Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon.

Summery: AU.

A lone digi destined
Part VI
All together at last part I.

Looking out into the dark, damp and rather cold cell he had just been pushed into by a Knightmon, Michael turned to regard his teammate and somewhat leader get pushed in right behind him. "This is not going very well is it?" His simple comment making the messy haired boy frown lightly at him.

Ignoring the other boy with him for the moment, Tai turned to see the third member of their get pushed in as well, stumbling a bit before Michael grabbed her. "Well, we're still alive, so it's not a complete loss, we just have to find a way out and we'll be fine."

"Yagami, of course." The comment breaking through Tai's rant as the words were spat out form the other end of the cell, the owner of the voice stepping out into the light a second later, one hell of an angry expression on her face. "You know, I kept telling myself that this couldn't be your fault, that I had heard wrong, but now I can clearly see, that it really is your fault."

The last of her words were followed by the messy haired girl launching herself at him with a scream, nails held out to scratch his eyes out, rip open his throat, or just make him pay for what he had gotten her put through, even id he hadn't been there.

Tai wasn't really sure what she was ranting about, but still decided to at least hold her away from him before he got anymore bruises then he really wanted at the moment. "A little help would be nice." The sarcastic remark spat out at Michael as Tai did his best to keep the homicidal Jun away from him got the blond haired boy to snap out of his shock and into action.

Grabbing Jun's wrists and pulling her away, Michael looked over at Tai as the messy haired boy stumbled back a bit. "Maybe you should move a bit away Tai, and let me talk with her, or at least calm her down." The comment added on in the end as Jun struggled to get free and continued her throttling of Tai.

Wisely deciding to keep his mouth shut and agree with the blond haired boy on that point, Tai moved back a bit and shook his head as he sat down on a small stone bench, grimacing at how damp and cold it was. "Well, it can only get better from now on."

Tapping one hand against the stone surface of the bench, Tai shuddered as he noticed Jun glaring at him, the sight reminding him of the one time had faced Karatenmon, the digimon had looked at him the same way right after he had gotten his digimon partner to digivolve for the first time.

Sighing, Tai wondered how his digimon partner was doing, the small white feline was properly still out cold after getting pummeled by Panjyamon.

Staring down at the two humans, Panjyamon's face split into a dark grin. "So, will you fight valiantly in the arena, or do I have to get violently disappointed?"

Stepping back, Tai froze as Panjyamon's face split into a frown, his head moving up to stare at Lynxmon as the fiery lion like digimon stalked forward. "You might be disappointed fur ball, but I think that getting away from you will make us happy."

Above them, the twisting form of Seadramon moved closer, aiming his head to be able to take down Panjyamon from the side if he had too. "Whoever you are, you can't just expect us to surrender just because you order it."

Simply glancing as the sea dragon like digimon, Panjyamon slowly allowed a smirk to form on his face as he lifted up one hand, a faint blue light forming around it. "You're right about that Seadramon, but in this case, I suggest you get used to it, for I do not take no for an answer."

Moving forward one more step, Lynxmon allowed the fire covering his body to grow a lot brighter and hotter. "Then maybe, you will accept this as an answer, Thermal Mane!" A sheer wall of fire rushing towards Panjyamon at the last word from the lion like digimon, the heat of it making the air ripple around it.

Slipping into a battle stance as soon as Lynxmon yelled out his attack, Panjyamon growled as he lashed out with the glowing fist in the direction of the wave of fire. "Ice Beast Fist!" A sudden surge of the blue light shooting off form his fist as it finished punching the air, the light taking on the shape of a lions head before it hit the wave of fire,

Stepping back in shock, Lynxmon barely managed to duck the attack as it shot over him to impact a nearby wall after ripping through his fire and putting it out. "How, how." came the slightly fear filled question as he noticed a layer of ice covering the wall Panjyamon's attack had hit. "An ultimate."

In the air, Seadramon took in the information as well, feeling his fighting spirit fade a bit at the thought of having to fight an Ultimate, and right after they had defeated a powerful champion digimon no less. "Maybe, Lynxmon, get ready to attack now!" Moving forward, Seadramon snapped his mouth open as a beam of ice-cold water and ice shot out. "Ice Blast!"

On the ground, Lynxmon rushed forward as he powered up his most powerful attack for the second time that day. "Wild Nine Rush!" At his yell, nine white-hot fireballs shot off towards Panjyamon at the same time as Seadramon ice beam had almost reached the ultimate level digimon.

Eyeing both attacks, Panjyamon moved into action, his legs kicking of form the ground and propelling him up into the air as fire and ice hit each other beneath him, the resulting explosion of steam hiding the street from view. "You two are the chosen digimons of legend, don't make me laugh."

Ripping out his sword, Panjyamon slashed out with it, cutting Seadramon across the back with it as he powered an attack through it. "Cold Attack!" Seadramon responding with a scream as ice-cold temperature ripped across his whole body along with a layer of heavy ice that dragged his down onto the street with a loud crash.

Running down the light of Seadramon as he fell down, Panjyamon smirked as he saw Lynxmon still staring in the direction of where he had been attacking Seadramon just a few seconds before. "You want to stand a chance against me little one, you have better shape up your act, Ice Beast Fist!"

Snapping his head around, Lynxmon let out a scream as he saw Panjyamon jump off the suddenly de digivolving Seadramon, his lion shape frost attack already heading towards him. "No!" Then it was over as he felt the fire on his body get blow out as his power was blown away by a rush of intense cold. "Tai, I'm sorry."

Watching in horror, Tai looked up as Panjyamon sheathed his sword with a calm motion, one foot moving out to kick up Tailmon from the ground rather harshly. "Tailmon, Tailmon talk to me."

Looking up with a weak moan, Tailmon shook as he could still feel a bit of the cold run through him. "Tai, I am sorry, I can't beat him, not yet." At the last word, the blue eyes closed at Tailmon's head fell down limply as a moan escape form his mouth.

"Tailmon!" The scream filled the alley as Tai hugged the white feline digimon close to him.

That was less then an hour ago, now he was sitting here in a dungeon below an arena, his digimon taken from him and tossed into a different cell along with Betamon and Kunemon. And he was now here along with Michael, Noriko and Jun.

Lifting up his head, he noticed that Jun had stopped glaring and settled for leaning against the wall as Michael had gone over to talk with Noriko who had remained rather silent the whole time. "It wasn't my fault you know."

Glancing over at his comment, Jun blinked her eyes in a bored fashion and sat up more straight and tapped one finger against her leg as she just stared at him. "And how do you figure that, from what Michael told me you were meant to find us and lead us."

"I wasn't" Tai replied in a slightly less confident tone of voice, sighing a bit before he stood up and walked over to stand nearby her. "All of this stuff with me started when I entered the Digital World about a month ago." Seeing her stare at him with a go on look in her eyes, Tai gave a small sigh. "I ended up in Primary Village where I met my partner and defeated a digimon called Demidevimon, after that, things went downhill, an evil digimon Karatenmon attacked me claiming I was destined to defeat him."

Jun nodded a bit, Michael had at least briefly mentioned a few of the things Tai had told him, but it still felt better to get the full explanation from the messy haired boy himself. "And he did something to you, didn't her."

Looking away, Tai bit his lip as he tried to block out the words Karatenmon had spat after him when he escaped form that dark place, and the evil digimon. "He poisoned me, making sure I wouldn't run away, but show up to face him." At the words, he noted Jun look a bit shocked, but quickly hid it. "I tried to find out where he was, and was first given directions to a digimon that might have the answers I needed, but it was no good."

Turning to face them, Michael could clearly hear everything that Tai said. "That must have been around the time I showed up, I met Tai after having getting tossed into this world." Michael added in as he saw her nod in remembrance. "That was when we learned that our team would consist of four members."

Sighing in a tired way, Jun pushed off from the bench and stood up. "And I'm one of those members I take it." She finally questioned and saw them nod in response. "Figures, so how do you fit in?"

Noriko stared up at Jun as the older messy haired girl pointed one finger at her, a stern look in her eyes as she slowly lowered it. "Look, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Jun began to mutter out as she miss took Noriko's silence for something else.

Shaking her head a bit, Noriko smiled her best and looked around at each of the human children she was sharing the cell with. "It's okay, I should explain it anyway." Standing up, Noriko gave a small bow at each of them. "I am Noriko Matsuda, youngest child in my family, and the outsider in my school." Her words turn frosted at the last as her eyes flashed in an annoyance.

"One day as I walking home form school, I saw this weird guy sitting on a swing at my old playground." Her voice turned a bit hesitant at that part, a far off distant look entering her eyes. "I was just passing by, when he asked me if I was still dreaming of a small digimon that needed my help."

Holding up a hand to interrupt her, Jun gave her a curious glance. "This guy, did he have a white wizards hat on his head, and a white robe and a cape with stars on the inside of it?"

Noriko closed her eyes for a bit, trying to remember the guy clearly, finally opening them again. "No, he was wearing a long dark trench coat, and was holding a laptop." Seeing Jun lean back a bit, she continued on with her story. "As I was opening my mouth to answer him, he interrupted me and said he could help me find Kunemon, and all I need to do was hold onto this digivice and wish with all of my heart to find him."

Tai nodded a bit as he found it to be far too similar to what he had received on his computer that first day this crazy adventure had started. It was something he hadn't expected to be remembered about, but bow that he had, it sounded rather creepy now that he thought back on it. "The Digimon Master."

Noriko gave a small start at that comment, shooting Tai a rather suspicious look as she saw him grow distant while thinking about something. "After I touched the digivice, I was engulfed by a powerful white light, and awoke on the Server Island, outside the temple of Fire."

"Temple of Fire." Jun muttered out with a slightly disbelieving look on her face. "Sounds like something out of one of Davis's RPG's." Seeing all of them glance at her, she blushed a bit and giggled. "Sorry, just carry on with your story Noriko."

"As interesting a story as it is." Came the scratching and mocking comment from Apemon as he stepped out in front of the barred door leading into the cell, one hand slowly dragging his bone club across the bars of the doorway. "There is no time for it, your first battle in the arena will begin now."

Smirking as he saw them shrink back, he pointed over at Jun and grinned as he saw her go pale. "You, the last member of the four chosen ones, we have waited for you, and so have your partner." Unlocking the cell door, he grinned as he saw each of the four humans children stand up with a tense look to them. "Now, follow me, and I'll take you to the arena, so you can experience your final moments alive together. And no heroics, without your digimons, you won't stand a chance against me."

Almost spitting out and insult, Tai pushed it down with a look of venom in his eyes as he turned to regard the others standing behind him. "He's right you know, we won't stand a chance." But even as he said this, his eyes turned to one of confidence as he noted each of them look back at him with a small hint of trust.

They may not have a chance now, but who was to say one wouldn't show up along the way.

Spread out before them, the arena was modeled after a roman coliseum; a tall wall surrounded an oval pit filled with gravel, only broken by a large double doorway in each end. The doors had metal bars covering them to prevent a digimon from enter the arena before time.

Built at the top of the pit walls, seats rose up in nine rows on each side, ending with yet another wall, this one sporting a statue on top placed in each of the worlds corners, north, south, east and west. And below the biggest statue sat the rulers' seats, a grand terrace with a small railing around it holding them up well beyond the fighting ground.

And seated comfortably on the center place, sat two of the current present members of the sovern regents as they had started to call themselves recently and one representative of the last sovern regent.

Skullmeramon representing fire sat at the very edge of the seat, with Panjyamon next to him, and the tall lion man like digimon was seated next to a small female digimon who looked increasingly bored with each passing minute. "Tell me, Lady Ranamon?"

At her name, the digimon looked up with a startled expression, her eyes turning to regard Skullmeramon who simply stared at her with an unnerving gaze. "Yes, Lord Skullmeramon, what is it?" Hr voice rather timid sounding as she muttered out a reply to his question, her eyes turning to view Panjyamon who had chosen to ignore the conversation.

Ignoring the lack of respect that the young digimon refused to show by looking away from him, Skullmeramon leaned back a bit in his seat. "Your mistress, Mermaimon, what troubles her so much that she is unable to attend a council meeting, even a rather hasty called one."

This comment did get Panjyamon's attention as he lowered his eyes to each of them in turn. "You two, you would do well in remembering that a threat to our rule has shown up." Turning to face Ranamon, he grumbled lowly as he saw her curious glance and slightly worried expression. "Humans have shown up in File City, and there are reports on others from the Server continent, your mistress is most likely making sure none has shown up in her domain."

Ranamon nodded as one hand went up to cover her mouth, her memory already going over the once wildly discussed legend that four humans would restore balance to the Server Islands, a balance lost long ago to a treachery form within the Sovern Regents themselves.

"And the news are more dire then just sightings of them." Panjyamon continued as he turned to face Skullmeramon. "Earlier today, they defeated Musyamon, your former servant and assistant."

Skullmeramon's reaction to the news was less then pleasant as his blue fiery hairstyle took on a more fiery appearance, almost whipping around like a blazing fire as his anger erupted forth. "Musyamon, that traitor, I wanted the pleasure of deleting him myself."

Ending his sentence with one fist hammered into the railing, Skullmeramon stood up from his seat and stared down into the arena below. "Panjyamon, whoever it is that fights today, I want them to face the fire champion, Allomon." Tilting his head around, he stared harshly at the lion man like digimon. "If not, I'll be deleting all of them myself when they show up."

Eyes a bit wide, Ranamon bit her lip as she turned her head to stare down into the pit below, her mind still going over the fact that a powerful warrior could have been defeated. He may have been a traitor yes, but he was also a champion, and one of the best ones to have worked directly below a Sovern Regent.

It made her nervous just to think about it, for if she was ever to meet them in battle, she was as good as dead, no way could she ever hope to stand up to them, let alone her mistress anger when she learned of the presence of digi destined children near her domain.

She would most likely be deleted on the spot, or get sentence to a lifetime in the temple dungeon, along with the other digimons accused of being viral infected, the ones the mistress hated and had declared to be deleted at once if encountered.

Breaking out of her thoughts, Ranamon tilted her head as she noticed Panjyamon and Skullmeramon talking, on the edge of whispering over at the railing, the only words she had managed to pick up so far has been the Ghost Kingdom, and a the temple of fire.

Clenching his fists tightly around the railing, Skullmeramon bit back an angry reply and focused on keeping his emotions in check and concentrate on the matter at hand. "My only remaining servant has reported back to me that the Ghost Kingdom controls all of the Island of Fire, and their new base lies in the Temple of Fire."

Panjyamon growled a bit as he thought about it, a deep anger forming as he considered this problem, with the resent arrival of the digi destined, clearly things were changing around them, but would it be to their advantage, or would it all end up in chaos like it had when Mystimon had tried to become the sole sovern regret around.

Bowing his head and sighing, Panjyamon breath turned into a hiss as he saw the door leading into the pit open, Apemon marching right out into the sand filled battle ground with the four humans right behind him. "Skullmeramon, Ranamon, the humans are here, let's us talk more after they have been disposed off."

Taking up position in the front of the terrace, Panjyamon smirked as he saw the blond haired boy, and the messy haired boy glare up at him, clearly they were still upset about their last encounter with him. "Greetings digi destined, and welcome to the Arena." Waving a hand in an inviting arc, Panjyamon gave a grim smirk at them as he saw them tense up. "Now, I believe you will all provide us with a fitting show of entertainment, sadly we didn't have time to invite any other to watch this, but I believe you won't find that insulting"

Ignoring the rude comment getting thrown at him by the messy haired boy, Panjyamon held up a hand to silence him. "And without further delay, let the battle begin." Tossing something through the air, Panjyamon smirked as he saw four digivices glint in the day light, before impacting the sand below. "Release their digimons into the arena, and bring out the fire champion Allomon."

"And may it be a grand battle." Came a lower muttered sentence as Panjyamon sat down in his seat, the doors on both sides of the pit opening, one releasing fours digimons into the arena, and the other one a very angry sounding dinosaur like digimon that roared loudly and focused on the digi destined and four digimons the instant it entered the pit. "Begin!"

In the pit, Tai, Jun, Noriko and Michael stared as each of the digivice flew through the air, each one suddenly giving a loud burst of light before racing towards them as fast as they could.

Holding out one hand to block his face from it, Tai blinked as he felt the device impact his open hand with about as much force as a pillow would have. Opening his eyes, he stared in surprise as the device rested inside a clenched up fist without any signs of damage.

Then he was snapped out of his thoughts as a single command rang out through the air. "Begin!" the voice clearly belonging Panjyamon who could be seen up on the terrace in his comfy chair.




Turning around, Tai smiled as he saw Tailmon run towards him, along with Betamon and Kunemon who each headed towards their own partner, but what surprised him was the digimon that seemed to melt out of the shadows themselves, her head held up in proud defiance of the place they were in.

Next to him, Jun answered his question without even having to hear it as she had already guessed it from the look on his face alone. "Tai, meet my partner, Renamon."

Turning her head to stare at him, the humanoid fox like digimon simply nodded at him as she flexed her three fingered hands in a testing manner. "Nice to meet you." Then she focused on the messy haired girl before her. "Jun, you must be careful out there, we have only just met, and I do not wish to see you get hurt so soon after finally meeting you."

Narrowing her eyes a bit, junk turned slightly to the side as she gave a small huffing sound. "Yes mom, I'll be careful out there." Mentally wondering why she had to get stuck with a digimon that worried more about her then her own mom normally would.

Snickering slightly at Jun's clear discomfort, Tai got back to business rather quickly as a loud roar signaled hat their opponent were going to attack them, and soon. "Great." Focusing on the digimon before them, Tai lifted up his digivice and stared down at Tailmon. "You up to armor digivolving again?"

Groaning slightly at the question, Tailmon shook his head while he lowered his tail a bit. "Sorry, but Panjyamon knocked me out for a good deal, I won't be able to do any digivolving until I regain some more strength." Turning his head as he spoke, the feline digimon focused on the towering dinosaur digimon stomping towards them. "It's up to the others now."

Getting an even more pt off expression on her face, Jun stared up at the evil digimon as it seemed ot focus it attention only on her. "Great, well Renamon, Attack him, knock him out, or just do something," Mumbling out the words as she backed off, Jun gulped as that large mouth open to show off a large row of sharp teeth on each jaw. "Anything would do at this point."

Smirking despite the danger to her partner, Renamon shot forward as silently as a shadow. "Well Jun, if you call me your mum, I should do my best to keep my pup safe form danger." Jumping up into the air, the fox girl like digimon crossed her arms and focused on the suddenly rising head of the dinosaur like digimon. "Diamond shower!"

Across the town, Gorillamon looked up as a familiar smell finally reached him, the smell of the brat himself that had escaped him so often, and it was coming from.

Turning to face the direction of it, the large gorilla like digimon smirked as he began to make his way in the direction that the smell came from. It was time to finally end the hunt, and to claim his trophy in the form of the boy's digivice and the rewards from Karatenmon for a job well done when he displayed the trophy to him.

Swatting the diamonds away from his body with an irritated growl, the dinosaur like digimon rushed forward as soon as the path was clear, snapping his jaws shut in the space that Renamon had been in just a second before.

Landing on her feet, Renamon growled as she crossed her arms, her eyes slightly narrowed as she focused more power into her attack. "I should have known that Allomon wouldn't go down that easy, still, even for me who is the champion of this pit, it is an insult." Letting lose with even more diamond shards, she growled, as its only effect was to make the big digimon even madder.

Off to the side, Noriko closed her eyes and tried to avoid watching the fight, part of her scared at the thought of having to be part of something like that, while another, happier part of her mind wanted to live up to the promise that she had made to her friend.

On her shoulder, Kunemon could sense the trouble going through her partners body, her own mind struggling to figure out how they had even gotten mixed up in this, this wasn't a place that a young girl like Noriko or any other child for that matter should be. "Noriko, are you, still confused." Came the mumble comment as the worm like digimon watched the fight before them. "Noriko? I know how you don't want to, I also know that even I don't want to, but if we're all part of a team, we should fight together with them."

Shuddering as a brief flash of another place and time passed before her eyes, Noriko did her best to block out the sound of two battles at the same time, and finding that it wasn't as easy as it should have been. "No, I don't want to have anyone suffer again, not even him, not like me."

"We'll end up suffering if we don't fight." Michael added in as he moved up to them, one eyes on the fight and the other one watching her from the corner of it. "Trust me, you can't avoid getting into a conflict forever."

Sighing slightly at the last word, Michael gave her a small smile. "The only thing you can decide, is is you want to face the problem, or keeping running away from it."

Watching as Allomon continued to roar and charge Renamon, Jun fumbled a bit with her digivice, a bit unsure of how to handle being a digi destined. Despite her brave front when she had introduced her partner, it had only been an hour or two since they had met.

Barely enough time to get to know one another, even if Renamon had declared that she knew all there was to know about her, and that she was sure she could live up to the expectations of destiny. "Tai, How do you do use this thing anyway, Renamon's not doing any damage at all; how do you make your digimon digivolve?"

Shooting a part surprised, part curious look, Tai shook his head a bit and gave his best shrug while holding Tailmon in his arms. "Beats me, all I gotten Tailmon to do so far is Armor digivolve." The rest a bit heated as he looked over at Michael who simply stared back at him. "Just, try something."

Simply staring at him, Jun gave a deep sigh and shook her head in a very negative way. "You know Yagami, for a team leader, you stink at giving support!" Turning back to the fight, Jun Clenched her hand around the digivice and stared harder at the fight, winching as Allomon's tail hammered into the wall making up the pit, sending a shower of small bricks falling down.

Huffing a bit at her comment, Tai shook his head and looked down at Tail before him. "Hey buddy, I know you're hurt, but we could really use your help right now." Eyes and head moving up, Tai glared at the sight of the two fake soverns and that small digimon looking down at them. "It's our only chance to escape right now, so please."

Smirking slightly, Tailmon pushed himself up, and gave a weak moan before dropping down again. "Sorry Tai, but I still need more time to recover." Slumping down, Tailmon hissed as he cast a glare up the two soverns above them, tails twitching to show just how angry he was "But if I could, I'd show them."

Off to the side of it all, Noriko lowered her gaze and sighed deeply. "Michael, I thank you, but still, I won't let anyone get hurt by this, I won't." Lifting up her digivice, she closed her eyes and focused on it. "Kunemon, try and get Allomon to stop fighting us, without hurting him."

On her shoulder, Kunemon nodded before jumping off, a bright light covering him as he landed on the ground. "Kunemon digivolve too." Exploding into a much larger form, the small insect became a much larger digimon, massive pinchers forming on his head as fours arms and two legs shot out of his body, massive insect wings beating the air harshly. "Kuwagamon!"

In his seat, Panjaymon allowed a grin to fill his face. "About time they started to take it seriously, I am very disappointed in the digimons belonging to the two boys, they seemed to at least pose a small challenge when I first saw them." Tapping a furry finger on his seat, he sighed as he held the other hand up to support his head. "Hopefully this new digimon will make the fight less boring."

Turning away form the small digimon who had been attacking him, Allomon roared out as he spotted the much larger, and easier to hit Kuwagamon move towards him. The insects massive size making a nice target for him as he felt fire form in his mouth. "Dino Burst!"

Spinning around to shield the humans and digimon behind him, Kuwagamon grunted in pain as fire hit his back, his wings feeling they were drying up from the heat of the attack alone. "Noriko, I don't know how much, I can keep this up."

Getting a small rest, Renamon head snapped around as she Saw Jun and Tai stumble back to avoid some of the fire getting deflected by Kuwagamon's back. "You!" Clenching up her hand, she shot forward as fast as she could, Allomon turning to face her as she jumped off the ground. "Don't you even dare think about harming Jun!"

Reeling back as Renamon's sentence was finished with a punch to his face, Allomon shook his head and tried to snap his jaws together around the fox digimon, missing as he began to flip away from him again, a glittering in the air signaling another Diamond Storm attack headed right towards him.

Acting as fast as he could, Allomon rushed forward, the most useful attack he had for a situation like this already powering up. "Dynamite Head!" Head butting the diamond shards out of the way, he hammered right into Renamon and sent her flying backwards through the air, firing off another attack as soon as he could. "Dino Burst!"

Letting out a loud scream, Renamon smacked into the pit walls with a loud thud, her body fur blanked in some parts as smoke rose up from the fire attack that had barely missed her doing her short flight. "I, I won't let you, I won't you hurt her." Staggering up, Renamon began to pull together another diamond storm attack.

Nearly dropping her digivice at the sight of her badly damaged partner, Jun began to rush forward without thinking about it, a deep desire to help and protect her partner flooding her mind as she took the second and third step forward. "Renamon!"

Snapping his head around at the sudden yell, Allomon stared in anger at the human girl moving towards the digimon that had been annoying him for so long. "Dynamite Head!" His head lowering as he began to rush forward.

Screaming in fear and anger as she saw the large digimon head towards her partner, Renamon began to move as well, her body protesting it as she could feel every burn clearly. But that wouldn't stop her, she'd protect her partner no matter what it took, that much she knew she was willing to, even if it meant getting deleted in the process.

Shielding herself with her arms as she noticed the digimon rushing towards her, Jun blinked her eyes as she noticed the digivice in her hand give off a bright white glow, the same glow forming around Renamon rushing towards her.

"Renamon digivolve too..." Her body twisting as it exploded with light, Renamon giggled as it quickly began to reform into a four legged one, nine tails forming where she had only had one before, along with a colorful ribbon like object around her neck colored red and white. "Kyuubimon"

Turning his full attention to the new digimon, Allomon began to gather up fire for another attack, this one meant to finally remove that fox digimon once and for all from the arena. "Dino!"

Not wanting to become a burnt digimon, Kyuubimon rushed forward as fast as she could, her nine tails spreading out behind her as each tip of them began to light up with a small fireball. "Fox!"

"Taichi Yagami!"

Freezing in the middle of their attacks, the two digimons as well as everyone else turned to the direction that the yell had come from, each of them staring in utter confusion at the lone person staring down at them.

He clearly didn't look like a normal human, that much they could all agree on as he was currently dressed in a tight spandex outfit colored gold, white and dark blue, a V shaped cape hanging from his shoulders and a tacky pair of massive sunglasses to complete the outfit along with the very spiky dark blue almost purple hair do.

Smirking darkly as he allowed a whip to unroll, the human boy looked down in the arena as several Devidramons and Airdramons hovered up behind him to offer support if he should need it. "I hope I didn't interrupt something interesting, but my curiosity just had to satisfied Yagami, which is way I am here."

Moving on before Tai even got a chance to ask, reply or make a comment, the boy gave a quick nod of his head as he saw a confused question about to be aimed at him. "Well, it seems I forgot my manners for a bit, very well, I am the Digimon Emperor, and I want to talk with you Yagami, firstly about the control towers you broke and then why you're so annoying familiar to me, and after that, I will destroy you to end your interference with my plans for this world."

"Get in the back of the line kid, I got first dips on taking him out." Eyes flashing in annoyance over the interruption, the young boy found himself glaring as yet another party crasher landed on the opposite sides of the arena, his eyes focused on the brown haired boy in the pit rather then the emperor.

Snapping out a hand to point at the digimon across from him, the digimon emperor snarled as he felt some of his control return to him. "And who are you to order me around, don't you know that this world is mine!"

Looking up to focus on the boy across from him, the digimon snorted a bit at the boosting he had just heard. "Well boy, I am Gorillamon!" Those words earning a small gasp from Michael down in the pit as he got a good look at the digimon as well as heard him introduce himself. "And this world, will belong to Karatenmon and the great Master!"

Standing up at that rant, Panjymon's fist crushed part of the railing as he stared at each of the intruders, his eyes glowing with the sheer power running through his body. "I was right all along, the danger to us is the return of Mystimon, an event that these children are said to be the ones to herald, we must destroy them before they release that monster from the Dark Area!"

Down in the arena, Jun blew a lose strand of hair out of her eyes as she cast a sarcastic glare over at Taichi who were staring rather confused up into the sky. "Okay Yagami, anyone else you've managed to piss off that isn't here yet?" Seeing him turn his head to look at her, she planted both her fists on her hips. "Well, is there?"

"Well." Tai stared as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Unless I managed to tick off anyone else lately, that should be all of them."

Narrowing her eyes in a mixture of disgust and anger, Jun turned back to face the new arrivals before them. With her eyes as nothing more then slits, she clenched up both her hands and got ready for anything else that might happen, while mentally cursing Tai and his idiot behavior that kept getting into more and more trouble with each passing moment.

Focusing on them, Michael moved a bit closer along with Noriko just in case things got really ugly. "So, anyone got a fantastic plan to get us out of this mess with?"

Deep silence greeted him after that question; a silence that had him whispered a small prayer to whatever deity might be willing to listen in on them, preferably one that could be bothered to save them.

And an answer he got, thought not one he would have liked to get as the whole Arena began to shake, several crack ripping up through the brick and rock parts of the place, a deep rumble coming from below the ground.

Stumbling back, Jun grabbed onto the first thing she came near, not really paying attention to what it was, but rather looking around to see what was going on. "Yagami, what's happing?"

Struggling to get her to release his arm and allow blood to flow through it again, Tai cast a frantic scan around the place in a hurry. "How should I know? It's not like I'm the one who planned something like this." Finally getting his arm free, Tai grinned as he stumbled back; only to give a loud scream as the ground vanished beneath him.

The same thing happing to the others in the arena, as a large hole formed, it's edges stopping right before the pit walls.

Staring down in the hole, Ranamon scratched her head and cast a look over at the fake soverns with a puzzled expression on her face. "So, what now?" Moving back several steps as everyone gave her their attention, she quickly began to wave her arms up and down in desperation. "It wasn't me! Honest!"

Simply snorting in reply, Skullmeramon turned back to face the ones who had interrupted the battle, and froze as he found none of them, Gorillamon was gone, and so was that human boy, and to add insult to his injury, Allomon had vanished from the pit as well.

Next to him, Panjyamon just stared into the sky, wondering just what this new development would mean. The digimon Emperor had made an appearance before them, and Gorillamon's presence had made it absolutely clear that Karatenmon was involved in the matter as well.

Turning sharply around, Panjyamon walked rapidly towards the doors leading into the sovern's castle. "Skullmeramon, I leave File City and the Digi Destined matter up to you." Pulling out his sword and watching his reflection on its surface, the lion man like digimon growled in his throat as he saw the traces of shock still clear on his face, but it would have to wait until later. "If you need my help, I will be at the center of everything."

Gasping at the comment from Panjyamon, Ranamon and Skullmeramon glanced at one another, both of them clearly remembering what the center of everything meant to the Server Islands, and the digimons. "Huanlongmon's temple." None of them really clear which one of them had whispered it out.

Brushing some dirt off his head, Tai grunted as he sat up, the faint light around him barely giving him enough to see anything with. "Tailmon, Michael, Noriko, Motomiya?" Standing up, a hiss escaped him as he felt the rock scrape against his shoulder harshly. "Damn, where are we anyway? And just how far did we fall down anyway?"

The last had been spoken as Tai leaned his head back and stared up to the hole where the light was coming from, or rather what he would have thought it would have come from. Instead he was now staring right into a finely cut ceiling from an old tunnel.

A quick look around his person revealed that he had only scraped himself on a small brick sticking out of the wall, and that he wasn't in some deep pit, but standing in a tunnel several years old by the looks of it. "Great, just when I thought it couldn't get any weirder, this happens."

Rubbing his head, Tai sighed and decided to at least try and find the others, his first step stopping as soon as he saw someone or rather something come out through the tunnel wall itself. It's body large, white and ragged as twin yellow eyes move to peer at him from inside two cut openings in the clothing completely covering the digimon.

Stumbling back as the light in the tunnel increased from the lamp suddenly popping into the digimons hand, Tai screamed as he finally figured out what kind of digimons this was. "A ghost!"

Not even responding to it, the digimon gave a soft chuckle a few seconds later as Tai stopped screaming, just floating back a bit and making an inviting motion with his hand. "And hello to you too." With a voice sounding much like Tai expected a ghosts to be like, the digimon hovered forward slowly again as he spoke. "If you will follow me, I shall reunite you with your friends, and let Lord Bakemon explain why we rescued you and your friends from the arena."

Turning around, the digimon frowned as another white blur rushed out of the tunnel, this one stopping right before Tai in a defensive stance. "Your digimon partner will also be welcome of course." He added in as he pointed a finger at Tailmon whose tail stood straight up in anger.

Rubbing his head as the digimon began to move forward again, Tai shot a look down at Tailmon before him. "You feeling about as lost as I am pal?"

"I think I'm more confused then you, nut no matter Tai, don't trust this digimon you hear. Bakemons are known to lie in order to trick digimons into traps." His eyes narrowed as he spoke, Tailmon nodded in return as he began to move forward cautiously, never giving up his tense and battle ready movements for even a second. "And no matter how much I hate this, we have no choice but to follow him, since the other way leads back to the arena."

"Events are out of control." Came the cold, almost uncaring voice form the man as he cast a troubled look down into the city before him, noting that the column of smoke was rising up a good deal into the sky. "I fear that I have been moving to fast in recruiting them."

Behind him, Sorcerimon shook his head a bit as he too watched the smoke rise into the sky as well. "You have done your best, and as you said yourself, event are already moving towards the final event." Lifting up his staff, the wizard type digimon smiled behind his cape as he walked up to stand next to the human. "And one way or another, this darkness will try to escape its imprisonment."

Lowering his head in sadness, the human turned around and ran a hand through his mop of messy dark brown hair. "Sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing." Lifting up the other hand, he stared down at the one thing he always carried with him, despite the dark memories it held. "Deserting them after the battle, beating myself up with my own despair, it's no wonder I never saw it coming."

Listing silently, Sorcerimon reached out a hand and planted it on the humans shoulder to offer up some comfort. "You did what was right at the time, no one could have foreseen the event that would one day happen." Closing his eyes, the wizard type digimon clenched the hand on the humans arm a bit tighter. "The future was, and is always unpredictable, and all one can really do, is hope that tomorrow will be better, despite the actions of yesterday."

Lifting his head, the human gave a weak smile as he held up the object in his hand, watching as sun light played across it soft surface and small screen. "You're right, but none the less I still feel that I should have tried harder, and not just have given up on him."

Turning his head to face the smoke cloud again, Sorcerimon nodded as he felt the tenseness of the human through the sleeve of his trench coat. "The seal is still in place, and no matter what, you must trust in them. After all, you said that you trusted him to carry out this task, and the three helping him, they were chosen by his greatness, Huanglongmon."

Lowering the digivice, the human gave a semi sad smile as he thought about the wizard type digimons last sentence. "The true sovern and guardian of the center, to mistrust his word, is something that shouldn't be done." Turning around, the human smiled a bit more honestly as he re-pocket the digivice. "Sorcerimon, I want you to shadow Tai and his group, report everything to me, I shall deal with the digi destined on the continent of Server."

Nodding as he accepted the order, Sorcerimon lifted up his staff and willed his power to lift him up into the air, a small feeling of hesitation coming over him as he turned around in the air to regard the human below him. "And what of Witchmon?"

Crossing his arms, the human man's smile turned into a smirk as he cast a good hard look out over the non damaged part of File City. "She will be assisting me, I fear that some of them will not be willing to listen to reason, no matter how honest it can be."

"If I may." Sorcerimon once more started talking as he cast a concerned look down at him. "I have heard some nasty rumors lately, that the Digimon Emperor will be coming here to search for Taichi Yagami."

The human man tensed as he lost a bit of his good cheer. "I see, I don't know what the outcome will be if they were to meet, but I fear it will either tip the scale towards the side of light, or darkness." Lifting up a hand, the human man stared at it as he silently began to walk away again. "Now, carry out my order, and remember, you must only help them if there is no other choice, they must learn to handle such problems themselves, before they achieve the great power they are meant to control."

TBC: All together at last part II

An: Another chapter done, go me. Hope everyone likes it so far, despite the chapters getting a bit shorter then the first one was.

On another note, this chapter was very hard to write, a minor writers block, and a feeling that it was rushed to much in so many places has left me feeling less then happy with it. Thankfully the next few chapters should be easy as I will move onto handling the Digimon Emperor and his connectioon to Tai, and reveal just what the Ghost Kingdom wants with our little band of merry heroes.