A/N: This chapter has smut. Hermione decides she wants to be a little bad.

Chapter 4: The Necklace of Eve

Voldemort had left Hermione after the kiss and promised to bring them back breakfast. Hermione was scared and she tried to find away out with no avail. She knew that she would have to get information from Voldemort if she wanted to escape. She looked back down at the silver necklace and felt power coming off of it. She didn't know what this necklace was but she knew it was powerful and evil too. She knew that she was in deep trouble. Voldemort had written to her in his first letter that said that once he had her he would never let her go. She remembered he promised the same thing when he had came to her in a dream, when she was petrified. She remembered his eyes.
Hermione hoped Harry and Ron had gotten the clue she that left him. She had realized that Tom was the one who opened the chamber. She felt betrayed. She had thought Tom was a kind person. Boy was she wrong! Just then her mind became misty and there he was, Tom! She felt tears spring to her eyes. Tom looked at her with what looked like sorrow in his eyes.
"Hermione I am sorry," He started, "I never meant this to happen to you. But don't worry once you are awake I will keep you safe."
"Why would you want to that?" Hermione said bitterly, "I am just some Mudblood. Isn't that why you let the Basalik out isn't it, to purify Hogwarts of all the worthless trash." Hermione stopped when she saw the look in Tom's eyes. It was one of total shock.
"Hermione you are above such things," He said with a sigh. Then he got a look of anger on his face. "If I can keep stupid Potter from stopping me again, then we can be together." Hermione looked strangely at Tom and then her brain began to work quickly to put the pieces together. At the moment of realization she felt her stomach drop. She felt her heart began to beat faster, even if she was in this state. Tom looked back up at her with question in his dark blue eyes. Hermione uttered one word,
"Voldemort." Tom eyes went wide. Then he felt a smile tug at his lips. She had figured it out so fast, she mostly had it already figured out. He nodded his head to confirm her guess. Then he saw the fear in her amber eyes and started to walk toward her. Hermione felt terrified. She was here with the Dark Lord, he had been inside her dreams and was still since he was here now.
"Hermione, love, why are you afraid of me?" He asked her as he reached for her hand. Hermione pulled away, but she couldn't move her feet. He looked at her again with question in his eyes.
"Because you are Voldemort," Hermione said as he moved closer to her, "You have killed hundreds of Muggle-borns like me. Also because I am Harry Potter's best friend, I mean that is a perfect reason to kill me. Why wouldn't you kill me or hurt me?" Tom stared at her with hurt in his eyes. Then he looked deeply into her eyes and with complete truth and conviction he simply said,
"Because I love you."

She had told Dumbledore everything that had happened and the first letter came to her that night and she also gave that to Dumbledore. The old wizard had been very worried and that had made Hermione worry. She was still wearing her school uniform, minus her plain black robes that went over her skirt, shirt, and gray sweater vest. Just then she heard the doorknob turn and Voldemort came in with a large silver tray with covered plates on it. He used his wand to guide it to the table and pulled out a chair for Hermione. She walked over and sat in the seat and he pushed her closer to the small round table and he took a seat across from him. All that was in the room was the table, bed, and many bookcases. The colors of the room where silver and green, but that was a given, but the wood was a deep rich mahogany. Voldemort waved his hand and the covers disappeared. On the plates where scrambled eggs with cheese, hot turkey sausages, and warm raspberry pudding. This was her favorite breakfast and she turned to look at Voldemort with her eyes wide. He gave a soft chuckle.
"After all this time you think I wouldn't find out the things that make you happy?" He asked and then added after pouring her a glass of green iced tea, "Besides, love, you have a wonderful taste in food." They began to eat and Hermione had to admit the food was wonderful. Hermione finally found her courage to ask,
"What is this necklace Voldemort?" Hermione asked. He smiled at her for using his feared name.
"Hermione please if you wish you can call me Tom," He said a smile still on his face.
"I don't think it matters do you?" Hermione said making sure he knew he wasn't getting to her. His smile seemed to brighten and he reached over to push a lock of hair behind her ear that fell into her face. She jumped a little at his action. He smiled and let his long graceful fingers rest on her cheek for a few moments before pulling away.
"I think it matters very much Hermione," He said gently, "The necklace is called "The Necklace of Eve." At this Hermione eyes went very wide and Voldemort smiled and marveled at her intellect.
"How and where did you find it?" She asked, "I mean it was created over 4,000 years ago. It is used to control magical powers but no one knows who created it. The silver-like metal can't even be identified. But it was lost during the Crusades. It was buried in the Lost Temple when it was sunk under the sand by the ancient Order of Isis."
"I found it in a muggle shop and nearly laughed myself to death when I realized what it was," He said while staring at the necklace and then slowly raking his eyes over the girl who wore it. "You will have to wear it, Hermione, until I know that you will be a good girl and not do any spell or run away from me."
"Don't hold you breathe, Tom." Hermione said angrily. She couldn't believe that he had placed the Necklace of Eve on her. He was the only one who would be able to take it off. He laughed very amused at her spirit, most would have given up long ago.
"You don't know how happy do you my love," He said, "But soon you will give in."
"I might do that sooner rather then later," Hermione said while rising from her chair and moving to look out the window, "That way you could move on to another pursuit and leave me alone." Voldemort rose from his chair and walked over to the powerful young witch. He gently turned her around and used his right hand to lift her chin. Amber eyes met dark blue ones.
"Hermione you are a pursuit, yes," He said, "My life's pursuit." Then he swooped down her gave her a chaste kiss. But soon it he made it more passionate. He poured all of the emotions he was feeling for her into that kiss. He made sure that kiss held promises of how wonderful it could be if she would she give some back. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him. Hermione's mind screamed at her to push him away but she really didn't want to. No other guy had look at her as a girl. Krum didn't count because he was gay and she went to the ball with him because they became very good friends. 'But this is Lord Voldemort!' A part of her mind screamed at her. He began to run small soothing circles on the lower part of her back with his right hand. Her mind felt all fuzzy and her knees felt weak. He finally broke the kiss and looked down at her. Hermione was breathing heavily and she stared up at him with fire in her eyes. He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her head and her eyes fluttered shut softy. He kissed each of her eye lids and placed another kiss on her lips. Then he moved over to her ear and placed soft kisses and nibbles on her ear.
Hermione was trying not to let out a moan. She knew that she should push Tom away but what he was doing felt so good. 'You are calling him Tom know!' Her brain yelled at her again but as his soft lips reached her neck her brain faded away. She felt her heart quicken as is soft kisses moved down her long pale next. Then she really let out a moan when he reached her sensitive spot just before the base of her neck. She felt him smile when she moaned. Then he focused on that part of her neck. He lightly licked her neck and she moaned again. Voldemort felt like his body was on fire and he felt a shiver go down his spine every time Hermione moaned. Now he was sucking and nibbling on that part of her neck and he felt her knees go weak and he held her waist tighter. But when she put her arms around his neck for support he was so surprised that he bit down a little too hard, not hard enough to draw blood. But he got another surprise when instead of yelping she let out louder loan and rubbed up against him. He felt heat rise up in his body and run though his veins. No women had ever made him feel like this before. Hermione's eyes popped open as she felt the results of their menstations pressed against her stomach. She pulled away from him and dropped her arms.
"I..we.. can't," She stuttered, "This is bad, so bad."
"Hermione?" Voldemort asked as he brought one of his hands around to untuck her sweater vest and shirt from her skirt. Then he wrapped his fingers around the bottom of the sweater vest and pulled it up over her head, after of course she raised her arms.
"Yes, Tom." She said and he smiled at her words.
"For once be bad." He said as he unbuttoned the bottom button of her shirt.
"Really bad," She answered him and then she put her arms around his neck again and pulled him into a long fiery kiss.