Disclaimer: I don't own JAG. I also don't own Jerry Maguire. If you'll believe it, I've never even seen the movie. Dialogue was swiped from the Jerry Maguire soundtrack; hence, the title.

            I give her a hug.

            "I'll miss you, girl."

            She returns the hug, looking up at me with eyes we both pretend aren't watering.

            "I'll miss you too, Sturgis. Take care of...of everything."

            I know who she means, and we exchange a last pair of watery smiles before she heads out into the hall. I watch her go, and stiffen when I realize he's waiting for her in front of the elevator doors. He gives her a heated look, and I know this won't go well.

            "So this break, is this a break up? Do I lose you forever?"

            He sounds angry, but beneath it I can hear a little of the homesick first-year squid I used to know. She looks like she wants nothing more than to crawl into a corner and cry.

            "Please, Harm. You know how hard this is for me."

            He shakes his head, stalking back and forth in front of the elevator door.

            "All right. If this is where it has to end, then this is where it has to end." He looks up and stares at her for a long moment, then strides over to stand in front of her. "You know what?" he asks, pointing a finger at her. "I'm not letting you get rid of me. How about that?"


            The heartbreak on her face is almost as painful as the desperation on his.

            "What if I asked you to marry me? If I said that, would you stay?"

            She's shaking her head, and she looks as lost as I've ever seen her.

            "No. Don't do that. Don't say that. Unless...well, you can say it if you want to."

            "Will you marry me?"

            She's silent, eyes wide. He lets her mull that over for a few seconds, then reaches up to touch her cheek.

            "What are you thinking?"

            She pulls back and I stifle a groan. They were so close.

            "No, Harm. Not like this. It can't happen like this. It has to be more than just a way to end an argument."

            "It is," he insists, but her expression is closing off. He needs to do something, quickly, or she's as good as gone. His next words grab the attention of everyone watching and, more importantly, of the woman in front of him. "Sarah, I love you." The raw honesty in his tone resounds in my heart, and if it hits me hard I can guess what it must be doing to her. "You complete me. You're everything I've ever wanted. If I – if I just had –"

            "Shut up. Just shut up." There are tears streaming down her cheeks, and as he reaches to brush one away she leans into his hand, holding it to her face as she stands on her toes to kiss him.

            She pulls away just far enough to speak, and her whisper puts the last piece of their relationship into place at last.

            "You had me at hello, Harm. You had me at hello."

            I clap a hand on Bud's shoulder, turning him forcibly back toward the bullpen.

            "C'mon, Bud. Let's see if some of us can't get some work done today."

            He looks up at me. "Commander Turner –"

            "I think they can take it from here, don't you?"

            He looks over his shoulder, smiles, and nods. "I think you're right, sir."