Summery: What if, after years and years not even knowing or remembering him, Yugi's father just showed up one day and demanded his son back? And why is he being so rough and horrible to Yugi? And what ever happened to Yugi's mother?

Another story came to me a few months ago, but I never ot it started, so here it is now! Once again, like in 'Reign of Evil', Yami wll be staying out of the Puzzle, like he's got his own solid form, not like a ghost or somit, that'd be freaky for other peeps. Anyvay, on with the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

"This is talking"
'These are thoughts'

Chapter One - Reunion

"Yugi, Yami, be careful!" Solomen Motou called back to his grandson and the spirit of the Millennium Puzzle as they started a pillow fight. They had just been silently watching TV, looking lifeless and bored, when Yugi picked up a pillow and hit Yami lazily with it. Yami had fought back, ad now they seemed to be at war. He laughed and shook his head, deciding to leave them be. There was no way to stop them anyway.

Suddenly, there came a ring from the bell above the shop door, indicating someone had entered. Taking one last glance at the two 'warriors', Solomen made his way out to the shop, only to grow wide eyes as he looked at the man who had just enter.


"Yami that's not fair!" Yugi called dodging the two pillows being swung at him.

"All's fair in love and war." Yami called, laughing as he hit Yugi in the head with a pillow, but got hit himself then. After a few more minutes, they stopped, breathing heavily from exaustion, but laughing none the less. "I won." Yami said lazily.

"Nu-uh, I did," Yugi protested.

"No, I did" "I did." "I did." "I did." Suddenly, a yell echoed to them, catching their attention and causing them to fall silent.

"No he will not go with you!" hey heard Yugi's grandfather yelling. "You dissappear from his life after an accident and now you think you can take it away from his home?!"

"His home is with me." Came a cold, yet calm voice, one of which made Yugi shiver.

Yugi and Yami exchanged glances, both very confused. Slowly, they stood up and walked over to the door of the living room, out onto the corridor and near the entrance to the shop, listening to every word of the conversation.

"This is none of your concern. I can take him and there's nothing you can do to stop me. I'm not breaking the law, and you know that." The cold voice said, and Yugi's grandfather remained silent.

"Take him? Who are they talking about?" Yugi thought to himself, curiousity making him want to blurt out the question, but he decided against it.

"I've have no time for this." Came the icy voice once again. "This is between me and him, you are not concerned old man."

Yugi looked at Yami and, curiousity getting the better of him, walked out to his grandfather. "Grandpa, what's going on?" He asked, and was surprised to see him looking back at him, looking a little worried. "Are you ok?" Yugi asked in confusion.

"You're Yugi, right?" the man asked, staring down at the boy.

"Ya, that's me. What's it to you?" Yugi asked. The man had a sort of evil look, and his hair looked a little like Yugi's, with out the blond lightning shaped parts. He was wearing all black, black pants, black shirt, and a black trenchcoat. He didn't like the way the man grinned after his reply, it was creepy. Before he knew it, the man had grabbed his wrist and was lifting him slightly off the ground.

"Still a litle runt eh?" he man said, but gasped for air as something struck his stomach, causing him to let go of Yugi. Looking up, he saw another boy, who looked alot like Yugi. "Who the hell are you?"

Yami didn't answer he just stood beside Yugi and glared at the man, confusion hitting him. Why did he sence a connection to Yugi within this man?

The man straightened himself and glared at Yami, before swinging his fist forward and hitting him in the face, knocking him against the wall. He smiled in satisfaction before grabbing Yugi's wrist again before he could run to his friend. "Come on you." He said, as he started to walk towards the door, dragging Yugi with his as he struggled to get free.

"Let me go!" Yugi called, pulling away from the man, but not succeding very well. Then he asked the question that had been bothering heard the man. "Who are you?!"

The man froze on the spot and looked back at Yugi as Yami pulled himself to his feet, with the help of Yugi's grandfather. He looked straight at Yugi, his violet eyes staring deep into Yugi's. "I'm your father."


To Be Continued


Ooo, who didn't see that coming? Heehee, ok, borin' first chap, but arn't my first chappy's always like that? I'll try to update the next part soon, I should be able to update at least one story on weekends, maybe even during the week. Anyway, whatcha think? Please review and leave your comments. Slán for now!
Bay Bay!
[email protected]