The sunlight streamed through the window, it was blindingly bright. The white light reflected off all of the white, surfaces around him. All he could see was white. The world seemed to be a blur, the clean smell filled his nostrils and he knew that wherever he was he was safe. The air all around him was silent; there was no noise to be heard; yet a soft whispering started to emanate from beside him. What was that noise, the soft whispers carry over to his ears, and sounding like the wind breezing over long grass in the summer. Harry shut his eyes tightly against the white light, trying to block it out, trying to ignore the whispers that were steadily getting louder. He didn't know where he was everything was a blur. He didn't know how he had come to be in this strange place, all he knew was that right now, even if it was just for a moment the whole world was silent, he was safe. With his eyes closed tightly, he tried to gather his thoughts, trying desperately to find what he had been looking for, what had happened, where he was but there was nothing. Just a flash of red and a feeling of soul consuming desperation. Then there was nothing, everything that had happened after that was forgotten, or blanked out.

"Has he woken yet?'' A soft voice spoke above the whispers. Harry recalled this voice; it was Lupin, were they talking about him? Were they in this strange place with him? Or were they some place far away? Harry didn't know, he didn't know anything. He opened his eyes slightly and saw that Lupin and Sirius were standing over him.

"No not yet.'' Sirius replied, his voice was strained and his eyes were shrouded with tears. "I can't take this Remus, I can't take the not knowing.''

"He'll be fine.'' A voice said from the doorway of the room. Sirius and Lupin looked around upon hearing the familiar voice. "Ron!" They exclaimed happily. "You're up and about sooner than expected."

"Yeah, his mother wasn't too happy about that." Hermione said, looking at Ron disapprovingly but her happiness couldn't be hidden as she held on to Ron's arm protectively. She had come so close to losing him, she couldn't bear thinking about it. The only thing that mattered was that they were together again.

Harry was confused now, not only Sirius and Remus were in this strange place with him, but now Ron and Hermione were here with them as well. This was confusing, but try as he might he couldn't for the life of him remember where he was. Then he heard her voice, the voice that had inspired something in him like he had never known before. And it all came flooding back to him.

"Ginny, you look great.'' Hermione said, smiling sadly at her friend. Her hair was short now, and as Ginny stood in the doorway of the room, pulling absent-mindedly at her new shorter hair, Ron slipped his arm protectively around her waist. He knew why Ginny had come. It was the same reason she had been coming for, for over a week now. And every day she had been disappointed and saddened to find that the thing she wanted most hadn't happened.

Harry's eyes tightened shut as all the images came flooding back to him as he heard her voice for the first time in what felt like a life time.

He saw himself, out on the Hogwarts grounds, covered in mud, running and slipping over the wet muddy slopes leading up to the castle, he remembered Sirius ordering them all out of the castle, they had to face Voldemort on their own terms and that's what they had done. As the Death Eaters and Dementors lined up outside the front of the castle, they went out to meet them. Sirius wasn't prepared to go down with a fight. The images flashed through his mind, he saw them all walking out to meet their doom. He saw the cruel masks of the Death Eaters, heard the cold rattling breath of the dementors, and remembered locking eyes with Lord Voldemort himself. He remembered the icy coldness of the dementors sucking all happy thoughts from the air around them. But Harry could stand it now, they all could. They no longer had happy thoughts; just a grim determination and the dementors could not steal that. He remembered Hermiones determined face, shooting spells left right and centre, starting huge blazing fires on the muddy lawns of Hogwarts summoning the fire spirits from them. They were gaining allies, and Harry remembered the flash feeling of hope as the fire spirits burnt several death eaters, things had started to look up for them. They were still drastically outnumbered, but there was hope.

What happened next had almost been their downfall, Harry felt tears welling up in his eyes as he remembered what he had been unable to prevent. Professor Dumbledore had been murdered; Voldemort had shot him down in cold blood. The thing that stood out most vividly in Harry's mind though, was neither the cold plunging sensation of loss, nor the horrified cries of everyone around him, but the look in Dumbledore's eyes as he fell. He didn't look shocked, or scared but at peace. He still emanated the same power and calmness that he had done while he was alive, and this unnerved some of the death eaters. Everything after that was a still a blur to Harry, he remembered the awful feeling of loss and his anger that he vented on the death eaters, and he vaguely recalled the satyrs from the forbidden forest charging forwards, ready to stand beside them and fight.

But the thing that was to haunt him forever was none of this, not the acrid smell of burning flesh as he ran past the burning death eaters, that had fallen to the fire spirits, nor the feeling of being surrounded by hundreds of dementors, but it was seeing Ginny cowering before Voldemort.

Harry saw it all clearly, as though it had only been yesterday, he saw Voldemort raising his wand above Ginny who was sobbing at his feet. Harry started to run towards them knowing that there was no way he'd reach her in time but knowing that he had to try. But Voldemort hadn't killed her and had instead performed a shearing charm that had roughly chopped all her hair of. Harry saw him standing above her laughing madly. Harry knew what Voldemort was doing; he had done it so many times before. He was using someone close to Harry to get to him. He had known that Harry would rush forward to save her. But what he hadn't counted on was Harry's intense rage. No longer was he the boy that he had faced before.

He had run up, his breathing was ragged and he stood tall, looking the man that had haunted his dreams in the eye. No longer would he fear this man. Voldemort was nothing to him. He remembered the rage rushing through his blood; his heart pumping so wildly, he couldn't even hear the words that Voldemort spoke to him. He stepped swiftly in front of Ginny and shielded her with his body. He raised his wand and shouted the words that he needed to say. Voldemort did the same, and once again their wands connected, a long thin strip of green light shooting between each wand, it was just the two of them now. A Death Eater ran up beside Voldemort and shot a killing spell at Harry, but it didn't affect him, instead it shook the wave of green light connecting them, sending an intense pain through Harry's body. This was it he thought, a few more shots like that and he knew that he wouldn't have been able to hold on. But he was surprised when he looked up and saw that Voldemort too had been hurt by the Death Eaters spell, he was shouting at the Death eaters around them not to do anything. Then instinct kicked in and all Harry's concentration on trying to force the light back up into Voldemorts wand, to destroy him forever, was put into the battle. But Voldemorts desire for power was stronger, Harry felt his wand vibrating harder and harder, getting hotter and hotter and he knew he wouldn't be able to hold on for long and he cried out in frustration.

He remembered seeing Ron run up behind him with his wand drawn and he knew what Ron was about to do, he could hear himself now shouting "No" but it was like the whole world had slowed down and Harry remembered locking eyes with Ron before the words left his friends mouth, he saw the flash of bright green light shoot towards Voldemort and he clenched his eyes prepared for the pain.

But there was none, his wand stopped shaking, the air around them fell silent and Harry opened his eyes, Ron stood next to him panting heavily, staring at Voldemorts crumpled body laying on the ground. And for several minutes nobody moved, nobody spoke and there was just silence.

Then as Harry looked at Ron one last time, he remembered the world going dark and he felt himself hit the ground and that was it. That was what he remembered, and as his brain started to work again he knew that the strange white place that he was must be the hospital wing. He struggled and opened his eyes, groping blindly for his glasses; he heard a deep intake of breath around the room and felt someone slide his glasses back onto his eyes.

"Harry! You're awake!" Sirius exclaimed happily. "Oh Thank God, I didn't know what had happened to you. Nothing the healers have tried worked on you.'' Sirius said hurriedly.

Harry let himself be embraced by Sirius, his head still spinning. "Is it over?'' Harry asked croakily.

"Yeah Harry its over.'' Ron answered, "It's all over now"

Harry's eyes widened as Ginny stepped into his view, she looked beautiful as always, and he was painfully aware of how awful he must look. He looked deep into her eyes and felt the warmth that he had once felt when they were together.

She looked shyly at him and smiled slowly. "Thank you Harry. Thank you for everything."


Once Harry had been fully checked over by Madam Pomfrey in a temporary hospital wing, while the old one that had been destroyed in the war was being repaired. He was allowed to have visitors once again. All of his friends and family piled into the room ready to spend time with him, after they had come so close to losing him.

"Harry I thought I'd lost you.'' Hermione said as she hugged him tightly. "I'm so glad you're alright.''

"If you can call this all right.'' Harry said shutting his eyes so he wouldn't have to look at anyone; he had been hurt badly during that last battle with Voldemort and it had drained him of all his strength. All he wanted was to be back with Ginny.

Sirius burst into the room, a broad smile over his face. "I've been cleared of all charges.'' He said as he swept into the room. "I'm innocent.'' He grinned.

"That's great Sirius.'' Harry replied honestly, if anyone deserved to be happy it was Sirius.

"Yeah I know, but that's not it. I've been offered a job as head auror in the Ministry of Magic. I'll be the one organising all the auror raids, all the missions. Why Tonks I do believe that would make me your boss.'' Sirius said mischievously.

"Oh God.'' Tonks groaned, her arm still wrapped in a sling, still healing from being hit with a very powerful curse.

"Will you be the one to decide what to do with all of the captured death eaters then?'' Ron asked.

"Yes that pleasant task will be down to me, as will the job of capturing all the ones that escaped. Luckily we caught most of them whilst they were still in shock at losing their master, thanks to a few well placed immobilising charms.'' Sirius said soberly.

"Well it looks like the world is changing.'' Remus said. "But for the better this time.'' He smiled "and all we have left to do is go about our lives as best we can whilst we try and get back to normal.


The Hogwarts Express pulled up at Hogsmeade station and everyone who had fought in the last battle boarded the train home. The train ride home was uncomfortable for Harry, he had expected a bit of attention, he would've been stupid not to but the amount he was receiving was ridiculous. He couldn't get a moments peace. All he wanted, was for things to just be normal, he wanted to play a few games of cards with Ron and Hermione and just be like the things used to be. But that wasn't going to happen, with first, second and third years pestering him for his autograph or a picture every second. It wasn't that he wasn't flattered by all the attention but he really needed just to get back to normal, the last few months had been hell for him, and he needed Ron and Hermione to be able to do that. But it looked as though Harry Potter wasn't going to live a normal life again.


When the train pulled up at Kings Cross Station, Harry Ron and Hermione just sat there, not wanting to move, not wanting to leave the train knowing that they weren't going to be returning to Hogwarts again. This was their last year and they were never going to go there again. They weren't going to sneak out in the night to see Hagrid, or attend another Charms lesson again, or sit around the common room fire plotting ways to get Malfoy expelled again. It was over now.

Hermione was the first to stand up, followed by Ron and then lastly Harry. "Take care of yourself Harry.'' Hermione said hugging him tightly. "I'll see you soon." She said leaving the train, squeezing Ron's hand as she left, Harry watched as she ran over to her parents and was embraced tightly.

Ron cleared his throat awkwardly, and Harry looked up at him. "Well bye then.'' Ron said looking down at his shoes. "I thought you hated me Ron.'' Harry said quietly, "Why did you risk your life for me?''

"I wasn't about to let you get killed you idiot, and I didn't hate you I just was angry with you. But whats done is done.'' Ron answered.

"So are we mates now?'' Harry asked


Harry stepped forward and pulled Ron into a hug, and clapped his back hard, before backing of just as quickly.

"Thanks mate" Harry said in a deeper voice than was necessary.

"No problem mate.'' Ron said uneasily. "See you soon yeah?''

"Yeah you bet" Harry replied grinning at his best friend, laughing as Mrs Weasley hugged Ron tight as soon as he got off the train. And he grinned as he saw Ron struggle against her.

Harry stepped down out of the train and walked towards the barrier, he was meeting Lupin and Tonks and he was to be returning to Lupins house for summer. He walked with his head down towards the barrier hoping not to be noticed, and his plan was sort of working until he almost crashed into somebody in front of him. He looked up and saw Ginny standing before him. He looked into her eyes, they were standing centimetres away from each other, all he would have to do was move his head slightly and they would be kissing.

"Uh...I.... I...Sorry." Harry said awkwardly.

"Are you really?" Ginny asked.

"Ginny!" Colin called as he rushed over to her, cutting off Harry's answer. Colin looked Harry up and down disdainfully. "What are you doing Gin, come on we have to go!" He said pulling Ginny away, she let herself be dragged off looking back at Harry sadly, she wanted him more than anything, she was still so in love with him.

Colin pulled her away from Harry and stopped only when Harry was out of sight. "What are you doing Ginny? Don't do this to yourself. He broke your heart, and I know he's saved your life and saved us all. But that doesn't change the fact that he was cold and cruel and horrible to you. You can't still have feelings for him.''

"But I do Colin. True love never dies.''


Harry looked after the spot where Ginny had just disappeared from view, and he sighed deeply, that was it, she couldn't have wanted him, she was with Colin now. She deserved someone better than him anyway, Harry thought. Colin might be good for her. But these thoughts did nothing to comfort the heartache that he felt as he turned and walked away from the first and only girl that he had ever loved.


(A.N Thanks guys, hope you enjoy this, it's the last chapter. But don't worry the next story should be posted in a couple of weeks, drop me a review and let me know what you think. Please don't complain that Harry and Ginny aren't back together, that's the next Story. Hence the title TRUE LOVE NEVER DIES.

Love ya all. x x x x)