After seeing the last review I felt I had to write something… NO I'm not DEAD… =P I am still alive!! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to give you this update and I don't blame you all for thinking that I AM dead… I haven't exactly written anything lately to make you think otherwise!

   As it must already seem totally obvious to you, I haven't made any updates in several months… and in all honesty I don't know when I will get it finished.  I am not abandoning the fic completely. I'm not saying, "No, I don't think I'll ever finish it."  I just have lost enthusiasm for the time being, I still have my notes and outlines and I find myself thinking about it from time to time but in all honesty, real life, my boyfriend, family, and work have become my new priority.

I am sorry but I have little time for fanfiction writing lately.  I'm not in school and I don't have the luxury of as much free time as I would like (or need) to write and finish The Seal of Cleito.  Writing comes in random bursts for me.  The Secret of Hell Water and The Seal of Cleito was written during an unusually large burst of creativity that was inspired by 'Pirates of the Caribbean' when it came out in theaters last summer during a lull where work was unusually slow for me.  Unfortunately that creative burst has faded and work has once again taken priority. But I will get to it when I feel the writing bug gnawing at me again and time permits me.  If any of you are familiar with my earlier works, you'll know that it has taken me sometimes up to two years in the past to finish a story.   Maybe not as fast as many of you would want, but I DO eventually get around to it.  The Seal of Cleito, is a story that has interest to me, not to mention a lot of potential to be a great piece of fiction upon completion.  I don't abandon stories like that completely, even if I loose enthusiasm from time to time it doesn't mean I won't finish it.

   So please bear with me!

