don't own DBZ or anyother music, movies, or games i put in here- thanx

Goku walked up to the door of Capsule Corp., Vegeta, Raditz, and Nappa following swiftly behind him, Vegeta being in the lead of them. Goku had on a regular white t-shirt and loose blue jeans. Vegeta was wearing a navy blue muscle tank top and black jeans, also loose. Raditz and Nappa had on their traditional Saiyan armor. They refused to change. Goku pushed the doorbell, Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz looking confused and the tiniest bit curious. "Coming!" A high pitched voice yelled, footsteps being heard inside. The door opened, revealing Bulma's mother, Bunny. "Oh, hi Goku! I'm so glad you're here! The other kids were looking for you!" She said, latching on to his arm and bringing him inside. "Who are your handsome friends? Are they new here?"

"Yeah..." Goku said, looking uncomfortable with her on his arm like that. But, he was used to it. "That's Vegeta," He pointed to Vegeta. "Raditz, and Nappa." He pointed to them as he said their names. "Who's all here anyway?" He asked, heading in the general direction of Bulma's room, the others following.

"Well there's that cute guy Yamcha, Krillin, and ChiChi so far..." Bunny said, putting a finger on her chin as she said that.

"Oh great... ChiChi's here..." Goku mumbled, reaching the stairs that lead to Bulma's room, the sound of some type of music coming out of it.

"Well, I'll let you boys go on up." Bunny said, letting the death grip she had on Goku's arm go. "Come back down when you need something." She left. Goku let out a sigh, slightly relaxing. He walked up the stairs slowly, noticing the way Vegeta glared at Mrs. Briefs as she left. He sighed, reaching the door, opening it slowly, seeing ChiChi, Yamcha, Krillin and Bulma inside, talking. He opened it more, stepping inside.

"Hey guys! What's up?" He asked casually. Vegeta, Raditz, and Nappa followed behind as he walked into the room. Music was playing in the background, the sterio being on top of the entertainment center, there being a tv, playstation 2, vcr, and cds in it. That was at the far side of the room. On the right there was a very large, queen, maybe even king sized bed, it having different variaties of red and pink blankets and pillows on it, the carpet being a rose colored. The lights in it had a blueish glows to them, being covered with blue lamp shades. The walls were painted a mid bright blue, having a contrast with the furniture in it, which were mostly reds and pinks. Bulma and Yamcha had been sitting on the bed, Krillin on the floor, and ChiChi in a chair near by. They all turned to face Goku.

"Goku? Man, what happened to you yesterday?" Krillin asked, taking a glance at Vegeta, Raditz, and Nappa behind Goku.

"Yeah... About that... Well... I kinda got caught up in some stuff and..." He got cut off.

"Quit the excuses. You're taking too long." Vegeta snapped. "Actually, I had to tell your 'friend' Kakkarot, here, something rather important, and I think that you all should know. You know about Kakkarot's little tail problem, right?" Vegeta asked, actually grabbing Goku's tail, Goku going tense and standing completely still. "Or hasn't he told you yet? Well that doesn't matter... What I'm trying to tell you is, the reason Kakkarot's so 'different', is because he's actually," Vegeta let go of Goku's tail. "A Saiyan." Goku quickly grabbed his tail, rubbing the fur the right way and acting as if Vegeta had done a sin. The room was speechless, except for Goku.

"You know that kinda hurt!" He growled childishly, still holding his tail. Vegeta just snorted, his lip twitching as if he was about to smirk.

"Are you serious?" ChiChi asked, her mouth open. Goku finished 'fixing' his tail and wrapped it back around his waist.

"Yep. Dead." Goku stated, not seeming to be affected that much. "But that's ok. At least I know I'm not completely alone..." He shrugged. Then, he cringed. "Bulma, could you please change the radio station..." Apparently, it was a country station. He couldn't stand country.

"Uh... Yeah..." She said, still in a sort of shock. She used the remote to change it to a different station, at the moment, 'Senorita' by Justin Timberlake was on. It was just beginning.

"Oh come on guys, lighten up! Its not like it's the end of the world or somethin'... Didn't you guys allready figure I was different?" He asked.

"Yeah, but not like this... And why'd you bring them along?" Yamcha asked, gesturing towards Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz. He looked back and shrugged.

"Why not? They're new, they're apparently apart of my race, and one of them happens to be my brother. You know, might as well stick around with them. If you got a problem, leave." Goku said truthfully, kind of irritated at Yamcha for asking such a question.

"I was just asking... Geez..." Yamcha said, rubbing the back of his head. Goku shrugged.

Vegeta snorted. "You actually are 'friends' with these ningens? Pathetic..." He commmented.

Goku sighed. "To you maybe..." He sat for a second, then got an idea. "Anyone up for a road trip?"

"What?!" Bulma asked, finally getting into the convorsation.

"I don't know... Something to do to get away from this stuff, ya know? I'll drive." Goku said, smirking at the last part.

"Oh no you won't! You don't even have a liscence!" ChiChi yelled, recovering from shock.

Goku smirked even more. "So?"

Vegeta got into the black vehicle, called a 'Mustang'. He got in the 'passenger's seat', Goku in the 'drivers'. It was a 'convertable', whatever that meant, and the roof could fold down onto the back. Nappa and Raditz had decided to stay away from the machines, not trusting them. In the back Bulma was sitting on Yamcha's lap right behind Goku's seat, ChiChi in the middle, and Krillin behind Vegeta. "How did you talk us into this?" ChiChi moaned, head in her hands, as Goku started up the 'car'.

"Dunno. But it worked." Goku said, smirking all the while. After starting it, he pressed his foot down onto the 'gas', causing it to move forward quickly. He 'peeled' out of the driveway, the 'car' skidding sideways as he turned right. He then sped off onto the street, passing up cars in front of him. The 'sterio' was turned up almost all the way, playing 'Times Like These' by the 'Foo Fighters', as it had said. It would've hurt his sensitive ears, if it hadn't been so... Pleasurable... That song quickly ended, it had been in the middle when the sterion was turned on. The next song started softly, then got harder. Goku somehow sped up, making Vegeta clutch onto the car door and seat.

The ningens were screaming both in fear and fun, the males being in fun and the females being in fear. Soon, a black and white car with blue and red flashing lights was behind them, an annoying ass siren going off, now hurting Vegeta's ears. Goku looked back, saying 'Shit!', Vegeta being the only one who heard. He turned down the radio, the siren being even more piercing now. Manuvering through the traffic, Goku tried to lose the black and white car. Vegeta figured the black and white car meant something bad.

"What are you doing?" Vegeta asked, not having to yell since the music was turned down.

"Avoiding the police." Goku answered, moving around more cars, swerving to the side to avoid an oncoming car.

"The what??" Vegeta asked, never hearing such a word as 'police'.

"I'll explain later." Goku told him, suddenly turning to the left onto a different street.

"Geez Goku, could you get anymore reckless?" ChiChi asked, scoldingly.

"Wanna find out?" Goku asked, now turning sharply to the right, causing Krillin to lean almost on top of ChiChi, ChiChi leaning into Bulma and Yamcha. "Goku!" She yelled. Goku just laughed.

"That was 'Somewhere I Belong' by Linkin Park, only here on 97.5 the wolf." The 'radio' anounced, after the song had finished. "Coming up is-" Goku turned it off, swervng to the left onto yet another road. Then he quickly turned into a random 'driveway', as they called them, and turned the cars off, telling everyone to duck. Everyone did so, somehow Goku ending up on top of Vegeta since there was no room to really duck in the front. They just froze, staring at eachother as the 'police' car passed, Vegeta being very uncomfortable with the close contact. It wasn't bad, it's just he never let anyone get 'that' close to him before. After it was gone out of sight, everyone rose up again, Goku more hurriedly then the others. Vegeta also sat up, somewhat akwardly.

Goku started to laugh his head off. "That was great... I have to do that again sometime..." He said inbetween taking breaths.

"No wonder you never got your liscence..." Yamcha muttered, rubbing his head, then sighing.

"Goku... Move over... I'm driving..." Bulma said, still in shock from the drive, so much so that she was twitching.

"But..." Goku protested.

"MOVE!" She shouted, standing up inside the car, somehow finding room to do so.

"Yes ma'am..." He obediently gets out of the drivers seat. Bulma crawls into it from the back seat, Goku now standing out of the car with no where to sit. "Uh... I think we might have a problem here..." Goku stated.

"You can walk." She started up the car again.

"What?!" Goku asked, surprised.

"You heard me. Walk!" She backed out of the driveway.

"Bulma! Wait!" Goku ran after them. "You can't be serious!! Where are you going?!"

"Don't you think that's kind of harsh, Bul?" Chichi asked, watching Goku run after them.

"Oh fine." She stomped on the brakes, making everyone whip forward. Then Goku actually ran past, screeching to a hault. He then jogged over to the side of the car.

"So I can get in?" He asked in a childish tone, sounding cautious.

"Yeah.. Just get in before I change my mind." She told him.

"All right." He looked at the back seat. "... Problem."

"What??" Bulma snapped.

"There's no room..." Goku stated.

"We can make room." ChiChi told him, sitting on Yamcha's lap, and having Krillin scoot over. Goku got in and shut the door, fastening his seat belt.

"So, where are we off to?" He asked.

"I dunno, but I hope it's somewhere to eat... 'Cause I'm hungry." Krillin said, smiling sheepishly as his stomach growled as if on cue.

"Heh... Me too." Goku said, rubbing his stomach.

"Some lunch sounds good.. How about it, Bul?" ChiChi asked.

"Ok... I guess it's out to eat then." She squeeled down the road, leaving black tire marks on the road as she left.

"And you complained about my driving..." Goku stated, looking back at the marks.

"What did you say?" Bulma asked, her voice strained, but barely.

"Nothing." Goku answered quickly, looking out at the houses whizzing by.

"That's what I thought." She took a sharp turn, the tires sliding, another skid mark left.

"So, where are we going to eat?" Yamcha asked. Bulma took another turn.

"Somewhere good I hope..." Goku said, his voice almost child like.

"Well, it is Vegeta's first time here, right?" Krillin stated.

"Yes..." Vegeta confirmed.

"So, what do ya say, Bulma? Show him the best place this planet's got to offer?" Yamcha asked.

"Sure.. But where would that be?"

"There!" ChiChi yelled, pointing to a local resturaunt/dance bar. It had a unique name. 'Ultimatum Society'. Bulma screeched to a halt, the cars behind her sliding to the sides of her and rolling. She made a 'U' turn, and then turned right, right into the bar's parking lot. They got out, Bulma packing the car back into the capsule with a 'poof'.

"What the hell kind of place is this?" Vegeta asked, looking at it in pure wonder, masked by confusion.

"It's like a place you go to eat, and it has a bar and dance floor in it. A bar's somewhere you can get a drink if you want, like an alcoholic drink, I mean." Goku told Vegeta, looking from Vegeta to the resturaunt, and back at Vegeta again.

"Oh..." He still sounded confused, but his face rid all traces of it.

"Shall we?" Yamcha asked, coming up at the side of Bulma and grabbing her arm in a gentlemanly manner.

"I thought you'd never ask." Bulma said smiling, walking with him to the club. Vegeta snorted at the pair, thinking it was ridiculous. Goku watched them for a second, and started walking over to Vegeta, only to get snagged up by ChiChi grabbing his arm. He sighed.

"I can't wait to get inside!" She said, dragging him along glumly. He looked back, catching a glimpse of Vegeta. He didn't look to happy, but he followed. Sighing yet again, Goku let himself be dragged along. Krillin also followed, a little ahead of Vegeta though.

Bulma and Yamcha already had a table for 6, and they were being seated. They were sitting near a little stage where local bands would play occasionally. They sat, on one side being Yamch, Bulma, and Krillin, the other being ChiChi, Goku, and Vegeta. The waiter gave them all menus, and they looked through, pretty much without saying anything. Goku set down the menu first, saying "I'm done."

"Let me guess, one of everything, right?" Krillin asked, almost positive.

"Yep. Never fails." Goku said smirking.

"I wish it was that easy for me..." ChiChi said, not seeing anything good to her yet. "I'm so picky when it comes to food."

"Hn..." Vegeta set the menu down. "How the hell am I supposed to know what all of this is?" He asked no one in particular.

"Just order everything, you'll find something you like, I'm sure." Goku told him, his cheery smile as big as ever.

"Maybe." He shut the menu, and crossed his arms over his chest. "Fine."

"Sheesh, what's up your..." He got cut off by a glare from Goku. "Nevermind."

"Hey Goku, maybe after we eat you could go up and sing a number for us." Bulma suggested.

"Maybe... I guess." Goku shrugged.

"You could sing a song for me!" ChiChi said, stars in her eyes.

"Uh... Sure..." Goku said, not wanting to.

"When does the food get here?" Vegeta asked, aggrivated.

"You have to order first.. Then wait a while, and get your food." Krillin explained.

"You have to wait? Damn..." Vegeta muttered under his breath. "How the hell do they get so much service when you have to wait?"

"Um... It's how it goes around here, I guess." Goku said sheepishly.

"Not any more." Vegeta had a certain glint in his eye. He stood up, looking around.

"Um... What are you doing?" Krillin asked, gulping. Vegeta didn't answer. He just walked back to where he saw waiters and cooks going in and out of, the kitchen, and started yelling.

"Hey! You!" He spat to a cook. "I want one of everything at my table by the time I get there or there's going to be hell to pay!!" He left then, everyone watching him go back to his table as the waiters started bringing plates of food over to him, having to grab an extra table to store some plates on. He had the smuggest smirk on his face.

"How'd you..." Goku trailed off, practically drooling at the look and smell of everything Vegeta had gotten. Vegeta's smirk widened, if possible.

"I have a way with people.."

woo.. damn.. it's been a while, and i know i haven't been really updating or anything.. sorry.. i've been caught up in shit this year, as i've stated before numerous times, and it's been crazy.. i know i shouldn't have excuses but.. that's all i can say! : [ i hope you guys still enjoy it.. i've been working on it from time to time.. and if not then tell me why and i'll try to fix it up.. criticism is always appreciated! : ] thankz!

Kat the Dragonqueen-