Chapter 4

Yumia, muttering about the pain was that was still in her arm, was walking in the forest looking for InuYasha. A thought came into her head as she approached a river.
"I don't know what my brother wants with some hanyou named InuYasha. Just by his name, he sounds like a complete wuss. Why couldn't he get him himself, or send his damn servant at least? Brother is always pissing me off..."
The young female demon kneels down next to a river and looks at the fish swimming in it. Her stomach growled some for food, so Yumia decided to get something to eat. Unfortunately for her, getting a fish from the river was harder than she thought it would be. After splashing around in the water trying to grab a meal, the only thing Yumia got was her kimono soaking wet. She slams her fist into the water at a random fish, missing it of course.
'Dammit! I can kill huge boars and strong demons, but I can't even get a damn fish!"
A smell came across Yumia's nose, which caused her to stop her rage. She closed her eyes and sniffed the air.
"That smells nice, but...where is it coming from? If it's someone making fried fish, I could just take it from them."
After looking around for a few seconds, she sees a guy frying fish about 20 feet away from her. An evil grin comes across the demon's face as she quietly began to sneak up on the unsuspecting human.
Miroku sighed some as he was making his breakfast. Since Shippo was asleep with Kilala and Sango, and who knows where InuYasha went to after what had happened the previous day, he felt like relaxing somewhat and eat a few fish. Besides, he didn't feel like sharing with the others if they got hungry.
"Things have been a bit crazy these last few days... Kagome is with Koga, and InuYasha won't tell what happened. Something tells me that alot more weird things will happen in the near future."
While Miroku was talking to himself, the fish he was cooking began to light into a huge flaming fish torch. The monk noticed this and began to pick up the flaming fish and swung it around in the air. Since that didn't work, he then put the fish into the river water. A breath of relief came from Miroku.
Yumia, whom was behind a huge rock when she saw what happened, shaked her head at the young monk.
"What a complete idiot..."
After making sure the fish was not lit, Miroku was about to head back to resume cooking, but feels a tingling feeling on his head. Fearing that his hair was in flames, he quickly puts his whole head into the river and takes it out. When he sits back up, he feels a bug crawling down from his head and onto his shoulder. He brushes the bug off.
"I feel stupid. My head wasn't even burning at all..."
Yumia chuckled a bit loudly at Miroku, then quickly hid behind the huge rock. The monk heard the chuckle and looked at the rock, knowing that someone was there: a female. He then speaks out.
"Who is there? Please show yourself. I won't hurt you or anything."
The perverted monk began thinking in his mind.
"Judging by the chuckle, I believe that it's a female behind the rock. Heh... hopefully she is a cute woman willing to bear me a child. Perhaps I can lure her out of hiding..."
While Miroku was waiting for Yumia to come out of hiding, she began to think if she should either take his food and run off, or kill him first. Feeling a bit nice, she decided not to kill him...just yet anyway. Yumia comes out of hiding from behind the rock and looks at Miroku.
Miroku gasped a bit at her when he saw what she looked like.
"She not cute at all.... She is GORGEOUS! "
The monk then began to try his "seducing" ways at the female. ( A/N: Miroku doesn't know that Yumia is a demon. He thinks she is a highly attractive woman.)
"Is there any reason why a beautiful woman such as yourself is doing here all alone? Seeking male companion?"
Yumia was getting ticked at what the perverted monk was saying to her and replied back, with a bit of a threatening tone.
"The only thing I am seeking here is a free meal now give me the fish you are making or else I shall slit your throat where you stand, human. "
A look of a somewhat shock was on Miroku's face, mainly because of what she said to him, and he then asked the woman.
"Why don't you get your own fish the river? or was that you splashing around in the water trying to catch one?"
Yumia gasped some and looked away.
"I wasn't trying to catch a fish. I was merely practicing on how I was going to attack my brother for sending me on a stupid errand of his."
Of course, Miroku didn't buy what she was saying. He walked to the woman, and pointed to the fried fish that was still cooking.
"Well, if you are done trying to catch a meal, you are welcome to share a meal with me, um....what is your name, beautiful one?"
Yumia raised her eyebrow at the "beautiful" comment, and replied.
"My name is Yumia. That is all you need to know, monk."
"Well Yumia, I am Miroku. Feel free to have some of my breakfast, if you desire."
With that, Miroku gave a sweet-looking smile to the female demon. She sighed some, and decided that she will.
"Aww...why the hell not? I have nothing else better to do anyway... other than my brother's stupid errand."
As she walked to the fish, Miroku followed. He began to reach his hand to the woman's butt, thinking.
"Heh heh heh... Just a little bit more an-"
"Don't even think about touching my ass you pervert or else I will chop off your manhood, fry it and force you to devour every piece of it."
The perverted monk quickly moved his hand away.

As the sun shone brightly inside the wolf den, Kagome slowly woke up. She yawned and stretched some, rubbing her eyes a bit. She looks at her fiancé, Koga, snoring in his sleep and curled into the bed some.
"I don't know what is louder : my alarm clock back home, or Koga's snoring..."
She got up from the bed and walked outside of the wolf den quietly, not wanting to wake up the others. Kagome went to the water in front of the wolf den, and splashed water in her face. As she did so, Kagome began thinking about what will happen today.
"Today is when I have to take Koga to meet my family. I wonder how they are going to react when InuYasha isn't with me, but a wolf demon instead. I hope that they won't mind too much about my decision. And thinking about going to my era, how will I be able to get Koga there? Maybe he has to hold on tight to me or something like that..."
She walks back inside the wolf den, to where her sleeping mate was. She bent down and kissed him on his forehead. Koga moved somewhat and slowly looked at Kagome's face. He yawned some.
"....Good morning, Kagome..."
"Same to you, Koga. "
Koga sat up some and scratched his back some. He looks at Kagome with a wondering face.
"How long have you been awake before me?"
"Only for a few minutes. Why did you ask?"
Koga looked at the entrance of the wolf den and then back at Kagome.
"Are you hungry? Perhaps I should go out and get you some breakfast, like a boar or a cow."
Kagome chuckled some.
"I am a bit hungry, but I don't think I can handle eating a whole boar. I probably could if I had some help eating it..."
With that comment, Kagome nuzzled Koga somewhat in a seductive manner. Koga began to blush a little, then he grinned. The alpha-male wolf gently Pushed Kagome on her back in their bed and was looking down on her.
"Maybe we should have each other for breakfast instead..."
This caused Kagome to blush madly as she gently pushed Koga off her.
"It's too early.. Can't we wait until we are an official couple first? I want to save myself until then..."
Koga playfully pouted.
" I have to wait?"
Kagome smirked at her fiance playfully with a wink.
"Good thing comes to those who wait, Koga-kun..."
Koga took the hint well and chuckled some. He stood up and stretched.
"I'm going to get you breakfast okay? Don't go running off..."
"Don't worry, I won't."
Koga smiled at his future wife and then quickly left the den, leaving a huge gust of wind behind him. Kagome then opened her backpack and took out a set of clothing, a toothbrush with toothpaste, and a brush. She began to look around and thinks to herself.
"Where do you go to take a bath around here? I'm not too sure if I should go wash up near the entrance. I'll just have to wait until Koga gets back. I feel so dirty..."
She looks into her backpack and finds some bandages and medicinal herbs. After taking those out and setting it aside, she kept going through her backpack. While Kagome was doing this, Koga had just came back from getting breakfast, having a medium-sized deer in his hands.
As the wolf demon was walking to the back of the den, some of the other wolf members began waking up. When they saw the dead deer, they began licking their lips. Koga snarled at them with a warning and headed towards Kagome. He gently set the deer near the bed and quietly walked to her.
"Looking for something, my dear Kagome?"
Kagome gasped for a second and looked at him. She gave a sigh of relief.
"You scared me for a second, Koga. I wasn't expecting you to come back that fast."
Koga sat next to Kagome, looking at the stuff that she had taken out of her backpack.
"....What is with all of this stuff?"
"I was just looking at things from inside my backpack. Which reminds me..."
Koga raised an eyebrow.
"Koga...where can I take a bath? I would go take one out in front, but I am a bit worried that there may be peeping toms in the area..."
The young wolf demon gets up slowly.
"Follow me, Kagome..."
Koga then went behind a few rocks that were near the bed and seemed to have disappeared. This confused Kagome, but she picked up her clothing and toothbrush/toothpaste and went to where Koga was. It turns out that there was a secret entrance behind the rocks, and the young woman went inside. When she got to the other side, what she saw amazed her.
Kagome saw a beautiful pool of water with a few mini waterfalls nearby. There was a bit of sunlight from the top of the room, so it made the place look enchanting. Koga was sitting near the pool with a smile.
"What do you think about this, Kagome? I hope this is well secluded for you..."
Kagome looked around and smiled also.
"I like this place. Is this your personal bath or something?"
Koga nodded.
"Yes it is. I just use this place to relax, and feel free to do the same. Are you going to take your bath now?"
Kagome set her stuff near the pool and looked at Koga.
"Yeah, I was supposed to take one last night, but I was too tired. Um...Koga...can know..."
Koga didn't get what Kagome was saying, but from the way she was acting, he got the hint that she wanted him to leave. He got up and headed towards the entrance. Just as Kagome was about to take off her shirt, Koga looked back at her.
"Hey Kagome, are we still going to visit your family today?"
"Yeah... but not until I take a nice bath and get something to eat. I won't try and take too long with my bath."
Kagome replied with a smile on her face. Koga chuckled some and smiled back.
"Take as long as you need to, Kagome. I'm in no rush... I'll just try to get breakfast started for you..."
Then, the wolf demon had left Kagome to take herself a bath. Kagome smiled some and took off her clothing, going into the water afterwards. A smile of relaxation was on her face.
"This is quite soothing... No wonder Koga made this his special place..."
As she began to relax, thoughts of InuYasha comes across her mind. The young woman began to sigh with a worried tone.
"I hope InuYasha is okay. Yesterday I had hurt his feelings. He probably is sulking around, or taking out his anger on poor Shippo..."
She then leaned over the edge of the huge bathing pool with her arms folded and sighed heavily.
"I feel so horrible now... I hope InuYasha is okay...."

InuYasha was sitting in a tree looking at the sky. His face had an expression of sadness as he sighed slowly. Ever since Kagome made her decision, InuYasha was highly depressed. The young hanyou sat up and looked down at the ground.
"...It was all my fault. I should have never yelled at her. But it's too late for that now. That damn Koga has Kagome..."
He jumped out of the tree and onto the ground. His yellow eyes looked around as he headed towards the campsite where the others were.
Shippo, Sango, and Kilala were still asleep when InuYasha got there, which was a good thing to him.
"Good... they are asleep... hey...where is Miroku?"
As he glanced for Miroku, the hanyou sighed some.
"Off probably trying to convince another woman to bear his child. Hell, he is better off asking Sango for the job."
"I heard that, InuYasha..."
Sango looked at him with a glare as she sat up and stretched. InuYasha scoffed some and sat down, his arms were folded. The demon exterminator rubbed her eyes some.
"How long have you been there?"
"I just got here. Why are you asking?"
"Excuse me for asking. Sheesh. I bet it has something to do with last night..."
InuYasha stood up and snapped at Sango.
"It has nothing to do with what the hell happened last night!!!"
Of course, his yelling woke up Shippo and Kilala. Shippo yawned some.
"What is with the yelling? Oh, InuYasha's back!"
InuYasha rolled his eyes at this.
"Yeah, I'm back. Big whoop. And I bet you are wondering about what happened last night..."
"What happened last night?"
The hanyou looked away some with a mad face.
"...I really don't feel like talking about it, okay?"
Sango got a mad/annoyed look on her face.
"Well it's obvious that you do want to talk about it. Just tell us what happened..."
".......... Well....okay, I guess..."
So InuYasha told them about what happened the night before. When he finished, both Sango and Shippo had a look of shock. The little kitsune spoke to the hanyou in front of him.
"Are you sure Kagome really meant that? She could have just said that to get you mad..."
"I don't know. It really seems like she really wants to be Koga's mate. Kagome probably meant every single word."
Sango thought for a second.
"You really shouldn't jump to conclusions so easily. Remember, you and Kagome were fighting yesterday, so it probably was just a heat in the moment type of thing. Don't worry so much about it."
InuYasha looked at the sky and sighed with a hopeful look.
"I hope you are right, Sango. I really hope so..."

" far are we from your home, Kagome?"
Koga asked his woman while walking with her in the forest. Kagome looked at him as he had put his arm around her.
"Not too far away, Koga. We are almost there..."
The wolf demon looked at the ground some.
"...Do you think your family will like me?"
Kagome nuzzled Koga.
"Of course they will. Don't worry about it. What is there not to like about you, Koga?"
She smiled sweetly at him. Koga grinned some and smiled with confidence.
"Yeah. There are alot of good things about me. Unlike that damn InuYasha..."
Kagome looked away some and sighed a bit. Koga noticed this and looked at her with concern.
" something bothering you?"
"Oh nothing, Koga. I'm fine, really."
With that, Kagome kissed Koga on the cheek, at which he blushed. Koga then carried her in his arms and smiled at her. Kagome blushed deeply and noticed that they were heading towards the well that led to the present.
"We are here."
Koga stared blankly at the well.
"Your home is a well? Why didn't you tell me you lived in a well, Kagome?"
A chuckle comes out of Kagome's mouth.
"No, silly. This well leads to my home. Just jump in there and see..."
Koga raised an eyebrow at his future mate.
"Are you sure about this?"
Kagome nods. With her in his arms, he jumps into the well. After a few moments, they reached the bottom of the well. Koga was a bit skeptical about this.
"Are you sure this worked?"
Kagome giggled.
"Koga-kun...look up."
The wolf demon looked up and noticed the roof above the well. Kagome got onto a nearby ladder and climbed out of the well, with Koga following her. When Koga got out of the well, he was amazed at all that he saw. He looked at Kagome's house.
"I take it that this is your home?"
"Yes it is. Ready?"
Kagome slipped her hand into Koga's. The now-nervous wolf demon gasped some and smiled warmly. The both of them walked to her house and went inside. Kagome took off her shoes and looked around. She thinks in her head.
"They are probably either upstairs or not at home... I guess that's a good thing."
Koga looked around the house some and sniffed around. His eyes caught attention of a nearby TV and he walks to it. He kneels down to it and pokes the screen.
"Kagome...what is this?"
Kagome looks to where Koga is and smiled a bit. She walked towards him.
"It's a TV."
"... What does it do?"
Kagome kneeled down and pressed a button, turning on the TV. Koga gasped some in surprise and looked at the TV screen. The program was a female talk show. The curious wolf raised an eyebrow. Kagome giggles somewhat.
"It shows about what happens all over the country and sometimes even the whole world. There are alot of different things on a TV that you can for example..."
Kagome then changes the channel. The TV program that was on is now a children's show. Koga raised his eyebrow again. Kagome looked at her mate.
"This is something kids can watch."
Koga got a curious look and asked Kagome with wonder.
"What about adults?"
Kagome blushed somewhat.
"Well Koga, there are alot of things we could watch... Like for example."
She then changed the channel again to a romantic movie.
"There is love stories..."
Then changed it to an action show.
"And action stuff....and even horror."
Kagome then changes the channel yet again to a horror movie. Koga watched this and laughed some.
"Your people are afraid of stuff like this?"
Kagome nods. The wolf demon chuckles some. A yawn escapes Koga's mouth and Kagome takes notice of it.
"Are you tired? We can sleep in my room if you'd like to."
"Sure. I'd like that. Where is your room?"
"I'll show you..."
Kagome turned off the TV and headed upstairs, with Koga in tow. She went into her room and sat on her bed. Koga looked around the room some and then at Kagome, who was now laying down and motioning him to lay next to her. The wolf demon yawned and stretched, then sitting on the bed.
"Kagome, when will I be able to meet your family? Hopefully by nightfall..."
"Don't worry. I am sure that you'll see them by them."
Kagome yawns and relaxes on the bed. Koga smiles at her and does the same. He sighs with a smile on his face.
"...Your bed is comfortable, Kagome. Maybe we should take it back home, eh?...Kagome?"
He looks at his woman. Kagome was curled into the bed and already was fast asleep. Koga chuckled some and smiled, holding her close and looking at the ceiling of her room. It wasn't long that he became so comfortable that he fell asleep as well.

"Kagome, we're home!"
Kagome's mother called upstairs while setting the groceries on the kitchen table. Sota looked at his mother and asked, while grandpa went to go watch TV.
"Hey mom, how do u know that Kagome is here?"
His mom giggles some.
"Because I saw footprints coming from the well to here. Plus, her shoes are at the door. She could be in her room, sleeping right about now."
Kagome woke up after hearing her mom's voice and gently crawled over Koga, whom was snoring in his sleep. She quietly left the room as she began to think.
"I guess they did go out shopping. How am I going to tell them about me and Koga? And how did they know I was home?"
Sota sees Kagome walking towards them.
"How long have you been home, Kagome?"
"Not sure. How long have you guys been gone?"
Kagome's mom answered her question while putting up the groceries.
"We've only been gone for about 30 minutes. What brings you here?"
"I just came here to relax a bit from the feudal era."
While the two women talked, Sota went upstairs to his room, which was across the hall from Kagome's. At the top of the stairs, he saw that Buyo (their cat) was at the front of Kagome's room door with a terrified look. Sota walked towards his frightened cat.
"Aww..What's wrong, Buyo? Something scared you?"
As Sota walked into Kagome's room to see what was scaring him, he saw Koga sleeping on Kagome's bed. The young boy froze in fear as at that moment, the wolf demon began waking up. Koga rubbed his eyes some and looked at Sota with a curious look. At this point, only one thing came out of Sota's mouth.
Kagome, her mom, and her grandpa heard Sota's screaming and ran upstairs quickly. Kagome thought inside her head as she ran.
"Oh boy...something tells me that Koga has met my brother!"
Of course, this was true, for by the time they got upstairs, Sota and Buyo were in shock and staring at Koga. Koga rubbed his head some.
"I guess yelling is in the family..." ( A/N: Koga a referring to what happened the first time he kidnapped Kagome. She was screaming her lungs out, which annoyed him.)
Kagome's mom looked wide-eyed at the demon, and then at Kagome.
"Daughter...who is this?"
Kagome chuckled nervously.
"Oh... uh I was going to tell you about that. You see uh-"
Kagome's mother smiled as she walked to Koga and touched his hair and headband.
"He is so adorable! Is he another one of your friends?"
Koga was getting nervous with Kagome's mother examining him and began to whimper. Kagome's grandpa then reached out for her mother.
"You should get away from him! He could be a very terrible demon and kill you in an instant!"
Of course, the mom was still amazed at how cute she thought Koga was.
"Oh I don't think he is that dangerous, since he most likely came here with Kagome..."
Grandpa glared at Koga evilly.
"Bah, I don't trust him at all."
Kagome looked away some with a sigh.
"Oh boy, how am I going to explain this one?"

InuYasha got a little curious since it had been nearly 2 hours since he got back with Shippo, Sango, and Kilala and still haven't seen Miroku. He looked at Sango.
"Do you guys know where Miroku is?"
Sango looked back at the hanyou.
"I don't know. I haven't seen him since last night. He is probably off flirting with some woman as usual..."
After saying that, Sango had an irritated look. Shippo looked at Sango with curiosity.
"Sango... do you like Miroku?"
Sango got wide-eyed.
"Why would you say that?"
Shippo shrugged.
"I don't know... It seems that every time you mention Miroku's habits with women, you get angry."
Sango growled at the young boy.
"I should hit you for saying that!"
InuYasha thought in his mind.
"Yep, Sango does have a thing for Miroku."
During the discussion, Miroku was on his way back to InuYasha and the others, with Yumia following him. The female youkai looked at Miroku.
"Are you sure your friends can possibly help me find someone I am looking for? I don't know if I should trust you..."
Miroku looked back at the maiden and smiled.
"What makes you think that?"
"Yumia scoffed and looked away with lavender eyes,
"I'm not sure, but I have a feeling that you are either leading me to a trap, or taking to a place where you want to have sex with me."
Miroku looked forward and sighed to himself. InuYasha's ears twitched as he heard Miroku coming.
"The pervert's back...and he has someone with him."
Sango heard Miroku coming as well and looked in that direction. They saw Miroku and Yumia walking towards them and Shippo asked the monk.
"Where were you, Miroku? You had Sango worrying."
Sango glared at Shippo. Miroku smiled apologetically at his friends.
"I was off doing thing-"
"Like what, seducing women?"
InuYasha points to Yumia. Miroku laughed some.
"Now what makes you think that, InuYasha?"
Yumia's eyes widened when she heard this. A thought came into her head.
"He is InuYasha? That half-breed?"
Miroku spoke to the others.
"I want you guys (Sango: hey)...and girl... to meet Yumia. She is looking for someone, so I thought that maybe we could help her..."
Yumia smiled some towards InuYasha as she spoke.
"I believe that you already have, Miroku..."

There you guys go! I FINALLY updated the story with Chapter 4! The reason why that it took nearly a year was that because I have been very busy lately: school, vacation, and the like. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I am ALWAYS open for suggestions. I'll try to have a chapter up every few weeks or so. Now to work on my Spirited Away fic! Ja-ne for now!
