Shaman King Fan Fiction.

Title: Anna Says.

Author: Kiiro Asakura.

Chapter One: Damn That Stupid Yoh.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own SHAMAN KING. Damn it.

Author's note: Spoiler ahead. Lots of them. Mainly because the author's notes are a lot longer than the actual fic. But hey. I assure you that there won't be any more *long* notes (before the fic) in the next chapters. That's because I already said them all here!!! For any of those writers who think that I borrowed (I prefer THAT term from the word steal) my idea from their creations, without me giving the credits that are due to them .PLEASE FORGIVE ME!. It's just that I have read far too much fanfics for me to identify from which author I have gotten these ideas. If you are one of those authors whose rights I have unintentionally violated, please notify me through email asap. [email protected]

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Author's additional note: WARNING!!!

UNDER AGED readers (Meaning THOSE who are UNDER the age of 18) are NOT allowed to read this fic because of the slight (?) sexual (?) implications (?) present in some of its chapters!!!

The first chapter has NO sexual parts in it.Just a lot of "damnation", meaning the uttering of the word "damn". Heheh.Get it? Damnation? Saying the word damn? Oh forget it.*author sweatdrops* .BUT! Just in case after reading the first chapter, you find yourself liking the fic, THAT would mean that you WOULD want to read its succeeding parts which DO contain the actual "sexual scenes". Right? Right. Sooo?. THAT's the problem there..(NOT that any minor who sees this warning would actually ever CONSIDER the caution.I just wanted to let you people know, that I know, that I AM in NO authority to BAN minors from reading it. I decided to just add a warning note so it would SEEM that I, Kiiro Asakura, the author of this fic, REALLY cares about the welfare of my readers, even though I REALLY DON'T. And to tell you the truth. I just wanted to WASTE your time by making you READ this note right here.Sooo. There.)

This is a Yoh/Anna lemon fic(although as I HAVE said or rather, typed earlier, not all of the chapters have some "lemoness" (?!?) into it) Yes.I know.The personalities of the characters (Yoh's and Anna's to be exact) in the anime (Can't say in the manga, because I haven't read any volume in the SK manga, but I'll be presuming that the events in the anime and in the manga ARE virtually the same) are not apt for the possibility of having any sexual activity in their (Yoh and Anna's) lives, but as you know, this IS a Shaman King FANFICTION, and from MY point of view, I, being a fan who LIKES to write FICTIONAL (Not that the actual story of the Shaman King series can be considered NON fictional, but hey.You know what I mean. Right?) stories about the said anime, would like to think that I, SOMEHOW, possess the freedom to create fictional story plots of ,AGAIN, the said anime, which is Shaman King, simply BECAUSE.I want to. (AGAIN.Those previous statements were utterly pointless.But I just couldn't resist the temptation of making you people read such irrelevant things! .Presuming, of course, that you DID read this part right here.) Oh well.ON with the story then!!!... EnJoY! ____________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________

Author's last note (I swear it's the last!):

I decided to write a Yona lemon fic because. Based on MY observation, (Not that anyone could say I AM a very good observer, but I would like to think that, indeed, I AM.) nobody else wants to write this type of fic at all.Well, if there IS somebody else who does.It's very rare that you see them.Or at least I think I rarely saw them.Or rather, rarely READ the fics that they wrote.PLUS. Just for the sake of telling. I am NOT in a sexual mood, and I HAVEN'T had any sexual experience or anything. Sooo?. Why DID I write this lemon fic then?.(Believe it or not) It's simply because, I just like to imagine the SK characters, particularly my MOST favorite couple (Yes! It's Anna and Yoh, my next fave couple of course would be Anna and Hao!.) have some *FUN* in their imagined, would be, "lives in the future".Whatever that means.And I just wanted to add those * cough voices cough in cough the cough characters' cough heads cough * (Not to worry people! . My coughing here, is nowhere near to it being an obvious symptom of SARS!!! *Again.The author just HAD to sweatdrop at that*) to show a bit of my imagination on how their alter egos would sound like.Actually their alter egos sound a hell lot similar to mine (DOI! I'm the author here ain't I??? Of course they would sound like me! It's because they're saying MY thoughts!!!) And again.NOW, we go on with the fic!!! For REAL this time!..

Note about the story (Okay this time, THIS note IS relevant.):

The story takes place after Anna Kyouyama watched an X rated film.She later on finds herself to be, how do I say this .Uuhhh.* cough Really cough Horny cough * .Need I say more?..Heheheh.

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Anna Says by Kiiro Asakura.

Chapter 1.

Damn That Stupid Yoh.

Saturday morning, probably around 8.

At the bathroom, the shower was on. A silhouette of a girl could be seen from behind the shower curtains. This girl has a very slim, yet muscular and curvy figure. Currently 18 years of age, clearly she has blossomed beautifully. Not much can be said about the outline of her body. Except that. Any guy would have had his jaw fallen straight onto the floor just by the sight of it.

The girl's name is Anna Kyouyama. She is an itako. But NOT just an ordinary itako. She is the most powerful itako in the world who is destined to be the future bride of the Shaman king.

So let's rewind a little bit here.

The girl gets out of the bathroom.

And now we go fast forward.

She is now wearing her usual short black dress. And of course she has her prayer beads and a red bandana on. She is lying in front of the television, not really watching the program shown there, but rather, she is just staring into space.

Inside Anna's head.

Damn it. I thought that cold shower would help me. Tsk. Obviously it didn't.

From the kitchen.

"Anna, breakfast is ready!"

Again, inside Anna's head.

Damn it. Something is wrong with me.

At the dining table.

Yoh Asakura, Anna's fiancé and the newly proclaimed Shaman King, is eating his meal happily. Anna on the other hand is just staring at Yoh without even touching her food.

Inside Anna's head.

I think I better tell him.

(Are you sure about that?)

(What if he just laughs at you?)

(Besides, it is just SOO not you.)

Gee, you think?

(Come to think of it, all he ever really does is laugh you know.Even if a statement isn't funny at all.)

(There's.uh. Nothing wrong with him. Right?)

(Oh don't be silly! He's just cheerful. That's all.)

(Ah.Right, just checking!)

I can't handle it anymore. I want to get rid of this feeling once and for all.

(Do you even think that this kind of thing has already entered his mind?)

Why not? I AM a very attractive girl. He IS my fiancé. We ARE already 18, meaning we're NOT minors anymore. Plus, we sleep under the same roof EVERY night, don't we? .

(Oh yeah, the last line kinda says it all.)

(Well then girl. Be our guest! Go ahead and tell him already!)

(By the way, we're really kinda getting crowded in here. Inside your head I mean.)

(Maybe you should. Lay off the late night watching of X rated movies?)

(Makes you hear voices. LOTS of voices.)

Well then fine! Just get out of my head already. Or you could at least shut up once in a while and stop interrupting my thoughts.

(Fine, fine.)

(It's your head after all.)

(Not that we can do anything if you don't want hearing our voices in here, right?)

Damn it. Just quit it already.

( ..... )

(You know..Actually, we think.)


(Ohoh!So you really ARE serious about us leaving you alone?!)

(Gee.You could've just told us THAT!!)


Anna: Oh f**k these stupid voices inside my head!!!

Yoh just stares at Anna.

Yoh: Uuuhhhh....

Anna: Oh crap.. Did I just say that out loud?

Yoh nods, giving Anna a cute smirk and a concerned look.

Yoh: Anna, um. Are you okay?

Yoh looks at Anna's untouched food.

Yoh: You seem to be thinking about.err.A lot of things lately.

Anna didn't say she was ok. Because the fact is, she isn't. She has made up her mind. She is going to tell Yoh what's been bothering her.

Yoh: Anna? Is something wrong?

Anna: Yoh.I want you to me.

Yoh stares at Anna with a sense of seriousness in his eyes.

Yoh: Ok.I'll try.So. What is it Anna?

Anna: I.

Yoh is clearly thinking of the gravity of Anna's words.

Yoh: Anna, Just say it.

Anna: I.

Yoh: Yes? What is it Anna?

Anna: I know this will sound weird, not to mention inappropriate, coming from me but.

Yoh: Yes? So what is it?!?

Anna: I.

Yoh, feeling a little bit anxious, unintentionally raised his voice at Anna.

Yoh: For crying out loud Anna! Just say what it is already!

Anna, feeling the tension in her situation increased suddenly by Yoh's remark, just snapped.

Anna: Okay! Okay! Fine! I just want you to f*** me okay ?!?! There! I'm sexually aroused! I watched this stupid sex film two nights ago and now I can't stop thinking about sex whenever I see you! I don't know why but it just happens! I'm only human for crying out loud!!! So there!!!

Yoh: *GASP!*

Inside Anna's head.

Damn it. I just said something stupid out loud, AGAIN, didn't I?


(Oh now you did it.)

(Yeah.I see it coming girl.)

(He's gonna laugh at you like crazy!)

(Yeah, I knew it!)

(He'll think you're just a joke Anna!)

(But hey! At least he'll think that you're a FUNNY joke, right?)

(Unlike the ones told by Chocolove!!!)

(Yeah! Why else would he be laughing if she was like THOSE!?)

(Oh you poor thing!)

Oh shut up!!!

Back to reality.

In contrast to what Anna's inner voices have told her, Yoh isn't laughing this time. In fact he isn't showing any type of emotion at all. He is just staring at her with a blank, somewhat suggesting of a shocked expression on his face.

Anna, feeling really stupid with what she did, and not comprehending the meaning of Yoh's reaction, plainly said.

Anna: Um. So? .Uhh. What do you think?.

With that, Yoh stands up from the dining table. He then speaks with a tone of iciness in his voice that Anna didn't know he possessed until just now.

Yoh: Im going to see Manta today. He. needs my help on something. You can leave the dishes on the sink. I'll just clean them up when I get back.

He quickly leaves the dining room with a quite dumbfounded and a really hurt Anna inside it, but Anna forces herself to return to her senses and runs off after Yoh.

Anna: Yoh! Wait!

She catches up with Yoh at the gate of their house. She pulls on his shirt to make him look at her. But when he turns to face her, she sees something that she did not expect to see. Ever.

Anna sees Yoh looking at her.

With utmost disgust and despise written all over his face.

She was supposed to ask him what his answer would be about her question. But after seeing Yoh's face just now, all she could do was to let go of him.

Yoh: I. Better get going.

Anna: . . . .

Anna goes back inside their house. She looks at the dining table with the dishes on it. She gathers them up and puts them in the sink. Anna just stares blankly at them for quite some time. And then she starts to clean the dishes.

She doesn't notice the strings of tears that are forming on her cheeks. Her hands begin to tremble. Her sobs become more and more audible. All she could think of at the moment is the heaviness of her chest. Breathing was starting to become a very hard task. She never thought that Yoh, HER Yoh, would be able to do THIS to her. Rage seems to fill every inch of her pain stricken heart.

But then suddenly.

An idea hits her. (Not in the physical terms you fools!)

A mischievous smile creeps along her lips.

Anna: Defeat was never in my vocabulary Asakura Yoh. Not again will it ever be.


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~ Yep folks, that's the end of chapter 1! Kinda just a teaser. Obviously!!! Chapter 2 will have.uhm.well. MORE *Lemony.Implications*!?! Or whatever that means. So read on if you like! And please! Don't let my pointless notes stop you!

~ So when the hell did Anna Kyouyama said the title? (-Damn that stupid Yoh). Well, she never did. I just decided to make that the title of the chapter because Yoh is the reason why she's having a heck of a damned time. (-_-)

~ Praise worthy people of the S.K. Fanworld!!! (Praise worthy = because I regard you as people who have taste when it comes to picking out GOOD anime!. YAY! Well, that includes myself doesn't it?!? And I have got to cheer for that! Okay.I know that statement's kinda lame.But hey, it's a lame life that I'm living, so it just follows that I come up with lame lines, right? (COLLEGE LIFE SUX!!! Well, just the school work I mean, exams, orals, projects, bitchy professors, and the like.All you Highschool people, enjoy your lives now while you still can!!!)

~ Anyway, review my fic please. BTW, just FYI, it's my first time EVER to write an SK fic! Heck! It's my first time EVER to write a fic at that! (Damn. And I chose a to write a fic with some lemony chapters?. How bored can one person get with his life eh?) So there. I was just wondering since that is the case here, maybe you should cut me a slack off those really HARSH (can't quite think of the right term to go about here) remarks.Okay? That's all.Thanx for reading.Peace. And I'm out.

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