St. Hoshi's School for Youkai & Humans Aware of Them
RATED: PG13 for Miroku's hentainess, violence, & language
GERE: Humor/Action/Adventure/Romance
SUMMARY: Kagome is sent to a school for Youkai & Humans aware of them called St. Hoshi. There she meets friends & rivals. How will life treat her here?
COUPLES: Kagome/Kurama, Sango/Hiei [I'm sorry to Hiei/Kag fans but I like Sango/Hiei way better so I shoved her with Kurama because I write too much Inu/Kag in stories], Yusuke/Keiko
Chapter 1: The School & New Friends
.:Kagome's POV:.
Ok so my life isn't as normal as I expected. I had a weird feeling today was different but being accepted into St. Hoshi! I mean I knew about youkai & I was a miko and all but St. Hoshi! You see St. Hoshi was a school for Youkai, Youkai Exterminators, & Miko/Priest. All have one thing in common, all know about Maikai, Reikai, & Niegenkai. Maikai was realm of youkai, Reikai was the afterlife world, & Niegenkai is the human world. Average humans only know about Niegenkai but we call it Earth. My okaa-san went to St. Hoshi's and my grandpa & grandma did too and so on & so forth. I sighed as I remembered how I got in.
"Kagome you got mail" my little brother Souta said handing me an envelope, it had claw marks on it I carefully opened it and shrieked. It was from St. Hoshi & it was written in blood. "You knew it would come sooner or later" Souta said going back to his video game as I sat down from the shock. I showed my grandpa who shouted in joy and my mother gave a polite smile.
.|End Flashback|.
I sighed as I was dropped off at a forest, a dark and creepy one for that matter. My okaa-san said that there was test waiting for me. I shivered as it was October 31st, Halloween. It was fall and I had yet to see any test. I walked through the forest with the tree of no leaves. I looked to see 3 demons. Weird for that matter. One looked like an over grown lizard, another looked like a rat with wings, & the last was a stupid Cyclops. "I hear your going to St. Hoshi" said the lizard
"Uh... whats St. Hoshi" Said the stupid Cyclops
"Oh shut up baka" said the rat
"Hai" I said with a stutter as I reached for an arrow and pierced the lizard
"You... killed him" said the rat
"Uh... whats kill?" said the Cyclops as the rat & I sweat dropped then the rat attacked me. I grabbed another arrow and shot him but he dodged. I took 2 arrows and pined him to a tree with the blow on the tree making him unconscious. The Cyclops stood there like an idiot but then saw whats go on "Huh? Where did everyone go" the Cyclops said sobbing as him raged at me I reached for an arrow but I was out of them. I just hope the school has more. He took his club and hit me hard but I was determined to get to St. Hoshi's so I got up even if my bones felt like they were crushed. Just as he was about to shrike again I let out a strange energy, which flung him against a tree making him unconscious too? I ran off to the end of the forest where a castle awaited. I was guessing that was St. Hoshi. The sun was rising as well.
I got there and saw 2-ogre guard " Ay. Is this St. Hoshi" I asked showing them my invitation
"Hai" they said together as the allowed me in
I walked through a grand hallway. It was pretty big. I walked on & on. It seemed like the hall went on forever until I tripped on a suit of armor and someone caught me. He had red hair and seemed to be wearing some sort of uniform. "You must be the new student" He said thinking for a second "Huragashi, Kagome" he then said as I nodded "Konnichiwa I'm..."
"JIGANSHI!!!!" I then heard someone yell as I really short guard in black with black hair that was spiked as though it was a flame being chased by a female in a weird armor chased him
"Oh no! What did Hiei do this time" the red head said as the girl stopped by us
"Kurama, can't you do something about you friend, he tried to kill me again" she said
"Taijiya, its your fault you let your guard down" said the spiky black haired guy called Hiei said to her as she stuck out her tongue
"Guys, we have a new student here" the red head dubbed, Kurama said with a sweatdrop
"Oh sorry" said the girl. I was guessing her name was Taijiya but it sounded more like a last name
"Konnichiwa" I said
"Gomen about my rudeness just a second ago" said Taijiya with a bow
"Hn" was all Hiei said
"Though I'm not sorry for his rudeness" said Taijiya "Don't bother with him hes a baka gaki"
"And she a lousy buso hirogeru onna of a bitchy tomboy" I heard Hiei mutter and Taijiya whacked him then they started to beat each other up
"Its ok Kagome, they fight every morning but deep down inside the really love each other" Kurama said
"ME LOVE THAT FREAK NO WAY!" the both said "AY!"
"Enough of this" Kurama said as he turned to me again "Sorry about my 2 friends rudeness, your going to have to live with it for the 2 weeks because Sango is your student guide"
"Eh?" I expressed confusingly whos Sango "I'm Sango if your wandering, you probably though for a moment there my name was Taijiya but it my last name" Taiji... I mean Sango said
"Hai" I replied as she did something to my invitation
"Lets see, yep I'm her student guide, OOOOO! Looks like you'll be roommates with Kurama" Sango said
"Roommates" I said confusingly
"You see you have a partner to share a room, usually its girl-boy roommates" Sango explained as I understood "Since I'll be in ALL of your classes, I get to show you around, go thing today is Saturday, November 1st" She said
"On Saturdays, we don't have classes Sunday classes only go from Noon-3 p.m. and classes during the week go from 8 a.m. -6 p.m." Kurama said
"Ok, I'll give you grand tour and then you can meet all our other friends" Sango said happily as Kurama nodded
"I'll take the stuff your grandfather sent to the room" He said leaving
"Jiganshi, I'll deal with you later" Sango said as Hiei left
"Ay, whos your roommate" I asked Sango said she pointed her head over to Hiei figures
:|Kagome & Kurama's Room still Kagome's POV|:
"How was your tour" Kurama asked as we came in
"It was nice" I replied
"Kurama, I though the others were coming" Sango said from the kitchen, it was only 1 in the afternoon & I arrived 7 this morning. It was a long tour. Principal Koenma told me to give my regards to my grandpa when I saw him. I went in the kitchen to help Sango with lunch.
When I came out with lunch there were a lot of people. There was Hiei, a white haired guy with kawaii inu ears, a monk, a orange haired guy, a blacked haired guy, a brown haired girl, a blue haired girl, and a wolf youkai sat on the couch talking while the TV showed sumo wrestling. Atleast I know this place has electronics. "Um... Lunch is ready" I stuttered
"I think I'm in love" said the wolf youkai, the monk, and the orange hair dude
"Will you be my mate" asked the wolf youkai but was knocked out of the way by the monk
"Will you bare my child" asked the monk who was knocked away by the orange haired guy
Kissing my hand the orange haired guy started "I'm the great..."
"OH NO YOU DON'T" said the monk and wolf youkai and they started wrestling
"MIROKU! KOUGA! KAZUMA" Sango screamed as they stopped the fighting
"Oh Sango dearest how I..." the monk started but was bopped on the head by Sango
"Gomen Kagome-San" Sango said to me "This is Hentai, Miroku" she said pointing to the monk who was knocked out on the floor "Then theres Lobo, Kouga" she said pointing to the wolf youkai "Kuwabara, Kazuma" she said pointing to the orange haired dude "Theres Ukimora, Keiko" she then pointed to the brown haired girl "Next to her is her Kare/Kareshi Uremeshi, Yusuke" she said pointing to the black haired guy who was going to speak but "Don't be rude now Yusuke" she said going on with the introductions "The next is Botan" she said pointing the blue haired girl "The last is Inuyasha" she said pointing to the guy with Inu Ears "Then you already now Minamono, Shuiichi a.k.a. Kurama and Jiganshi, Baka Gaki Hiei"
"Well your still nothing but a lousy buso hirogeru onna of a bitchy tomboy" was all Hiei said about Sango who attacked him the instant he finished. We all had a laugh about it but then Miroku had to hold back Sango & Kurama had to hold back Hiei.
Lunch was nice and we girls got the TV. It was fashion weekend on one of the networks so we watched that. The boys and Sango weren't pleased. Hiei was right about her being a tomboy but not a lousy buso hirogeru onna of a bitchy tomboy. Hiei didn't talk much unless he had a rude comment about Sango. We had to break up a lot of fights. I found out a lot of things like Miroku is Sango's ex-boyfriend and Inuyasha is half youkai, half human.
It became night quick so the others left for their rooms. The good thing was that there were 2 beds but Sango said that the beds switch every month, which means next month gulp we sleep together.
-.:|End Chapter Here|:.-
Well that was chapter 1 and I hope I did well for a 1st timer. It's also my 1st time using YHH characters.
Phrases Used
lousy buso hirogeru onna of a bitchy tomboy- lousy ugly slut of a bitchy tomboy
baka gaki- idiotic punk
Kare/Kareshi- boyfriend
RATED: PG13 for Miroku's hentainess, violence, & language
GERE: Humor/Action/Adventure/Romance
SUMMARY: Kagome is sent to a school for Youkai & Humans aware of them called St. Hoshi. There she meets friends & rivals. How will life treat her here?
COUPLES: Kagome/Kurama, Sango/Hiei [I'm sorry to Hiei/Kag fans but I like Sango/Hiei way better so I shoved her with Kurama because I write too much Inu/Kag in stories], Yusuke/Keiko
Chapter 1: The School & New Friends
.:Kagome's POV:.
Ok so my life isn't as normal as I expected. I had a weird feeling today was different but being accepted into St. Hoshi! I mean I knew about youkai & I was a miko and all but St. Hoshi! You see St. Hoshi was a school for Youkai, Youkai Exterminators, & Miko/Priest. All have one thing in common, all know about Maikai, Reikai, & Niegenkai. Maikai was realm of youkai, Reikai was the afterlife world, & Niegenkai is the human world. Average humans only know about Niegenkai but we call it Earth. My okaa-san went to St. Hoshi's and my grandpa & grandma did too and so on & so forth. I sighed as I remembered how I got in.
"Kagome you got mail" my little brother Souta said handing me an envelope, it had claw marks on it I carefully opened it and shrieked. It was from St. Hoshi & it was written in blood. "You knew it would come sooner or later" Souta said going back to his video game as I sat down from the shock. I showed my grandpa who shouted in joy and my mother gave a polite smile.
.|End Flashback|.
I sighed as I was dropped off at a forest, a dark and creepy one for that matter. My okaa-san said that there was test waiting for me. I shivered as it was October 31st, Halloween. It was fall and I had yet to see any test. I walked through the forest with the tree of no leaves. I looked to see 3 demons. Weird for that matter. One looked like an over grown lizard, another looked like a rat with wings, & the last was a stupid Cyclops. "I hear your going to St. Hoshi" said the lizard
"Uh... whats St. Hoshi" Said the stupid Cyclops
"Oh shut up baka" said the rat
"Hai" I said with a stutter as I reached for an arrow and pierced the lizard
"You... killed him" said the rat
"Uh... whats kill?" said the Cyclops as the rat & I sweat dropped then the rat attacked me. I grabbed another arrow and shot him but he dodged. I took 2 arrows and pined him to a tree with the blow on the tree making him unconscious. The Cyclops stood there like an idiot but then saw whats go on "Huh? Where did everyone go" the Cyclops said sobbing as him raged at me I reached for an arrow but I was out of them. I just hope the school has more. He took his club and hit me hard but I was determined to get to St. Hoshi's so I got up even if my bones felt like they were crushed. Just as he was about to shrike again I let out a strange energy, which flung him against a tree making him unconscious too? I ran off to the end of the forest where a castle awaited. I was guessing that was St. Hoshi. The sun was rising as well.
I got there and saw 2-ogre guard " Ay. Is this St. Hoshi" I asked showing them my invitation
"Hai" they said together as the allowed me in
I walked through a grand hallway. It was pretty big. I walked on & on. It seemed like the hall went on forever until I tripped on a suit of armor and someone caught me. He had red hair and seemed to be wearing some sort of uniform. "You must be the new student" He said thinking for a second "Huragashi, Kagome" he then said as I nodded "Konnichiwa I'm..."
"JIGANSHI!!!!" I then heard someone yell as I really short guard in black with black hair that was spiked as though it was a flame being chased by a female in a weird armor chased him
"Oh no! What did Hiei do this time" the red head said as the girl stopped by us
"Kurama, can't you do something about you friend, he tried to kill me again" she said
"Taijiya, its your fault you let your guard down" said the spiky black haired guy called Hiei said to her as she stuck out her tongue
"Guys, we have a new student here" the red head dubbed, Kurama said with a sweatdrop
"Oh sorry" said the girl. I was guessing her name was Taijiya but it sounded more like a last name
"Konnichiwa" I said
"Gomen about my rudeness just a second ago" said Taijiya with a bow
"Hn" was all Hiei said
"Though I'm not sorry for his rudeness" said Taijiya "Don't bother with him hes a baka gaki"
"And she a lousy buso hirogeru onna of a bitchy tomboy" I heard Hiei mutter and Taijiya whacked him then they started to beat each other up
"Its ok Kagome, they fight every morning but deep down inside the really love each other" Kurama said
"ME LOVE THAT FREAK NO WAY!" the both said "AY!"
"Enough of this" Kurama said as he turned to me again "Sorry about my 2 friends rudeness, your going to have to live with it for the 2 weeks because Sango is your student guide"
"Eh?" I expressed confusingly whos Sango "I'm Sango if your wandering, you probably though for a moment there my name was Taijiya but it my last name" Taiji... I mean Sango said
"Hai" I replied as she did something to my invitation
"Lets see, yep I'm her student guide, OOOOO! Looks like you'll be roommates with Kurama" Sango said
"Roommates" I said confusingly
"You see you have a partner to share a room, usually its girl-boy roommates" Sango explained as I understood "Since I'll be in ALL of your classes, I get to show you around, go thing today is Saturday, November 1st" She said
"On Saturdays, we don't have classes Sunday classes only go from Noon-3 p.m. and classes during the week go from 8 a.m. -6 p.m." Kurama said
"Ok, I'll give you grand tour and then you can meet all our other friends" Sango said happily as Kurama nodded
"I'll take the stuff your grandfather sent to the room" He said leaving
"Jiganshi, I'll deal with you later" Sango said as Hiei left
"Ay, whos your roommate" I asked Sango said she pointed her head over to Hiei figures
:|Kagome & Kurama's Room still Kagome's POV|:
"How was your tour" Kurama asked as we came in
"It was nice" I replied
"Kurama, I though the others were coming" Sango said from the kitchen, it was only 1 in the afternoon & I arrived 7 this morning. It was a long tour. Principal Koenma told me to give my regards to my grandpa when I saw him. I went in the kitchen to help Sango with lunch.
When I came out with lunch there were a lot of people. There was Hiei, a white haired guy with kawaii inu ears, a monk, a orange haired guy, a blacked haired guy, a brown haired girl, a blue haired girl, and a wolf youkai sat on the couch talking while the TV showed sumo wrestling. Atleast I know this place has electronics. "Um... Lunch is ready" I stuttered
"I think I'm in love" said the wolf youkai, the monk, and the orange hair dude
"Will you be my mate" asked the wolf youkai but was knocked out of the way by the monk
"Will you bare my child" asked the monk who was knocked away by the orange haired guy
Kissing my hand the orange haired guy started "I'm the great..."
"OH NO YOU DON'T" said the monk and wolf youkai and they started wrestling
"MIROKU! KOUGA! KAZUMA" Sango screamed as they stopped the fighting
"Oh Sango dearest how I..." the monk started but was bopped on the head by Sango
"Gomen Kagome-San" Sango said to me "This is Hentai, Miroku" she said pointing to the monk who was knocked out on the floor "Then theres Lobo, Kouga" she said pointing to the wolf youkai "Kuwabara, Kazuma" she said pointing to the orange haired dude "Theres Ukimora, Keiko" she then pointed to the brown haired girl "Next to her is her Kare/Kareshi Uremeshi, Yusuke" she said pointing to the black haired guy who was going to speak but "Don't be rude now Yusuke" she said going on with the introductions "The next is Botan" she said pointing the blue haired girl "The last is Inuyasha" she said pointing to the guy with Inu Ears "Then you already now Minamono, Shuiichi a.k.a. Kurama and Jiganshi, Baka Gaki Hiei"
"Well your still nothing but a lousy buso hirogeru onna of a bitchy tomboy" was all Hiei said about Sango who attacked him the instant he finished. We all had a laugh about it but then Miroku had to hold back Sango & Kurama had to hold back Hiei.
Lunch was nice and we girls got the TV. It was fashion weekend on one of the networks so we watched that. The boys and Sango weren't pleased. Hiei was right about her being a tomboy but not a lousy buso hirogeru onna of a bitchy tomboy. Hiei didn't talk much unless he had a rude comment about Sango. We had to break up a lot of fights. I found out a lot of things like Miroku is Sango's ex-boyfriend and Inuyasha is half youkai, half human.
It became night quick so the others left for their rooms. The good thing was that there were 2 beds but Sango said that the beds switch every month, which means next month gulp we sleep together.
-.:|End Chapter Here|:.-
Well that was chapter 1 and I hope I did well for a 1st timer. It's also my 1st time using YHH characters.
Phrases Used
lousy buso hirogeru onna of a bitchy tomboy- lousy ugly slut of a bitchy tomboy
baka gaki- idiotic punk
Kare/Kareshi- boyfriend