Konnichiwa minna! Here I am with Seventy-Two Hours! The sequel to "Love is a Very Painful Thing!" YAY! Anywhoo, here are the answers to the reviews from the last chapter of "Love is a Very Painful Thing!"


~*PinkDevil*~ *is glomped* OOOOOOFFFF! Yeah, Tyson and Kai adopted Aiko. Oh boy, is Kai going to have fun....

~* *_* *~ Here's the sequel for ya! My fic is beautiful? Well, er, uh, thanks! ^___^ Enjoy the chappie!

~*MIdnight14*~ WAI! Thank you for saying that about my ending! ^__^ Well, here's my sequel! Enjoy! ^_^

~*KAI21*~ I have your full support? *glomps KAI21* WAAAAAAAIIIIIII! THANKIES! ^__^ *sees that you are running out of oxygen* Uh, whoops, didn't mean to glomp that hard! ^__^ Yeah, Rand has a soft spot in him; he has a special spot in his heart for Aiko! I guess little kids get to him! Enjoy!

~*Ko-chan to Ya-chan*~ *turns to Rand* See what I told you Rand, people are starting to like you because of your change of heart! (Rand: This is so embarrassing.....) Yah, the first chapter of Seventy-Two Hours focuses on family. I think that maybe in the second or third chapter is when the action will start. YAY! BRING ON THE TYKA! ^__^

~*Krixel*~ Here's the sequel for ya! ^___^

~*Mugs*~ Do you want me to e-mail the last bit? *sweatdrops* I don't really know if I could make a lemon. I could try though....I mean, it wouldn't hurt to try. Would it? Well, anywhoo, here's the sequel! Enjoy!

~*Inusammi*~ Kai and Tyson= one of the most perfect couples ever! Opposites attract! TYKA FOREVERMORE! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! *slaps self* Alrightie then, enjoy chappie one!

~*Panther4*~ Guess what, Kai made me depressed so I set this fic back a few days (it was supposed to be up on Wednesday) and you know what Tyson made Kai do. KAI HAS TO SLEEP ON THE COUCH TIL NOVEMBER! Go Tyson! Wow, the ending made you cry, and you don't cry often? Wow, my ending was THAT good? I thought it really sucked after reading it 10 times! Well, start on your Tyka yaoi fic! I can't wait to see more Tyka! ^__^

~*dna18*~ WAI! It's beautiful?! Domo arigatou for the compliment! You cried too? It was that beautiful and sad? Oh well, I should listen to my reviewers....after all, your worst critic is yourself! Enjoy! ^_____^

~*Darkspider*~ Tyson's New Hope....a bunch of lovesick fools chasing after Tyson.....How about you have Tala and/or Bryan hit on Tyson.....Oooooh....yeah....that would be good. Don't worry, it's okay, everyone runs out of ideas sometime. But you'll get them back eventually, just don't give up! ^___^ Enjoy the fic!

~*Nyaru*~ Here's the sequel! Enjoy!

~*Lunare Valhart*~ Yeah, and if Sonbre is nice to me and doesn't call me any names, and lets me hit him on the head at certain times, I will give him a Tyson plushie. But he'll only get it under those conditions. Well, here's Seventy-Two Hours!

~*Little Leila*~ OVER 35 HOURS?! GAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! What did you do?! Geez! Anywhoo, here's the sequel!

~*JadesRose*~ I know, I SOOOOO need more detail....*sighs* Detail! DETAIL! DETAIL! *pounds head into computer desk* Owwwww....here's the first chappie for your enjoyment....Must find icepack.....

~*Peeps Inferior*~ Oh yeah, Max and Rei, Tyson and Kai will be together for a LONG time. As a matter of fact, they're married! Sorry about the glomp though! Yup, little Aiko Hiwatari, she's an angel towards Tyson, but a HANDFUL for Kai. Hee hee, Daddy's little girl....Oh gawd, not another plan for a sequel to Seventy Two Hours! No one from the Bladebreakers will die, but *censored because the authoress doesn't want to spoil anything* does. Well, you'll know who it is if you read the preview for the sequel!

~*KhaosOne*~ Alright, WHO THREW THAT! *glares at Tala, Kai, and Bryan* Was it one of you?! (Kai: WHAT?! Bryan: YEAH! STOP STARING AT ME LIKE THAT!)

~*Yami Princess*~ Love CAN play tricks with your heart. To tell you the truth, the storyline was based on what happened to my friend. She gave her love blindly to this guy who had a reputation for cheating on his girlfriends. The guy ended up choosing this complete dimwit over my friend..Oh boy was I pissed....I sent him hate mail for three weeks. Well enough with my personal life, on with the fic!

~*HXH-YGO-OtAkU*~ Oooooohhhh something furry, I wonder what it is? Well, I'll just be patient and wait. ^__^ Enjoy the sequel! ^___^


Warning: Don't like Yaoi, then don't read. Plain and Simple!

Pairings: Tyka, MaRe, Kenny X Emily


Kai and Tyson have to save their five year old daughter from the clutches of BioVolt. The thing is, they only have 72 hours before something terrible happens to Aiko. With the help of Max, Rei, Kenny, and Emily, can they succeed? What about Rand? Will his heart be softened by little Aiko?


ALRIGHT! IT'S SEQUEL TIME! *punches fist in the air* YEAH! Okay, who wants to do the sequel?

Aiko: Oooooh! I will!

Garu: NO! I WILL!

Aiko: ME!

Garu: ME!

Aiko: ME ME ME!


Bryan: *sick of the children's fighting* Rumi-Chan doesn't own Beyblade. She only owns the two midgets here *points to Aiko and Garu* and Rand. Hey! Shut up you two!

Aiko and Garu: MEANIE! *kick Bryan in the shins*

Bryan: OWWWW!!!!!!


Seventy-Two Hours

Chapter One

By: Rumi-Chan


It was a warm, balmy morning in Tokyo. The sky was blue, the grass was green, and a little five year old was causing mass chaos and havoc in the kitchen. Little Aiko Hiwatari stood on her tip-toes, attempting to reach the cereal box, knocking everything from the shelf and in sight askew. "Must....get....Cocoa....Puffs! Need breakfast!" Finally after knocking everything down, she sighed in defeat. 'This is going to be harder than I thought,' she pouted. Aiko then spotted a chair. "Aha!" she cried triumphantly as she pushed the chair towards the shelf, and reached as far as she could. Success! Her small hands grasped the top of the cereal box! Aiko smiled as she grabbed a bowl for herself and opened the cereal box. Her eyes widened at the sight before her.

The cereal box was empty!

A very loud wail was emitted from the kitchen.

The maids heard it, the servants heard it, Kai totally messed up on his pile of paperwork, and Tyson dropped the bottle of shampoo on his foot. Before you could say anything, Kai dashed off to the kitchen, praying that nothing bad happened. Minutes later, Tyson, clad in only a bathrobe, was sprinting toward the kitchen. They found Aiko howling in the kitchen. Tyson rushed over to Aiko, "Honey, what's wrong?" Aiko looked at her mother (Yes, Tyson is uke, and Kai is seme) with sad eyes. "Okaasan! There's-there's...." Tyson and Kai looked at their daughter questionably. Aiko bawled, "THERE'S NO MORE CEREAL! WITHOUT COCOA PUFFS, I AM NOTHING!" The parentals first sweatdropped, then they face-faulted.

Tyson looked at Kai and grinned, "I'll be leaving this to you." Kai paled, "No. NO! Ty! You can't do this!" Tyson brushed past Kai, "Later, dude!" Aiko made her way to the refrigerator, "Food! Need- food!" Kai mega- sweatdropped, "Why? Of all the reasons, why? Why did she have to get Tyson's appetite?! GAAAAAHHHH! Aiko!" Aiko was in the process of emptying everything out of the fridge.

After ten minutes of begging, pleading, reasoning, and threatening to confiscate a plushie collection and a beyblade; Kai and Aiko finally agreed on what to eat. Kai was scrambling eggs as Tyson entered the kitchen. Tyson gave Kai a peck on the cheek before asking, "What are we having?" Kai answered, "Scrambled eggs." Tyson giggled, "And exactly how did Aiko agree to that?" You know she doesn't like her eggs scrambled!" Kai whispered in his koi's ear, "I threatened to take away her plushie collection AND her beyblade." Tyson looked at Aiko, who was pouting in the next room, her legs dangling from the seat because she was so small. "I guess she decided to comply!" Tyson laughed as her ruffled Kai's hair.


Meanwhile as Kai, Tyson, and Aiko were eating their breakfast, Garu was waking up his parents- well, trying to at least. Garu groaned as he marched towards his parents' room, a pillow in his hand. Garu closed the door quietly behind him and stood on his parents' bed. He raised the pillow above his head and smacked Rei really hard. "Wake up!" He then smacked Max. "WAKE UP!" After three smacks, Max surrendered. He slowly, reluctantly woke up and got out of bed. Garu looked at Max, "Morning Mom (Max=uke, Rei=seme)! How should I wake up Dad?" Max's speech was slurred, "Whatever-don't-really-care...."

Garu's smile went from innocent to impish as he jumped off the bed and ran to the doorway, then ran back and pounced on Rei, landing on his back. "Ooomph!" Rei groaned. "Dad! Wake up! It's morning! Wake up!" Rei's voice was muffled, "Alright, I'm up, please get off, Garu!" Garu scrambled off his father and whined, "C'mon dad! Get up!" Rei yawned sleepily as he walked to the bathroom to take a shower. Garu's impish grin returned. "Three, two, one...."


"Why are you even saying that, Max? We're MARRIED!"

"Rei! WAIT YOUR TURN! I'll be out in a few!"

"And what am I supposed to do during that time?!"


Rei grumbled incoherently as he sat on the bed beside his son, who was grinning like a maniac. Rei looked down at his son and raised an eyebrow. Garu looked up innocently at his father and said, "What?" He then slid off the bed and walked to his room, biting his lip to keep him from laughing out loud.

*The next day*

Tyson was on the phone with Max, Kai was finishing up another mound of paperwork, and Aiko was watching an episode of Inu-Yasha (Sorry! Couldn't resist putting that in there!) on TV. Kai stuck his head out of his office as he stared at his hyperactive five-year-old yell at the TV. "Stupid, clueless Hojo! SHE DOESN'T LIKE YOU BAKA! She likes Inu-Yasha! INU-YASHA! DER! Are you that stupid! BAKERU! IDIOT!" Once again, Kai sweatdropped. 'First I buy earplugs, then I cut off her intake of sugar. No, hold on, can't do that, Ty will make me sleep on the couch for a week or maybe two for sure." Kai banged his head on the desk and groaned. "Sometimes I ask myself, 'WHY ME!'"

Tyson entered Kai's study and slipped his arms around his koi's shoulders. "Stressed?" Kai closed his eyes and leaned his head against Tyson's chest. "Not anymore." Tyson's hands fiddled with the buttons on Kai's shirt, "I have something to tell you." Kai smiled, "What is it, Ty?" Tyson's hands moved to Kai's shoulders, "Max, Rei and Garu are coming from China to visit. They'll be staying with Max's parents." As Tyson massaged his shoulders, Kai asked, "How long will they be here?" Tyson continued to massage Kai's shoulders, "A month." Kai murmured, "That's nice." "Kenny and Emily are coming back from America as well," Tyson continued, "Emily gave birth a few weeks ago. It's a girl."

Kai stared up at Tyson, "When are they arriving?" Tyson answered, "Max and Rei were at the airport, they'll arrive tonight. Kenny and Emily will be here tomorrow." Kai smiled, "Aiko will be happy to see Garu again." Tyson smiled, "I wonder what kind of problems they'll cause this time." Kai chuckled, "Remember two years ago?" Tyson giggled, "Yeah, you had a fit!"

///Flashback: 2 years ago///

Aiko was outside waiting in her bright red wagon. Garu just finished harnessing the neighbor's German Shepard to the end of the wagon's handle and around his hind legs. Tied in front of the German Shepard were another neighbor's two miniature collies, held back by a broom handle, and separated by a metal bar. In the front was another broomstick tied to the second broomstick. Tied in the very front was Max's mom's very and extremely fat cat. The dogs were getting restless.

Aiko waited for Garu to make sure that everything was okay, and he climbed into the wagon. "Ready?" Garu said. Aiko nodded her head, "You bet!" "Okay!" Garu exclaimed, "GET THE CAT!" The dogs barked, and the cat mewed. The wagon was like a Hot Wheels racing car. "WHEEEEE!" The two children exclaimed. Rei and Kai just walked outside when a red blur passed them. Kai shot up an eyebrow, "What the hell was that?" Rei shrugged his shoulders, and the red blur passed them again.

Aiko examined the road, "Garu," she said, "I think we're on the wrong side!" "Garu argued, "Nu-uh!" Kai noticed the arguing children's voices as they passed by the house again. 'That's Aiko and Garu....and that an incoming...." The two children squealed, "CAAAAAAAARRRRRR!!!!!" Aiko quickly steered the dogs away from the car. The wagon hit the curb, and the two children flew onto the sidewalk. As for the cat, the dogs, and Aiko's red wagon, well- they didn't return until four hours later.

The cat clutched onto Rei for dear life, and the neighbors got their dogs back. Kai was never this pissed in his entire life. He was seething. As soon as Rei, Max, and Garu left. Kai exploded.

"AIKO! WHAT THE," Tyson plugged Aiko's ears because Kai was swearing like crazy.

"Aiko! How could you be so *plug* stupid? I *plug* can't *plug* believe that you'd be so *plug* stupid?! *plug* You could've been *plug* killed! *plug* Go to your *plug* room! I'm *plug* embarrassed! Ty! Are you *plug* plugging her *plug* ears again?!" Aiko looked at her mom, "Is daddy mad? Garu and I wanted to have fun!"

Kai hollered, "Does driving a *plug* wagon pulled by *plug* dogs and cats? Aiko! You are such a *plug* *plug* sometimes! Tyson! Stop *plug* plugging her ears! *plug*!" Tyson ushered his daughter out of the room, "Go to bed, honey. I'll be there to tuck you in. Daddy and I need to sort things out." Aiko's bottom lip trembled, "You're not getting separated, are you?" Tyson smiled, "No, babe, just go to bed." Aiko smiled and gave her mother a kiss on the cheek before bounding upstairs to go to bed.

Tyson and Kai stared at each other for a while before Tyson said, "You're sleeping on the couch tonight." Kai gaped, "What the hell?!" "You know better than to curse in front of our child," Tyson said before exiting Kai's office. Three seconds later, Tyson poked his head in the room and said, "And no sex for a week." After Tyson was gone, Kai yelled, "DAMMIT!"

///End Flashback///

Tyson and Kai both laughed out loud, but were interrupted when they heard a loud crash coming from the living room.



End Chapter One


I know, it's not dramatic yet, but I wanted it to have a humorous start. As for the wagon idea, my dad and my uncle did that when they were five, so I thought that it would be funny to use that as part of the chapter.

Kai: *has duck tape over his mouth* MMMPPPPHHHHTHTHTH!

*looks at Kai* What's up with him?

Tyson: He wouldn't stop cursing....I had to do something....

Rei: No sex for a week!

Tyson: Max gave me the idea.

Max: *waves at Rei*

Rei: Oh, you are soooooo going to get it, Max.

Anywhoo, review please!

Ja ne!
