TKC: Good lord it's been a long time... ¬.¬ sorry bout that ppl. School's been really crazy.... band is crazy, math is crazy, science is stupid.. blah blah blah blargh! I kept on trying and working on this chapter over and over again, but it just didn't come out good. Bleck... I'll do better next chapter.
Anyways, i started a new fic (KaixRei of course) in my notebook. It's based on Witch Child by Celia Rees. It's like, neko-jins are hunted down like the witches were in colonial times and myeh.
Disclaimor: I don't own anything related to Beyblade.
Chapter 8: Morning
"Mmm?" Rei blinked open his sleepy eyes. He tried to move his legs, but found them tangled in the light blue sheets of Kai's bed.
"NOT AGAIN!" Rei yelled exasperatedly at being stuck in sheets again. Even Kai heard his yell from the bathroom that lead to his room. Kai quickly stopped brushing his hair and peeked through a crack in the door only to see Rei's toy being shaken on the bed.
"Think of something Baby Tiger!" Rei panicked, shaking the toy faster, "What was that? Good idea tiger!" Rei tossed the toy hard, and it flew across the room onto the desk.
"Okay Baby Tiger! Come and save me!" Rei shouted from his trapped state on the bed. "What're you waiting for Baby Tiger?! (silence) I saved you, so now you have to save me! (silence) (more silence) TRAITOR!!!!!!!!"
"Need some help?" Kai smirked, making his way towards his bed. Chibi Rei was upside down on the bed and was tangled from his midnight 180 degree turn.
"I need help!" Rei replied, nodding extremely fast. "How did I get upside down?"
"You move a lot in your sleep." Kai stated, unraveling the neko-jin from the rustled sheets.
"Did I hit you?!" Rei was horrified this time, with his eyes watering slightly, "I don't want to hurt people! Did I hurt you? Nobody should be hurt! And nobody should hurt other people! MEOW! I must be a bad person/kitty/bunny/cookie/plastic button/ whatever else I am!!"
"You didn't hurt me." Kai lied. Rei didn't need to know the fact that his 180 spin had knocked him off the bed at 3 in the morning. Kai side glanced at the clock. It was only 4.
"REI! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" Tyson yelled and pounded on all the doors of their hotel suite, "REI! I'M STARVING!! PLEASE MAKE BREAKFAST, WHEREVER YOU ARE!!"
"Shut up, Tyson!" Kenny yelled from his room.
"Rei always makes me food at this time though!" Tyson argued back, waking all of the suites neighboring them.
"I always make him food in the really early mornings?" Rei asked, fiddling with the long bunny ear of his pajamas.
"Why don't you go see?" Kai urged Little Rei. Tyson and Rei had been having little arguments already, so why not add to the inevitable?
"I will go see!" Rei declared as boldly as a kitten possibly could. He marched/hopped out of the room, but not before giving Kai a morning hug and kiss on the cheek.
"Oh yeah… you're little, huh?" Tyson groaned, seeing the little version of Rei skip into the living room.
"Make me food please!" Rei chimed.
"Make YOU food? You're always the one that makes breakfast!"
"No I don't!"
"You do too!"
"Make me food!"
"You make ME food!"
"I can't!"
"Well I can't either!" Tyson growled.
"You're bigger than me! You should know how to do normal everyday things like making breakfast!" Rei insisted, waving his arms about dramatically.
"And just what do you mean by that?" Tyson shouted back, taking Rei's mini-speech as a threat.
"You're being a Bok Choy Brain! You're being stupid all over again!! I could chop you like pork chop with my eyes closed!"
"Oh yeah?! Well… uhh…" Tyson paused. There wasn't anything he could think of to make a comeback with that didn't have any curse words.
"See! You can't think of anything else to say! Your bok choy brain is burnt too!" Rei giggled. He wasn't really arguing or angry, he was just testing to see how much he could stir Tyson up.
"Why you!!" Tyson charged at Chibi Rei. Rei squealed wildly, and ran. Tyson chased Rei over the leather couch, over a tile counter, and finally to a high bookcase.
"You can't get me!" Rei teased from his seat on top of the lofty bookcase.
"You'll have to come down sometime!" Tyson yelled, shaking his fist upwards at Rei.
"Umm,… no I don't… I can't get down." Rei whimpered.
"You can't get down?!" Tyson exclaimed. Rei shook his head, thoroughly terrified now. You could see that he was trembling by how much his bunny ears were quivering.
"Kai!" Rei whined softly.
"Shhhh! You don't need to call for Kai! Here, I'll get you down!" Tyson quickly tried to avoid having Kai come in to see this. Kai would force him to run laps until his legs fell off, which wouldn't take long considering how fast Kai would make him run.
"I want Kai…" Rei began to cry.
"Hold the water works! I'll think of something! Uh… how about you just start climbing down and I'll catch you if you fall?"
"You'd drop me! No chunk of barbeque pork can catch!"
"I would not drop you and I am not barbeque pork! Would you stop arguing with me already?!" Tyson had had enough of this.
"I'm sowwie then!" Chibi Rei wailed, gripping the sides of the bookcase tightly and cried loudly.
"What did you do now, Tyson?" Max asked, shuffling into the living area after Rei's frightened yells had woken him up.
"He climbed up onto the bookshelf and can't get down!"
"He's lying!" Rei played again, despite the fact that he was still on the high ledge, "I innocently skipped into the living room exactly 10 minutes ago when suddenly, the ground opened up and swallowed me whole! I quickly cried for help from Baby Tiger. Baby Tiger transformed into a gigantic tiger that bravely leapt into the cracked ground and rescued me. When we got back up on the ground, there was a loud bang! A sneaky poacher at the window shot my baby tiger! So then I used my secret ancient magic to summon a mystical jellyfish. The jellyfish flew over to the window and stunned the poacher. Then the poacher fell to his doom. The magical jellyfish beast zapped baby tiger to full health and we celebrated with apple juice. Then Tyson came into the room! His presence caused an evil reflex in Baby Tiger and Magical Jellyfish and turned them mean! Evil Baby Tiger grabbed me by the tail fluff of my jammies and threw me up! Evil Magical Jellyfish created a huge whirlpool in the center of the room that launched me on top of the bookshelf! I held on for dear life! And then- "
"And then you came up with more lies!" Tyson yelled, interrupting Rei's story.
"What do you know?! You're just a soy sauce chicken!"
"I am NOT a soy sauce chicken!"
"Bok bok!" Rei mocked persistently.
"Is anyone else hungry?" Max intervened, making Rei and Tyson completely forget about what they were arguing about and whine in hunger.
"I'm very, very, very, very hungry!" Rei complained, positioning himself more comfortably on the summit of the towering bookshelf.
"Well then come down and we'll see what we can do." Max coaxed.
"Yes ma'am." Rei replied happily, pushing himself off the bookshelf and landing in Max's open arms. (A/N: wow, weird sentence.)
"You trust Max more than me?!" Tyson demanded, frustrated at the chibi.
"Yes ma'am!"
"Don't call me that!"
"Yes ma'am!" Rei stuck out his tongue before bursting into a fit of giggles.
"Hmph." Tyson grumbled, "Say Maxie, you know how to make breakfast?"
"Oh, well the only thing I can make is spaghetti."
"Then let's have spaghetti!" Rei clapped his hands together as he slid down from Max's arms and scampered into the kitchen.
TKC: that was not my best writing... oh well! Please review! ^-^
Anyways, i started a new fic (KaixRei of course) in my notebook. It's based on Witch Child by Celia Rees. It's like, neko-jins are hunted down like the witches were in colonial times and myeh.
Disclaimor: I don't own anything related to Beyblade.
Chapter 8: Morning
"Mmm?" Rei blinked open his sleepy eyes. He tried to move his legs, but found them tangled in the light blue sheets of Kai's bed.
"NOT AGAIN!" Rei yelled exasperatedly at being stuck in sheets again. Even Kai heard his yell from the bathroom that lead to his room. Kai quickly stopped brushing his hair and peeked through a crack in the door only to see Rei's toy being shaken on the bed.
"Think of something Baby Tiger!" Rei panicked, shaking the toy faster, "What was that? Good idea tiger!" Rei tossed the toy hard, and it flew across the room onto the desk.
"Okay Baby Tiger! Come and save me!" Rei shouted from his trapped state on the bed. "What're you waiting for Baby Tiger?! (silence) I saved you, so now you have to save me! (silence) (more silence) TRAITOR!!!!!!!!"
"Need some help?" Kai smirked, making his way towards his bed. Chibi Rei was upside down on the bed and was tangled from his midnight 180 degree turn.
"I need help!" Rei replied, nodding extremely fast. "How did I get upside down?"
"You move a lot in your sleep." Kai stated, unraveling the neko-jin from the rustled sheets.
"Did I hit you?!" Rei was horrified this time, with his eyes watering slightly, "I don't want to hurt people! Did I hurt you? Nobody should be hurt! And nobody should hurt other people! MEOW! I must be a bad person/kitty/bunny/cookie/plastic button/ whatever else I am!!"
"You didn't hurt me." Kai lied. Rei didn't need to know the fact that his 180 spin had knocked him off the bed at 3 in the morning. Kai side glanced at the clock. It was only 4.
"REI! WHERE ARE YOU?!?!" Tyson yelled and pounded on all the doors of their hotel suite, "REI! I'M STARVING!! PLEASE MAKE BREAKFAST, WHEREVER YOU ARE!!"
"Shut up, Tyson!" Kenny yelled from his room.
"Rei always makes me food at this time though!" Tyson argued back, waking all of the suites neighboring them.
"I always make him food in the really early mornings?" Rei asked, fiddling with the long bunny ear of his pajamas.
"Why don't you go see?" Kai urged Little Rei. Tyson and Rei had been having little arguments already, so why not add to the inevitable?
"I will go see!" Rei declared as boldly as a kitten possibly could. He marched/hopped out of the room, but not before giving Kai a morning hug and kiss on the cheek.
"Oh yeah… you're little, huh?" Tyson groaned, seeing the little version of Rei skip into the living room.
"Make me food please!" Rei chimed.
"Make YOU food? You're always the one that makes breakfast!"
"No I don't!"
"You do too!"
"Make me food!"
"You make ME food!"
"I can't!"
"Well I can't either!" Tyson growled.
"You're bigger than me! You should know how to do normal everyday things like making breakfast!" Rei insisted, waving his arms about dramatically.
"And just what do you mean by that?" Tyson shouted back, taking Rei's mini-speech as a threat.
"You're being a Bok Choy Brain! You're being stupid all over again!! I could chop you like pork chop with my eyes closed!"
"Oh yeah?! Well… uhh…" Tyson paused. There wasn't anything he could think of to make a comeback with that didn't have any curse words.
"See! You can't think of anything else to say! Your bok choy brain is burnt too!" Rei giggled. He wasn't really arguing or angry, he was just testing to see how much he could stir Tyson up.
"Why you!!" Tyson charged at Chibi Rei. Rei squealed wildly, and ran. Tyson chased Rei over the leather couch, over a tile counter, and finally to a high bookcase.
"You can't get me!" Rei teased from his seat on top of the lofty bookcase.
"You'll have to come down sometime!" Tyson yelled, shaking his fist upwards at Rei.
"Umm,… no I don't… I can't get down." Rei whimpered.
"You can't get down?!" Tyson exclaimed. Rei shook his head, thoroughly terrified now. You could see that he was trembling by how much his bunny ears were quivering.
"Kai!" Rei whined softly.
"Shhhh! You don't need to call for Kai! Here, I'll get you down!" Tyson quickly tried to avoid having Kai come in to see this. Kai would force him to run laps until his legs fell off, which wouldn't take long considering how fast Kai would make him run.
"I want Kai…" Rei began to cry.
"Hold the water works! I'll think of something! Uh… how about you just start climbing down and I'll catch you if you fall?"
"You'd drop me! No chunk of barbeque pork can catch!"
"I would not drop you and I am not barbeque pork! Would you stop arguing with me already?!" Tyson had had enough of this.
"I'm sowwie then!" Chibi Rei wailed, gripping the sides of the bookcase tightly and cried loudly.
"What did you do now, Tyson?" Max asked, shuffling into the living area after Rei's frightened yells had woken him up.
"He climbed up onto the bookshelf and can't get down!"
"He's lying!" Rei played again, despite the fact that he was still on the high ledge, "I innocently skipped into the living room exactly 10 minutes ago when suddenly, the ground opened up and swallowed me whole! I quickly cried for help from Baby Tiger. Baby Tiger transformed into a gigantic tiger that bravely leapt into the cracked ground and rescued me. When we got back up on the ground, there was a loud bang! A sneaky poacher at the window shot my baby tiger! So then I used my secret ancient magic to summon a mystical jellyfish. The jellyfish flew over to the window and stunned the poacher. Then the poacher fell to his doom. The magical jellyfish beast zapped baby tiger to full health and we celebrated with apple juice. Then Tyson came into the room! His presence caused an evil reflex in Baby Tiger and Magical Jellyfish and turned them mean! Evil Baby Tiger grabbed me by the tail fluff of my jammies and threw me up! Evil Magical Jellyfish created a huge whirlpool in the center of the room that launched me on top of the bookshelf! I held on for dear life! And then- "
"And then you came up with more lies!" Tyson yelled, interrupting Rei's story.
"What do you know?! You're just a soy sauce chicken!"
"I am NOT a soy sauce chicken!"
"Bok bok!" Rei mocked persistently.
"Is anyone else hungry?" Max intervened, making Rei and Tyson completely forget about what they were arguing about and whine in hunger.
"I'm very, very, very, very hungry!" Rei complained, positioning himself more comfortably on the summit of the towering bookshelf.
"Well then come down and we'll see what we can do." Max coaxed.
"Yes ma'am." Rei replied happily, pushing himself off the bookshelf and landing in Max's open arms. (A/N: wow, weird sentence.)
"You trust Max more than me?!" Tyson demanded, frustrated at the chibi.
"Yes ma'am!"
"Don't call me that!"
"Yes ma'am!" Rei stuck out his tongue before bursting into a fit of giggles.
"Hmph." Tyson grumbled, "Say Maxie, you know how to make breakfast?"
"Oh, well the only thing I can make is spaghetti."
"Then let's have spaghetti!" Rei clapped his hands together as he slid down from Max's arms and scampered into the kitchen.
TKC: that was not my best writing... oh well! Please review! ^-^