Hello people! I am a new "face" to this place, so bear with me please! I am psycho and you'd better believe it! Hahahaha! I'm also crazy, weird, strange, an insomniac. what was I talking about? Oh yeah! InuYasha! Gotta love him! You know he's back on the air, right? Yay!!! *runs around, jumping and dancing happy dance* I am happy. Yes, but I am going off of the topic again. Sorry, I forgot to mention short attention span.

Disclaimer: *mumbles* I don't own InuYasha. there! ARE YOU HAPPY? You'd better be.SUGAR!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAA!! *cough*


Chapter 1.


"InuYasha! No!!!"

Kagome dashed over to the hanyou, only to be thrown away by an energy barrier. She landed on the ground painfully, but didn't notice it. She could only watch in horror as InuYasha was beaten again and again without any retaliation on his part. His left arm was broken, along with many ribs; his haori was torn to pieces. Dark blood streaked down his face like sweat, tainting his silvery white hair till it was red. Kagome clutched at her heart, she could feel it begin to brake in two!
'Not like this!' she cried desperately in her mind, 'after all we've been through.'

InuYasha's opponent laughed evilly and raised his hand to deliver the final blow.



Kagome screamed and sat straight up in her bed. She was covered head to toe in cold sweat, and her covers and hair clung to her because of it. Tears ran mercilessly down her cheeks and into her open hands. She looked down at them, covered her face with her hands and cried even harder.

"Kagome?! Kagome?! What's wrong?"

Kagome's mother, Grandfather and little brother Souta, all ran into her bedroom.

"What in heavens name is wrong child?" her grandfather demanded.

Her mother sat beside her and scooped her into a big hug. Rocking her back and forth and stroking her hair.

"Shhh, it's okay," she assured her daughter, "It was only a bad dream.it'll be alright.everything will be alright."

Kagome wept into her mother's shoulder, but she barely heard her mothers soothing words, her grandfathers questions, or even felt Souta's warm hand rubbing her back. All she could think of was the horrible dream. that horrible nightmare.but even as she thought about it. it was falling, falling into the depths of her subconscious, like most nightmares tend to do. But she couldn't forget, the look.

The haunting look she saw. in InuYasha's eyes.


"Hello? Earth to Kagome?" It was a few days later; the two siblings were standing right outside their front door. Souta, dressed and ready for school, and Kagome dressed in her school uniform, but going anywhere but to her school.

"Hm? I'm sorry Souta, what did you say?"

Her younger brother sighed, shifting his feet impatiently.

"I said you're going to be late if you don't get going!"

Kagome smiled at him and nodded, waving as she headed toward the well house.

'I don't understand it though.' She thought, 'I've never really dwelled on dreams before, let alone nightmares.'

Kagome found herself hesitating at the rim of the well; she shook her head and secured her backpack on her shoulders.

"This is ridiculous! I'm getting worked up over a stupid dream!"

With that she jumped into the well and back through time.


"I miss Kagome!" Shippo whined, jumping up and down. Sango smiled and scooped him up into her arms.

"We know Shippo!" she said lightly, "We all miss her, but she will be coming back soon, just as she said she would."

The little kitsune smiled broadly at this.
"Do you think she'll bring me some more crayons?" he asked hopeful.

Sango smiled down at the little tike and ruffled his hair lightly.

"We shall see."

Shippo suddenly quieted and sniffed the air. An ear to ear smile spread across his face as he jumped out of Sango's arms.

"She's here! She's here!" he said turning back around and grabbing Sango's hand.

They passed Miroku in their rush to get to the well. Telling him quickly of the news, he nodded, "I shall go and get InuYasha." He said gathering up his staff and heading into the trees, where InuYasha most likely was.


Kagome emerged from the well and took a deep breath of fresh air. She hadn't really noticed how bad the air was in her time until she traveled to the Feudal Era.

'The air is always to clean here!'


Kagome looked up just in time to catch a very happy kitsune in mid-jump.


"Oh, Kagome! I missed you! It's always so boring when you're gone!" Kagome smiled and saw Sango there as well.

"Hi Sango! How is everything?"

The demon exterminator shrugged,

"Minor demons, nothing big. How are you Kagome?"

Kagome was about to reply, when Miroku came around the trees. She smiled and opened her mouth to greet him when.

Her heart stopped.

InuYasha came around the corner as well. His hands in his sleeves and his dog-ears twitched, ever so slightly.
Everything came flowing back to her so fast it felt like a train had hit her. The dream, the blood, the laugh. his eyes.

Tears swelled up unwillingly in Kagome's eyes, her throat tightened.



Okay, so that's the end on one chapter. I hope you like it so far. It's off to a pretty slow start, but it will get a lot better. I promise! No flame please! But R&R! I LOVE reviews! This is my first fanfic, so don't kill me!

You wanna reach me, email me at [email protected]