

a Goku and Vegeta buddy fic




Disclaimer: Do I have to? ::lawyer nods head:: Sigh… DragonballZ does not belong to me. Rats.


Thunk! Chapter 3 Part 2

Now I know my ABCs…


"'Cause it hurts me so just to see you go – around with someone new, and if I know you, you're doing that thing, everyday just doing that thing, I can't take you doing that thing you dooooo!"* Bulma danced around in her seat, happily wiggling as she thought about all the torture Goku must be putting Vegeta through. Oh, sure, Goku was a cutie as a kid, but knowing how he was super strong, he musta been a handful, therefore… Veggie torture!

"Oh, Buruuuuuumaaaaa!" Uh oh… Vegeta sounded entirely too happy for being in the situation she had so kindly placed him into… He found out she wasn't working on the "solution," huh?

"Uh, yes Vegeta?" Bulma slowly spun to face the lab door.

Vegeta grinned. "Look what I taught Kakarrotto!" he chirped happily, pulling Goku by the arm and into the lab. Goku blinked his eyes slowly before stepping so that he was practically squashed up against Vegeta's side.

"Vehvee nowl?" Goku murmured nervously as he looked at an incredibly shiny… meh. He hadn't learned the name for it yet. Still… he really wanted to touch it. So shiny.

"Sure!" Vegeta smiled proudly. "Show Buruma what you can do." Ah yes, the devoted student clinging to his master, not certain about whether to venture forth and rely on his skills yet, and somehow eager to do so. This was a proud day indeed.

"Em-hem," Goku cleared his throat.

"Vehvee ethz mah pweenz," Goku stated, bowing to Vegeta before facing forward and…

"Ahbeeki?" he paused to glance over at Vegeta, asking for permission.

"Yes, yes, I said ABCs are fine." Vegeta nodded. Okay, maybe not such a proud day, but pretty good nonetheless.

Goku bounced on the balls of his feet, obviously excited. He took a deep breath.

"Ah bee ki dee eeh ehf gi aych aiii dzjay sskay errruu ehmuu ehnuu oh puh-ee keh-you arruu ehsuu teh-ee (u)hyou vwee bubbuhyou ehck-eez wuy zuh-eeee!" Goku sang at the top of his lungs, carefully pronouncing each 'word' to the best of his abilities.

Bulma blinked. "You taught him his ABCs?"

Vegeta beamed. "Why, yes, of course I taught him – it was my duty as his prince, after all," he boasted.

"I kinda noticed, 'mah pweenz.'" Bulma frowned. "What sort of things were you sticking in that innocent head of his?"

"Basic things, things he needs to know, such as, "Where is the bathroom?" "I'm hungry," "Food," your name, my name, his baka friends names, from the ol' pervert down to the harpy."

"Hawpy!" Goku chirped and pointed at the picture in his hand.

Vegeta glanced over. "No! You weren't supposed to bring the picture with you."

Goku seemed to wilt. "No meh-keh?"

"Keh?" Vegeta titled his head and blinked.









"Stop it!" Bulma had definitely freaked out. Somewhere along the line they had suddenly stood next to each other and happily rubbed their cheeks together as they chirped out their trademark word.

Vegeta's eyes snapped open, quickly losing the partially glazed-over look. His eyes widened in shock and jumped back.

"Ghk!" Vegeta was so pale – he looked like he was a ghost.

"Vehvee?" Goku blinked innocently at Vegeta before turning to look at Bulma. He stared for a moment, looked at the picture then back to her. "Bloomers!" He smiled.

Bulma sweat dropped.

'Okay, now to get serious.'


'Harpy! Bloomers! My Prince! Oh no, I hope Vegeta hasn't caused any irreversible damage to Goku's mind. I shouldn't have goofed off so much.' Bulma tapped frantically at her computer. 'The spot, the spot, where is the spot!'


Vegeta and Goku peered into the door of the laboratory. "She seems almost frantic now, doesn't she Kakarrotto?"


"That's right, Kakarrotto. You know, now that I think about it, it seems to be too big for your tiny Kaka-baby-fied mind. I should think of a nickname for you." Vegeta started to pace up and down the hall outside the laboratory in deep thought.

"Think, think, think, think, don't know what to pick," Vegeta paced frenetically up and down, much to Goku's amusement. Goku looked around and saw a radio and started pushing buttons. Much to his delight, Vegeta changed his pace to match the beat without noticing, practically shaking his hips off trying to march to an Elvis Presley song at certain intervals.

"Talk like an Angel… but I got wise… You're the devil in disguise, oh yes you are, devil in disguise, mhmm… I thought that I was in heaven-" Goku grinned and switched stations again - *click* He never noticed the shadow looming over him.

"Dan Dan Kokoro-" kerthump! *kuh-click*

"I used to think maybe you loved me – now baby I'm sure and I just can't wait until the day when you knock on my door…"

Vegeta looked up in surprise; the sudden swift changes in beat threw him off so completely that it snapped him out of his concentration. His eyes widened in surprise as he watched Bulma straighten up from lowering the volume and turning it off, slinging a bat over his shoulder. She smiled perkily at him and then obviously raised her eyebrows and looked purposely down to her feet.

"Kakarrotto!" Vegeta half-shrieked. His peasant… lying in a crumpled heap on the floor. How could Bulma do something like that… and smile?

"Uh-wuh? My head hurts…" Goku muttered, sitting back.

"And thanks to this beautiful genius, Goku is back to normal!" Bulma turned on her heel and walked to her lab. She paused and turned on the radio again.

"And I don't want to spend my whole life just a waitin' for you… now don't want you back for the weekend, not back for a day… I said baby I just want you back and I want you to stay."

Goku grinned at Bulma as she danced happily into the lab, wiggling her hips and throwing a wink back at him. He turned away and walked past Vegeta, wiggling his own hips just as much Bulma and half dancing off the floor and burst out in song as well.

"I'm walking on sunshine woah-oh! And don't it feel good!" He bobbed his head in tune and threw his arms up and down into the air. "Shake those hips – left, left, left, yeah!"

Vegeta shook his head. 'Moron… Oh well, it was pretty fun while it lasted.' Vegeta blinked and crossed his arms, annoyed.



And… we're done! Whee! First chapter story done. ::blinks eyes:: That was… unexpected… and a little anti-climatic. Of course, didn't even mean to extend it (after all, I did want it to be a one-shot.) But hey, if I can think of something else, I might add a mini-sequel. (Hey, why not? I already have Vegeta ½'s sequel, Goku ½, all planned out. Could be fun.)


*"That Thing You Do," song by The Wonders.

Other songs… "Walk like an Angel" by Elvis Presley; "Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku," by… can't remember their name, but I do know it's the title song in the Dragonball GT series; and "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves. … Obviously, I don't own any of them, but they sure are fun! ^-^


Whee… not. My jaw is killing me, and chewing is a pain, so I'm planning on eating only soft foods for a while (I managed to chew up my gum somehow… that's why.) It'll be funner (yes it's a word… checked my dictionary) if I had some milk chocolate Jello pudding. …Mmm… pudding.


Okay, so long as I don't get too distracted, here goes nothing…

Start: 9:27 p.m., 09/21/2003

End: 10:11 p.m., 09/21/2003

And, to comply with new regulations:

AN, Whee and thank you!

Whee… dances around to "Little Girls" (sung by Carol Burnett in Annie. … what? It has a nice beat, and you can dance with a feather boa to it [Sesshomaru {from Inuyasha} must do it on a regular basis])

I updated, I updated, finally I put up a new… chapter.

La di da La di da… schnoogies… wish I could sing.


Hope you like the latest (and last) installment of "Thunk!" It's been fun writing it and thank you for your lovely reviews. Without you guys, I probably wouldn't have continued it. So, if you are wondering where the chapter is because you came straight to the last posting, it's in the previous posting (yup – replaced my author's note.)

Ciao ~ Mikki/mkh2/Laura