While the adults are away

By Todd Fan

Disclaimer: "Simpson, Homer Simpson, the greatest guy in history. From the, town of Springfield, he's about to hit a chestnut tree".


And here it is, the tie-in fic to Teacher Training. If any of you haven't read Teacher Training, you don't reeeaaaly need to read it, but there may be a few subtle jokes in here that you'll only get if you read it's predacessor. You all wanted to know what happened to the teens while i sent the adults packing, well, here's your answer!


Chapter 1 - A house to their own


"Goodbye, sir, don't worry, Gambit'll make sure dat de house stays standing!".

Gambit grinned happily as the X-Van drove off out of the grounds of the Xavier institute.

"I'm gonna see what burns good in there!", said Pyro, giving a happy giggle and running in.

"John, you promised us there would be no burnink!", shouted Piotr, running in after his teammate.

"Oui, Remy can get used to dis", said Gambit, smirking as he walked through the front door of the mansion..and right into Scott.

"I don't know why you've been put in charge", he said, "i'm only one year younger than you, AND i'm a better leader!".

"And de last time de Professor left you in charge, dere was a party, non?", said Gambit, his grin widening.

"That wasn't my fault!!!", protested Scott, "the others..they trricked me..i...i...".

"Tut tut tut", said Gambit, shaking his head, "sound like someone let dere leadership skills slip. If i was de Professor, i'd take a while to trust you again too".

"But...but...", stammered Scott, "i AM a good leader!".

Remy nodded, as if he was humouring him and patted Scott on the shoulder.

"Gambit sure dat you are", he said, "but you sit back and let Remy handle dis one, mmm, Mon Ami?".

Scott, shifted his shoulder from under Remy's hand and gave him a death glare, before smirking evily.

"Oh, you want to take charge? Then be my guest", he said, holding out a hand to the Cajun, "go ahead, and can i wish you the best of luck?"

Remy smiled, ahhhh now that was more like it. He took Scott's hand and shook it.

"Thank you, Mon Ami", he said, "Remy sure he can do a great job".

"Sure you can", said Scott, before walking off, adding under his breath, "sucker".

Unfortunately for Remy, he didn't catch the last comment, and smiled to himself as he entered the mansion, yeah, this would be a breeze.


"Gambit would like to go home now".

Remy was resting his head on the kitchen table, as Jean and Amara warred over ownership of a small blue top.

"Had enough yet, 'boss'?", smirked Scott, from where he was sitting on a chair, his legs resting on the table-top.

"You know, it's people like you who are filling Hell", said Gambit.

"Oh come ON, it's so obviously mine!", said Amara, tugging at one side of the top, "i wore it two weeks ago!".

"Which is when it went missing from MY wardrobe!", snapped Jean, tugging her own end.

"Oh, you LIE!", said Amara.

"Can't you chere's just...share de top?", tried Gambit.

Both girls looked at him like he was a crazy person.

"Why should i share my own top?", said Jean.

"Because it's isn't yours, you...top thief!!!", shot back Amara.

"Take that back!".


Gambit gave a frustrated growl, getting up and grabbing the top in one hand. The top suddenly glowed with kenetic energy, before making a 'poofing' sound and disintergating.

"Dere, problem solved", said Gambit, dusting his hands.

Jean and Amara watched him, opened mouthed and wide-eyed.

"I can't believe he just did that!", said Amara.

"Yeah, you may be cute, but that was just..just....MEAN!", put in Jean.

"That's men for you", said Amara, "they have no consideration for other peoples things".

"Wait....", said Scott, "Jean...you think Gambit's cute?".

"Men are self centred pigs", agreed Jean, ignoring Scott completely, "come on Amara, lets go eat ice cream!".

"Gladly!", said Amara.

Both girls linked arms, as if the fight had never happened, harrumped and stormed out of the kitchen. Gambit blinked, a look of utter confusion on his face.

"What just then happened?", he asked.

"You got on the bad side of two of the female population of the Xavier Insitute", said Scott with a nod, "they'll be back to normal soon enough, just avoid them..and the others..women talk".

"Gambit knows dat", said Gambit, "Gambit knows more about women now dan you'll ever learn, Preppy boy".

Scott took an intake of breath, gathering himself together, then just waved a hand at Gambit.

"Yeah, whatever".


Meanwhile, in another part of the mansion, everyones worst fear had been realised. Pyro had found the kitchen. He was currently sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of the oven, giggling manically. Around him danced women made of fire.

"Dance, dance, dance!", chanted Pyro, "dance my lovelies, dance for daddy!".

Kitty paused as she entered the kitchen, raising an eyebrow.

"Please tell me you're not supposed to be looking after us".

Pyro turned around and gave her a manical grin.

"Course i am Sheila!", he said, "don't worry, John'll look after you"

"The name's Kitty, not 'Sheila'", said Kitty, "and that thought terrifies me beyond all rational levels of fear. I don't think you could look after a goldfish".

"Hey, it wasn't MY fault Goldie got cooked!", said Pyro, "i didn't know how warm i had made the water! I didn't MEAN to do it!!!".

He gave a small sniffle.

"I miss Goldie", he said, "maybe he's watching us all from goldfish heaven".

Kitty digested this imformation before making the wise move of backing slowly out of the kitchen, hearing the manical giggles start up within seconds..okay, so he was a quick griever. Bobby walked past her, heading in the direction of the kitchen.

"I really wouldn't go in there if i was you", said Kitty.

"Oh please", said Bobby, "i'm a super hero, i'm not afraid of anything".

Kitty sighed and watched as he walked in.

"Ooooooohhhh ice-boy!", came Pyro's voice, "can i melt you?".

"Three, two one", said Kitty under her breath.

The second she got to one, Bobby ran out of the kitchen, screaming for mercy, his shirt on fire, Pyro skipping out moments later.

"You know what you should do?", he said, as he watched Bobby run around in panicked circles, "stop, drop and roll. Whenether I'M on fire, thats what i do".

Bobby made little squeaking sounds before dropping to the ground and rolling around, the fire not going out. Pyro giggled as he kept the flame alive.

"PHYSCE!", he said, as if this was an inocent practical joke, ignoring the fact that Bobby's clothes were starting to melt into his skin.

Bobby gave Kitty a desperate look before running out of the back door and launching himself into the pool, steam rising up from it along with a contented sigh. Pyro leaned on the door-frame and scowled at the pool.

"Water", he said distastefully, "so, we meet again my deadly foe".

With that, he shrugged and walked off into the mansion. Kitty rolled her eyes and walked over to the pool edge to glance over the side at Bobby.

"Iceman, you okay?".

"...Medic",came a very small voice from in the water.


"Do it again, do it again!!!!".

Piotr sighed, glancing down at the excited Jamie, children were so easy to entertain.

"Okay, but just this once more", he said.

He reached out and picked up the entire gazeebo in the garden, with one hand. He twirled it around a little then put it back down again.

"WOW!", said Jamie, "that is so AWESOME!!!".

Piotr chuckled, powering back down and patting Jamie on the head before heading back inside, raising an eyebrow as a slightly chared...errr...thing crawled out of the pool. It could have been human...once. Oh well. He carried on, finally enetering the common room and sitting down to close his eyes. This wasn't SUCH a hard job. Look after a bunch of teenagers. Not exactly difficult, was it?

"Hey, big metal guy!".

Piotr sighed before turning around to face Tabby.

"Piotr", he said.

"Ok then, Peety", said Tabby, ignoring Piotr as he twitched slightly at this nickname, "hey wanna help me solve out a bet with my good friend Ray over here?".

Ray poked his head around the door and gave Piotr a wave. Piotr raised an eyebrow...something wasn't right here.....

"What is it you need me to be doink?", he asked.

Tabby grinned and tried to fling her arm over his shoulder, not suceeding on that on, she settled for patting him on the back.

"Glad you asked!", she said, "Ray thinks that if you were to jump into the path of a speeding train, then it would kill you, but i think that....".

"I think i am knowink when you are headink with this", Piotr cut her off, "the Acolytes already made me do that. The train was....a mess".

"Oh", said Tabby, then pulled a face at Ray, "hah, score one for me!!!".

Piotr blinked as the pair left the room, starting to argue about whether or not Pyro could live if he were pushed into a kiln. Piotr knew the answer to that one too. The Acolytes had visited an old ironworks, and Pyro had fallen into the main oven. He had sat in the middle for a while, the fire surrounding him as he giggled manically. That was until Magneto hauled him out of there. So THAT was why Pyro's flamethrowers had so much metal in them, so he could be dragged out of enormous ovens. Speaking of Pyro....Piotr blinked as he started to hear manical laughter coming from inside Xavier's study. That couldn't be a good thing. He gave a heavy sigh and got up, wandering off in the direction of his teammates laughter.


Oh yeah, such fun is this! I always end up torturing Bobby, i can't help it, he asks for it, smarmy sod. Anyway, do review! Until next time...