.

''Came to say goodbye ?''

''Something like that,'' Rory answered.

''It was nice meeting you, Rory,'' Paola said, as she came down the stairs.

Rory broke eye contact with Tristan and looked at the women over his shoulder. ''Same here.''

As soon as Paola disappeared in to the kitchen, Rory brought her gaze back to Tristan. ''She's nice.''

Tristan grinned. He wasn't surprised at her choice of words. Rory found everyone nice.

''So, anyway I was wondering when you were supposedly leaving for military school ?''

'' Don't have a phone at home, Mary ? Though I suddenly found a new appreciation for one on one conversations.''

Rory blushed, wondering if he ever knew how uncomfortable those comments made her. The air around them was already filled with awkwardness and yet he always managed to make it even worse, taking the time as he prepared his next remark. She knew that other girls found him charming, because of his way with words, and she had to admit that she couldn't picture him without it wit, though it would be nice to just have a serious conversation with him. For some reason, she wanted to find out what he liked and disliked. There had to more substance hiding behind his amused expression and his clever persona.

''I still have a couple of hours left,'' Tristan answered, noticing how she was trying to hide her flushed cheeks from him.

''Good,'' Rory said enthusiastically.

Tristan raised an eyebrow at her response and she immediately lowered her eyes. ''I mean, those few hours will come in handy, cause I wanna take you somewhere.''

''Now you wanna go on a date with me ?''

''No, it's not a date. I just wanna take you somewhere,'' Rory explained.

''Where ?''

'' I can't really say, cause if I do it'll spoil the surprise.''

''Rory,'' Tristan started. ''Did you buy me a pony ?''

'''Tristan, I'm serious.''

''You're definitely trying to be,'' he chipped in.

''If you don't wanna go then...............''

''No, I'll go. Let me just get my jacket.''

Tristan got his jacket and lead Rory to the door.

''Don you have to tell your parents that you're leaving ?''

Tristan opened the door and paused a moment to look at her. ''Just make sure you get me home on time, okay ?''

Rory nodded and followed him outside without saying a word, clearly sensing some tension in his voice when he spoke to her.

Meanwhile Tristan was trying to figure out where Rory would take him. Secretly he was making up his own ending to this story, hoping that they would end up happily, it didn't even have to be ever after.


''We're here,'' Rory said, as she parked Jess' car on an empty parking lot.

She looked at Tristan, who had turned surprisingly quiet. Not unlike the actual trip, where he kept trying to guess their 'secret' destination. And though Rory had found it irritating, she did enjoy the fact that he seemed to be relaxed and comfortable in her presence.

''Come on.''

Rory got out of the car and waited for Tristan to do the same. When he did, she started to walk in an eastern direction, hoping and already partly knowing that Tristan would do the same. At the entrance she stopped and quietly waited for Tristan to reach her.

''Rose Hill Cemetery: Eventually all roses wither, but their beauty will forever remain,'' Tristan said, as he read the sign above the entrance gate out loud, which was decorated with fresh bloodred roses that were weaved around its spirals.

It took Tristan once more to read the sign and dig up a memory that he had intended to put away forever, before realization finally hit him. He turned his head away from the entrance and looked at Rory.

''My grandfather is buried at Rose Hill Cemetery.''

''I know, '' Rory softly said, turning her head away from the sign to meet his eyes.

''How ?''

''Paris,'' was Rory's short and expected answer.

Tristan had a feeling that he hadn't given Paris the credit she deserved after unawarely looking out for him all these years. It was like having a puppet, that came to live when someone else pulled the strings. This person being Rory, who lowered her eyes under the intensity of his gaze.

''Let's go, we're not there yet.''

She got Paris' directions out of her pocket and walked through the gate, taking in the beautiful scenery from the corner of her eye. While she concentrated herself on the directions, she lead Tristan to his grandfather's grave. It was made out of white marble and beautifully located underneath a weeping willow, which seemed appropriate since people's loved ones were buried underneath this holy ground. Rory saw how Tristan's eyes were focused on the grave, oblivious to everything and everyone around her, including her. Rory took a step towards him.

''I'll be at those benches, over there,'' Rory said, already walking away from Tristan.

As soon as he nodded, she turned around and headed over to a few wooden benches they had come across only seconds before they had reached the grave. She installed herself on one of the benches and made sure that she was facing Tristan, as he stood there. After a while he got down on his knees and she could see him place his hand upon the cold surface of the headstone. His fingers started to trace his grandfather's name, while his lips started to move at the same time. Rory smiled at the sadly vivid sight in front of her.

After Tristan had taken the time that he needed to properly say goodbye to his grandfather, he got up and headed over to where Rory was sitting.

''Are you done ?'' she quietly asked.

Tristan nodded.


Rory got up and passed Tristan, so she could find their way back to the car. But as their shoulders brushed against each other, Tristan flung his arm out and locked his thumb, index and middle finger around her wrist. Rory turned around, her hair reaching for her face as she did this. She wiped the strands of hair out of her face, like she had done a million times before, and brought her gaze up until their eyes had ran upon each other's borders.

''Thank you,'' came Tristan's genuinely thankful words as they intentionally spilled out of his mouth and found their way into the air around them.

''Your welcome.''

Rory's gaze wanted to crumble down to the paved road on which upon they were standing, but she didn't. She remained strong, an almost transparent layer of determination, as fragile as a leave aged by time, hiding her insecurities from his sight. She didn't even blink as she kept her eyes fixed upon his, wondering if he could feel her pulse quicken and blood boil underneath his fingers. Finally Rory's eyelashes fluttered, wasting enough time for Tristan to notice their position and freed her wrist from his grip. He returned his hands to his pockets and lowered his eyes to his feet.

''He would have liked you.''

Rory smiled, though it wasn't only his comment which caused this affect. It was also his posture and how he seemed a little less sure of himself, after opening the door just far enough, for some light to come shining through. As she reached for his hand, they took over each other's roles for just a couple of lonesome minutes.


''So, do you need help packing or something ?'' Rory asked, breaking the silence they had been in ever since Rory had killed the engine on the DuGrey driveway.

''Actually I still need to bring my bags downstairs. I could use the help........those stairs really are a pain.''

Rory smiled at his answer, got out of the car and started to head for the main entrance, hearing Tristan's door open behind her. Tristan smirked as he followed her, making sure to stay just a couple of steps behind her, so he could let his eyes wander without the worries of getting caught. He followed the line of her waistband, observing the way her jeans clung on to her hips in just the right way. Not too tight, but in a loose casual manner. She looked different than she normally did at school. She looked comfortable, and he knew that the change of clothes was only a part of it.

''Do you have a key or do I need to ring the doorbell ?'' Rory asked, as she turned around to glance at Tristan.

Tristan got his keys out of his pockets and held them up. Rory nodded and patiently waited for Tristan to reach her. When he did, he opened the door and lead her inside. On their way to the stairs, he automatically threw his keys on the dresser. It had sort of become a habit and it was alien to think that he wouldn't be able to do that anymore after today. While he headed up the stairs, he listened for Rory's footsteps, as they hesitantly followed him. He thought of all the girlfriends he had had before and wondered if they would have taken the time to take him to his grandfather's grave. Probably not. Rory deserved much more credit than he ever gave any of his old girlfriends. And she wasn't even that, his girlfriend.

''Is this your room ?'' Rory asked, when she followed Tristan in to one of the many rooms.


''It's...........gigantic,'' Rory commented, as she looked around the room.

Tristan shook his head, as he walked over to the bags that were lying on his bed. ''This is nothing compared to some of the other rooms up here.''

''Yeah......,'' Rory started, as her mind opened its curtains to a distinct memory. ''......I remember.''

There was a silence of tension between them and Tristan immediately knew that she was thinking about the night of the party. It had been lingering at the edges of his mind these last few days.... He looked over at Rory, who seemed so out of place in his room with her faded jeans and worn sneakers.

''I'm sorry for what happened at the party.''

Rory nodded. ''I know, but thanks for saying it.''

She carefully smiled as she walked over to him. She reached for one of the bags, her hand lightly brushing against Tristan's hand.

''You better let me take that one.''

''Why ?''

''Cause it's heavy,'' Tristan explained.

''I think I can handle it.''

''Fine,'' Tristan said, as he crossed his arms and gave in to her stubbornness.

He grinned as he watched her struggle with his bag. When she finally had a firm grip on the bag, he took the other two and followed her down the stairs, trying not to laugh as she cautiously made her way down the stairs.

''You should definitely start lifting weights,'' Tristan said.

''I'm doing you a favor here.''

''I could have easily taken all three of them.''

Rory gave him a look before dropping the bag at the bottom of the stairs.

''Who are you ?''

Rory brought her eyes up at the sound of a voice she hadn't heard before, and found her eyes resting upon a image that closely resembled Tristan.

''Uhm......I'm Rory.''

''Rory ?'' Alexander DuGrey asked, taking a step towards them.

''Oh, Gilmore. Sorry.....I'm Rory Gilmore,'' she nervously rambled.

She took a step back and bumped in to Tristan, as she tried to create some more space between her and Alexander DuGrey.

''Lorelai Gilmore's daughter ?''

''Yes,'' Rory answered.

''To what do I owe the pleasure of you being here ?'' Alexander asked.

Rory bit her lip, not wanting to tell him about taking Tristan to see his grandfather's grave.

''I thought Tristan might need some help packing.''

Alexander narrowed his eyes. ''How.........thoughtful.''

Tristan, who noticed Rory's discomfort, gently passing Rory. ''We have to get these in the car, dad.''

''It was nice meeting you,'' Rory said, as she followed Tristan outside, trying not to run.

''So, your father ?'' she asked, as they walked over to the car, that was supposed to take Tristan to the airport.

''Yeah, charming man, isn't he ?''

Rory shrugged, as she watched Tristan open the trunk. He dumped his bags in the trunk and looked at Rory.

''What ?'' Rory asked, as she caught his gaze.

''Don't tell me that you don't have an opinion on my dad.''

''Like you said......he's......charming,'' Rory said, as she tried to lift the bag in to the trunk.


Rory sighed. ''Fine, he's creepy. Now could you help me with this bag ?''

Tristan lifted the bag with ease and put it in the trunk, next to the other ones.

''Ever thought of changing your name to Superman ?''

Tristan chuckled and closed the trunk. ''You are by far the strangest person I have ever met.''

''Excentric, thank you.''

Tristan smiled, as he returned his hands to his pockets.

''So.........,'' Rory started.


''I better get going.''

''Yeah, you should go before shit starts to hit the fan, which is unavoidable with my parents around.''

Rory nodded. ''Oh right, I forgot.'' She got a piece of paper out of her pocket and handed it to Tristan. ''Here.''

''What is it ?'' Tristan curiously asked.

''A recipe for chocolate chip cookies.''

Tristan removed his other hand from his pocket too and unfolded the piece of paper. ''It's your address and phone number.''

''And mail address,'' Rory added. ''I didn't know which one of those three things you would be able to do once you're at military school, so..........''

''You mean, I'm actually allowed to use them ?''

''Or frame them, whatever you want.''

Tristan folded it again and slipped it into his pocket. ''I'll probably do both.''

Rory smiled, not sure what to do next.

Finally Tristan sighed. ''Honestly, I suck at goodbyes.''

''Me too, I never know whether I should hug the person, or shake hands, which is very awkward if you do it to the wrong person............''

Rory stopped rambling as their eyes met. She took a couple of steps towards him and put her arms around his neck. She remained that way for a couple of seconds, before Tristan returned the gesture, obviously surprised by her actions. Tristan was the one who broke the hug, scared of how permanent their goodbye seemed.

''So, I'll hear from you ?'' Rory asked.

''Eventually. From what I've heard they're pretty strict.''

Rory nodded and ran her hand through her hair, causing for Tristan to smile once more. ''But I'll see you in your dreams, Mary. And those include the dirty ones.'' He winked at her.

Rory laughed and shook her head. ''You are unbelievable.''

Their eyes attracted one and other one more time. When Rory got out her keys, Tristan knew that he wouldn't see her at school this Monday.

''I should really go.''


''Bye, Tristan,'' Rory softly said, lowering her eyes.

''Bye, Mary,'' Tristan said, without his usual playfulness.

Rory passed Tristan and headed over to her car without looking back.


Rory reached Stars Hollow when the moon had already found its place among the darkness of the night and the few stars. She had been driving for hours, just to think about what happened and to sort out her many feelings for Tristan. They varied from frustration to.........a very strong likeness.

She sighed and got out of the car. As she closed the car door, she realized that she was alone. No one else was out and no one else knew what she was going through. Those two thoughts alone made tears appear in her eyes.

When she heard the door of the diner open, she turned around.

''I was wondering when you would return my car..................'' Jess stopped when he caught a glimpse of her tears glistening in her eyes like silver.

''Rory, what...........?''

''He's gone,'' came her clear answer, before she started to cry.

*R*E*V*I*E*W*! Please ? :-) Just to make things clear, this IS the LAST chapter. I know, the ending seems a little like a cliffhanger and maybe it is...... See, I am torn in half. I do want to try to write a sequel (I already have the titel; Untangled), but I don't usually write Trory's and I don't really know if this story should have a sequel. So, opinions on the ending, my writing and the sequel would be appreciated. Thanks!!! :-)