"Well I don't know the exact time, but its been growing since our second year" Hermione answered straight away, 'since when have I been able to lie so easily'
"Any particular thing that started it?" Lavender leaned forward on the edge of her bed, she didn't class herself as a gossip hound really, she just liked knowing everything that was happening at Hogwarts.
"Just lots of little things really," she shrugged in reply "like after Madame Pomfrey gave me the Mandrake solution she told me that he had stayed with me as long as he could, even sneaking back into the infirmary on a few occasions just to sit with me" smiling she looked around at silly grins plastered over the girl's faces.
"I remember Ron talking about that over the holiday when we were in Egypt, he kept on and on about how Harry snuck into the infirmary under his cloak to read the class chapters to you, I even heard him reading Hogwarts a History to you a few times"
"Really that's news to me" Hermione answered feeling pleased that Harry had cared enough to do that.
"Well he only read the first few pages before giving up with that book"
"How sweet was that, a twelve year old Harry knowing your favourite book and trying to read it tow you while you were petrified" Parvati sighed
"Yeah well, what else you said lots of little things." Lavender had moved to sit on the floor next to Hermione
"Just little things through out the years, the time I had Professor McGonagall take away his firebolt in case it was cursed, even though it made him and Ron angry at me. I suppose the next 'big thing' was the second part of the Tri Wizard Tournament when he helped Victor save me, before going back to help Ron and Gabrielle" Seeing the puzzled faces she explained, "Victor managed a partial transfiguration in to a shark, but when he got to me he couldn't untie the vines holding me down so Harry helped him"
"I remember that task, even after Victor had saved you, you didn't pay much attention to him when you realised that Harry was still in the Lake" Parvati said waving her wand making two bed jumped together and climbing on them, "And when he finally came up you ignored him and focused on Harry instead.
"I'm getting thirsty, back in a min," Ginny said before disappearing out of the door. When she returned a few moments later with an armful of butterbear the others had climbed on to the joint beds and looked at the bottles in her arms.
"Saved them from the party earlier." She explained as she passed the bottles round before getting comfortable on the bed. "Were where we?"
"Our fourth year" Lavender took a swig of her drink.
"Wasn't that the year you and Harry kissed?" Ginny asked smirking at Hermione.
"WHAT" Parvati coughed as her drink went down the wrong hole.
"Honestly Ginny you make it sound as if we snogged each other senseless, nice thought though. I gave Harry a Peck on the Cheek at the train station when we said goodbye, the same sort of kiss of friendship I gave Ron at the beginning of his first match last year."
"So back on subject, you've told us about second, third, and fourth year anything last year?"
"Erm," 'I can't tell them about Harry protecting me from Grawp or about that time in Sirius' house in buckbeak's room' "Fifth year, when he agreed to meet me at the Three Broomsticks without hesitation, even though he was meant to be on a date with Cho."
"Wasn't that on Valentine's Day"
"Yes it was, he went on his date with Cho to Puddifoots, then met me at the Three Broomsticks to talk with Rita Skeeter even though he did not know that is what it was for."
"Still he cut short a Valentines date with Cho, just because you asked him to."
"Anything happen in first year?"
"Troll" Hermione and Ginny said at the same time
"You mean the Halloween Feast interrupting Troll"
"Yep that's the one, Harry found out I was not in the great hall when the announcement was made and came looking for with dragging Ron along with him. They unfortunately locked the troll in the bathroom where I was hiding before they had to come in and help me, they chucked things at it before Harry jumped on to it's back and rammed his wand up its nose while Ron case Wingardium to knock it out with its own club. I suppose you want to know if anything has happened so far this year as well then?" After receiving nods of confirmation she explained about all the little things he had done this year.
"Any way I think it's time for you lot to show me some of those spells."
"I have a better idea," Lavender smirked, "One word…"
"I'm not going to like this am I?" Hermione muttered
"Makeover" Squealed Lavender and Parvati
So it began the four girls talking about what they could do to help PGS and Hermione's makeover, which included spells, charms potions and muggle techniques.
Meanwhile Harry was on his way to being once again beaten by Ron at Wizard Chess.
"Ron ever think that if you taught me how to play I might be a better opponent for you."
"Yeah but they say practice makes perfect, tell you what you play Neville and I'll give pointers to both of you"
"Sure, I'll just reset the board" Harry said waving Neville to take a seat.
"Right lesson one your equipment, this is the pawn it can move …" So began the first of what Harry was starting to fear would be many Chess lessons."
"Wow, it looks great, thanks you three, you have just made my job a lot easier, now if only I could get rid of this scar it would be perfect."
"Scar? What scar" Lavender asked
"Well you know six of us went to the Ministry at the end of last year. One of the deatheaters, Antoin Dolhov cast some purple spell at me, and I have a scar from it"
"Can we see it? I might be able to help" Parvati asked.
"Fine but know one else knows about this" Hermione warned as she stripped to her underwear displaying the ten inch scar that ran from her right shoulder down towards her left hip. "If he'd spelled this the other way I wouldn't of survived or if I did would have had to be wheel chair bound."
Parvati and Lavender both tried out a few spells to try and cover up the scar, but none of them worked.
"I'm sorry but none of the spells are working it looks like we'll have to do this the muggle way at first at least." Lavender answered before digging in her make up bag and pulling out three different creams and sponges to match. "First we'll clean the area like this you need to make sure it is fully dry, then we blend these two creams together to get a colour as near to your skin tone as possible. Then we blend the mix on to your skin in small movements. Now I am going to have to let you do the next bit under your bra, then you need to cast a drying and protection charm go on" she finished pushing Hermione in to the bathroom.
When she came out ten minutes later you could not see where the scar or the make up was. "Ahh the miracle of muggle make up. Now that you don't have to worry about that scar we can look at different tops for you to wear instead of these monstrosities that cover everything and leave it all to the imagination."
So they carried on with the makeover looking through all of Hermione's clothes, which lead to a rather awkward discussion about why she of all people had a an old skirt that would only just reach over half way down her thighs, (it was one of her mum's when she was younger) and why she had never worn it.
As the night drew to an end and several bottles of butterbeer later, they collapsed on the bed.
"I don't know why we haven't done this before, its great being able to just relax with the girls, I can't really talk to Harry and Ron about this stuff.
"Well why don't we make this a regular thing say every month?" Lavender suggested.
"Ok but it's one of you next time." Hermione smiled a swish of her wand and the room was back to normal
"Night girls" Ginny said as she went back to her own dorm
Night Gin, night everyone" they chorused back
"Harry won't know what's hit him tomorrow. You have got to let us help you get ready tomorrow," Parvati said as she turned of the light
In the boys dorm Harry felt a shiver go up his spine.
Author note:
I am really sorry about the delay in posting this; my sister has been in and out of hospital so I haven't been able to get to the library to post it. Hope you like it and I promise to try and get the next chapter up a lot quicker hopefully before September but I wouldn't hold your breath.
If you have read this please can you leave a review even if it's just one word, I'd like to know what you think about it
TTFN Bluebell-uk