AUTHOR'S NOTE: Don't ask. I don't own Slayers.

                  STUCK IN A HOLE starring Xelloss ^_^

                                          By: Kelly M. Maraglia

      The usual Slayers gang consisting of Lina, Gourry, Zel, Amelia, Xelloss, and Filia were walking through a village. They suddenly came upon a sign that said "Danger: Do Not Walk." Lina peered over the sign and decided to walk around it. Everyone else followed her except Xelloss. After all, it was quicker to walk straight through. He took one step and *PLUNK* His right foot was caught in a hole that went up to his knee. He laughed at first and tried to pull it out. Nothing. He tried teleporting. Nothing. He even tried using his staff to wedge his foot out. Nothing. For some reason he could not explain, he was stuck in the hole. A few minutes later, the others found him. When they realized that the "Demon of All Demons" was stuck in a hole, they fell to the ground in a fit of hysterical laughter.

      Filia was the first to recover. She wasted no time in setting up a stand around Xelloss. She hung a sign on it and covered him up with a curtain. The sign that read "Come see the Namagomi in the Hole 1 gold piece per peek!" Amelia set up a lemonade stand. Zelgadiss set up a T-shirt stand and Lina and Gourry set up a pie-throwing contest, even though they ate most of the pies. This went on all day long. When night fell, they packed up their stands and left the village. As they walked through the forest counting their money, they could not shake the feeling that they forgot something.

      Meanwhile, back in the village, Xelloss was still trying to pull his foot out of the hole while licking the pie from his face.

                              The End