
Disclaimer:  I don't own the song "Uninvited" by Alanis Morissette.  I also don't own Draco Malfoy or Hermione Granger.

Summary:  Hermione sees Draco in the hallway of Hogwarts.  She wants him and he wants her.  But he is "Uninvited".

Hermione walked down the halls of Hogwarts.  Everyone was asleep in their dormitories.  She on the other hand couldn't sleep at all.  She kept thinking about Malfoy.  He had been the object of her affection since she first laid eyes non him.  But she knew that she could never have him.  She was just "mud blood" to him.  As she was making her way down the hall she saw him.  He was walking towards her.  She started to turn around but she felt a hand touch her shoulder.

"Don't go Hermione."  Hermione stopped dead in her tracks.  Hermione?  She turned around and was met with his lips.  She passionately kissed him back.  They had wanted this to happen since they first met.

Like anyone would be
I am flattered by your fascination with me

He was so soft.  Hermione ran her fingers through his platinum blonde hair.  He placed his hands down the small of her back.  Their tongues were gently caressing each other.  Her hands rubbed the back of his neck.  Who wouldn't want to have Draco?  He was handsome and smart and a great quidditch player.  She couldn't name any one woman who didn't want to have Draco.

Like any hot-blooded woman
I have simply wanted an object to crave

Hermione pushed him away.  This wasn't supposed to happen.  They weren't meant for each other.  She was in Gryffindor, he was in Slytherin.  She was a mud blood and he was a pure blood.  There was no way that they could be together.

But you, you're not allowed
You're uninvited

Draco frowned when Hermione pushed him away.  He had never wanted a woman so bad in his life.  He was tired of only watching her.  He was going to have her.

An unfortunate slight

Draco walked back to Hermione and put his arms around her.  He kissed her neck.  She let out a quiet moan.  He slowly nibbled on her neck marking her.  Making her his.  With every bite Hermione tensed.

Must be strangely exciting
To watch the stoic squirm

For too long Draco watched Hermione on the other side of the room.  For too long he dreamed about her at night, only to wake up and have her not there.  For too long he had to call her mud blood only to please his peers.  Hermione could feel his wanting.  His need to have her.

Must be somewhat hard telling
To watch them burn me shepherd

Draco started to unbutton her shirt.  One button at a time revealing her breasts.  He gently kissed his way from her neck down to her breasts.  With every kiss Hermione tingled.

But you you're not allowed
You're uninvited

Hermione started to back away from Draco.  They were going farther than they should be.  Why was he still pushing for this?  Can't he see that his father wouldn't approve of them?  Hermione wanted Draco so bad, but she knew their love could never be.  Draco looked up into her eyes.  She could see the want, the need, the love in his eyes.  Draco couldn't understand.  Didn't she want him?

An unfortunate slight

Draco got up from the floor and ran into Hermione's arms.  This time he wasn't going to let her go.  This was his last attempt to make her understand that this was right.  He kissed her neck.  All Hermione could do was fall into his passion.  She couldn't push him away.  She needed him as much as he needed her.  Draco pulled off her shirt and kissed the top of her breast.  He unbuttoned the straps of her bra and let it slide to the floor.

Like any uncharted territory
I must seem greatly intriguing

He gently placed her nipple in his mouth.  He sucked on her like a baby.  The harder he sucked the more she quivered.  Hermione rubbed the back of his head.  As Draco massaged her other nipple he pulled down her skirt.  Hermione felt her knees buckle beneath her.  But Draco held on to her.  He gently placed her on the floor.

You speak of my love like
You have experienced love like mine before

Draco let go of her nipple.  He placed kisses all down her stomach.  He reached the hem of her panties and kissed all along the hem.  He started to pull down them down until Hermione stopped him.

But this is not allowed
You're uninvited

"Stop Draco.  We must stop.  We can't do this."  When Hermione looked at Draco she could feel her heart breaking.  In his eyes she could see anger.  She tried to touch him but he pushed her away from him.

An unfortunate slight

"What are you playing at Granger?  I know you want me.  I can see it in your eyes.  What is wrong with you?  Am I not good enough for you?  Is that it?  Am I too pure for you?"  Hermione could see the fire in his eyes.

I don't think you unworthy

"No Draco.  That's not…"  Hermione placed a shoulder on his hand but he slapped it away.  He stood up and looked down at her.

"I suggest you get changed you mud blood.  You don't want to be seen like that."  And with that he turned away.  What had she done?  This is not how it was supposed to happen.  A tear fell down her cheek.

I need a moment to deliberate.

Hermione picked up her clothes and walked back to the Gryffindor common room.  She went up to her room and cried herself to sleep.

~Alanis Morissette's Uninvited

Author's Note:  Don't worry this is part of a series.  There will be more.  I won't leave you hanging!

Please review!!  This is my first ever Draco/Hermione fan fiction.  I can use all the advice I can get!