InuYasha and Kagome's First Day of School.
(Didn't feel like translating it into Japanese. I'm not that big of an expert)
Chapter One. Foxtail.
Note: This is a continuation of InuYasha and Kagome's last day. Of course I'm glad to write this fic, since my last one turned out to be really popular. So here it is, the beginning of a whole new series, with InuYasha and the gang in Junior High! (Well, not Shippo, but you understand, right?)
Edit: I've edited this chapter because it looked all...scrunched up. Looks like I might end up editing them all.
"What are you doing here, InuYasha?", Kagome (yes, it is no longer from her PoV) inquired as she walked home from school with the handsome young man who no longer had cute dog ears (are you going to stop reading now that Inu's human? ;;). "My name's Inuo. Ginnokami Inuo."
"Yah, but you DO remember who I am!", the young school girl insisted.
"Feh...Kagome. Of course I remember who you are.after all the times you sit'd me!"
"So you DO remember about us looking for Shikon Shards in the Feudal Period!", Kagome exclaimed.
"Yah yah yah, I remember alright."
The two walked together towards Kagome's home. "So, InuYa.Inuo, what are you doing here?", she wondered.
"What am I doing here? I'm going to Junior High, that's what!", InuYa.oh sorry, Inuo insisted.
"WHY are you here? HOW did you get here?", Kagome prodded.
"I don't know. I don't know! I have no idea WHY or HOW I got here. All I know is that I'm Ginnokami Inuo, I live in a nearby shelter for adolescent boys, and I can make my own ramen without burning the water. Oh, and that I was born seventeen years ago. In fact, until you sit'd me, I didn't even remember BEING InuYasha!", Inuo explained.
"So you were reincarnated? InuYasha! What wish did you make on the Shikon no tama!", Kagome demanded.
"Who said I made a wish?", Inuo retorted.
"I SAW YOU! You were jumping down the well and a bright light flashed. I thought I heard you say something"
"I don't remember that at all. Like I'd make a dumb wish like this. Can we just drop the subject? The fact is, I'm here. It doesn't matter why or how I got here, I'm here in your world and that's that. I can get along by myself in this world. I know everything I need to know."
"That's good and all, and I really am glad to see you again, but, if someone sent you here, if it wasn't your wish, then we might have a new enemy.", Kagome noted.
"Kagome, even if we do have a new enemy, we can't fight it now. I'm human, remember? No special powers or anything, just an ordinary guy TRYING to live an ordinary life!", Inuo insisted.
"Leave me alone you guys! I gave you all the money I had at lunch! I don't got no more!" "Oh, if you really don't have any money then we'd let you go. Grab him boys!" "Hey, hey, hey! Let me go! I said I didn't have any money! Don't you guys believe me!"
Nearby, a poor little kid with fluffy orange hair is grabbed by two older kids and hung upside down by his ankles. "Hey! Hey! Stop it!", the kid pleaded as they shook him down. Ching. Ching. Ching.
"Just as I suspected, the little punk lied to us.", the leader commented.
"I.I didn't lie! I honestly didn't realize those were there! I swear! Please don't beat me up"
"Inuy..o! Look at those bullies picking on that poor little kid! We should do something about it!", Kagome suggested pointing to the three boys picking on the smaller boy.
"Feh,he can handle himself.", Inuo refused.
"InuYasha!", Kagome stomped.
"I'm not going to get myself involved in some playground fight."
"Don't MAKE me say it boy!" Inuo's face suddenly turned blue and he quickly marched over to the bullies.
A looming shadow lurked over the bullies, but they were ignorant of it as they set the kid down and pushed him up against the wall. The leader smirked. Tap. Tap. "Excuse me, but I think this is your cue to run.", Inuo smirked. The leader looked up at the rather tall and intimidating Junior High student.
"Yes, you're right! We...we...we should Now!" The leader and his two minions quickly ran off. "Uh, should I be running too, mister?", the cute little boy wonders.
"No, it's alright. Here's your change.", Kagome spoke gently as she approached them picking up the little kid's money.
"Thank you! My name's Kitsune Shippo!", the little red head introduces himself.
A freaked looked crossed Inuo's face and his bangs concealed his eyes giving him an evil look. Kagome simply looked over at Inuo and smiled. "Shippo, huh? Well I'm Higurashi Kagome, and this is Ginnokami Inuo.", Kagome introduced.
"Nice to meet ya! he...alright?", Shippo asks.
"Yes, he will be.", Kagome smirked.