Forbidden Desire

Diclamer: I don't own them

Author Note: Here the othe chapter.

Huge thanks to my beta Rapunzel for her awesome beting, and huge thanks to my co author, RainnyDay,

Chapter Five

Buffy and her friends were sitting in their boring English class, hearing

their professor go on and on about Beowulf. Buffy sat listlessly with her notebook open but not really hearing the professor's lecture. Instead she stared out the window with her mind in the clouds. She felt someone tap her shoulder, abruptly ending her daydreams, and turned around to see Cordelia with a bright smile on her face.

"Yes, Cordelia?" Buffy whispered so they wouldn't be caught.

"Okay, explain yourself. What happened with you and Spike? Did he try

anything? Come on, details," Cordelia egged on.

Buffy rolled her eyes. "It was nice and no he didn't try anything; although, I kinda wanted him to." Cordelia gave a silent scream to this revelation, but Buffy continued on regardless. "He was a complete gentleman. First we went on a boat ride, on the cutest speed boat you have ever seen, which was incredible and a little scary, and then he took me to his family's weekend house on West Egg Island. When we got there, he had this amazing picnic all set up. I am telling you it looked like something straight out of Gourmet magazine."

"Seems a little cozy. Really Buff, how long have you known him? A few weeks?" the shaggy brown-haired boy sitting behind her asked.

"Xander, stop butting in. This is a girl thing," Cordelia snapped quietly at him, giving him a mean glare.

"Well, I think it's sweet," Willow Rosenberg whispered and smiled at Buffy from the seat across from Xander's.

Murmurs erupted all over the classroom when a flower delivery man entered the room with Assistant Headmaster Snider nipping at his heels, expressing his outrage at the flower delivery man for not dropping off the large bouquet of flowers off at the office as was customary.

"Look, buddy, I am just trying to follow my instructions and do my job."

Snider silently fumed and turned and unattractive shade of violet.

"Buffy Summers, please raise your hand." The delivery man smiled and walked over towards her and placed heavy lead crystal vase full of pink stargazer lilies. There were so fragrant and looked beautiful. She reached for the card and read: 'You're in my thoughts, my dreams, my fantasies. You're in my heart, my soul. I can't get enough of you. ~S.H.' She read the note silently to herself feeling a blush creep up on her cheeks at his words.

"Damn Buffy, I think every girl in here is jealous," Cordelia whispered into her friend's ear. Buffy looked around and saw most nearly every girl had a miffed look on her face, although some were openly envious.

Assistant Headmaster Snider, eager to regain control of the situation, marched over to Buffy's desk and grasped the vase. "You can fetch these after school, Miss Summers." He then smiled at his superior's daughter as kindly as he could and left the room. Moments later the class bell rang.

As they walked out of the classroom Cordelia commented, "I can't believe Spike got you flowers! I never figured him for the type. Why doesn't a guy do that for me?" She groaned with a slight frown.

"He doesn't even like you," a voice from behind snapped.

Buffy and her friends turned around to see a gang of blond girls walking

towards them then stopping right in front of them.

"Harmony, what the hell is your problem?!" Cordelia snapped.

"All Spike wants to do is get into your pants! You are nothing but another conquest to him!"

Willow grabbed Buffy's arm and dragged her away from Harmony's hateful words. Xander and Cordelia followed, silently fuming.

* * *

"Okay Harrington, what do you want?" Riley asked as he entered the empty chem lab and crossed his arms over his chest.

Spike smirked. "There you are Finn. You're a tough man to get a moment alone with."

"So tell me what the great Spike Harrington wants from a lowly junior."

"Buffy Summers. I know you and she are good friends and that she values your opinion."

"Yeah, I heard you were trying to get some from her, but Buffy isn't like the others, Harrington. She knows all about you and your brother, so if I were you, I would back off now, while you can still save face."

Spike laughed at his cockiness. "Don't be cute with me, Riley. Buffy and

I are already dating but I feel she doesn't fully trust me… yet. That's where you

come in."

Riley laughed harshly. "No way, Spike! I would never set my friend up to get hurt by you."

"I had a feeling you would say that. Maybe this will change your mind." Spike smiled cruelly and handed him an envelope.

As Riley started going through the contents of the envelope, his face turned white as a sheet.

"What the matter, Ri, don't like what you see?" he asked dryly.

"Where did you get these?"

"It wouldn't be fair to reveal my sources. You can keep those, I have more copies." Spike walked around to lean over Riley's shoulder to get a better view of the photos and spoke into his ear, "My, my. What would your parents think? And your teammates? Really now, isn't the wrestling thing a tad obvious?"

Riley moved away, but could still feel Spike's hot breath on his neck. "What do you want?" he asked guardedly.

"Nothing big, I just want you to help me out with Buffy."

Riley Finn sighed resignedly and nodded. He knew who he was, but he wasn't ready to share that with the rest of the world yet.

* * *

Saturday, Headmaster's Residence

Buffy grabbed her purse and heard the front door open. Surprised, because she didn't think anyone was home, she walked over to the top of the stairs and saw Spike standing in the foyer with three DVDs in his hand.

"What are you doing here?" she asked flatly.

"Jeez luv, that's not a nice hello."

"Sorry. Hi. Now what are you doing here?"

"Can't I come see you?"

"You know how much trouble you'd be in if my dad would have hear the door," she said coolly, thinking about how much trouble she would be in as well.

"Well then, it's fortunate that I overheard in the office that he would be out of town all weekend for a conference."

Buffy simply gaped. Did Spike know everything?!

"I thought I would surprise you with an impromptu date. I brought movies, all horror. I hope you have popcorn." He smiled broadly, making his way into the house.

"I'm sorry to ruin all your plans, but you have to leave, Spike. I am on my way out."

"Where are you heading off to? Can I come?"

"I don't think you'd want to. I was about to call a cab when showed up, so if you don't mind there's the door. Can you please leave?" Her tone had remained cool throughout their conversation.

"Hey what's wrong? I thought we had a good time at the picnic, we

had fun, didn't we?"

"Yeah, we had a good time."

"Did you not like the flowers? Are you allergic, wrong color?"

"Spike, that isn't it, not really. Just someone told me something and it made sense." She frowned remembering what Harmony had said a few days ago.

"What did this person say?"

"She said that you don't even like me. That I am nothing but a conquest to you."

"Who said this?" Spike exerted quite a bit of control to keep his voice even and calm. How dare someone interfere with his plans!

"Harmony Kendall."

Spike breathed an inner sigh of relief. This was easily fixable. "Buffy don't listen into her. I'm not going to lie to you. Harmony and I had a thing but it wasn't going to work. All she cared about was my family money, not to mention, she was the most vapid girl I ever had the misfortune dating. I couldn't stand the chit at all. With you it is so different. I enjoy our talks with each other and I value your opinions. You are like a breath of fresh air in my life." He paused a moment with the realization that what he just said was true.

Buffy nodded, feeling reassured, and a little bit silly for expressing her insecurity.

"Anyway, you don't need a cab, you got me, luv. I'll take you wherever you what to go."

Buffy smiled slowly with a devious glint in her eye. "Thanks, Spike, that's really nice of you. I'm heading over to the NYC Cancer Center. You know they are always looking for volunteers. Maybe you would like to help me."


* * *

"Hey Spike, I'm about done. You want to go get some lunch?" Buffy inquired offering her hand out to Spike, waiting for him to grab it.

He smiled then put his hands in hers and continued to smile as they walked out of the ward hand in hand. When he first had gotten tricked into volunteering he thought the day would be an unmitigated disaster. What did he know about helping sick people? When Buffy had showed him to the ward where he had been assigned, he had been shocked. He turned to her and whispered that they were just kids. Buffy gave him a patient look and calmly explained that cancer affects people of all ages. She then took pity on Spike, who obviously had never been around people who were seriously ill before. She introduced him to the kids in the ward and stayed with him until he seemed comfortable enough to manage on his own.

Spike had surprised himself by how well he had done. He chatted and played games with the children, but one girl only a few years younger than him, affected him more than the others. Her name was Dawn and her mother had succumbed three years ago to the same form of cancer she was currently fighting, leaving her all alone in the world. Something about her made Spike feel brotherly and protective. He found himself promising to return and visit her again.

"So what do you feel like eating?" Buffy asked, instantly bringing Spike to the present. "Is the cafeteria ok? I believe they're serving Tex-Mex today."

"As tempting as that sounds, I'll think I'll pass. I believe I saw a deli across the street. Let's get it to go and eat in the park.

* * *

"So Buffy, I noticed you seem to be in to charity in a big way. Not that there's nothing wrong with that. I am just curious why. Is it for college?" he asked taking a bite of his club sandwich.

"Well… not really. When I was little my mom had brain cancer and she got pretty sick. They put her in the hospital like and this I would go visit her every day. I would wonder what she did when my dad and I weren't there with her and I would wonder about the patients who never seemed to have visitors. I guess I felt bad for them and I wanted to help."

"I am sorry about your mom. That must have been difficult for you since you were young." His voice was filled with compassion.

"She hated the hospital. When my dad brought her home I thought she was okay, that she was better. My dad didn't really talk about her health but I believed she was going to be fine. A few days later I found her. Her eyes were closed and she looked so peaceful I thought she was sleeping at first. I started screaming when I couldn't wake her up and my dad came rushing into the room." Tears welled in her eyes, but she didn't cry.

Spike sat beside her in quiet comfort for a long while before he opened his mouth and said, "I lost my dad a few years ago."

"Oh, I didn't know. I'm sorry."

Spike gave her a funny smile. "I don't like to talk about it much."

"It must have been hard for you."

He gave her a mirthless grin. "No, just embarrassing."

Buffy looked shocked.

Spike refused to say anything more enlightening on the subject and they gathered their things and made their way back to his black BMW. On the drive back to her house Spike made distracted small talk, as if he had something more important on his mind. When they arrived, he walked Buffy to the door.

"Spike, you know I can't let you in."

"That's ok. I can kiss you just as easily out here." With that he leaned in and kissed her starting by gently brushing his lips against hers, then delicately kissing her full bottom lip. He then deepened the kiss when she sighed into his mouth, slowly tasting her mouth and massaging her tongue with his.

Amazing. Amazing. Amazing. Buffy couldn't think of anything else. Her mind had shut down except for the realization that this was the most amazing kiss she had ever received.

Spike ended the kiss and Buffy blinked a few times to regain focus. At some point she had wound her arms around his neck. They gazed into each others eyes for a moment when Spike broke the silence.

"I should get going."

Buffy nodded slowly and bit her lip, but made no move to release him from her embrace.

She looked so inviting standing there in the porch light, gazing up at him with an expression akin to wonder. "Maybe just one more…"

Amazing. Amazing. Amazing.