It was a hot summer day. Harry Potter, a fourteen-year-old boy, is not to
be found in number four Privet Drive. In fact, he's not even in Surrey. The
place he's currently lodging in is Hawaii.
Now, for you and me, this would be a good thing. But not for him. He has to carry the Dursley's bags as they refused to carry it around themselves. This would not be such a bad problem if the sun is not burning down their bags and if they are not currently touring the infamous volcano, Mauna Loa.
So, as you can see, Harry is not having a good day.
Harry wiped a layer of sweat from his forehead for the thirtieth time of the day. He didn't see what's so great about the volcano. He knew Dudley wasn't here to do a science project; rather he was here so he could brag to his stupid friends that he had seen the Mauna Loa.
"Boy, we're going to see the special exhibit now. You stay here and guard the bags. If I catch you stealing our food, you'll be locked up for the rest of the summer. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, Uncle Vernon."
He got nothing in return as the Dursleys were already gone. He let out a sigh and flopped down to sit on the ground. Looking up, his eyes caught a door. The door has a very big DO NOT ENTER sign on it. He didn't know what was so special about the door but he had a feeling that he wanted to no needed to find out what's behind the door.
And of course Harry Potter being Harry Potter doesn't care about warnings. He got up and walked cautiously towards the door. Standing in front of it, he looked carefully around and make sure no one was watching before slipping inside.
Harry closed the door and saw a flight of stairs in the room. So it's merely an exit, why must nobody come in here? He figured that if he came this far, why not just go on. So he descended the steps.
Down, down, down. Really is there no end? Aha! At last! Harry saw with some relief a door at the end of the steps.
He quickly run to the door, not wishing to be stuck in the stuffy place. When he arrived in front of the door, he hesitated. He still do not understand why the staff working at the volcano do not want anyone to enter here. Oh well, I've already came so far.
With new determination, Harry grasped the handle and eased the metal door forward. He found out the answer to his question. Standing in the distance was the volcano itself. And he was out in the open.
Suddenly, a rumbling in the ground began, softer first then heavier and louder. With a jolt, he realized that that's what happened when a volcano was about to erupt.
Oh shit was the last thing on his mind before panic kicked in as hot lava rose from within and swept along the plains, him along with it.
Now, for you and me, this would be a good thing. But not for him. He has to carry the Dursley's bags as they refused to carry it around themselves. This would not be such a bad problem if the sun is not burning down their bags and if they are not currently touring the infamous volcano, Mauna Loa.
So, as you can see, Harry is not having a good day.
Harry wiped a layer of sweat from his forehead for the thirtieth time of the day. He didn't see what's so great about the volcano. He knew Dudley wasn't here to do a science project; rather he was here so he could brag to his stupid friends that he had seen the Mauna Loa.
"Boy, we're going to see the special exhibit now. You stay here and guard the bags. If I catch you stealing our food, you'll be locked up for the rest of the summer. Do I make myself clear?"
"Yes, Uncle Vernon."
He got nothing in return as the Dursleys were already gone. He let out a sigh and flopped down to sit on the ground. Looking up, his eyes caught a door. The door has a very big DO NOT ENTER sign on it. He didn't know what was so special about the door but he had a feeling that he wanted to no needed to find out what's behind the door.
And of course Harry Potter being Harry Potter doesn't care about warnings. He got up and walked cautiously towards the door. Standing in front of it, he looked carefully around and make sure no one was watching before slipping inside.
Harry closed the door and saw a flight of stairs in the room. So it's merely an exit, why must nobody come in here? He figured that if he came this far, why not just go on. So he descended the steps.
Down, down, down. Really is there no end? Aha! At last! Harry saw with some relief a door at the end of the steps.
He quickly run to the door, not wishing to be stuck in the stuffy place. When he arrived in front of the door, he hesitated. He still do not understand why the staff working at the volcano do not want anyone to enter here. Oh well, I've already came so far.
With new determination, Harry grasped the handle and eased the metal door forward. He found out the answer to his question. Standing in the distance was the volcano itself. And he was out in the open.
Suddenly, a rumbling in the ground began, softer first then heavier and louder. With a jolt, he realized that that's what happened when a volcano was about to erupt.
Oh shit was the last thing on his mind before panic kicked in as hot lava rose from within and swept along the plains, him along with it.