Disclaimer: I don't own X-Men or The Brotherhood - Marvel does.

Pietro looked down at his fragile arms, bruised; blue and purple against his now pale skin. He sighed deeply as he reached into his drawer and pulled out a ziplock bag. He examined the contents - heroin. Already having some in liquid form, he prepared the needle. Then he took the needle and slowly injected it into his vein. When he removed the needle, his vein was open enough and quickly started to bleed. He stared at his blood, he didn't care anymore. He might aswell let himself bleed.

He was too fast for this world, and nothing could keep him busy long enough. He couldn't even remember why he started doing drugs. Heroin slowed him down so he could be normal like other people. Sometimes that was what he wanted, but then again who wouldn't want superhuman speed? He was stupid for getting addicted. But he couldn't stop himself. He was in too deep.

Suddenly, he started to feel sick and crawled over to the bathroom. Crawling over to the toilet, he started throwing up; all that he had left to give - literally. He hadn't eaten all day; he was throwing up his stomach acid. He never felt worse in his life. And he was only 17. He had gone through some hard times with The Brotherhood. Just when the world started spinning, he then had a relapse.

Pietro woke up on his bed, his arm bandaged, to look at his friends with very worried expressions on their faces.

"Pietro, you need help." Lance said holding up the bag, shaking the heroin inside.

"Listen, this is none of your business, ok? Just leave me alone." Pietro said rolling over on his side, his back facing them.

"Look at yourself Pietro! Look at yourself in the mirror! See what you have done to yourself?!" Lance said angrily, yet deeply shaken inside. "What made you do this to yourself?! Pietro? Answer me!" Lance yelled.

"Hey, I think he passed out yo!" Todd said, informing Lance.

"Should we tell Mystique? Or Magneto? Should we take him to the X-Men? Maybe they could help him." Fred suggested urgently.

"Are you an idiot?! Fred, Mystique would kill us for letting him get like this!" Lance yelled again. "And Magneto...well I'd hate to say this, but he wouldn't care. Not even for his own son." Lance looked down at his feet as if the answer was written on the floor.

"Well I think Fred's right yo! He needs help, and we can't help him. We should take him to the X-Men yo, they can help him." Todd said hoping Lance would agree.

"Yeah!" Fred agreed stupidly.

"Ok, I guess, but we've got to hurry, there's no time." Lance picked up Pietro and they all jumped in Lance's jeep.

The mansion's gate was open, and it seemed that there was a training session going on in the back yard, as there was yelling and noises of powers being used were heard. Lance drove down the driveway and stopped at the front door.

"What the hell are you doing here?" a gruff voice said. Lance looked up and saw that Logan was looking down at them. Watching their every move.

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