Chapter 37

Mandy's POV

I looked at the clock. We had been on the road for about an hour and I was getting nervous as to whether or not I would make the flight at all. We had left the house at around 11:30 and I knew it would take at least three hours to get to the airport in Philly. That would mean I would be about a half hour late. We sped down the highway as to make up some time. At the rate Chris was driving, there was a chance of making it. I was actually surprised that he was putting as much effort into getting Adam and I back together as he was. It was a good thing that Trish had packed a bag for me of essentials while I was talking to Chris at the house. I guess everyone knew where I was supposed to be.

"God, I hope we make it on time," I stated out loud as I watched the scenery pass from the window. My attention was distracted when I felt a hand on my leg.

"Don't worry, I'm going to get you there," Chris assured me. I smiled and took his hand with mine. Trish cleared her throat and I looked back to see that she was not pleased that I was holding his hand, but the general feeling in the car was that things were going to start getting better. I trusted Chris. He understood that my heart didn't belong to him. Time seemed to pass too quickly and before I knew it, it was 1:30 and we were still a good distance away.

"Why don't you try calling him again. Just so that he knows you are coming and didn't blow him off," Trish suggested. I dialed his cellphone again but it just gave me a busy signal.

"I'm telling you, he's got it turned off," I stated. I was really starting to doubt the fact that we would make it on time. We got to the airport with fifteen minutes until scheduled take off time. I rushed to the gate and through the security check with Trish close behind. We left Chris in the car because we didn't have time to park.

"I'm sorry miss, but if you don't have a ticket you can't go any farther," One security guard explained to Trish. I looked back at her and she just motioned for me to keep going, so I started running toward my gate. I got to the check in desk and felt as if my heart had stopped. The gate we empty, I was too late.

"Can I help you?" Asked a very overly happy flight attendant. I shook my head.

"I don't think so, it looks like I missed my flight," I stated.

"Yes, I'm sorry, the Tampa flight took off about five minutes ago. Can I book you another flight?" She asked. I shook my head no and took out my cellphone to call Trish in hopes that she hadn't left yet. It was then that I heard my name being called from across the room. Quickly, I turned around expecting to see Trish. I held back tears.

"Oh my god, it is you! See Rob, I told you it was her. Mandy, we are your biggest fans. I'm Nancy and this is my son Rob," I looked down to see a boy around the same age as Danny holding his mother's hand. "I don't mean to bother you, but Rob was heartbroken that when your autograph signing was cancelled a while back when you were out with your knee injury. Could we just get a quick picture and an autograph?" I was stunned. The lady before me was very excited so I couldn't say no.

"Of course. Hi, Rob." I stated as I smiled at the little boy who was now clinging to his mother's leg. He smiled bashfully up at me and it felt good to know that I had just made his day. The flight attendant took our picture and I made small talk while I signed a napkin that Nancy had pulled out of her purse. "So where are you guys flying to today?"

"We're going home to Indiana. I miss my friends," Rob explained, "Where are you going?" He asked with interest.

"Well, I was going home to be with my friends too, but it looks like I missed my flight so they are going to be pretty mad at me"

"Oh, missed your flight. That's terrible! I hope it wasn't because of us..." Nancy started but I interrupted.

"Not at all," I assured her. "I'm just having a very bad day, but thank you two for making it a little better. And I mean that!" Nancy smiled and took Rob's hand.

"Well we better be going before we miss our flight ourselves. Say thank you to Mandy, Rob," Nancy insisted.

"Thank you, Mandy. I hope your friends aren't mad at you," Rob replied.

"I hope they aren't either. We'll just have to wait and see," I stated.

"If they are, I will be your friend," Rob offered. I smiled.

"Thank you sweetie, you guys take care," I waved as they began to head in the direction of their terminal. I grabbed my bag and started heading toward the exit.

"Mandy," I heard from somewhere at another gate. Figuring it was another fan, I turned with pen in hand ready to sign whatever they were going to push into my face.

Surprisingly, it wasn't a fan at all. Danny ran toward me with her arms wide open. I scooped her up into my arms and kissed her about a million times. I don't think I had ever been so happy to see her. Adam slowly walked up behind her.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked as I put Danny down and a tear ran down my cheek.

"Danny and I agreed that it didn't feel right to leave without you. I guess I could just tell that you were coming," He stated. "Or maybe it was just the last part of Jay's story. He finally finished it"

"Oh really? So tell me does Alex ever get the girl?" I asked. Adam wiped the tears from my cheeks and pulled me into his arms.

"You tell me," he stated.

"I wouldn't know, but I do know that you do."

He smiled down at me and ran his fingers through my hair. I stared into his eyes and saw everything. I saw the first time I talked to him, on the night Danny had gotten lost. I saw our first kiss. I saw the first time we had made love. I saw just about everything that had ever mattered there in his eyes.

"Daddy," Danny chimed in.

"Yeah baby?" He asked redirecting his attention down at her.

"I think this is the part where you kiss her," She insisted. Adam looked back at me and we both laughed.

"I think you are right," Adam stated and then pressed his lips to mine. I knew then that everything was going to be okay, it just felt right.
A story speaks of people and places. It tells of human emotion at its most raw and intimate state. While chapters may finally reach conclusions of their own, only in death can a story come to a full close. Mandy closed a chapter of her life on that day. Whether she wanted to or not, she took fate in her hand and wove it directly into her own story, changing the events of her existence. Year after year she had waited for her one true thing, her reason for being, her captivating light. By choosing Adam, she finally got her fairytale ending, it just took her a while to get there. As for Adam's question, "Does he ever get the girl?" The answer is clear. Yes, he does. It just depends on how she wants her story to end.


A/N- I know its been like....forever...but I didn't wanna leave you guys hanging forever. I felt like I was letting everyone here it is. The final chapter. Let me know if you want a third installment or something completely new. I really wanna get back into the swing of things here.