A/N: I got this idea in study hall and just couldn't pass it up. I think this may combine with my taijiya story idea posted in my bio. It might not either, please review! If you get confused by the weird way I wrote the beginning, just ask I'll try to explain.


Love or Life

Chapter One

Meet Kagome

By: Kagome-chan5

Beta: SilveKitsune88


A young girl of about 16, stands in front of you. "Now don't worry! I'm not Kagome! I'm just here to help introduce this wonderful new story. What is it about? You ask. It's about young cat hanyou who makes the biggest choice of her life. The love of her life, or her life. With twists and surprises that help with choice she will find an answer. Now Now see you almost made me tell the plot! Tsk Tsk." The girl shakes her head disapprovingly."

"I may pop-up from time to time to help explain. Let me first start out with our main character." The girl points at a distance scene of New York City. "This is where we begin, with how the life of one girl will change the world. Take a close look." The scene zooms in on a neighborhood, quiet and peaceful. "See the brick house on the end? Look closely." The scene zooms further in on a small yet nice looking house.

"Now look into the window, yes that big one there..don't be shy. Go on." The scene moves to the window. Inside is a baby crib, with a small child inside. "That's the Higurashi's new child, Kagome. Kagome was born with, simply put, a birth defect. She was "mutated" as the doctors had put it. Look closely at her, you'll see just what the doctors meant." The scene closes in on the baby in the crib. "She has black hair and green eyes. That's pretty normal. But if you look closely at the top of her head, you will surely find two small black animal ears with white tips. Sticking out of her diaper is a black animal like tail, with a white tip. Kagome looks about 2 years old doesn't she? My look at those big claws and sharp teeth. In truth Kagome is only 4 months old." Kagome coo'es and plays with her feet.

"She's cute, isn't she? The doctors didn't know what she was! She has, as far as is known, two human parents, yet she is half animal. The doctors finally decided that was is 1/2 cat and 1/2 human. A new breed of human. She was going to be a new species called hanyou. Only one other, born about 1 1/2 years ago, has ever been classified as hanyou. A young boy. Oh my! Don't cry baby Kagome!" Baby Kagome begins crying loudly. Her Mother and Father come running into the room.

"That thing is crying!" The Father said angrily.

"She's just a baby!" Her mother picks up Kagome and rocks her lovingly.

"Its just a MISTAKE! It shouldn't even EXISIT!" The Father storms from the room.

~Voice Over as the scene with Kagome and her Mother continues~

"Her Father was an awful mad. Never did treat Kagome right. Let's skip ahead to when Kagome is 6. Her Father had implanted in her mind that she was "a mistake" "a freak" and "a monster" since as long as she could remember, she'd been called that. Her body grew with double the rate of a human. At the age of six she seems nearly 8.

Her tail had grown also, about 3 foot long now, bushy and slender. Her black hair fell lazily around her shoulders, her tiny cat ears twitching ever so often. When Kagome was about 3 her claws and fangs grew in fully. Mrs. Higurashi was really the only person not scared of her, the only one who cared about her. But not even she could stop her husband."

The scene shifts to a tiny car driving on a country road, far from busy New York. "That's Kagome and her Father, he's taking her to school well at least that's what her Mother thinks. By now he must have her out somewhere in Maine." The car slows to a stop by a dense patch of woods.

"Get out." Her Father said sternly.


"OUT!" Her Father roared. Terrified, Kagome opened the car door and got out. As soon as she closed the car door her Father sped off, leaving the six year old hanyou alone.

Kagome stood at that spot, watching for her Father's car. It started getting dark, she waited. It began raining. She waited. Soon tears welled, unknown to her, in her eyes. "He isn't coming back." Kagome heard an adult voice say. She turned around and saw a fox, holding some acorns.

"I know." Kagome said quietly.

"I'm a local youkai around here. If you need a place to stay its just me and my son, Shippou." The fox said kindly. Kagome nodded and followed him into the woods, not once looking back at the spot. "It's just a small cave, our home. But your welcome to live there." The fox youkai pushed apart some bushes and revealed a cave with a stream by it.

"Father!" A small boy with orange hair, tied up with a blue bow, and tail came running up to them. "Welcome home! Who is that?" The boy asked and his Father smiled. 'So different from my life.' Kagome thought.

"This is Kagome. She'll be staying with us, Shippou." Shippou's Father said.

"How do you know my name?" Kagome asked.

"Your well known around here. One of two hanyou's known to the entire World! Just you and a dog hanyou. He lives around here actually." The Father said placing the acorns down. Shippou bounded up to Kagome.

"This is your home now!" Shippou said happily. 'Home. I've never been 'home'. I always just had a 'house'.' Kagome thought, and followed the 2 foxes into the cave. 'Home. it feels good to be home.' Kagome thought with a small smile.


A/N: Well there ya go! Please review I really like them.
