_A Harry Potter/Lord of the Rings crossover_

Sirius has fallen through the veil, but is he dead? what is on the other side of that thing anyway?

The Door To All Worlds


- Sirius had only just fallen through the archway, he would reappear from the other side any second...

But Sirius did not appear.

"SIRIUS!" Harry yelled, "SIRIUS!"

He had reached the floor, his breath coming in searing gasps. Sirius must be just behind the curtain, he, Harry would pull him back out again....

But as he reached the ground and sprinted toward the dais, Lupin grabbed Harry around the chest holding him back.

"There's nothing you can do, Harry-"

"Get him, save him, he's only just gone through!"

"It's too late,Harry-"

"We can still reach him-"

Harry struggled hard and viciously, but Lupin would not let him go....

"There's nothing you can do, Harry... nothing.... He's gone."


It only took a moment, but it seemed it took an eternity for Sirius to fall back towards the archway. He had time to take in everything around him, but the world slowed and focused in on one person rushing towards him. He heard Harry scream his name once before the veil closed around him.

It felt like water closing in around him. He remembered once as a child at Hogwarts he had slipped and fallen into the lake. He had known he was going to drown then. He had fought it for a moment but

as soon as he stopped struggling the feeling of floating in nothingness was almost pleasant. It was the same now, he forced his arms to stop flailing, his lungs to cease their fight to draw breath. There was no air here after all. There was really nothing here at all, no light, but no dark either. No breath of air stirred against his skin, but he did not feel as though he suffocated. Perhaps I am dead and this is heavan, or hell perhaps, he mused. If it is heavan it is a lonely place.

Without warning, it felt as though a vaccum were opened and all things rushed inside to fill it up. His lungs filled with a choking gasp of air, and his eyes opened to bright noonday sun glaring mercilessly into his eyes. He gagged, spitting up water....

Sirius lay, half in and half out of, a small stream in a wood. He crawled out of it quickly, disoriented and shivering as a cool breeze snaked it's way through his robes. Water trickled down inside his boots, leaving his toes frozen and his knees chattered. He was lost, cold, wet, and wandless.

He slammed a fist into a nearby tree, his mind whirling with fury at being taken from the battle. Was Harry alright? Was everyone dead? Was he dead himself?

He looked up at the trees which towered as high as those in the forbidden forest but with nothing of malice and yelled hoarsly at the sky. "Where the hell am I?!"

To Be Continued... please tell me what you think? I just couldn't let Sirius be dead, that would just suck wouldn't it?