Disclaimer: SC1.

Spoilers: Anything and everything is fair game.


Feedback: Anything rolling inside your head, tell me about it.

AN: I know I usually have few typos that my spell check doesn't pick up, but now I have a new computer and the Word program isn't working right so if they are an unusually large amount of typos, please forgive me.

Songs: All songs used throughout this fanfic belong to Michelle Branch.

POV: Buffy's point of view.

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"Angel!" I yelled, dropping everything and throwing my arms around him in a huge hug.

"Uh? Buffy?" Angel asked, unnerved. "Uh, hi."

"I'm sorry!" I laughed. "It's just... I'm excited to see you."

"I noticed," he smiled slightly. "Look, I wanted to apologize. It's been a few weeks since-."

"We left things so crappy?" I supplied.

"Yeah, you could put it that way," Angel laughed. "I shouldn't have thrown that in your face."

"And I shouldn't have done what I did," I said guilty. "I just- it really hurt when I found out. From Cordelia of all people."

"Cordelia?" Angel asked. After I nodded, he continued. "Should have known."

"Yeah," I shrugged. It was then that I realized that my guitar and tape and papers where all over the floor. I bent down to pick them up, and Angel followed suit.

You know how you see this in all the movies: the girl and the gut touch hands while picking something up and they smile awkwardly before they kiss. Well, it doesn't just happen in the movies.

I felt myself drawn towards him and his cool lips pressed against mine before either of us knew what had happened. Somehow, I managed to push Angel against the wall, pressing my small body back into the space that it knew; that space that fit to mine perfectly. The kiss deepened into a forbidden kiss that we both knew was close to crossing the line but niether of us had the strength to pull back until, as usual, I needed air.

My breath was heavy as I rested my head against his. I opened my eyes and found his full of shock and love but also searching mine for some kind of explaination.

"I miss that," I sighed. "I miss you."

"I miss you too," Angel nodded slightly.

Angel slowly stood up and pulled me up with him. He didn't let go of my hand. but loving stroked my hair, a familiar action. I smiled up at him, happier than I had been after he left. How had I been so stupid as to think that there was anything better than him?

"You were going somewhere?" Angel asked.

"Huh?" I said, then remembered my sudden burst of inspiration a few hours ago. "Yeah, uh, to Oz's. New song."

"Yeah?" Angel smiled. "I heard your new one; Lorne's compliments. It was great."

"You're biased," I laughed, knowing that he didnt' think much of any of the music that came after 1800's.

"Just a bit," Angel nodded. "Need a lift?"

"Sure," I smiled as we walked out to the parking lot. "I pick the radio station though."

"Do you have to?" Angel groaned.

"Yes," I replied, punching him in the arm before climbing in his car.

Angel started the car as I tried to bring in a good station. Eventually, I got it to a mix station that was playing rap at the moment.

"Why couldn't you just ask to drive?" Angel groaned playfully.

"Oh shut up," I laughed as the song ended.

"And here's what you've all been waiting for!" The DJ announced over the radio. "The new single we promised you. Never before heard or aired single: 'One Of These Days' by Buffy Summers."

"Oh no," I groaned and reached to turn off the radio, but Angel just turned it up louder.

I didn't notice, but I didn't care. I tried being honest, but that lead me nowhere. I watched the station, saw the bus pulling through. And I don't mind saying, a part of me left with you.

One of these days, I won't be afraid of staying with you. I hope and I pray, waiting to find a way back to you, 'cause that's where I'm home.

Did I make you nervous? Did I ask for too much? Was I not deserving one second of your touch?

One of these days, I won't be afraid of staying with you. I hope and I pray, waiting to find a way back to you, 'cause that's where I'm home.

What would you do if I could have you? Oh, if I could, I'd let you feel everythign I'm thinking. Wouldn't that be nice?

One of these days, I won't be afraid of staying with you.

One of these days, I won't be afraid of staying with you. I hope and I pray, waiting to find a way back to you, 'cause that's where I'm home.

I looked over and saw Angel with a slight smile on his face. I laid my head on his shoulder, knowing he understood who that song was for; knowing that he knew it was meant for him.

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I write, you read, you review, I write more.

The song used in this chapter is "One of These Days" by Michelle Branch.