Author's Notes: Okay, it's been awhile since I wrote a Harry Potter fic so here is my latest. This fic is centered on mainly Ginny and Harry. I got the idea for this during an actual summer storm that occurred. Those plot bunnies just pop whenever they like uh? Btw: the time line for this is any summer (you guys can chose which one) after the Chamber of Secrets. Well, enjoy. Please review when you're done. Flames will be laughed at.

Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own any of the characters from Harry Potter. They all belong to the great JK Rowling. All I own are some posters, displays, and some figures for a shrine.

Beta By: Showndra Ridge

Summer Storm:

By: Fancy Face

"NO!" Ginny cried as a thunder clash caused her bolt straight up in bed. She let out a small yelp as another thunder clash went off, and the rain came. "Looks like there's going to be a storm. Great..." Ginny wasn't found of storms, even the smallest little storm scared her. The only thing she liked about this one was the fact it woke her up from her nightmares, and for that she was thankful.

The nightmares started right after the horrible events that took place during the Chamber of Secrets. After that year at Hogwarts, she was never really the same. She kept to herself more then usual, hardly ate, and couldn't sleep. Her family was shocked when she didn't seem to care when Harry Potter, her crush, came to stay with them. The Weasleys nor Harry knew how to help her, so they let just left her alone. Hoping the ordeal she was going through would end soon.

Another thunder clash went off, causing her to jump. "That's it. I'm getting out of here." with that said, Ginny through a blanket around her shoulders and as quiet and quickly as she could, she went downstairs to the living room. Once she was there, she made a small fire, and went to sit on the sofa. She pulled the blanket closer around her. It was different at night around the Weasley house, usually this house was full of noise, and since it was night, it was a little spooky.

The fire let out its warmth, and Ginny stared at the flames. She was trying to keep her mind of the storm, it was slightly working. She was so drawn to the fire, that she didn't see the figure of shadow move toward her. Ginny jumped and cried out as she felt a hand on her shoulder. She spun around to see: "H-H-Harry..." she stuttered.

"Sorry Gin, didn't mean to scare you." Harry replied. He then asked: "What are you doing up?"

"I could ask you the same thing." she said to him.

"Storm woke me up. Plus, I wanted to get a drink of water." he answered by showing her a class of water he held in right hand.


"What about you?"

"Couldn't sleep."


Ginny didn't answer him. Instead she turned back to the flames. Harry put the glass down on a nearby table, and went next to the sofa. "Mind if I join you?"

"I guess." answered Ginny as she moved over to give him room, and Harry sat down.

"So the storm got you up too uh?" Harry asked.

Ginny was about to answer when another clash of thunder went off and grabbed hold of Harry. Harry blushed a little, and Ginny, realizing what she had just done, started to pull away from him. Harry looked at Ginny, and he could tell that she was scared, and he had a feeling it was more then storm.

"Ginny, are you okay?" That's when Harry noticed small tear drops coming from Ginny's eyes. "Ginny?"

Another clash went off and Ginny grabbed Harry again, this time not letting go. "Make them stop..."

"Ginny?" Harry asked again, as he put an arm around her.

"They won't go away."

"What won't?"

"The nightmares... They keep on replaying what happened in the camber. I can't deal with this Harry. Tom Riddle won't leave me alone!" Harry heard her start to cry harder.

Harry had a feeling that was the thing that was bothering her. Unlike her, Harry also would never forget what happened down in the chamber. However, he dealt with it differently then Ginny did. Ron and Hermione helped him out whenever they could. Harry was glad to have them. He felt sorry for Ginny because he knew that she really didn't have anyone she could talk to about this, anyone who could understand anyway.

"Listen to me," Harry told Ginny as he pulled her away from him, and made her look him in his eyes. "What happened was not your fault. Don't let Tom Riddle win. Ginny, this will pass, and I will help you with this." Harry wiped some tears away, and Ginny smiled.

"Thank you," she replied as she went to snuggle closer to him, but jumped once again as a thunder clashes went off.

"It's okay Ginny, I'll protect you..." Harry let her rest on his shoulder, and she was soon asleep. He meant what he said, he would protect her. Not only from storms but also from demons like Tom Riddle. After a few minutes of watching Ginny sleep, he too found himself asleep.

The next morning, Ron was the first one up, and he was a little shocked to see Harry and Ginny asleep on the sofa. He wasn't angry. Ron was happy that Ginny found comfort in Harry. "Wait till Hermione hears about this one." Ron said to himself. He had a feeling this summer would be different from the others.


Author's Notes: So what did you think? I don't know if I want to continue this or not. This was meant to be a one shot fic. Most reviews want me to continue some of my fics. I guess depending on my reviews, I'll try my best to continue this. Until then check out my other Harry fics.